2002.11.D.04 Glittering Fog of Deception Created by James3 on 8/14/2019 8:05:43 PM Glittering Fog of Deception
Another challenging message for your consideration
Warm regards and blessings
James Robertson
----- Original Message -----
From: "ANZAC Prophetic List" <prophetic@revival.gen.nz>
To: "ANZAC" <prophetic@revival.gen.nz>; "ANZAC" <prophetic@revival.gen.nz>;
Sent: Wednesday, October 02, 2002 11:34 AM
From: "Susan Cummings" <revsusanthebrave@yahoo.com>
Date: Sun, 29 Sep 2002 18:22:16 -0000
I am standing looking out at the land of America. It is kind of like I am suspended up a little, and that I am looking downward over the Land. I see the Glittering Fog. It is beginning to cover the land from East to West. I see the fog come as a very silent and yet smooth flow.
I begin to notice the reactions of the people to the change in the atmosphere as the fog comes over them. Some people look up in surprise, but seeing nothing amiss, they go back to their activities. Some people don't even notice anything has changed at all.
One person looked up and began to retreat. They walked backwards away from the fog, but were eventually covered up as well. There were a few that began to run from the fog and shut themselves up in their houses. Everyone that did notice the fog reacted out of fear, or anxiety, or concern. No one that I could see in the vision cried out any warning of danger. I don't know if someone did or didn't, but the Lord did not show me in this vision.
I asked the Lord about the fog. He had shown me that it was coming in Part 1, and now he has shown me the people and their reactions. What is He trying to tell us?
The Lord said to me:
I told you in Part 1 to sound the alarm about the deception that was coming over the land. I always alert My People, and prepare them for what is to come. Many chose to take this warning seriously and many have shut themselves in with Me. I am their portion, and they will walk in My Light and will overcome the darkness.
What you are seeing is the ones who did not immediately respond to the warning.
The ones who looked up in surprise and who did not see anything amiss, are the ones who have not been trained in My Word. They read My Word, and have tasted of its benefits, but they have not allowed it to sharpen them, or to become the major part of their lives. They have no discernment and cannot distinguish the Truth from the Lie. They see the error and sense the change, but cannot find the source or know of it's evil presence around them, so they go back to their labors, and are taken over by the deception also.
The ones who did not notice anything at all are the ones who have rejected the Truth, and have already been overcome by the evil one and so they do not distinguish any difference at all. For they have already been given over to the Lie and it is become a part of them. They have their portion, and their reward.
The one who looked up and began to back away from the fog, are those who walk the fence. They think that they can partake of me and live in the world. They have no depth of My Word within them and are easily overcome by fears. The fog overtakes them and they are lost to the error that they tried to live with. They could not decide to stand for the Truth, or to stand for the Lie. They had no conviction that would cause them to have a firm faith. They have chosen to remain in the world, and they will partake of its fruits.
The ones that you saw noticed the fog, and began to run and shut themselves up into their houses are those who did not choose to enter into Me when I gave the warning. I have called My People to come to Me. I have cried out for so long, and few have come.
They now have nowhere to run to, except to their own labors. What they have built. But they do not know that it will not save them.
Only I can save My People. Man can never create. For I am the Creator. I give the Gift of Life and I give that Creative Inspiration to men. I have formed My House, and I have bidden my people to enter in and to sup with Me. These people did not. Now they have an empty house with no comfort or provision.
My Word is your Wisdom for the Days ahead of You. The Righteous have been shut up within, and are at My Feet. They know Me and I know them. Great Grace has been given unto them, and they are now prepared. They have My Light and they know the Truth.
Great Wonders will be wrought in the earth by the Lie. Great Signs will be shown and will be accepted for their fruit. But it is not from Me. They will partake of the Lie, and will believe the things that they see. The fruit is not Holy and is not based on My Word. But none will even care to check. For they have been given over to their
lusts and desires. For they never crucified their flesh, nor did they give their hearts to Me. Now they have their portion.
The Change has come in, and few heeded My Call.
Now will come the Rearranging and no one will resist.
Susan Cummings
Andrew Strom

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