2004.07.D.07 Further Thoughts On _Revival_ Is Not Enough Created by James3 on 8/24/2019 1:06:04 PM Further Thoughts On _Revival_ Is Not Enough
In response to some further feedback on the message on "Living Life the Way the Almighty Intends" following is some further information.
Warm regards and blessings
Dear ....
Further to my mail on "Living life the way the Almighty intends", I have had some feedback from the End Time Issues mailing list, to which I also posted the article.
This feedback has caused me to think in more depth about my objection to using the term "revival" to describe what is required in the body of believers.
The word "revive" means "come or bring back to consciousness, life, existence, vigour, notice, use, activity, validity, or vogue" (The Concise Oxford Dictionary Sixth Edition).
The key words here are "come or bring back to consciousness".
Certainly there is an ENORMOUS NEED for the body of believers to "come back to consciousness", that is, to BE REVIVED.
The body of believers have the most POWERFUL message of all time and have the most POWERFUL SPIRIT on earth available to them and have the opportunity and the calling to make an ENORMOUS DIFFERENCE on earth.
However, this is NOT happening.
The body of believers are currently like a powerful boxer who is knocked out and so punch drunk that it is not making any material impact on the over six billion people on this earth if we contrast their conduct to the lives of Moses, Yahooshua {Jesus} and others.
This "boxer" MUST be revived in order to bring order to this world and bring the forces of darkness into subjection so that Yahooshua can return and the Day of Judgment can come.
In order to do this they must preach the good news {Gospel} to EVERY man (adult human being - over the age of puberty) in all the earth refer Matthew 24:13-14 "13 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. 14 And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come." (KJV)
The good news {gospel} of the kingdom it to be preached to ALL THE WORLD and only then will the end come.
The boxer has been revived REPEATEDLY throughout the generations but after a few years the boxer gets knocked out again and remains knocked out in some instances for decades.
Even these revivals are in limited locations in the world.
What is required now is for the ENTIRE body of believers to experience GLOBAL REVIVAL AND THEN STAY ON THEIR FEET.
There is a REASON the boxer keeps getting knocked out and only partially revived, the boxer is doing things that PERMIT the forces of darkness to attack and knock the boxer out again and again.
The boxer keeps getting knocked out as a consequence of SIN.
The sin of the fathers
-- the sin and lies of the previous generations
-- all the lies referred to on the Anzac list AND all the lies referred to in the article on "Living Life the Way the Almighty Intends"
-- this includes all the sins and lies that Yahooshua {Jesus} preached against which were errors of the Jews and which have been taken on board by Christians.
The magnitude of sin in the current body of believers is OVERWHELMING, true, sustainable revival will ONLY come once there is a FUNDAMENTAL CHANGE IN ATTITUDE on the part of believers.
All the previous revivals FAILED because those who were revived CLUNG to their sin regarding things like the Sabbath, the cross, worshipping Jesus, worshipping the bible, lying about marriage, etc, etc
Furthermore, the Almighty has given gifts, principles, etc to assist us to overcome, these have ALSO been corrupted by the body of believers and need to be restored in order to live life the way the Almighty intends us to live and to do what we have been commanded to do.
These items are also touched on in the article I sent you.
Revival is NOT ENOUGH
The world needs a RADICAL SHIFT in the body of believers
REPENTANCE OF ALL SIN and returning to the TRUE FAITH in the Almighty and turning our backs on ALL the errors of the past is VITAL for a sustainable change so that believers can live for the rest of the time until the return of Yahooshua in a thousand years time the way the Almighty intended us to live.
It is TIME to turn from ALL sin.
It is TIME to recognize that the ONLY reason revival does not result in sustainable abundant life is sin, error and ignorance.
It is TIME for ALL to acknowledge how little they know of the things of the Kingdom of the Almighty and how FAR we are personally from the Almighty and His ways.
It is TIME TO STOP LYING about all the things that are PLAINLY EVIDENT in the writings of the faith
Remove the blinkers and choose to seek the Almighty PERSONALLY for understanding.
STOP calling men teachers and STOP FOLLOWING MEN.
It is ONLY by taking up our stakes {crosses}, DYING TO SELF, seeking ALL TRUTH and accepting the enormous level of deception in which we live today that sustainable life will be achieved.
This is WHAT we are COMMANDED TO DO!
There is NO OTHER WAY to please the Almighty and to qualify for a high throne -- it is the way that Yahooshua showed us! -- seek to LIVE A LIFE WITHOUT SIN!
It is time to STOP looking at the planks in the eyes of other groups of believers and for EACH AND EVERY ONE OF US to get on our knees before the throne of the Almighty and cry out to Him to LEAD US INTO ALL TRUTH
It is time to choose NOT TO HOLD ONTO ANYTHING WE HAVE BELIEVED, ONLY HOLD ONTO YAH THE ETERNALLY SELF EXISTING, THE ALMIGHTY, the mighty one of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Yahooshua, David, Moses, Noah, Adam, Isaiah, EliYah -- the mighty one served by those who would not compromise and who were swift to repent when they slipped.
It is time to stop worshipping at the altars of the false doctrines of the church and Judaism.
It is time to stop making excuses for breaking the ten commandments.
The WRATH of the Almighty is about to be poured out on the earth and ONLY those with pure hearts will be in a position to make a difference!
It is time for judgment to begin in the house of the Almighty!
AND it is time for REVIVAL leading to SUSTAINABLE righteous, Spirit filled life.

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