2002.11.D.02 Is It Really God's Army Created by James3 on 8/14/2019 8:00:25 PM Is It Really God's Army
A further extremely challenging message from the Anzac prophetic list
Warm regards and blessings
James Robertson
----- Original Message -----
From: "ANZAC Prophetic List" <prophetic@revival.gen.nz>
To: "ANZAC" <prophetic@revival.gen.nz>; "ANZAC" <prophetic@revival.gen.nz>;
Sent: Tuesday, September 03, 2002 10:42 AM
Date sent: Thu, 29 Aug 2002 08:26:30 -0700 (PDT)
From: "allan s.c." <remnant333@yahoo.com>
I visited a woman who recently had rented a car and had had a flat tire. She presented to me a letter written in 1988 by a missionary concerning a vision given to her. The letter was found under the spare tire:
" All of a sudden I was standing next to the Lord and what seemed to be an army of peoples singing praises approached the Lord and I said unto the Lord, " is this your army?" The Lord shouted at those who approached and said, "Away from me, I never knew you". To say the least I was shocked in disbelief, and cried to the Lord, "where is your army" and the Lord pointed to the horizon and said, "Behold this is my army" and as I looked there came a smaller group of peoples who were abused, misused, servants without usuary, broken hearted and broken in spirit. who were poor and downtrodden and wore garments of humility and walked in humbleness. I cried my God, they are a bunch of ragamuffins in comparison to those who were singing."
As I read this letter, my own heart broke and I returned home in sobs still without understanding and in somewhat of disbelief. I returned to prayer and cried before the Lord, "Lord how can this be?" Lord if this is true then please show me it again.
I waited in silence before the ears of others till I was directed to go to a church called "His Image". As I entered, I first had to pass thru a church store for money exchangers selling all sorts of religious tapes, videos, bibles and whatever else that was deemed to be of God therefore "Holy".
I finally sat down in a small sanctuary under a huge sign that said, "You are commanded to tithe". After a couple of songs the Pastor sat before the people and asked each one what the Lord was doing in their life. I was thrilled to see such interaction in a body, that is the voice of others could be heard. But in time I grew weary as one person after another pointed fingers at others and discussed issues that surely were worldly. When my time came to speak, my mouth cried out in prayer for the peoples to wake up from their dead sleep and to put the mirror in front of their own soul and repent. My voice again cried out against the sign concerning tithes and the lack for the man of God (pastor) not trusting in the Lord to provide and move through the hearts of others to define his WAY and leadership. To say the least, as a stranger I was not welcomed with the exception of two men.
I joined them at a local eatery ,though I was still in a fast.
One man began to tell me of a vision he had had recently and that had disturbed him greatly:
"So, I was standing on a mountain and I could see people abreast 100 across lining up from the Pacific to the Atlantic singing beautiful songs of praises and marchning along. In an instant, the Spirit of the Lord manifested and the peoples were waved away to everyones astonishment.
The rebuke of the Lord was severe, even as a whirlwind that swept the people away. Dumbfounded I watched in disbelief,,, all of a sudden there were loud cries and rivers of tears in one voice that said, "Why didn't we listen and Repent?" From the east came a dark dark cloud out of the horizon that covered all the people."
After hearing this, I was no longer in doubt though I still did not understand why. I comforted the man and shared with him what I share with all of you this day.
Paul so described, "great spirits of delusion and derison fell upon the people because they did not love the "Truth".
Many lift themseves with titles such as Prophet and or Apostle instead of walking in humbleness and in humility and lifting others first and allowing the anointing to lift not yourselves, but rather point to him alone who is worthy - "Christ Jesus".
As there is nothing new under the sun, those who thought themselves to be first will be last. Those who exalt themselves shall be lowered.
Paul waited for many years before his actual ministry started.
This too is unlike that of the many who have followed the religious WAYs of man and now claim to be teachers with knowledge of the WAYS of God with all understanding of his Word.
In light of the above confirmed visions, I stand before the Lord with fear and trembling of the coming day in intercession for all men. The sheep are being killed in this hour,as many follow shepherds whose Father is the father of lies and deceptions. Those who have added and taken away from the word will see retribution.
Dear brethren, I know of the whirlwind that is coming, repent of all usuary, money exchanging, tell those who come to come Sunday in work clothes with their tools of trade, let them learn first to serve one another without usuary or cost, relieve burdens of those you call sister or brother or mother. Turn none away who have need, even a stranger, even if it is a cost to you.
I pray that you tell the people to examine their Way ,as well as their hearts and repent. If they do not repent they will perish in the end. Make their paths straight to the Lord.
I pray, do not take these words lightly.
Andrew Strom,
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