2003.01.1.02 The End Of An Era? Need For Earnest Intercession Created by James3 on 8/16/2019 12:09:17 PM The End Of An Era? Need For Earnest Intercession
A number of articles on the ETI Informal list have been offered as prophetically supporting the view that the end of a Scriptural Era is at hand.
Specifically, it has been suggested on the ETI List from time to time over the past few years that Passover 2003 will see Satan cast into the Pit for a thousand years and this will usher in a new spiritual era on earth.
What is the Scriptural basis of these statements?
The essential basis on which the end of an Era is alleged is prophetic, in terms of revelation given to the writer supported by various other prophetic events, as reported recently on the ETI List.
However, there is a much broader practical basis for this statement.
For Centuries men and women have been postulating the imminent return of "Jesus" to rule the world.
More recently, particularly in the last decade or so, there has been an ongoing buzz to the effect that "Jesus is coming soon". There have been numerous attempts to interpret Scripture in order to determine the time and the season and these have postulated dates from the early 1990's through to the early 2000's as probable and sometimes even definite dates.
To the writer's knowledge virtually all these dates were prior to 2003.
Others have kept silent on the basis of so many disappointments in past years.
But the underlying statement has remained a sense that something big was about to happen.
This something big was widely touted as "Jesus returning on the clouds of Glory" others have referred to the "return of Messiah", the "rapture", etc more recently, as the Messianic movement has gathered impetus there has been talk of the return of "Yahshua", "Yeshua" and all the various derivatives of the true Name of the man who was the Lamb of Yah almost two thousand years ago.
What IS significant about all of this is that there has been a strong sense that this event is imminent as in this year or next year or very soon, etc. In practice this time horizon seems to increasingly have been moving forward on a yearly basis as each year has passed and nothing has happened!
At the same time, the ETI List has given indications of specific seasons and events which allegedly tie in to the above. This article seeks to present a scriptural basis for these indications and also to more specifically identify what it is that is expected to take place.
The first question that needs to be considered is whether it is in fact true that nothing has happened.
Marvin Byers in his book "The Final Victory: The Year 2000" published by Treasure House, ISBN 1‑56043‑824‑X presented what seemed to be a rock solid interpretation of numerous Scriptures that pointed to the Great Day of the Feast of Tabernacles 1996 as being the day that Jesus would return. Those of us who gathered outside a church building set on a reasonably high ridge did not see Yahshua return on the clouds as expected.
But the question must be asked -- does that mean that nothing happene To answer that question, let us consider the last major event in the Scriptural calendar of earth shaking events, the birth of Yahshua in Bethlehem just over two thousand years ago and his death thirty three and a half years later.
The reality is that only a handful of people, primarily some shepherds witnessed the birth or the immediate aftermath. Two devout believers in the Temple testified to Yahshua's calling in the Temple eight days after his birth. A group of wise men came to visit two years after his birth resulting in the massacre of children because the ruler at the time was not interested in the fulfillment of Biblical prophecy and thought he could change it when he was actually fulfilling it.
Thirty years later, when Yahshua began his ministry, when the priests and other rulers of the people who were in charge at the time of his circumcision and the time of the massacre and who really should have put two and two together, very few of the leaders recognized him for who he was and a small group of uneducated men gathered around him.
Three and a half years later, despite innumerable miracles, in total far more than had been performed by probably all those who had gone before him, he was still tried as a criminal and put to death by the very people who supposedly were most earnestly awaiting the coming of the Messiah!
And even then only a small number of the world's total population witnessed his death and a much smaller number witnessed his resurrection!
Because he did not conform to the mental picture that the leaders and people had built up of what the Messiah should look like.
So what does that tell us?
That the experts are unlikely to recognize the fulfillment of prophecy this time round either?
That the fulfillment of prophecy is unlikely to conform to what people are expecting?
That Yah is really not interested in proving he is fulfilling prophecy, he just does it and it's up to us to notice?
I submit that all three of these statements are valid in the present age and that, therefore, we should reconsider what it is we are looking for and should look for unimpressive things happening in unimpressive places involving unimpressive people!
I am not going to try and answer this beyond what has been written above. Either you have an inner witness that something big is about to happen or you don't. If you don't I doubt that you would bother to have read this article this far, if you do, no amount of intellectual rationalization of Scripture is going to prove it to you one way or another.
All I can hope to do is to seek to point out some things which might not have been obvious before in the hope that what I am seeing is something that approximates with some degree of accuracy that which is about to happen.
If you are looking for scriptural proof of dates, or more specifically seasons, I refer you to the book by Marvin Byers cited above. Because of the way I was given to read the book and what I saw in Israel when I was reading the book I am profoundly convinced that his interpretation of WHEN, being the Great Day of Tabernacles 1996 WAS CORRECT even though WHAT he expected to happen was not!
If you cannot find the book, a search on the Internet for "Marvin Byers", "The Final Victory" and similar topics will likely produce numerous diverse analyses on the subject many of which are likely to point to the time frame 1996 to 2003. Again, I stress, the timing is something that only the Set-Apart {Holy} Spirit can reveal!
I am also not going to go into lengthy discussion of why I believe that seven years from that date is significant, there has been more than enough written about Daniels "seven weeks", etc.
My standpoint is that there is more than enough written about when and a significant amount of it is accurate to a greater or lesser extent, where the problem lies is with WHAT!
The vast majority of opinions regarding what is supposed to have happened in recent years or what is about to happen, relate to the return of Yahshua on the clouds of Glory to rule the world from Jerusalem for a thousand years.
This is largely based on the phrase "reigned with Christ a thousand years" in chapter 20 verse 4 of the book of Revelation which is quoted in more detail below from the King James Version:
Revelation 20:1-8
1 And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand.
2 And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years,
3 And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season.
4 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Yahshua {Jesus}, and for the word of Yah {God}, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with the anointing [of the Set-Apart {Holy} Spirit of Yah] {Christ} a thousand years.
5 But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection.
6 Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of Yah {God} and of the anointing [of the Set-Apart {Holy} Spirit of Yah] {Christ}, and shall reign with him a thousand years.
7 And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison,
8 And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea. (KJV)
Other translations substitute "Messiah" for "Christ" and "Yahweh" or "Elohim" for God but all commentators that I know of predict that Yahshua, Jesus or Messiah will physically appear as a man and rule for the Thousand Years. Most seem to indicate that he will arrive on the clouds of heaven and be seen by all the world before this happens. At this time he would "rapture" all true believers into the sky to join him according to most. Many were indicating a few years ago that this would happen BEFORE what was known as the Tribulation while others felt it would happen afterwards.
Be that as it may be, I submit to you that the CRITICAL question that must be answered with regard to the above passage of Scripture is WHAT EXACTLY is it saying is going to happen?
The FIRST thing this passage says is going to happen is that Satan is going to be cast into the Pit for a Thousand Years. Yet this is not something that is frequently spoken about!
However, I submit to you that the above passage is absolutely unambiguous either before or at the same time as they "reign with Christ" Satan must be cast into the Pit for a thousand years!
I would go so far as to suggest that even if you find yourself unable to agree with everything written after this that you accept that Satan MUST be cast into the Pit for a Thousand Years BEFORE the start of the millenial reign of Christ / Messiah /???
I further submit to you that this MUST happen towards the end of the period of time known as the Tribulation and I further submit to you that the spiritual state of the world today is a direct manifestation of the fact that Satan is involved in a desperate spiritual battle to avoid being cast into the Pit for a thousand years or, for that matter, at all!
I would go so far as to suggest to you that it is FAR MORE IMPORTANT that you concentrate your efforts on interceding for the will of Yah to be done on earth and for all that is required to happen for Satan to be cast into the Pit to happen than to unduly concern yourself with the coming of Messiah / Christ /????.
The harsh reality is that UNLESS Satan is cast into the Pit, Yahshua is not going to do anything about returning because Satan will have won the battle and will rule on earth for eternity!
Consider Matthew 4:8-10:
8 Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them;
9 And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me.
10 Then saith Yahshua {Jesus} unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Yah the Eternally Self Existent thy Mighty One {Lord thy God}, and him only shalt thou serve. (KJV names adjusted)
At that time Satan clearly had dominion over the earth because he had the authority to give dominion to Yahshua and Yahshua did not dispute that fact but explicitly rejected the offer. If the offer were invalid then all that would have been required of Yahshua would have been to state that fact. Yahshua did not, therefore it is apparent that Satan had the dominion.
Consider then Matthew 28:16-20:
16 Then the eleven disciples went away into Galilee, into a mountain where Yahshua {Jesus} had appointed them.
17 And when they saw him, they worshipped him: but some doubted.
18 And Yahshua {Jesus} came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.
19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you I, even unto the end of the world. Amen. (KJV, names adjusted)
Yahshua had clearly regained the power or authority on earth that Satan had lost, but he then proceeded to give that authority to his disciples "go ye therefore".
Furthermore consider Hebrews 10:12-13:
12 But this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, sat down on the right hand of Yah {God};
13 From henceforth expecting till his enemies be made his footstool. (KJV)
Clearly Yahshua is not planning to cast Satan into the Pit or do anything else to regain the dominion on the earth which mankind lost in Eden! He is certainly not going to come riding in on the clouds of heaven, cast Satan into the Pit and take control over the earth! He is waiting for his disciples to do what he told them to do in Matthew 28:19 and 20.
As I read it this means that we, assisted by the Set-Apart {Holy} Spirit, have to do the job!
I can find no Scripture that suggests otherwise!
In other words, it is high time that we start interceding earnestly on the basis that some man somewhere on earth has to issue the command to the messenger {angel} of Yah referred to in Revelation 20:1 to cast Satan into the Pit.
May I suggest further that the man involved must have a revelation of his authority in the anointing of the Set-Apart {Holy} Spirit of Yah as a believer and must have the knowledge required to issue the command or decree necessary to command the messenger {angel} to cast Satan into the Pit.
It must also be recognized that all things are tried in the Court of Heaven and that a judgment must be obtained in the Court of Heaven against Satan in order for a warrant to be issued for Satan's arrest!
In order for this charge to be presented to the court there must be a prosecutor and, as I see it, that prosecutor MUST be a human being, a son of Adam!
We already have an advocate, Yahshua, the anointed, {Jesus Christ} the righteous (1 John 2:1) and we have a Judge, Yah, the Father Almighty but a MAN must bring the charges against Satan! We cannot expect either the advocate or the judge to suddenly don the hat of prosecutor. Remember that up to now Satan is the only prosecutor in the Court of Heaven (Revelation 12:10) and there is no way he is going to press charges against himself!
So, may I suggest that if you are not already doing so you start interceding earnestly for Yah to raise up a man with the legal knowledge to formulate a valid charge against Satan in the Court of Heaven!
What makes the matter more troublesome is that the prosecutor needs to be WITHOUT SIN!!
Insofar as all who sin are children of Satan (John 8:44) any man who has sin in his life cannot qualify to present the case against Satan in the court of Heaven!
This requires that at least one human being be found on the earth today who has sanctified himself to such an extent that when the case comes to trial that human being is free of sin and does not afford Satan any opportunity to appeal against the case on the grounds that the prosecutor is corrupt!
This requires that this human being has dealt with all blood-line curses, all inherited sin, all sin of this life time and has confessed and repented of it and is walking without spot and blameless before Yah at the time the matter comes to court!
May I suggest to you that it is highly unlikely that such a man exists on the earth at this moment in time and that EARNEST INTERCESSION is required for such a man to be raised up!
I urge all readers to earnestly start interceding for Yah to prepare the way for the trial of Satan, to raise up a prosecutor who is without sin and do whatever else is necessary for a fair and just trial that will result in a thousand year sentence for Satan!

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