2004.06.D.04 The Hebrew Letter Waw Created by James3 on 8/21/2019 8:45:19 AM The Hebrew Letter Waw
This is less challenging than the previous two postings.
However, it contains what seems to me to be an important point.
It is on the basis of this email that, after prayer, I decided to start using "Yahooshua" instead of "Yahshua".
Warm regards and blessings
Thank you Gerry
That is interesting
Warm regards and blessing
The Hebrew Letter - ו “ WAW ”
Another beautiful proof that the “ OO ” sound is correct is found in the Hebrew Name of our Heavenly Father’s Spirit.
“ Ruach Hakodesh ” translated, “ Spirit of Separation ”.
“ Ruwach ” Strong’s no 7307 , pronounced – Roo –ach [Spirit] is spelt : ח ו ר
We would not think of saying, “ Rach ” and thus eliminating the ו . We should therefore be consistent with the pronunciation of the Heavenly Father’s Name and His Son’s Name.
ה ו ה י
The Heavenly Father
ע ש ו ה י
His Son, The Messiah
ח ו ר
His Spirit
The letter ו being in all three in perfect unity and harmony.
“ Halel ” – Strong’s no 1984 means – “ praise ”.
“ Yah ” - Strong’s no 3050 the Root of the Heavenly Father’s Name - ה י
The above two are joined together by the ו - oo the “ Waw ”.
So we say and sing, HalelooYah. Meaning “ Praise Yah ”.
Again we do not ignore the “oo” sound and say Halel Yah.
Please do not allow our ignorance of Hebrew to be a stumbling block to those who do, particularly when presenting a message which is so vital..
Joyfully in the service of our precious Messiah ע ש ו ה י - Yahooshua of Natsareth.
P.S. If I am wrong, please help me ! geaston@telkomsa.net

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