2004.07.D.15. What Are You Going To Do About It -- Essential Prayers Created by James3 on 8/17/2019 1:35:42 PM What Are You Going To Do About It -- Essential Prayers
Following on from the messages 1AD.04.07.11 "Essential Questions for Every Believer" and 1AD.04.07.13 "Some Questions About Attitude", following are some important prayers for your consideration:
1) Father, please help me to live a life that is pleasing to you and brings you joy.
2) Father, please help me to overcome to the end and be found a good and faithful servant and an overcomer on the Day of Judgment. Please help me to do only what you want me to do, speak only what you want me to speak, hear only what you want me to hear and think only what you want me to think.
3) Father, please show me the level of my present deception and how to correct my errors.
4) Father, please lead me into ALL truth no matter what it costs me. Please speak to me by your Spirit, through writings, people, publications, TV, video, email, through people I know, through people I don't know and through people I don't like. Please speak to me through whomever and in whatever way YOU choose and open my eyes to see and my ears to hear.
5) Father, please enlarge my territory in relationship with You, love for You, knowledge of You and Your Kingdom, the gifts of Your Spirit, in meekness, humility, gentleness, self control and in every way that YOU desire for me.
6) Father, please put me to death by YOUR Spirit daily and fill me with Your Spirit daily such that I live my life by and through Your Spirit by faith in You.
7) Father, please judge me severely and correct me ruthlessly that I may serve You more perfectly.
Are YOU willing to lose everything material in answer to these prayers?
Warm regards and blessings

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