2004.07.D.21. If Jesus Is God Then Why Created by James3 on 8/17/2019 2:06:04 PM If Jesus Is God Then Why
Following are some questions that it seems to me are important to answer if one is uncertain about the "deity" of Yahooshua the anointed of Yah {Jesus Christ}.
IF Jesus is God [Yahooshua is the Almighty] then:
1) Why is Yahooshua seated at the right hand of the Father?
2) Why did Yahooshua say that WE could do GREATER works than he did?
3) Why did Yahooshua pray that WE would be one with the Father in the SAME WAY that Yahooshua was one with the Father?
4) Why were Moses, Elisha and others who performed mighty miracles NOT also the Almighty in the flesh? -- versus filled with the Spirit of the Almighty.
5) Why, when the Almighty spoke audibly from heaven to many people about Yahooshua, did the Almighty call Yahooshua His SON and not say that Yahooshua was Himself the Almighty?
6) Why did the Spirit of the Almighty come on Yahooshua at the Jordan and leave Yahooshua on the stake and why did Yahooshua repeatedly speak (pray) to the Almighty and speak of the Almighty in other than the first person? Why did Yahooshua ask that the cup be taken from him if possible?
7) Why did Yahooshua come at all? What would the Almighty prove by coming to earth and living as a man without sin?
There are various verses that can be interpreted to prove that Yahooshua was "God" BUT they are based on incorrect application of the word "God" which should in many cases be translated "mighty one" and NOT "the Almighty".
Yahooshua WAS indeed a "mighty one", as were Noah, Moses, David and many others, that does NOT indicate that Yahooshua is the Almighty.
A few comments on the questions above:
If Yahooshua IS the Almighty then he cannot be seated at his OWN right hand.
If Yahooshua IS the Almighty then it would not be possible for human beings to do greater works - no one can do greater works than the Almighty.
If Yahooshua IS the Almighty then it would not be possible for you and me to become one with the Almighty in the same way that Yahooshua was one with the Almighty.
The miracles performed through Moses were more dramatic and experienced first hand by more people than any of the miracles performed by Yahooshua -- parting the sea, killing of the first born, massive storms, all the rivers into blood, water from a rock, the manifestation of the Almighty on Mount Sinai, etc.
The miracles performed through Elisha included many of the categories of miracle performed through Yahooshua -- dead raised, leper healed, food multiplied, axe head floating on water, etc
These miracles were performed through these MEN in the same way that miracles were performed THROUGH Yahooshua by the anointing of the set apart {Holy} Spirit {Christ} of the Almighty, Yah the eternally self existing, UPON these men.
Many people have said through the years that they can see my father IN me and can see that I AM my father's son. People say that they can see me in my son.
That does NOT mean that I am my father or that my son is me. It simply means that essential attributes of my father are visible in me and in my son.
I take after my father and my way of life and thinking were greatly influenced and informed BY my father.
I grew up "on my father's knee", I listened to his conversations with his friends, I learned about his business, I worked for him for a number of years. My business is STYLED after his way of doing business, his values, etc. My father is the example that I seek to emulate.
I AM the consequence of a CREATIVE ACT BY my father but I am NOT my father.
In the SAME WAY, Yahooshua WAS the consequence of a NON HUMAN creative act by the Almighty, knew his heavenly Father intimately and sought to emulate his Heavenly Father in everything.
Thus Yahooshua WAS the son of the Almighty.
Because Yahooshua had a very special relationship with the Almighty BEFORE he was placed in the miraculously created fetus in Mary's womb Yahooshua WAS a very special son -- the FIRST created being and after his death, the first human being to live on earth without sin thereby satisfying the legal requirements for the Court of Heaven to order his immediate resurrection and thereby qualifying to be king of ALL human kings and lord of ALL human lords and to be our advocate, to sit at the right hand of the Father, to be the chief cornerstone, our high priest, etc.
IF Yahooshua WAS / IS the Almighty then how could the Almighty's OWN Spirit come upon himself?
How could the Spirit of the Almighty leave Himself?
Why would the Almighty need to "go apart" to talk to Himself?
How could the Almighty even THINK of not completing what He "came to earth" to do?
IF Yahooshua WAS the Almighty in the flesh, what was the point?
The Almighty coming in the flesh and living without sin does NOT prove anything and does NOT give us hope.
The Almighty pretending to "die" on the stake {cross} and then being "resurrected" achieves nothing, He could not have died -- I have it that IF the Almighty died then the entire Universe would at that instant disintegrate -- in Him we live and move and have our being, without Him there is NO EXISTENCE.
IF Yahooshua WAS the Almighty in the flesh then at some point He lied about himself by NOT disclosing his true identity and speaking of the Almighty as a separate being and the Almighty CANNOT lie.
Having wrestled with these issues since 2001 I have to state with deep conviction that there is NO WAY that Yahooshua could possibly be the Almighty.
For Yahooshua's life to mean anything to mankind it is essential that Yahooshua WAS a human being and NOT the Almighty.
Yahooshua WAS filled with the Spirit of the Almighty at the Jordan and, in many respects, the Almighty DID live and speak through Yahooshua
-- BUT Yahooshua came so that YOU and I can ALSO live that way
-- as a simple legal, prophetic covenant act, nothing mysterious or magical
-- he entered into an agreement with the Almighty and KEPT the agreement
-- thereby his NAME carries authority beyond the name of any other human being.
That is an ESSENTIAL POINT to grasp
-- YOU can live like Yahooshua lived IF YOU choose to ask the Almighty to change you to the point that the Almighty, through His Spirit -- the anointing or "Christ" -- can live in you in a comparable manner to the manner in which He dwelt in Yahooshua from the Jordan to the Stake for three and a half years.
I hope that this helps.
Warm regards and blessings

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