2004.06.D.07 The Name Above All Names These Notes A Few Years Old Created by James3 on 8/17/2019 12:01:38 PM The Name Above All Names These Notes A Few Years Old
The forwarded email at the end of this document contains much information which it seems to me is important.
Warm regards and blessings
Dear ...
This contains much information that I was aware of and other information that is new.
Regarding Yahüah
I notice that you use "Yahüah"
The form "ü" is not common English usage, as far as I know it is common in German and certain other languages but the average English speaker does not know how to pronounce "ü".
Is there some reason not to use "Yahooah"?
I notice that some of what you write seems to suggest that this could be valid.
Yah the eternally self existing versus "Yahüah"
I notice that you make repeated reference to "Yah" and yet refer to "Yahüah" as being the Name of the Almighty.
Some years ago, after much prayer, I concluded that the essential Name of the Almighty is "Yah" and that the most accurate transliteration / translation of "Yahüah" is "Yah the eternally self existing".
It seems to me that to suggest that "Yah" is some form of abbreviation or contraction of the Name of the Almighty is not respectful and not accurate.
It seems to me that "Yah the eternally self existing", while, at one level a name, is in fact a description of the Almighty that amplifies our understanding of who He is and reminds us constantly that He IS eternally self existing - I understand this to be the Almighty's way of constantly reminding us that there is no other being like Him, He is the ONLY being who is "eternally self existing".
Warm regards and blessings
The Name above all names
ה ו ה י
“ Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your Name. “ Matt, 6 : 9.
Have you ever wondered why our Saviour put the “ hallowing “, or separation of His Father’s Name first in this prayer? After this, the coming of His Father’s Kingdom, His will being done on earth, our provision, sins forgiven and deliverance from evil. Very important requests, but the upliftment of the Name comes first.
To our Saviour His Father’s Name was of crucial importance, since He mentioned It repeatedly in His own prayers. On one occasion He was praying publicly: “ Father, glorify Your Name! “ And the Father answered: “ I have glorified It, and I will glorify It again “. John 12 : 28.
On the evening before He died, and He was praying to His Father, the disciples heard Him highlight the importance of this Name. He Said: “ I have made Your Name known to the men You gave Me out of the world “. Later He repeated: “ I have made Your Name known to them and will continue to make It known “. John 17 : 6 and 26.
The Heavenly Father evidently put in man a desire to name things. The first human being had a name, Adam. In the story of creation, one of the first things Adam is reported as doing, is naming the animals. When he was given a wife, immediately Adam called her “woman” [ Ish-shah, in Hebrew ]. But this is only a title, later he gave her the name, “ Chavvah “ meaning – life giver, because she was to become the mother of the living. Even today the custom of giving names endures. When a child is conceived, one of the first thoughts is, what name to call it.
In the Scriptures, however, names are not mere labels. Every name has a meaning which either describes the person or a purpose that they will play. For example, the name of “ Yitschaq “ [ Isaac ], means laughter. It recalls the laughter of his aged parents when they first heard that they were to have a child. The meaning of “ Yaaqob “ [ Jacob’s name ], was “ Taking hold of the heel or Supplanter “. Genesis 27 : 36.
In the same way the name of “ Shelomoh “ [ Solomon ], during whose reign Israel enjoyed peace and prosperity, meant “ Peaceable “. 1 Chron, 22 : 9.
The fact that the Heavenly Father views names as important is seen in that, through an angel, He instructed the future parents of Yahuchanan [ John ], the Immerser and the earthly parents of His Son, Yahushua, as to what names they should be called. Read
Luke 1 : 13 and 31. [ Ask for information regarding verse numbers. ]
And at times He gave people additional names, to show the place they were to have in His purpose. Abram [ Father of Exaltation ] would become father to many nations, so his name became, Abraham [ Father of a Multitude ]. The examples are just too many to mention.
Yes, names are important in the Heavenly Father’s eyes, and He puts in man the desire to identify people and things by means of names. Thus angels, people, animals, as well as stars and other inanimate things, have names.
Would it be consistent for the Creator of all these things to leave Himself Nameless? Of course not, especially in view of the Psalmist’s words: “ Let all flesh bless His Holy Name for ever and ever “. [ To time indefinite ] Psalm 145 : 21. This is entitled, David’s Psalm of praise and is also an acrostic Psalm.
In view of all this, it is evidently important for us to know what the Heavenly Father’s Name is. Do you know His Personal Name?
Surprisingly but sadly, the majority of the hundreds of millions of members of the churches of Christendom would find it difficult to answer the above question. Why? Well most Bible translations do not contain the Name, and It is rarely used in the churches. Hence, far from being “hallowed “, the Name has been lost to millions of Bible readers.
As an example of the way Bible translators have treated the Name, consider just one verse where It appears: Psalm 83 : 18. Here is how this Scripture is rendered in four different Bibles:
“ Let them know that Thou alone, whose Name is the Lord, art the Most High over all the earth “.
[ Revised Standard Version of 1952 ].
“ To teach them that Thou, O Eternal, Thou art God Most High o’er all the world “.
[ A New Translastion of the Bible, by James Moffatt, of 1922 ].
“ Let them know this: You alone bear the Name Yahweh, Most High over the whole world “.
[ Catholic Jerusalem Bible of 1966 ]
“ That men may know that Thou, whose Name alone is Jehovah, art the Most High over all the earth “.
[ Authorized, or King James Version of 1611 ].
Why is His Name so different in these versions? Is His Name Lord, the Eternal, Yahweh, or Jehovah? Or are these all acceptable?
To answer this, we have to remember that the Bible was not originally written in English. The Bible writers were Hebrews, and they wrote in the Hebrew language of their day. What we have today are translations. Believers have a deep respect for the Bible and rightly believe that “ all Scripture is inspired “. 2 Tim, 3 : 16.
Hence translating the Bible is a weighty responsibility. If someone deliberately changes or omits part of the contents of the Bible, he is tampering with the inspired Word. To such a one the Scriptural warning would apply: “ If any man shall add unto these things, the Heavenly Father shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this Book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the Book of this prophecy, the Heavenly Father shall take away his part out of the Book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things written in this Book “. Revalation 22 : 18 and 19. Also Deuteronomy 4 : 2.
Most Bible translators doubtless respect the Bible and sincerely want to make it understandable in this modern age.But translators are not inspired. Most of them have strong opinions, too, on religious matters and may be influenced by personal ideas and preferences. They can also make human errors or mistakes in judgement.
We have the right to ask some important questions: What is the Heavenly Father’s Name? And why do different Bibles have different names or eliminate the Name in favour of a title?
“ Who hath ascended up into heaven, or descended? Who hath gathered the wind in His fists? Who hath bound the waters in a garment? Who hath established all the ends of the earth? What is His Name, and what is His Son’s Name, if thou canst tell? “ Proverbs 30 : 4.
How can we find out what this Name is? We couldn’t unless the Creator Himself told us. And He has done so in His Own Book, the Scriptures.
“ I am YHWH : that is My Name : and My glory will I not give to another [ name ], neither My praise to graven images “. Yeshayahu [ Isaiah ] 42 : 8.
In the Hebrew It is written - ה ו ה י . These four letters, called the tetragrammaton, are read from right to left in Hebrew and can be represented in many modern languages as YHWH. This Name, represented by these four consonants, appears 7,000 times in the Hebrew “ Old Testament Scriptures “.
In Exodus 34 : 5 , the Heavenly Father pronounced His Name in the hearing of Mosheh [Moses]. He further confirmed It by Writing It down on stone with His own Finger. The ten Commandments.
“ And He gave unto Mosheh, when He had made an end of communing with him upon mount Sinai, two tables of testimony, tablets of stone, written with the Finger of Elohim [ The Almighty ]”. Exodus 31 : 18.
In these ten Commandments His Name, YHWH, appears 8 times. Exodus 20 : 1-17. Another magnificent confirmation is that in Hebrew, each letter has a number value, and in Bible numerics the sum of YHWH, is – 8.
How should we pronounce the Name, YHWH?
Dr. M. Reisel, in his book, The Mysterious Name of Y.H.W.H.,on page 74, states that the “vocalisation of the tetragrammaton must originally have been – Yehüah or Yahüah “.
Let us begin by explaining a little about the Hebrew language, and these four consonants. In Bible times, Hebrew was an everyday spoken language, so the pronunciation of this Name was familiar to the Israelites and when they saw It in writing, they supplied the vowels without thinking
In the same way as an English reader will see “ Ltd “, and read limited, and see “ bldg “, and read building.
Starting with the first letter Y . We know that it must remain a Y and not become a J, because this letter J only evolved approximately 400 years ago. This is confirmed in the King James Bible of 1611, the New Funk and Wagnall Encyclopedia, and corroborated by the authoritative Oxford English Dictionary.
Following on the Y , we have the letter H . We must now find the vowel. Could it be an E , or an A?
In the New King James Version, we read in Psalm 68 : 4 , ”Sing to God [ Elohim ], sing praises to His Name, extol Him who rides on the clouds, by His Name Y A H , and rejoice before Him“.
Then again as further confirmation, the beautiful Hebrew words, Halleluyah, have the letter A . We do not say Halleluyeh.
Now comes the letter W , where so many make a mistake. This letter says exactly what it is, a double U , which means a long U , or an oooo sound. It is not pronounced as in the word “way”
Also we sing, HallelooooYah.
Remember the song: Michael rowed the boat ashore, HallelooooYah.
The previous Israeli prime minister’s name ended in the Hebrew W . His name is Benyamin Netanyahu. It would be unpronouncable if one tried to apply the sound for the W as in “ way “.
The final vowel A , before the last H , is in total accord with Dr. M. Reisel’s statement. The beautiful blending of our Heavenly Father’s Name, - Yahu[oo]ah.
Micah 6 : 9 , states. “ –the man of wisdom shall see Thy Name “.
Now to answer the second part of the previous question. Why has the Name been concealed and disguised with titles?
Firstly, after the Babylonian exile, a superstitious idea arose among the Jews that it was wrong to say the Divine Name out aloud. So when they came to It in their Bible reading, they substituted It with the Hebrew word, “ Adonai “.
Then as time went by, the ancient Hebrew language itself ceased to be spoken in everyday conversation. In the second half of the first millenium C. E., Jewish scholars invented a system of points to represent the missing vowels and they placed these around the consonants in the Hebrew Bible. Thus both vowels and consonants were written down, and the pronunciation as it was at that time was preserved.
When it came to the Heavenly Father’s Name, instead of putting the proper vowel points around It, they put other vowel sounds to remind the reader that he should say “ Adonai “[ Lord ].
A quotation of note comes from the Companion Bible, under the heading: “ The 134 passages where the Sopherim altered ‘ YHWH ‘ to ‘ Adonai ‘ “. Out of extreme [ but mistaken ] reverence for the ineffable Name ‘ Yahüah ‘, the ancient custodians of the Sacred Text substituted in many places '‘Adonai '‘ These, in the Authorised Version and Revised Version,are all printed, ‘ Lord ‘ “.
In the Jerusalem Bible, by Koren publishers, we read: “ The Name of the Lord: In all other editions the Name of the Lord, YHWH is printed with nikkud [ vowels ] which may mislead the reader to read this Name as it is strictly forbidden to do. The Name of the Lord has to be read in the form of ‘ Adonoot ‘. In the Koren edition the Name is printed without vowels: this eliminates the possibility of the forbidden reading and emphasizes the holiness of this Name “.
This last statement has no Scriptural foundation. In fact we shall show you later, that our Saviour the Messiah, His apostles and Shaul, were all condemned for declaring out aloud this Name.They disregarded man made laws and the traditions of men. Actually this false teaching is prophecy fulfilled.
“ How long shall this be in the heart of the prophets that prophesy lies? Yea, they are prophets of the deceit of their own hearts; Which cause My people to forget My Name by their dreams which they tell every man to his neighbour, as their fathers have forgotten My Name for Baal [ Lord ] “. Yirmyahu [ Jeremiah ] 23 : 26 and 27.
The Scriptures say that this Name must be declared.
“ Praise Yahüah , call upon His Name, declare His doings among the people, make mention that His Name is exalted “. Yeshayahu [ Isaiah ] 12 : 4.
Let us take a look at Old Testament times, to see whether the people were obedient to the above.
Chavvah [ Eve ] “ I have produced a man with the aid of Yahüah “. Genesis 4 : 1 .
Righteous and faithful men like Enoch and Noah walked with the True Creator and knew His Name. As a result His Name endured the great flood. Genesis 5 : 24 ; 6 : 9.
In the Book of Deuteronomy alone the this Name appears 551 times.
Boaz in greeting his reapers. “ Yahüah be with you”. And they answered him. “ Yahüah bless thee “. Ruth 2 : 4.
Eliyahu [ Elijah ] , the greatest Prophet, took on King Ahab, 450 prophets of Baal, 400 prophets of the groves and the children of Israel [ excluding the 7,000 faithful and pure believers ] in a contest. One man against an overwhelming majority, including government, religious leaders and public opinion.
Venue : Mount Carmel.
The contest was over a Name.
“ And Eliyahu came unto all the people, and said, ‘ How long halt ye between two opinions? It Yahüah be Elohim [ The Almighty ], follow Him : but if Baal [ Lord ] , then follow him ‘. And the people answered him not a word “. 1 Kings 18 : 21.
Two opinions, two names, but only One was correct. The majority were proved wrong. However, sincere they may have been in their error, this did not help them.
It is a wonderful study to read the whole story of this contest, 1 Kings chapters 18 and 19. Therein lie parallels which are very applicable for us in this world today.
Evidence of the divine Name being used outside of the Bible.
In 1961 an ancient burial cave was uncovered a short distance to the S. W. of Jerusalem. On its walls were Hebrew inscriptions that appear to date from the second half of the eighth century
B.C.E. The inscriptions contain statements such as “Yahüah is the Elohim of the whole earth“.
The Israel Exploration Journal. [ Volume 13, No. 2 ].
In 1966 pottery fragments with Hebrew writing on them were found in Arad, in southern Israel. These were written in the second half of the seventh century B.C.E. One of them was a letter to a man named Eliashib. It begins: “ To my master Eliashib: May Yahüah ask for your peace “. And it ends: “ He dwells in the house of Yahüah “.
The Israel Exploration Journal. [ Volume 16, No. 1 ].
In 1975 and 1976, archaeologists working in the Negeb uncovered a collection of Hebrew and Phoenician inscriptions on plaster walls, large storage jars and stone vessels. The inscriptions included the Hebrew word, “ Elohim “, and His Name, YHWH, in Hebrew letters.
In Jerusalem, there was recently discovered a small, rolled-up strip of silver, apparently dating from before the Babylonian exile. When it was unrolled, the Name YHWH in Hebrew was found to be written on it.
Biblical Archaeology Review. [ March / April 1983, page 18 ].
Another example is found in the so-called Lachish Letters. These letters written on potsherds, were found between the years 1935 and 1938 in the ruins of Lachish, a fortified city that figured prominently in Israel’s history. They appear to have been written by an officer at a Judean outpost to his superior, named Yaosh, at Lachish, apparently during the war between Israel and Babylon toward the end of the seventh century B.C.E.
Of the eight legible shards, seven begin their message with the salutation: “ May YHWH cause my master to see this season in good health !” Altogether, This Name appears 11 times in the seven messages, clearly indicating that the Name of the Heavenly Father enjoyed everyday usage toward the end of the seventh century B.C.E.
Even pagan rulers knew the divine Name. On the Moabite stone, King Mesha of Moab boasts of his military victory against Israel and states: “ Chemosh [ his pagan deity ] said to me, ‘ Go, take
Nebo from Israel ! So I went by night and fought against it from the break of dawn until noon, taking it and slaying all - - - And I took from there the [ vessels ] of YHWH, dragging them before Chemosh “.
This Name above all names was used right up until about 400 years before the birth of the Heavenly Father’s Son, our Saviour In the last Book of the Old Testament, Malachi, great prominence is given to the Name, in fact It appears 48 times.
The following prophecy is being fulfilled at this very time.
“ For from the rising of the sun even unto the going down of the same My Name shall be great among the Gentiles; and in every place incense shall be offered unto My Name, and a pure offering: for My Name shall be great among the nations, saith YHWH Zebaoth [ of Hosts ]. Malachi 1 : 11.
In the third century B.C.E. a start was made to translate the Old Testament into Greek. The Name was not neglected. The translators retained It, writing It in its Hebrew form YHWH. Ancient copies of the Greek Septuagint that have been preserved to our day testify to that.
Let us now move to New Testament times, - the last 2,000 years.
History has a habit of repeating. In our Saviour’s time the religious order of the day had managed to corrupt, change and add to a faith that was once simple and pure.
For example, this religious order took the fourth commandment, the Sabbath and took this command to ridiculous lengths, making innumerable rules to govern even the smallest act that could or could not be done on the Sabbath. The same extreme was applied to the third Commandment, concerning the Name of YHWH your Elohim. This Commandment did not prohibit the use of the Name.
Otherwise, why did YHWH’S ancient servants such as David use It so freely and still enjoy His Blessings?
Let us see whether our Saviour, the Messiah, followed these unscriptural traditions.
He certainly did not hold back from doing works of healing on the Sabbath, even though this meant breaking the man-made rules of the Jews and even risking His life.
In fact, He condemned the Pharisees as hypocrites because their traditions went beyond the inspired Word. .
Hence it is unlikely that He would have held back from pronouncing YHWH, His Father’s Name.
Especially as His Father’s Name is in His Name. John 5 : 43 , “I come in My Father’s Name“
On one occasion He stood up in the synagogue in Nazareth and read a portion of the scroll of Isaiah, 61 : 1 –2. Where the Name YHWH appears more than once. . Would He have substituted His Father’s Name with some title? Of course not. That would have meant following the unscriptural tradition of the Jewish religious leaders. Little wonder that all eyes were fixed on Him. In Matthew 7 : 29 , “ He was teaching them as a person having authority, and not as their scribes “.
The Name YHWH, lost and hidden. Now the Scriptures have meaning. John 17 : 6 and 26, “ I have made Your Name known - - - “. Again He went against their tradition, little wonder they rejected Him. Sadly, nothing has changed in 2,000 years, today the religious order, fight against the restoration of the correct pure and true Names of the Heavenly Father and His Son.
It is a strange teaching that the Jewish religious leaders invented. If the “ YHW “ , came at the end of a name, it was acceptable to pronounce , i.e. Netanyahu, Eliyahu, Mattithyahu, the last
Meaning, “Gift of Yah”. However, if the “YHW” ו ה י came at the front of the name, it was taboo and in the case of Old Testament leaders, had to be vowel pointed, “ Yeh “.
This will now help you to understand why the Apostles were warned not to use this Name, in fact they were beaten and forbidden to use It. Read Acts 4 : 17 – 21 ; 5 : 28 - 41. Etc.
Paul was also guilty of not complying with this false teaching. He was also guilty of not compromising by taking a soft route in his spreading of the message. By this we mean that he would not use familiar names or titles in his evangelical preaching.
Yet in 1 Corinthians 9 : 20 – 23, he says that he will fit in with all types to gain the opportunity to present the power of the resurrection and the Good News.
In Acts 17 : 18 , the Greeks rejected his message because the Names he presented, were foreign to them. How do we know that they were Hebrew Names? Apart from his revelation on the road to Damascus, Paul was only concerned with presenting the wonderful work which the Heavenly Father, YHWH had achieved through His Son. He would only use the correct pronounciation which the Jews had banned. In Acts 18 : 12 – 15, the Jews bring charges against Paul and one of the charges concerns, Names.
Now we are able to understand the reaction of Zachariyahu [ Zacharias ], when the angel told him how he should name his son in Luke 1 : 13. And later how his speech was restored when he obeyed the instruction and wrote down the inspired name of his son in Luke 1 : 63. This was going directly against the teaching of the day.Little wonder that the people responded in the way the did, let us look at the Word: “ And fear came on all that dwelt about them : and all these sayings were noised abroad throughout all the hill country of Judaea. And all they that heard them laid them up in their hearts, saying, ‘ What manner of child shall this be ! ‘ And the hand of YHWH was with him. He did not call him Yochanan which means “ favoured “ which is what the people thought his wife had said in verse 60. No ! Because of the way Hebrew is spoken he had to write down the name so that the people could see and understand clearly, he wrote, YHWchanan [ Yahuchanan ], Yah’s Favoured or chosen one. Beauty in understanding.
Let us now look at a Hebrew name, Yeshua. This name means, Saviour, however, it does not give credit to the One doing the saving. It is a wonderful compromise to fit in with the false teaching concerning a name beginning with the letters , Y. H. W. A life-guard could become someone’s ,Yeshua.
This will now help us to understand John 5 : 43. “ I come in My Father’s Name - - - “ When you put the Father’s Name into Saviour , you get a Name which makes total sense, and is in harmony with every Bible commentary as to the meaning of the Name;
Yah’s [ our ] Saviour. The Heavenly Father saving the world through His Son. Yahushua.
But to the Pharisees then and now, this Name is taboo.
What does the Bible say about a Name? Acts 4 : 12 . “ Neither is there salvation in any other [ name ] : for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved “.
Romans 10 : 13 . “ For whosoever shall call upon the Name of YHWH shall be saved “.
Hence it is so vital for the Father’s Name to be in His Son’s Name, our Saviour, the Messiah. HalleluYah.
ה ו ה י צ ש ו ה י

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