2004.07.D.05 Restored Name Bible Created by James3 on 8/17/2019 12:37:31 PM Restored Name Bible
I received the following today:
"Hello James
I received a copy of your document, Seeking to Live Life the Way the Almighty Intended, from a friend. He also gave me a copy of "Come out of her, my people". I would like to find out where to buy/obtain a copy of a "bible" with restored names. I found a website - yahushua.net which has an online version of the Restored Name King James Version. Do you have any source for a printed version for me? I could not find anything on this website.
Regards ..."
I thought that the reply might be of interest to you.
Warm regards and blessings
Dear ...
Thank you for your inquiry
There are various books of collections of the writings of the faith (Bibles) with transliterated Hebrew names, including the Names of the Almighty, available.
There is "The Scriptures" from the Institute of Scripture research email isr@messianic.co.za This is the version I have, Yahooeh (Yahweh) and Yahooshua (Yahshua) are in Hebrew characters and they use Elohim and Messiah for the words typically translated "God" and "Christ"
There is the "Restoration Scriptures True Name Edition" from Your Arms to Israel Ministries, email ravmoshe@bellsouth.net I have not seen this
There is the version by James Trimm -- which is available off the Internet, I don't have details to hand, I have not looked at this version in detail
You could also contact Duane Duff who has a web site on Bible Translations, etc, email rlduaneduff@ualberta.net
You can also contact Bill Chamberlin, Director The Bible Museum & Biblical Research Foundation at email research87@biblemuseum.org
I hope that one of these is of assistance.
Note that there are other challenges relating to what you are looking for relating to the following conclusions I have reached:
1) The essential Name of the Almighty is Yah -- Yahooeh or Yahweh would be more accurately translated "Yah the eternally self existing"
"Yah" is contained in numerous Hebrew names but this is not always reflected in translations which sometimes use "Jeh", "Jah", etc -- there is a much greater depth of meaning when one realises the number of Hebrew names and words that refer to Yah -- I have a detailed article on this subject if you would like it
The On-Line Bible contains a dictionary where the words containing Yah are quite clear, available free or for donation at www.onlinebible.net
Most of these words are visible in "The Scriptures" but I seem to remember that there are some that are not but which are visible in the On-Line Bible dictionary.
2) "Elohim" simply means "mighty one".
There is recorded scribal substitution of "Elohim" for "Yahooeh" and, after prayer I have concluded that there are many other cases.
There are many verses where substituting the plain meaning "mighty one" for "Elohim" does not make sense. I have concluded that these all represent places where elohim has been substituted for "Yah"
Once one makes these replacements the text becomes much less "religious" and plain to read -- this is also explained in more detail in the article referred to above.
Making this adjustment corrects some widely held misunderstandings and mysticism surrounding Yahooshua {Jesus}
3) Messiah is a religious term -- I have not been able to find any reference in the books from Genesis to Malachi (Old Testament) which have this word as a special form in the Hebrew, they all refer to "anointed" or "anointed one"
Christ is an extension of the same religious term and is used to represent a number of distinct Greek words.
Depending on usage Christ means "anointed of Yah" {Christ}, "Yahooshua the anointed of Yah" {Jesus Christ}, "the anointing as was on Yahooshua" {Christ Jesus}, "the anointing of the Spirit of Yah" {Christ}, etc
Christ is therefore ALSO a religious term which can be substituted with the above plain language.
This aspect is also discussed in the article referred to above.
Making this adjustment removes considerable mysticism around the man Yahooshua {Jesus}
4) The name traditionally translated "Jesus" is "Yahooshua" or "Yahushua" meaning "Yah is salvation" or "the salvation of Yah".
I have found that it is important for this to be made visible by using Yahooshua or Yahushua rather than leaving the name in Hebrew -- there are important aspects of what are attributed to the man Yahooshua that are in fact statements of what his name means -- the reason that Yahooshua is the only name whereby men can be saved is because "the salvation of Yah" IS the ONLY way to be saved.
Understanding this removes a further level of mysticism surrounding the man Yahooshua {Jesus}.
The above corrections have a very profound impact on the meaning and interpretation of certain verses and are central to understanding what is actually recorded in the historical writings of the faith {Bible}.
I am NOT aware of any version that contains all the above items, I hope to produce such a version one day.
If you would like a list of the other messages published on our email list and other information please let me know.
There have been two other articles published recently which seem to me to be very important:
- Where will you spend eternity?
- Suggested guidelines for interpretation
If you would like copies of these please let me know.
If you would like to be added to our mailing list please let me know.
I hope you find what you are looking for and that the above is helpful.
Warm regards and blessings

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