2004.07.D.25. Something Very Different Created by James3 on 8/17/2019 2:11:56 PM Something Very Different
In response to some correspondence with someone on the list I wrote the following.
It deals with a sanctification [setting apart] process that most will regard as extreme, radical, old testament, etc and therefore reject.
Accordingly, IF you start reading what follows and find it unacceptable please STOP and if appropriate delete.
IF you have been crying out to the Almighty for a way to get closer to Him, to stop habitual sin you have been struggling with, to cut your ties with worldly things, etc -- then what follows is for you.
If you don't believe in prophetic acts, please consider reading this from someone who as an engineer and scientist has come to conclude that such prophetic acts are amongst the MOST POWERFUL tools in the service of the Almighty.
IF you want to go ALL OUT then I support you to consider doing everything in this document -- if you want more information please let me know.
This document contains a few scriptures, not much to support it -- you may choose to reject it on that basis alone -- or you may choose to consider the possibility that something as radical as what follows could be from the Almighty and could be valuable to you!
I hope it helps.
Warm regards and blessings
Thank you ...
Regarding immersion -- some radical ideas which you may not accept, pray over them and do with them as you choose.
Have you ever immersed someone three times?
There is Yahoohanan (John's immersion) which is an immersion of repentance AND another immersion:
Acts 19:3-6
"3 And he said unto them, Unto what then were ye baptized? And they said, Unto John's baptism.
4 Then said Paul, John verily baptized with the baptism of repentance, saying unto the people, that they should believe on him which should come after him, that is, on the anointing of Yah that was upon Yahooshua {Christ Jesus}.
5 When they heard this, they were baptized in the name of Adonai Yahooshua {the Lord Jesus}.
6 And when Paul had laid his hands upon them, the set-apart Spirit {Holy Ghost} came on them; and they spake with tongues, and prophesied." (KJV)
So, immerse once for repentance.
Then immerse for cleansing from all defilement of the world and sin and DEATH to self -- Galatians 2:20 - executed with the anointed one, it is no longer I that live but the anointing of the Spirit of Yah that lives in me.
Then immerse into the Kingdom and, if a new believer, to be filled with the Set Apart Spirit or to be refilled if an existing believer.
Even more powerful if prior to immersion one leads a person through repentance for breaking EACH of the ten commandments (refer the document [ETI Main pdf 1A1.04.07.04] Seeking to Live Life the Way the Almighty Intends, particularly the section on the commandments and the next section) and prayer of commitment to seek help to keep the commandments thereafter.
One can also bind all demons associated with breaking each commandment and send them to the pit for a thousand years in the name of Yahooshua and bind any other demons --- those that hinder one from walking in the gifts of the Spirit, etc -- third section of 1A1.04.07.04.
Taking it a step further, if one can arrange it, then shepherd the person for a FULL WEEK in reading the writings of the faith, the basic principles of the faith, prayer, repentance, etc the effect is even more powerful -- it is NOT necessary for you to be with them full time, give them assignments and then teach, minister, as required.
It is helpful if they spend several days working through their lives from current to birth making notes on a year by year basis of all sins they have committed, all oaths and vows they have made, all events that may have a spiritual impact, especially traumatic events, etc and then work down the list praying for repentance, healing, cleansing, etc (I prefer multiple lists, each on a different broad subject and multiple passes of prayer) -- trust the Almighty by His Spirit to bring things to remembrance.
Then, on the seventh day immerse three time again -- cleansing from all that has been identified in the week and strengthening of anointing.
On the eighth day immerse again three times.
To take this a step further.
Before immersion on the first day AFTER prayers of repentance and deliverance anoint the ENTIRE BODY with grape juice prayed over to represent the blood of Yahooshua for cleansing and sealing - particularly pray over the ears, eyes, nose and mouth and tongue and sexual organs -- start by anointing the right ear lobe - clarity of hearing, the right thumb clarity of contracting and writing and doing and the right toe - clarity and obedience of the walk.
You would pray over the grape juice with the person and anoint their ear lobe, thumb and big toe and they would then go into a shower or bath tub and anoint themselves the rest.
Then anoint the entire body with olive oil prayed over to represent the anointing of the Spirit of the Almighty -- also start with right earlobe, right thumb and right big toe -- for spiritual anointing and guidance -- also particularly cover ears, etc thoroughly.
The anointing with blood and oil can be repeated on the seventh and eighth days if you choose
As a further step one can symbolically pass a razor over the entire body on the first day and the seventh day representing cutting of ALL ties with the world, the past, sin, etc or if one really wants to go all out one can physically shave the entire body - a woman should NOT shave her head but a man can shave his head if he chooses to make a really solid statement to the Almighty about starting anew.
All the above can be done when a new believer enters into covenant with the Almighty.
It can ALSO be done by a believer at any stage of their walk.
The above process was given to me by the Almighty based on Leviticus 14 for the cleansing of a Leper -- taking leprosy as a "prophetic type" of defilement with the world. It was given specifically in the context of cleansing a woman who had been engaged in sexual acts with animals as a believer.
Some time later I was impressed to do the above procedures myself -- including shaving my head and wearing sackcloth for the eight day period.
Several people joined me on the eighth day and on the third immersion one of our number had a vision of a large demon in the form of an Egyptian idol (sphinx, I think) fleeing from the property and then Adonai Yahooshua walking down the steps of the swimming pool with his arms outstretched toward us to join us in the water!
I used the triple immersion three times and the anointing and symbolic shaving for a demon possessed Satanist killer who the Almighty permitted me to deliver from his demons and lead in repentance -- he had a series of dramatic encounters with the Almighty during the period of ministry and became a strong believer subsequently.
As I recall, on the third immersion on the first day his body was filled with heat and he had a vision of the gates of heaven swinging open to admit him.
I immersed him again after eight days and someone else immersed him on the ninth day. After the third immersion on the ninth day I was told that the spirit of the Almighty came upon this man and the person immersing him so mightily that they could hardly stand and struggled to get out of the swimming pool!
I have also used some of these steps with a mature believer who subsequently reported a dramatic spiritual renewal in his life during the first immersion process and in the days that followed.
In this case Ingrid and I blew Shofar over him before the immersion to drive off the forces of darkness and to proclaim breakthrough in his life.
If one is ministering in such situations and has prophetic gifts then prophesy, pray in tongues, etc as you are led.
The above is unconventional and, while I can give you the few scriptures I have given above, I cannot give you more scripture.
This is what the Almighty impressed on me to do in these very specific cases with very powerful spiritual results
I believe it indicates a general principle that is applicable to all believers but that there are still aspects of the above which I do not know about -- accordingly I seldom talk about this to anyone -- it seems to me that it may be applicable to you.
I support you to pray about it and then do as much or as little of this as you consider appropriate -- my personal view would be to do the whole thing.
If you decide you want to take this further I think we still have some notes of prayers, etc from when we did this in 2001 which I could possibly look up for you -- alternatively let the Spirit lead you -- particularly if you go the full week of cleansing.
Could be a useful way of spending Tabernacles?
Ideally one would do it over the period of unleavened bread -- the prophetic symbolism is greatest then -- but it can be done at any time.
I hope this helps.
Warm regards and blessings

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