2002.11.D.06_I Just Couldn't Get Into It Created by James3 on 8/16/2019 11:00:33 AM I Just Couldn't Get Into It
Another challenging message
Warm regards and blessings
James Robertson
----- Original Message -----
From: "ANZAC Prophetic List" <prophetic@revival.gen.nz>
To: "ANZAC" <prophetic@revival.gen.nz>; "ANZAC" <prophetic@revival.gen.nz>;
"ANZAC" <prophetic@revival.gen.nz>; "ANZAC" <prophetic@revival.gen.nz>;
Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 11:57 AM
From: "Tammy G Cigolotti" <tcig@fuse.net>
Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2002 08:55:02 -0500
-Tammy Cigolotti.
For many years, I have been perplexed about some things that I have seen within the church. Things that seemed to grieve me, but I never trusted my own opinion, so I felt that I must be wrong, and all the other "spiritual christians" must be right, so I would pray and ask the Lord to help me be more like them in things like "feeling the annointing", shouting and dancing, and joining in in the excitement that seemed to invade the praise and worship part of the service.
But all I seemed to feel was confused at what I was seeing and almost embarrased. I would ask God, "what is wrong with me Lord. Why can't I seem to have this "annointing" to dance and jerk and shout like everyone else." I would beg God to forgive me if there is anything that I forgot to ask forgiveness for. But in the midst of such a big congregation, I felt so alone. I felt as if I didn't belong because I couldn't seem to "get in". It looked as if my walk with God wasn't on the same level as theirs.
Then I began to search His Word to see what the church was supposed to look like. The church today didn't look like the church that I was seeing in His Word. I hate to say this, and may God forgive me if I'm wrong, but it looked very superficial. Much emphasis is on this is the way "we" do things and you must do them this way too. Whatever the leaders say do, you do, even if you do not see it in the Word, it is a new thing that God is doing. If he says shout and jerk under the annointing, then that is what you should do and not greive the Holy Spirit. If he says you should be in church all the time and you' re not, then the devil is getting a stronghold in your life...
It was so hard to be a christian, but yet the Lord said He would give me rest for my weary soul. God is not the author of confusion. What is one to do?
So I began to shift my focus from "man's ways" to "God's ways" and this is what I have found.
In Joshua 3, they are getting ready to cross Jordon and enter into the Promised Land, a land flowing with mild and honey, a land where they would eat bread without scarcness, a good land of brooks of water, fountains, etc.
Joshua tells the people to "sanctify themselves", to set themselves apart and fully commit their hearts, minds, and souls, to God, because tomorrow He was going to do wonders (very difficult thing, miraculous things) among them.
This is what the Lord showed me. There were thousands upon thousands following the ark into the Promised Land.
Picture this. If thousands are following the leader and they are right behind him, those in the line far behind cannot see the leader, so they will depend on and trust the vision of the people (man) in front of them to lead them in the right way.
If those people lose sight of the leader they may venture off in a different direction thinking they are still following the leader when they are not and all those behind him will follow. But if the leader stays far enough ahead of the followers, then "all" (every single person in that line) can see the leader for themselves and make sure they remain on track at all times.
This is what God wants from his people...to focus on Him. Keep our eyes on Him, not on the man in front of us, for he is only a man.
Yes God does raise up men as leaders in His body to teach and guide us, counsel us in the ways of the Lord, but they will always be in the Lords way, directed by His Word. It is His Word, for He is the Word, that will lead us into all truth. Our focus must always stay on the Lord, but we have shifted out focus unto a man that seems so spiritual and knowledgeable that whatever he says, must be right because he is ...well....so spiritual.
Andrew Strom

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