2004.07.D.09 What Name Was Written In Luke 1 Created by James3 on 8/24/2019 1:15:36 PM What Name Was Written In Luke 1
Following is an interesting and challenging message which confirms the importance of recognizing Yah, the Name of the Almighty, in the names of people.
Warm regards and blessings
----- Original Message -----
From: Gerry Easton
To: james@etimin.org
Sent: Saturday, July 31, 2004 4:53 PM
Subject: What Name was written in Luke 1
What Name was written in Luke 1 : 63?
In Luke 1 ; 13 the Angel Gabriyel advised and instructed Zekariyahu that :-
[a] His prayer had been heard. [His name means “Yah has remembered” ].
[b] His wife would bear him a son.
[c] He was to call this child by a certain - name.
We move to Luke 1 ; 59 where on eighth day the child is circumcised and the neighbours and relatives wish to name him Zekariyahu after his father. The mother disagrees and says he must be called by another name. Their reaction to this name is one of disapproval and rejection.
Due to the way Hebrew names are pronounced they thought this name was Yochanan Strong’s no 3110 meaning “Favoured or chosen”, spelt ן נ ח ו י . This being a common name given to boys then and now. Hence no unusual reaction apart from disappointment. The name Zekariyahu being of far greater Spiritual significance.
In verse 62 they appeal to Zekariyahu for support. In verse 63 he requests a writing tablet and writes down a name which has an immediate reaction on the people. They marvel, are fearful and suddenly this child’s name is news throughout the hill country of Yudea. “They wonder what manner of child will this be”.
In writing the name down, the people could not be mistaken as to its meaning, which is the case, when it is spoken. The Divine reason for Zekariyahu being struck dumb in verse 20.
Only a name beginning with the letters of the Heavenly Father’s Name would cause fear especially as this form had been outlawed by the religious leaders. Also here was a priest going against their tradition. Little wonder they were amazed.
The name written by Zekariyahu was ן נ ח ו ה י pronounced Yahoochanan, Strong’s no 3076. The first three Hebrew letters “Yahoo” were the catalyst for the peoples reaction. The name meaning “ Yah’s Chosen or favoured”.
Now we can understand why the people where wondering what special task lay in store for this child bearing such an awesome name.
Strong’s comment is that “Yochanan” is a form of “Yahoochanan”.Only the latter brings a reaction. It was banned by religion then as it is now.
However, Gabriyel [The Messenger Angel ] was carrying a Divine instruction from the Heavenly Father. This same Angel also bore another instruction concerning a Name in Mattithyahu 1 : 21 – Yahooshua meaning “ Yah’s saviour”.
These two Names bore the seal of the Heavenly Father’s Will by direct communication from Him via His Angel to man. Yet man and particularly religious leaders rebel and choose to ignore the Will of the Heavenly Father.
Why follow the masses. Be separate. Amein.

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