2004.07.1.01 An Overview Of Critical Considerations For Believers In Seeking To Serve The Almighty In This Life And This Age Seeking To Live Life The Way The Almighty Intends It To Be Created by James3 on 8/21/2019 9:12:29 AM Critical Considerations for Believers in Seeking to Serve the Almighty, This Life, This Age, Live Life the Way the Almighty Intends
Dear ....,
Further to my emails to you some time ago, I would like to set out a number of aspects that I am firmly convinced are fundamental in bringing about the state of the body of believers that you have been referring to as "revival" on a SUSTAINABLE basis.
As I mentioned a few days ago, I have concluded that putting a label like "revival" on something that the Almighty intends to be the WAY OF LIFE when we are in relationship with Him is not helpful. Accordingly, I will refer to that state of spiritual being as "life the way the Almighty intends it to be" and similar terms.
In considering the objective of seeking to live life the way the Almighty intends it to be I would like to consider three aspects which I understand to be critical:
a. Context -- Why we are here, where we come from and where we are going.
b. The Ten Commandments -- How they apply in the context of living life the way the Almighty intends it to be -- the standard against which we are judged.
c. Some Guiding Principles, Gifts and Tools -- What the Almighty has given us in order to make it POSSIBLE to live life the way He intends it to be.
Each of these are discussed briefly below. Each sub-section represents a very substantial area of knowledge and experience that is available to us. I could write about many of these in considerable detail and there is an enormous body of collective knowledge and experience in the body of believers about many of these subjects. Some require MORE attention.
Much of what follows contradicts widely accepted doctrines of the "church" and of other groups who also seek to worship the Almighty.
Please take time to consider what follows carefully and prayerfully and seek understanding about why what is written below is written. Please refer to the article on "Suggested Guidelines for Interpretation" for background thinking relating to how the following conclusions were drawn.
In what follows, words in curly brackets "{...}" are commonly used words which I understand to be inaccurate and not pleasing to the Almighty. These words are preceded by words or phrases which I currently understand to be more accurate and more pleasing to the Almighty.
I would like to discuss this aspect in terms of seven components which I see as vitally important:
a. Where do we come from?
b. Where are we going?
c. Why are we here?
d. How do we do this?
e. The spiritual state of the world.
f. The purpose and nature of the covenants.
g. The role of Yahooshua {Jesus} in this.
Understanding these factors is vital to understanding how to achieve the quality of life that the Almighty intends believers to live and the function the Almighty intends believers to perform.
We were created by the Almighty as outlined in Genesis 1 and 2.
In the image and likeness of the Almighty (Genesis 1:26).
Adam was of great stature, enormous intellect and ability.
There is significant archaeological evidence that Noah was about eighteen feet tall, that societies after the flood had very advanced technology including advanced metallurgy and advanced construction techniques, more advanced in many cases than we have today -- mankind today is probably not capable of building the Great Pyramid and is definitely NOT able to shape and move the thousand tone shaped stones in the temple at Baalbeck. There is much other evidence, including the furnace referred to in the book attributed to Daniel.
Refer the findings reported by Jonathan Gray in "Dead Men's Secrets" and other publications for more information.
Adam had an intimate personal relationship with the Almighty who was accustomed to meeting with Adam and conversing with him (Genesis 3:8). As a consequence Adam knew ALL GOOD.
Adam knew the commandments of the Almighty and the ways of the Almighty.
As a consequence of eating of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good AND EVIL (Genesis 3:6) mankind commenced a six thousand year process of LEARNING about evil which continues today.
We are now in an age where we are learning about ALL EVIL. The level of spiritual evil on the earth has never been greater and it is increasing as the forces of darkness seek to drive the world into total apostasy in order to prevent the return of Yahooshua {Jesus}.
It is vital to understand that we are in the most spiritually disadvantaged and reprobate age in the history of mankind.
We have NOT evolved from primitive savages, we have DETERIORATED from men created in the likeness and image of the Almighty.
We are going to a Day of Judgment in which ALL MEN (Revelation 20:12-15) will appear before the Judgment seat of the Almighty and be judged.
IF we OVERCOME we will sit with Yahooshua {Jesus} on a high throne for eternity as stated in Revelation 3:21 "To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne." (KJV)
However many others will spend part of eternity or ALL of eternity in the LAKE OF FIRE as stated in Revelation 21:8 "But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death." (KJV). One word in this verse applies the lake of fire to unbelievers and the remainder therefore applies to BELIEVERS.
Some believers will have a PART in the lake of fire for the sins that they do not repent of in this life and they will then spend the rest of eternity in heaven but NOT on a throne. Refer visions given to Rick Joyner and reported in "The Final Quest" for a graphic description of the different ranks in heaven.
Notice that ALL LIARS will have a part in the lake of fire, accordingly FALSE DOCTRINE is not an option. If someone claims different revelation to ours we should FEAR and seek truth NOT reject them and condemn them.
We have been given the set-apart {Holy} Spirit to lead us into ALL TRUTH, it is up to us whether we are prepared to be led.
In 1 Peter 4:17 we are told "For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of the Almighty {God}: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of the Almighty {God}?" (KJV, name adjusted). The believers are to be JUDGED FIRST.
It is critical that believers understand that they are BEING JUDGED in this age and that they will be judged FIRST on the Day of Judgment.
Yahooshua did NOT come to provide us with a way of escaping the Day of Judgment, he came to prepare us so that we could overcome until the Day of Judgment and to show us the way to do this.
Yahooshua overcame and was resurrected immediately after his death because there was NO SIN in him. For all of us who have sinned we are required to OVERCOME SIN in our lives and to overcome the SPIRITUAL forces of darkness in order to do this.
It is time to preach and teach coming judgment to the BODY OF BELIEVERS!
Every human being is here in order to undergo a test.
We have been placed on earth with clear commandments, given to Adam, Noah, Moses, Yahooshua and many others throughout the ages. These ten commandments provide the essential basis on which we will be judged on the Day of Judgment.
These commandments were given to the progenitors of EVERY human being on earth today. There is NO excuse for not knowing them and not applying them. It is MERCY that the Almighty has repeatedly sent prophets to RESTATE them and that He has permitted them to be recorded in books.
We are here in order to overcome and qualify to sit on a high throne for eternity and have intimate fellowship with the Almighty and Yahooshua OR to be found defective at some level and, if we do not satisfy the minimum criteria for entry into heaven, to be rejected and sent to the lake of fire for eternity.
We can ONLY overcome IF we have a personal relationship with the Almighty and seek His face and His guidance through His Spirit.
To do this we need to be committed to seeking ALL TRUTH, to learning more and more about the Almighty and His ways, to applying the tools and guidelines that He has provided us.
An essential component of this objective is that we are required to TAKE DOMINION over the SPIRIT realm, the forces of darkness. Yahooshua regained authority and gave it to those who follow after him (Matthew 28:18-20). Yahooshua is now WAITING for his enemies to be made his footstool (Hebrews 10:13).
Yahooshua provided the example, established the covenant and paved the way for those who follow. Yahooshua is NOT going to return UNTIL those who believe have done what they were commanded to do -- take dominion over the forces of darkness and preach the good news of the Kingdom of the Almighty to EVERY human being above the spiritual age of consent which I understand to be puberty, approximately twelve and a half.
We are to do this through the authority Yahooshua purchased for us through his covenant sacrifice, assisted by the set-apart {Holy} Spirit of the Almighty using the gifts and "tools" that we have been given such as prayer, the name of Yahooshua, immersion (baptism), obeying the commandments, seeking after all truth, loving our neighbours and our enemies.
We are NOT on this earth for our own pleasure and enjoyment, we are on this earth to do a SPIRITUAL work on behalf of the Almighty and to undergo a test to QUALIFY where we spend eternity.
We do this through:
i. Unconditional love toward the Almighty, our neighbours and our enemies.
ii. Seeking the love of the Almighty toward us and seeking and receiving His mercy, grace and accepting that He WANTS to bless us and He WANTS to help us to overcome.
iii. Knowing the severity and judgments of the Almighty and FEARING Him and recognizing judgment in this life when we experience it. Awareness of compliance with the commandments and the and extensions to the commandments. Acceptance that the Almighty will NEVER change.
iv. Death to self and being filled with the set-apart {Holy} Spirit of the Almighty who will teach us, equip us, grant us His gifts and minister through us to others and make all who truly believe ONE.
v. Understanding how marriage is intended to be as an example of how we are intended to relate to the Almighty and live in community with Him and LIVING marriage this way. Applying these lessons to bring unity in the body of believers.
vi. Effectively applying prayer, tongues, the gifts of the Spirit, giving and all the other ways the Almighty has provided to enable us to overcome IF we choose. Walk in the covenants (PLURAL) of the Almighty with mankind.
vii. Other human beings whom the Almighty uses to speak to us, teach us, guide us and lead us. This includes apostles, prophets and shepherd-teachers. EVERY believer is ONE of these and will be judged as to how they walk in this. We are required to learn from people we do not know, do not like and who do not conform to our judgments of the sort of people the Almighty "should" speak to us through.
The world is deteriorating spiritually at an accelerating rate.
The frame of reference that we have today of the ways of the Almighty is corrupt and has become increasingly corrupt from generation to generation.
We will ONLY find out how we are expected to live and what the truth is through an intimate PERSONAL relationship with Him through HIS SPIRIT.
Yahooshua told us to call NO MAN teacher but that the Spirit of Almighty is our teacher. In other words, other men can teach us but it is ONLY when that teaching is the Spirit of the Almighty speaking through them that we should take note of it. ONLY the Spirit of the Almighty in US can show us truth and even then our minds, our flesh and demons will resist change and new truths.
We should NOT follow ANY human being, we should follow the Spirit of the Almighty where ever HE leads us.
We are required to take dominion over the principalities, powers, thrones and dominions of the Satanic forces of darkness that are ruling this world. We will NOT do this by arguing, debating, dividing, shouting and criticising other human beings we will ONLY do it by prayer, by taking authority in the name of Yahooshua and by seeking truth, living truth, dying to self, taking up our stake {cross} and following the example of Yahooshua and LIVING UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.
Spiritually the world is dominated by the SPIRITUAL forces of darkness and filled with lies, THIS is the battle we are commanded to fight NOT to fight with other human beings.
As mankind has deteriorated spiritually, physically and intellectually and moved further and further away from knowledge of the Almighty and relationship with the Almighty it has been necessary for the Almighty to enter into more and more gracious (grace filled) covenants with believers in order to enable at least a few to survive in any generation.
It is VITAL to understand that this generation is the MOST depraved and is NOT improving, it is deteriorating. What has been taught by previous generations has ALSO been increasingly full of error and therefore, today, there is NOTHING that is taught in the established formal "church" that is fully accurate, it is all contaminated with error. In fact, there are FEW IF ANY HUMANS ALIVE TODAY who have anything approaching all truth.
Each person must therefore seek the guidance of the Almighty by HIS SPIRIT in order to seek truth and seek truth from whatever source the Almighty chooses to provide it.
The covenants are given to us in order to provide us with a legal basis to do what is required of us.
There are many covenants in the historical writings of the faith including the covenants with Noah, Abraham, Jacob (Israel), Moses, David and Yahooshua {Jesus}. There are many other covenants in the widely accepted writings and any number of other covenants made with individual human beings and other people groups, such as the covenant made by the Almighty with Muhammed.
Each covenant is historically and legally CONGRUENT with the covenants that have preceded it THROUGH A PARTICULAR BLOOD LINE. Thus the covenant through Yahooshua is ENTIRELY CONGRUENT with the covenants with Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses and David. Yahooshua clearly stated that he had come to fulfil the Torah -- the ESSENTIAL components of the covenant through Moses.
Legally the covenant through Yahooshua cannot contradict the covenant through Moses, it can only support it, fulfil it, amplify it and make it easier to comply with.
This is not immediately evident but careful study of Yahooshua's teachings shows that he was RESTORING the principles given to Moses and speaking against prevailing HUMAN INTERPRETATION of the commandments given through Moses.
Yahooshua's life, death and resurrection were a fulfilment of the "spotless lamb" in the covenant given through Moses. The blood of Yahooshua in the form of the "wine" prophetically nominated to represent his blood provides a means of cleansing that is a fulfilment of the blood sacrifices of the covenant given through Moses.
The "bread" prophetically nominated as representing the body of Yahooshua provides a physical substance with which the core components of the sacrifices given through Moses could be fulfilled AFTER the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem and AROUND THE WORLD for isolated believers.
Any teaching relating to "Jesus Christ" that violates the Torah (law) given to Moses [essential commandments and extensions] or seeks to change the commandments given at Sinai or that postulates new fundamental teachings {doctrines} instituted by Yahooshua is false.
The essence of the covenant is to equip human beings to enter into relationship with the Almighty AND to take dominion on the earth spiritually and to overcome to the end.
Any teaching that is predicated on an assumption that somehow the generations after Yahooshua are in some way superior to those that preceded Yahooshua is false. The truth is that mankind was so spiritually degenerate 2,000 years ago that it was necessary for the Almighty to institute a BETTER covenant because mankind was spiritually WEAKER and more degenerate. This generation is even MORE spiritually degenerate.
At creation, the Almighty gave dominion over the earth to Adam. By submitting to Satan Adam gave dominion over the earth to Satan. Yahooshua came and lived a life without sin and died in order to gain the authority for believers to wrest dominion from Satan. Yahooshua DELEGATED his authority to those who believe in the Almighty THROUGH the covenant made through Yahooshua.
The Almighty is therefore LEGALLY obliged to work through MEN.
The Almighty can do NOTHING on earth UNLESS it is first spoken and commanded by a man.
Thus, the Almighty has given us His Spirit so that He can speak through believers and establish legal precedents and principles. Prophecy about future events is therefore often obscure and NOT INTENDED to be understood until AFTER it has been fulfilled other than by a very small number of prophets who receive revelation beforehand in order to pray those prophecies into existence.
Long range prophecy is NOT about fortune telling and the Almighty will not disclose details of His plans to people who are going to publish those revelations indiscriminately. This is why there are HIDDEN prophets, prophets who are only revealed AFTER they have performed a critical function. This is why Yahooshua repeatedly told those who followed him NOT to disclose his function and role before time.
The covenants are PROPHETIC acts full of prophetic symbolism that is NOT disclosed before time. The prophetic meaning of Yahooshua's death must be interpreted in the context of the prophetic actions and statements through Moses and other prophets that preceded it.
The covenants of the Almighty are LEGAL instruments, He will NOT revoke or alter them, He will only elaborate them or extend them with additional legal instruments. Everything that Yahooshua accomplished was achieved by compliance with and through the legal precedents and principles ALREADY ESTABLISHED BEFORE HE WAS BORN.
It is not possible for the covenant through Yahooshua to have changed the Sabbath from the seventh day to the first day, to have changed the laws regarding marriage or to have changed any other major law that had previously been established.
Yahooshua's resurrection was a legal consequence of a sinless life by a man who did NOT have an earthly father and therefore was entitled to immediate resurrection because there was NO LEGAL basis for Yahooshua to remain awaiting the Day of Judgment.
The man know widely as "Jesus Christ" was a Jew. He spoke Hebrew or Aramaic as evidenced by the direct quotes particularly in the book of the good news (gospel) attributed to John.
Accordingly, his name CANNOT have been "Ieesou" or any similar Greek name. His name MUST have been a Hebrew name because he was born to Hebrew parents, lived in a Hebrew community and he said that he came to the children of Israel.
Jesus is an approximate translation or transliteration of the Greek name "Ieesou" and is therefore not an accurate English name for a Hebrew man, particularly when there is considerable significance attached to his name.
There is a fairly wide body of opinion that the name given to this man by his parents was "Yahooshua" or "Yahushua", typically inaccurately translated "Joshua". After prayer over a number of years it is my understanding that "Yahooshua" is the most accurate English form of this name.
This name means "Yah is salvation" or "the salvation of Yah".
"Yah" is the essential Hebrew name of the Almighty and substituting it by any other name is sin.
The reason that the name of Yahooshua is the name whereby salvation is given is because THAT IS WHAT IT MEANS -- the Almighty (Yah) is Salvation. The man, Yahooshua, came in order to POINT people back to Yah (the Almighty) as the way to Salvation. Isaiah 45:21 clearly states that there is NO SAVIOUR beside the Almighty [Yah].
Furthermore, there is a fairly wide body of opinion that "Ieesou" is derived from the name of a demonic pagan deity and that it is at best not respectful and at worst blasphemous to call this man by the name of "Jesus". This is a personal decision for every believer but I have absolute certainty that it is not pleasing to the Almighty for believers to continue to use the name "Jesus". There has been great grace associated with this name for generations, however, the Almighty now requires those who would seek to PLEASE HIM to seek a more accurate name. It is my deep conviction after that this name is "Yahooshua".
Yahooshua came in order to execute certain prophetic covenant acts, to demonstrate how it was possible to live when filled with the set-apart {Holy} Spirit of the Almighty, to restore lost truths and teach about the ways of the Kingdom.
Yahooshua's {Jesus'} role was a prophetic, legal (covenant) and teaching role and to lead by example.
Yahooshua was a MAN and prophet filled with the set-apart {Holy} Spirit of the Almighty.
For Yahooshua to BE the Almighty would be illegal and deceitful. Furthermore Yahooshua REPEATEDLY told people that he was NOT the Almighty, for example in Matthew 19:17 "And he [Yahooshua] said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, the Almighty {God}: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments." (KJV, name adjusted). Here Yahooshua clearly states that he is NOT the Almighty AND instructs the person concerned to KEEP the commandments.
There are many other examples.
The Spirit of the Almighty came upon Yahooshua WHEN he was immersed {baptised} by John, before that Yahooshua was a man without supernatural powers. The supernatural powers Yahooshua had came from the Spirit of the Almighty, just as they had come with every anointed believer who preceded Yahooshua and just as they have through every anointed believer who has followed (come after) Yahooshua. IF Yahooshua WAS the Almighty there would be no reason for the Spirit of the Almighty to come upon the Almighty, clearly Yahooshua is NOT the Almighty.
Yahooshua prayed to the Almighty. Clearly if Yahooshua WAS the Almighty there was no need for the Almighty to talk to Himself.
Yahooshua asked why the Almighty left him when he was dying on the stake {cross}. If Yahooshua was the Almighty there is no way the Almighty could leave the Almighty and if Yahooshua was the Almighty there is no way that he could have died and therefore he could NOT be resurrected.
Yahooshua was a prophet, a prophet with a very specific role that was planned long before he came. However, Yahooshua WAS A MAN. He could ONLY accomplish what he accomplished as a man. He did this by dying to self and being filled with the Spirit of the Almighty so that the Almighty could live through him. This is the opportunity that is available to EVERY BELIEVER. That is why Yahooshua could say that those who came after (followed) him could do GREATER WORKS.
Understanding the above points is essential to understanding the situation in the world and body of believers {church} today.
As indicated above, the Almighty's NEVER CHANGING yardstick for judgment are the ten commandments or "Ten Words" of the Almighty given at Mount Sinai and written in STONE. These words were spoken by the Almighty to MILLIONS of people, the only recorded case that I know of where the Almighty has spoken publicly to such an enormous audience. Accordingly, what was said must be regarded as amongst the MOST IMPORTANT statements every made by the Almighty.
The following is intended to provide broad headlines. Since the closer one get's to the first commandment the more challenging the issues become, I have chosen to start with the tenth commandment and work backwards.
This discussion is based on Exodus 20. The are minor differences in Deuteronomy 5 which do not alter the essence of what is being discussed.
Exodus 20:1-17
1 And the Almighty {God} spake all these words, saying,
2 I am Yah the eternally self existing thy mighty one {the LORD thy God}, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.
3 Thou shalt have no other mighty ones {gods} before me.
4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth:
5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I Yah the eternally self existing thy mighty one {the LORD thy God} am a jealous mighty one {God}, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;
6 And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.
7 Thou shalt not take the name of Yah the eternally self existing thy mighty one {the LORD thy God} in vain; for Yah the eternally self existing {the LORD} will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.
8 Remember the sabbath day, to keep it set apart {holy}.
9 Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work:
10 But the seventh day is the sabbath of Yah the eternally self existing thy mighty one {the LORD thy God}: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates:
11 For in six days Yah the eternally self existing {the LORD} made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore Yah the eternally self existing {the LORD} blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.
12 Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which Yah the eternally self existing thy mighty one {the LORD thy God} giveth thee.
13 Thou shalt not kill.
14 Thou shalt not commit adultery.
15 Thou shalt not steal.
16 Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.
17 Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour's. (KJV names adjusted)
It is my profound belief that the above passage should be regarded as THE most important passage against which our lives will be judged on the Day of Judgment. Accordingly, we should devote considerable attention to seeking to understand what this passage means and how it applies in our lives. This includes understanding and applying the extensions given in the other books attributed to Moses and the case studies in the other widely accepted writings.
The essence of the above passage is in large measure echoed in Revelation 21:8 "But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death." (KJV)
This section seeks to headline some aspects that I understand to be important.
In presenting this document, it is important to stress that I see the FUNDAMENTAL REQUIREMENT being that each person INDIVIDUALLY seeks a VERY CLOSE personal relationship with the Almighty and constantly asks the Almighty for guidance.
A. EXODUS 20:17 THOU SHALT NOT COVET Thy Neighbour's House, Thou Shalt Not Covet Thy Neighbour's Wife, Nor His Manservant, Nor His Maidservant, Nor His Ox, Nor His Ass, Nor Any Thing That Is Thy Neighbour's (10)
Western culture, through advertising, TV, radio, newspapers, etcetera constantly seeks to stimulate covetousness whether of houses, cars, men, women, general possessions, looks, etcetera.
It seems to me that one can spend one's life more productively and potentially more righteously if one limits the amount of time that one allows oneself to be exposed to these media.
Keep in mind that the issue is not just WHAT the media portray but HOW we respond to what is portrayed. Thus, IF one chooses to accept exposure to these media one can also choose not to lust after (covet) what is presented there. In practice this is easily said but not so easily done.
There is also an aspect about how we choose to be in our day to day life generally when we are exposed to smart cars, smart clothes, smart houses, etcetera. This has a bearing on certain things that are taught by certain sects of the Christian church.
This ties into "all liars" having a part in the lake of fire.
I understand this commandment to address all aspects of lying, leading people astray, false oaths, etcetera.
A very large proportion of what is represented in movies, novels, magazines, etcetera is not based on fact. They are imaginary stories. Even much "actuality" or other so-called "reporting" tends to be coloured to a particular view or culture and may then at some level not be presenting fact but be presenting what the writer or reporter thinks is fact but which, viewed from the perspective of the Almighty, may be lies.
Most jokes are lies.
For this reason one should be cautious about what one reads and views and particularly what one believes and repeats.
At the same time, this has a very direct impact on how we lead our lives and on our personal integrity.
This point also has ENORMOUS impact on those who take positions of religious leadership or teaching. Any false doctrine is a direct and very fundamental violation of this commandment. In the sections that follow a number of doctrines will be challenged and readers are asked to consider seriously how they will feel on the Day of Judgment IF what is written below IS correct and what they have chosen to believe is in conflict with it.
This addresses a very wide diversity of dishonest dealings and relates to all sorts of aspects of our personal integrity including repayment of debts, etcetera.
This also has a bearing on churches that take tithes and offerings when much of what they are teaching are lies thus opening the door for the forces of darkness to steal whatever blessing the Almighty may give to those who tithe.
The previous points seem reasonably simple to define. We all understand at some level what they say. The question is WHETHER we are willing to exercise the self discipline to apply them in practice and to confront the more challenging consequences of their comprehensive and rigorous application in our lives.
With the commandment not to commit adultery we are confronted with a MAJOR error in current church doctrine and world view.
The historical writings about the faith {Bible} make it clear that marriage is the taking of a woman's virginity which results in a blood covenant associated with the shedding of blood from the woman's hymen (Deuteronomy 22:13‑21, Genesis 2:24).
There is NO SUCH THING as "sex before marriage". The ACT of sex with a virgin IS the act of marriage.
The ACT of sex with a woman who is not a virgin and whose virginity was not taken by the man in question IS adultery UNLESS the woman is a widow OR divorced in the sight of the Almighty. The basis for divorce is VERY NARROW and relates to betrayal of the husband by the woman {wife} or betrayal of the Almighty by the {man} husband. The TERM adultery INCLUDES these forms of betrayal and is not limited to sexual betrayal of the man {husband} by the woman {wife} - by the woman {wife} having intercourse with another man.
If a man takes the virginity of more than one woman he automatically and unavoidably has a covenant with {is married} to more than one woman {wife}. If a man does this without informing his existing woman {wife} the deception will hurt her but he is not strictly obliged to tell her beforehand. However, he may NOT reduce the food, clothing or marital privileges of the first woman {wife} (Exodus 21:10).
If a man commits adultery with another man's woman {wife} he sins against the other man, against his own body and most importantly against the Almighty. If a man goes with a prostitute he sins against his own body and against the Almighty. In either case he is not sinning against his existing woman {wife} or women {wives} UNLESS he does it deceitfully in which case the sin is NOT adultery it is lying.
There is much more that can be written about the full ramifications of this commandment.
This includes the responsibility of the man {husband} to cover his women {wives} and accept responsibility for all sin they commit in submission to him (Ephesians 5:25-28). Women {wives} are to submit to their man {husband} in everything, even when the man {husband} is unjust and unreasonable and even brutal (Ephesians 5:24 and 1 Peter 3:1-7). By implication, a woman should ONLY join herself to a man when she is absolutely certain it IS the will of the Almighty. Women {wives} are required to actively sexually desire their husbands and initiate love making as a form of worship of their man {husband} (Genesis 3:16).
The man {husband} is to lead and give direction to the family unit and the women {wives} are to follow in his chosen life direction as an act of their wills, not as something the man {husband} must earn.
Both man {husband} and women {wives} are required to love one another unconditionally as stated in Ephesians 5 and elsewhere. 1 Corinthians 13 provides a comprehensive definition of covenant love.
It is my understanding that failure to comply with any of the above, at least at some level, constitutes adultery in terms of the commandment. However, divorce is only applicable in terms of the covenant through Yahooshua in the event of persistent hardness of heart on the part of one party and persistent self examination and constructive effort on the part of the other. Even then, divorce is only acceptable IF granted by the Almighty through petition to the Court of Heaven.
This includes abortion. I think it would also include any form of contraception that prevents the fertilized egg from being able to lodge in the womb of the woman -- life begins at the moment of fertilization.
A further ramification of this commandment is that there are clear commandments that a person who DOES commit murder must be put to death by the community (state) (Genesis 9:5-6 and other verses). Note that Saul (Paul) stated in Acts 25:11 that he was willing to die if he had done anything "worthy of death".
Failure of any nation to impose the death penalty for murder brings blood guilt on that nation and is in violation of this commandment.
This is extremely challenging in modern society.
It seems to me that we do not honour our parents when we send them off, or allow them to go, to retirement villages and old age homes. We do not honour them when we move out of home and leave them to fend for themselves and deny them the right to play an active role in the raising and educating of our children.
Many people do not honour their parents in the way they speak to them or about them or relate to them in numerous ways.
Commandments 5 to 10 above deal with our relationship with other human beings. They are about loving our neighbour as ourselves (Mark 12:31 and other verses).
Commandments 1 to 4 deal with our relationship with the Almighty. They relate to us loving the Almighty TOTALLY with all that we are and all that we have (Mark 12:30).
Insofar as some of the points below may SERIOUSLY challenge your current beliefs, I urge you to keep in mind that the essential requirement is to love the Almighty and fear His judgments and make whatever adjustments may be required.
The Sabbath has always been the last day of the week and the last day of the week is Saturday, NOT Sunday.
The ONLY way to observe this commandment is to keep the Saturday Sabbath set apart as a day of rest. It is false witness to suggest that the Almighty has ever changed this.
This extends to the observance of the other Sabbaths of Yah the eternally self existing, particularly Passover and the feast of Unleavened Bread, Pentecost, the Day of Atonement and the Feast of Tabernacles. These are all times which we should devote to the worship and service of the Almighty.
Pagan "holy" days {= holidays} like Sunday, Christmas day and Easter are an abomination in the sight of the Almighty. IF we love Him we should NOT observe these pagan feasts and pagan holy days.
It is quite clear from the Hebrew texts that the essential Name of the Almighty is "Yah". This name cannot be translated into anything else. The Almighty is frequently referred to in the historical Hebrew writings as "Yah the eternally self existing".
It is clear to me that to use ANY other name for the Almighty is to take His Name in vain.
"God" is a word derived from pagan roots as the name of a pagan deity and is applied in cases where the correct translation would be either "Yah" or "mighty one" - this is complicated by transcription errors and corruption in the available texts.
"The LORD" would be a reasonably accurate translation of "Baal" a pagan deity condemned repeatedly in the historical writings of the faith {Bible} and is applied in cases where the correct translation would be either "Yah" or "Yah the eternally self existing".
I am firmly persuaded after much prayer and personal struggle that applying the names "God" or "the LORD" to the Almighty IS taking His Name in vain and He will severely judge those who do this.
The name "Jesus" also has pagan roots. The man who is referred to by that name was called "Yahooshua" which means "Yah is salvation" there is nothing greater than the salvation of the Almighty.
"Christ" also has pagan roots and simply means anointed. There are a number of Greek words all translated "Christ". Examples include "Yahooshua the anointed of Yah" {Jesus Christ}, "the anointing of the spirit of Yah that was upon Yahooshua" {Christ Jesus), “the anointed of Yah” {Christ} and "the anointing of the Spirit of Yah" {Christ}. Christ is NOT the name of Yahooshua, it is a description that SOMETIMES applies to the anointed status of Yahooshua and sometimes does NOT refer to Yahooshua at all - it refers to the Spirit of Yah and can be applied to others as well.
Accordingly, passages which in modern translations suggest that Jesus = Christ = Yah (deity) result from fundamental mistranslations and doctrinal errors (lies). Yahooshua was a created man and a prophet, he was NOT the Almighty, that was why Yahooshua prayed TO the Almighty and why the presence of the Almighty {Christ} LEFT Yahooshua immediately before Yahooshua died on the stake {cross}. It was the anointing of the Spirit of Yah {the Christ} upon the man Yahooshua that permitted Yahooshua to perform miracles, live the life he did and say the things he did when Yah spoke through him.
I. EXODUS 20:4-5 THOU SHALT NOT MAKE UNTO THEE ANY GRAVEN IMAGE, Or Any Likeness Of Any Thing That Is In Heaven Above, Or That Is In The Earth Beneath, Or That Is In The Water Under The Earth: 5 Thou Shalt Not Bow Down Thyself To Them, Nor Serve Them (2)
This includes extreme or obsessive possessiveness of houses, cars, wives, movie or TV “idols”, sports stars, businesses, etcetera. Any item that one starts to make sacrifices for at the expense of one's relationship with the Almighty is idolatry.
It includes a man submitting to his wife in disobedience to the commandments of the Almighty or in disobedience to the leading of the Spirit of the Almighty.
Thus, the worship of icons of Jesus, crucifixes, worship of saints, etcetera all transgress this commandment.
Furthermore, the collection of writings generally called "The Bible" is NOT "the inerrant word of the Almighty {God}" as many claim it to be. The word "Bible" essentially means "book" and is based on a pagan term and is to be avoided. Nowhere in this collection of writings do any of the authors CLAIM that what they have written is entirely given to them by the Almighty and that it is without error. There ARE passages which REPORT what the Almighty allegedly said. Even these do NOT include a declaration that what is recorded is without error.
There is further no declaration in the book by the people who compiled the book to declare that the book is a compilation of writings which are ALL directly inspired by the Almighty and without error.
There are NO declarations by the scribes who have transcribed the books over the centuries that they have transcribed them without error and that the Almighty has personally attested to this. There are no statements by the people who have translated the books that the Almighty has personally attested to the translation being without error. There are over 100 English translations and several significantly different “official” compilations so clearly there are errors.
In fact, there is nothing in the collection of writings which even SUGGESTS that the various writers believe that what they wrote was inspired by the Almighty and without error. Many of these writings DO appear to be inspired at least at some level, however this is NOT guaranteed and we are NOT commanded to believe that.
Furthermore, there is NOTHING in all these writings which states that the Almighty will provide a book that is without error so that men can turn to it and worship it. The Almighty does want to have a deep personal relationship with each one of us in which HE can teach us personally by His Spirit! He also makes reference to teaching us through His prophets. However, as I understand it, our primary responsibility is to draw close to the Almighty and be led by Him.
Thus, referring to the "Bible" or that collection of books or any collection of books as "the inerrant word of Yah {God}" or even referring to them as "the Word of Yah {God}" IS IDOLATRY!
As indicated above, Yahooshua was a created man, the creation of Yahooshua in the womb of Mary is less of a miracle than the creation of Adam from dust and the creation of Eve from a rib of Adam. Yahooshua stressed that he was NOT the Almighty and, as mentioned above, if he was the Almighty Yahooshua would not have had any need to pray to the Almighty, nor could the presence of the Almighty have departed from Yahooshua on the stake {cross} and the Spirit of the Almighty would NOT have come upon Yahooshua at the Jordan in the first place..
Thus, the worship of Jesus or the worship of Yahooshua, referring to Jesus as "God", or deity all transgress this commandment.
Yahooshua WAS a mighty prophet who performed certain very important functions. He lived a sinless life and that put him in a position to win a major victory over Satan and it entitled him to immediate resurrection so that he might become the first born from the dead. As I understand it, Yahooshua was ALSO the first spirit being that the Almighty ever created and therefore played a role in creation and was very knowledgeable when his spirit was placed in the human foetus that was miraculously created in the womb of Mary.
However, it is SIN to worship Yahooshua or in ANY WAY to impute deity to him.
The above section presents a large number of very challenging items.
If one fears the Day of Judgment and the lake of fire and desires to be an overcomer then it is important to respond prayerfully to this information.
There are a number of principles, gifts and tools that the Almighty has given to those who believe in order to make it possible for them to overcome to the end and to live life the way He intends it to be.
Love your neighbour as yourself and love your enemies with NO CONDITIONS.
In other words love them NO MATTER how badly they treat you and make your love UNCONDITIONAL (without condition).
Love them if they beat you or steal from you or abuse you or mistreat you in any way.
Husbands love your women {wives} without condition and woman {wife} love your man {husband} without condition.
The depth of the love of the Almighty.
He wants ALL men to be saved.
He WANTS us to overcome to the end.
He WANTS to bless us and prosper us.
It is our sin, error and slackness that get in the way of His blessings for us.
He desires to extend MERCY and GRACE toward us but, at the same time, it is necessary for Him to discipline us in order that we may learn from our mistakes, learn responsibility and come to a place where we can live lives that will be found worthy on the Day of Judgment.
He loves us enough NOT to want ill-disciplined, rebellious children BECAUSE IF we behave this way we will eventually end up in the lake of fire on the Day of Judgment.
It is essential to be DEEPLY AWARE of coming judgment AND of judgment in this life.
Perhaps the greatest single problem in the body of believers today is a lack of awareness of judgment.
People seem to think they can do what they want, believe what they want and "Jesus" will forgive them and it will all be fine because they are guaranteed entry into heaven. This is an extremely dangerous lie.
The Almighty LOVES us and wants to help us to cope, to survive and to overcome.
He disciplines us in order that we may overcome and be found worthy of a high throne on the Day of Judgment.
We must know both the SEVERITY and the LOVE of the Almighty if we are to really know Him. He HATES sin. It is vital that we come to know this deeply!
It is important also to understand WHY Yahooshua is our advocate. He stands before the throne (the Judgment Seat) of the Almighty and intercedes for us as our legal representative BECAUSE THERE IS JUDGMENT IN THIS LIFE. Satan or his representative comes before the throne of judgment to seek conviction for our sins. Depending on the nature of our sin, our level of knowledge and maturity the judgment may be based on grace but it may also be based on Torah.
If there is no judgment for believers in this life then why does it say that Satan is the accuser of the brethren (Revelation 12:10)? If there is blanket indemnity, as is widely taught, then Satan would not waste his time accusing the brethren.
The covenant through Yahooshua entitles new believers to grace, it does NOT relieve us of our responsibility to turn away from sin and, if we persist, there is a point at which grace will no longer cover us. This applies at different levels in different areas of our lives at different times. This is why Satan and his cohorts roam the earth seeking whom they MAY devour (1 Peter 5:8).
The Almighty gives a portion of HIMSELF to those who believe in order that they may be led by His Spirit, form a deep relationship with Him and be taught by Him as He has done with Noah, Moses, David, Yahooshua and millions of other believers.
Immersion {baptism} when one first believes and at other times is an important prophetically symbolic act associated with this and is the fulfilment of provisions in Leviticus.
This spiritual infilling is similar to the spiritual bond that forms between a man and a woman when they have sexual intercourse, the "one flesh" bond.
When the spiritual infilling (anointing) is strong, we can draw much closer to the Almighty and it is much EASIER to serve Him. When we rebel, get into sin, anger or whatever the strength of this anointing is considerably reduced. When a man joins himself to a woman who is joined to other men, that is to a harlot or adulteress, the anointing drains out through the spiritual ties between these people.
Deep anointing requires that we separate ourselves from the things of the world, get delivered from demons and other spiritual forces, deeply repent of our sins and dedicate ourselves to serving the Almighty and to drawing close to Him in worship, in prayer, in obedience and in relationship.
The more we die to self, the closer we can become to the Almighty and the more He can help us to live life in a way that will result in our being found to be overcomers on the Day of Judgment. Consider Galatians 2:20 "I am executed {crucified} with the anointing of the Spirit of Yah {Christ}: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but the Spirit of Yah {Christ} liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the son of Yah {God}, who loved me, and gave himself for me." (KJV, names adjusted) Notice that this does NOT say faith IN the son of Yah, it says "by THE faith OF the son of Yah", in other words the same faith that Yahooshua had IN the Almighty.
Ephesians 5:28-33 states:
"28 So ought men to love their women {wives} as their own bodies. He that loveth his woman {wife} loveth himself.
29 For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as Yah the eternally self existing {the Lord} the body of believers {church}:
30 For we are members of his [the Almighty's] body, of his flesh, and of his bones.
31 For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his woman {wife}, and they two shall be one flesh.
32 This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning the anointing of the Spirit of Yah {Christ} and the body of believers {church}.
33 Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his woman {wife} even as himself; and the woman {wife} see that she reverence her man {husband}." (KJV, names adjusted)
Marriage has been given that we may understand the ways of the Kingdom and the ways of the Kingdom have been given that we may understand marriage.
Healing marriage is a CENTRAL requirement for SUSTAINABLE life according to the way the Almighty intended it to be.
Isaiah 4 clearly indicates that in the last days, that is these days, there will be seven times more believing women than men and that those women will NEED the covering {marriage} of men who fear the Almighty. Conversely, a man with only one woman {wife} is spiritually unbalanced and will have great difficulty withstanding the onslaughts of the forces of darkness.
It is essential for the body of believers to return to intimate life partnership {marriage} the way the Almighty intended it to be -- an intimate life partnership of unconditional love with clear leadership by the man and clear underpinning by the women. In this partnership the women {wives} are EQUAL BUT DIFFERENT. They are NOT inferior, they choose to exercise their will to SUBMIT to and follow their man {husband}. This is essentially the same as senior army officers choosing to submit to their commanding general, single focus of leadership is a vital pre-requisite for success in anything.
The objective is to create a HARMONIOUS, UNDIVIDED house which is spiritually united and therefore extremely powerful. Once we understand how to do this in the intimate life partnership we call "marriage" then we can start to understand how to bring unity in the body of believers.
The Almighty has provided the gifts of the Spirit, prayer, the covenants and numerous other aspects in order to assist us to live life the way He intended it to be.
Giving, including tithing (to the Almighty, NOT to men or "churches"), is an essential part of this. However, giving when one is in sin or one’s house is divided will produce little or no return as the forces of darkness will use their legal rights, resulting from sin, to steal the blessings. This does NOT mean we should not give, it means we should TURN FROM SIN and division.
It is vital that we learn all there is about all these gifts and covenants, AND learn to walk in them and apply them effectively in order to be able to overcome.
We are intended to live life in community with others around us.
The Almighty speaks to us through whomever He chooses, whether that person is a believer or not, whether we like them or not, whether we respect them or not and whether we know them or not.
It is vital that we learn NOT to shut people out of our lives but to let the Almighty determine who comes into our lives at what time and that we learn to hear Him through them.
It is equally vital that we should not pursue or seek to retain relationship with people whom the Almighty is wanting to take out of our lives. Let Him open the doors that He wants opened and close the doors that He wants closed.
Prophets are simply human beings who have a close relationship with the Almighty and spend much of their time listening to Him and then speaking when He tells them.
The above document provides an overview of the major factors that I currently understand to be important in answering many important questions that you have raised in recent months on the ... list.
I pray that you will find this information helpful.
May the Almighty bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you.

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