2004.07.D.27. Response To Comment On If Jesus IS God Then Why? Created by James3 on 8/24/2019 7:28:16 PM Response To Comment On If Jesus IS God Then Why?
The following was received in response to the article ETI Informal pdf 1AD.04.07.21 "If Jesus IS God then why ...?"
It highlights the enormous challenge we each face in determining what IS true and what is not true about what we believe.
In considering these matters I find an enormous challenge to try and avoid getting into judgment and confrontation -- I find that I frequently do not do this successfully and apologize if there is anything in this mail or previous mails that are not the way Yahooshua would have done things.
Please consider what follows prayerfully and draw your own conclusions.
Warm regards and blessings
Shalom James, Only the Ruach can convince you of the Oneness of Elohim, not I. However, If Yahshua was just a mere man, then you and I will still die in our sins. Read Psalms 47: 7 1nd 15. It says and I paraphrase, " No Man can redeem his brother from the power of Death" and in verse 15" But Elohim will redeem you". Only our creator's life can pay/redeem us from our sins. No other being is worth enough to pay for the sins of mankind. Read in Col.2:9. Yahshua was fully Elohim. He is part of YHWH and even at the end of your Scriptures, in Revelation 22: 3 & 4 it talks about YHWH and the Lamb and HIS servants will serve HIM ( singular). However, if you believe that there are two Elohiom, then do yo say the Shema in Heb. 6:4. Also Read Deut.32:39, John 10:30, Isaiah 43: 10 & 11. Isaiah 41:4. There is only ONE. And only His blood couls redeem us. Read Acts 20: 28 and you will see that we were redeemed by Elohim's Blood. Your questions are all valid but be carefull that you are not limiting the unlimited infinite Elohim. He is Eyn Sof. He is able to do anything, He can be everywhere at the same time. Read John 8: 24 again my brother. Also realise that I can give you scripture upon scripture, and if the Ruach does not reveal it to you, then all I can suggest is what YHWH says Hmself in Deut.4 somewhere: 'If you search for YHWH with yor whole heart, you will find HIM'
From: Coetzee Jim
Hi Jim
Thank you for your feedback.
I notice that you refer to the oneness of "Mighty One" {Elohim} referring to the Almighty.
Elohim is a technical term that describes a "mighty one", it is used to describe various other mighty ones in addition to the Almighty and Yahooshua
-- it does not carry with it any indication of deity even though it is widely translated "God"
-- the problem is compounded because the scribes substituted elohim for Yah and Yahooeh before and after Babylon -- this is one of the sins that led to the Babylonian exile.
Some other thoughts in response to your points:
Did the lamb of Passover in Egypt have any power to protect the children of Israel?
It was the obedience of the children of Israel by FAITH that protected them.
Does Yahooshua himself have any power to protect those who believe through the covenant made by him with the Almighty on the stake?
Only the authority that he was given AFTER his death as a consequence of his obedience and the fulfillment of what was given when Passover was instituted.
Does the blood of Yahooshua carry any mystical power?
Only through the prophetic symbolism of the sacrifices (sin offerings) set up by the Almighty through Moses at Sinai and fulfilled by Yahooshua. This symbolism is executed by the Spirit of the Almighty and the legions of messengers {angels} of the Kingdom who officiate over the affairs of the Kingdom as legal officers who act in response to instructions given in the name of Yahooshua.
There is no mysticism associated with Yahooshua or with the covenant.
It is a series of legal steps taken to regain dominion of the earth from Satan on a legal basis coupled with diverse prophetic and symbolic acts which form part of this legal basis.
In all that we do we are interacting between the spirit realm and the physical realm -- most of what we are advised to do as ordinances of the faith are primarily relevant in the spirit realm for our protection.
I DO understand that one can construct any number of arguments in support of the deity of Yahooshua -- I used to subscribe to many of them, I even preached some of them, I even "led people to salvation" based on some of them.
Eventually the Almighty spoke to me very clearly in a way that I could not ignore and made it clear to me that Yahooshua was one of my brothers, a created human being and NOT the Almighty.
It took me years of praying and seeking to come to the point I am now where I am willing to write with confidence that Yahooshua is NOT the Almighty and is NOT in any way any form of deity.
I can't prove this to you and can only suggest that you pray and ask the Almighty for guidance and then leave it.
I don't have a need to persuade you, or anyone else of this, I understand it to be a matter of personal choice resulting from a personal relationship with the Almighty.
I know that many of these things have taken me years to get to grips with and I expect that it will take others a long time as well.
A key question that helped me to get to this point is "why is there so much division in the body of believers?"
The short answer -- "because we believe so many lies" -- many of which relate to the deity of Jesus, the names and everything that goes with it.
I hope this helps.
Thank you once again for your feedback.
Warm regards and blessings

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