2004.09.1.08. What Is The Word Of The Almighty? Created by James3 on 8/24/2019 8:19:55 PM What Is The Word Of The Almighty?
Previous articles have addressed the question of whether the bible is the "Word of the Almighty" [word of Yah the eternally self existing]* and without error and asserted that it is NOT "THE WORD" and that it contains error. The bible is NOT the exhaustive or only words of the Almighty. NOT everything in the book is inspired by the Almighty and the book contains errors.
This raises the question "what IS the word of the Almighty?"
This article seeks to address this from various perspectives including examining what the bible IS and what other words written and spoken by men and those spoken by the Almighty through men are.
Feedback on previous articles suggests that some have concluded that by saying that the "bible" is NOT the "Word of the Almighty" and that it contains errors I am in some way saying that the book {bible} is not important and am advocating some other belief system.
In order to clarify I would like to mention that I have a low key project to produce a version of the writings in the Protestant bible with Strong's numbers which is intended to correct those errors of translation that I understand to be most critical and least widely acknowledged. In other words, I regard the book known as the "bible" as the principal resource of information about Yah the eternally self existing (the Almighty) and His Kingdom and way of doing things, the meaning of life, etc. I simply do NOT regard the book as THE WORD and without error.
For many years I DID believe the book was entirely the "Word of the Almighty" and was without error but eventually the Almighty started to reveal what is reported in this document.
To the extent that I am saying FIRST seek the Almighty and His Spirit and His Way of doing things (His Kingdom) and SECOND read what there is to read, I AM advocating a different belief system to that adopted by some. In other words, I am saying that one's intellect and reading a book, will not lead one to the Almighty. Proving the "bible" true does not lead one to the Almighty, it leads one to pride in one's intellect. Answered prayer about the writings IN the book {bible} MAY lead one to the Almighty IF one is open to the answers.
It is the Spirit of the Almighty that leads us to Him. His Spirit MAY use the writings in the book or may use other ways. The book IS frequently used by Him.
Recognizing that one's own intellect will lead one away from the Almighty and that one is incapable of fathoming the ways of the Almighty without His guidance is one of the most important steps in my experience to starting to understand what is contained in the collection of texts commonly labelled "bible".
The book {bible} contains a selection of writings which contain the essence of much of what we need to know to draw closer to the Almighty. However, the texts are only pointers and are frequently veiled or obscure. In addition the body of texts DOES contain errors.
None of this is cause for concern PROVIDED one recognizes that we do not exist to serve the book, the book exists to serve us and WE exist to serve the Almighty. Thus the book is a tool, an aid, in a sense a crutch, to assist us to draw closer to the Almighty IF WE CHOOSE.
In this respect the book known as the bible IS important. However, insofar as the essence of loving the Almighty with all our heart, mind, soul and strength is not an intellectual matter but a heart matter, the book is not as important as many make it out to be. Yet it IS very important as a resource. This "IS important but NOT important" paradox is one of the many essential paradoxes of the ways of the Almighty and the spiritual versus the physical realm.
Understanding the essence of this paradox and recognizing that the paradox exists and is inherent in our service of the Almighty is an essential component of learning to know Him, to love Him and to serve Him.
In a sense, what this article is saying is that the bible is NOT the word of the Almighty in the sense frequently applied and that it is therefore much LESS important than is implied by assuming it IS the word of the Almighty. On the other hand I would suggest to you that many of the texts in the collection referred to as "the bible" are far MORE important than most people consider them to be gauged by their actual application of the book and what is contained therein.
There are innumerable sects, denominations and divisions in the body of believers and this results in large measure from people applying their intellect to the "word of God" which they hold to be immutable and which they claim to have the only valid revelation of. In the process they ignore clear verses because intellectually they cannot resolve all the apparent ambiguities and complexities and settle for gross over simplification.
This can only be overcome when people STOP worshipping the book and stop worshipping other men's interpretation of the book and turn to the Creator Himself.
If the bible IS THE WORD of the Almighty then that presents a number of serious problems.
Firstly, the book itself states that it is incomplete, consider Colossians 4:16 "And when this epistle is read among you, cause that it be read also in the church of the Laodiceans; and that ye likewise read the epistle from Laodicea." (KJV)
IF the book is ALL inspired by the Almighty and is without error then we are COMMANDED to read the epistle from Laodicea. That letter is NOT in the canon of Protestant "scripture" (inspired writing) and therefore the book is incomplete and all are being disobedient in not reading it. Furthermore, those who compiled the book have made a grave error by omitting this letter, assuming they knew where to get hold of it.
There IS a publication that contains a letter purporting to be the missing letter but how does one know for sure whether it IS THE letter? Only the Almighty can tell us and IF the book is THE WORD, that is the complete word of what the Almighty has said and the Almighty has CEASED speaking as some believe then we have no way of finding out.
There are references in the bible to other books that are not included and which are subject to the same constraints.
Furthermore, the Protestant bible contains sixty six (66) books. IF it is fully inspired and complete, then there is widespread tradition that the Almighty uses numbers to speak to us and elaborate on His Word and in this tradition six (6) is the number of "man" and 66 therefore suggests that IF the original texts were indeed entirely the work of the Almighty then man has been tampering with it.
In a slightly different context, John 21:25 states "And there are also many other things which Yahooshua did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen." (KJV, name replaced)
Insofar as the accounts of the life of Yahooshua {Jesus} in the bible ARE inspired by the Almighty and insofar as Yahooshua was STRONGLY inspired by the Almighty, on what basis are the accounts of the rest of what Yahooshua did regarded as excluded from the book IF it is THE word? It seems clear on this basis as well that the bible is a collection of writings which, while basically comprehensive is NOT exhaustive.
In Him we live, and move and have our being (Acts 17:28).
The Almighty is all around us. He is all around the entire Universe. He encompasses and embraces and surrounds the entire creation and by His very existence we and the Universe are cradled and held together in perfect harmony.
Thus the Almighty is incomprehensibly larger than you or I or all of us put together.
It is really important to recognize this.
Any one human being can only understand a minute fraction of all that there is to know about the Almighty, about His ways, about this Universe, about creation, about life and about the mundane aspects of day to day existence.
Knowing the Almighty is NOT simply a matter of reading a book. The "book" {bible} only contains some basic pointers. Knowing the Almighty includes knowing whatever there is that we have been given to know.
If you are a carpenter then knowing trees and when and how to fell them and how to prepare them and how to work with wood and the tools to use and how to use them and the skills and techniques and the experience are ALL part of YOUR work in knowing the Almighty. Why do you think He created trees and created you with the ability to be a carpenter or whatever you are?
He wants to experience carpentry through you and He wants you to experience Him and His creation through carpentry. He is the best ... (carpenter, or whatever your occupation is) in the Universe. He is a more accomplished and skilled carpenter than all the carpenters who have ever lived YET He chose to experience carpentry through them.
The same applies to cleaners, sweepers, typists, bookkeepers, accountants, engineers, physicians, physicists, musicians, nuclear physicists, etc, etc. Insofar as any and all of those people at some level know truths about creation and are learning truths then what they say or write or think regarding these truths is originally given by the Almighty is therefore ALSO to some extent the word of the Almighty.
It does not matter if a person is a believer or not, at some level they have an experience of the Almighty and their experience is unique, cannot be taken from them and cannot be replicated.
The Almighty desires that ALL men may be saved and He speaks to all men through whatever means He chooses.
On a time basis eternity is inconceivably long relative to the life span of even the longest lived human being. Your life and my life are not even blips on the time line of eternity.
If one considers the infinitesimal fraction that one's life represents in terms of the overall physical extent of the Universe and the Almighty and the overall infiniteness of eternity relative to our own lives then it is easier to grasp how unwise it is to think that the "Word of the Almighty" can be limited to a few thousand pages.
Some essential concepts and principles are contained in the book {bible} but, for the rest, seek FIRST the Almighty and His way of doing things and His Spirit and seek to be led by Him! In doing this be taught by His Spirit remembering that Yahooshua cautioned us that the Spirit of the Almighty was to be our teacher and that we should call NO MAN "teacher" or "Rabbi" (Matthew 23:8).
All believers are one body.
Because it is ONLY by all believers operating together, inspired by the Spirit of the Almighty, that we can begin to collectively operate together at a level which at some degree will begin to approximate the complexity and enormity of the Almighty.
Each person in the body will perform some minute component of the function of the whole body, comparable to the individual cells in the human body. Each is unique, many are similar but there are numerous categories of cells. So it is with the body of the anointing of the Spirit of the Almighty {body of Christ}.
Once more this indicates that the contents of the book known as the bible represent an infinitesimally small summation of all the communications between the Almighty and all of creation.
Yet the book contains vital pointers to the essence of what is necessary for a person to qualify to spend eternity in this life and ALSO the essence of what is required to overcome to the end and qualify for a high throne for eternity.
So the book is NOT important but it is VERY important.
The Almighty is able to communicate clearly with ANY human being who chooses to listen and respond but it is easier to start with a written document and therefore it is orders of magnitude easier for most people to work with the book {bible}. In doing so it is vital to be aware that the book contains error and is NOT all inspired and is NOT complete and that this is intended to be that way and that is "O.K."!
The Almighty WANTS a personal relationship with you and with me and with every other person on the planet who has ever lived and will ever live. It is our choice to worship Him or worship the book, we cannot do both.
There is a tradition that the words of the Almighty have SEVENTY FACETS which are likened to the facets of a diamond.
In other words, the richness of the words the Almighty speaks is enormous and thus seventy people can read the same text or hear the same message and receive different interpretations each of which is immediately and directly applicable to them. These different interpretations may seem to conflict but may simply represent different views of subjects that are far more complex than is realised.
In the writers experience it is certainly possible for a number of people to have such an experience and it therefore seems possible that this tradition COULD be valid.
Irrespective of the validity of this tradition, application of intellect alone will never grasp the fullness of what is in the book, let alone all that the Almighty speaks to us. This is why regular reading with the spirit NOT the mind of different versions and translations of the bible is really important.
In considering what follows, it is important to remember that there are only a few occasions where it is documented that the Almighty spoke audibly to a large group of people.
He spoke several times about Yahooshua but only to confirm that Yahooshua WAS THE "anointed one" {Christ} who fulfilled certain prophecies and, as such, was the Son of the Father.
There is only one record that I know of where the Almighty audibly spoke to millions of people regarding certain key principles for life, that was at Mount Sinai. Furthermore, the Almighty wrote those words with His own finger in STONE.
Thereafter the PEOPLE requested that the Almighty no longer speak directly to them and the Almighty agreed to this.
Thus, if one defines the Word of the Almighty as words which He has audibly spoken before a group of witnesses then there are VERY FEW words of the Almighty. On this basis the ten words or commandments given at Sinai are evidently the most important words of the Almighty by a substantial margin, as evidenced by the Almighty writing them in stone.
If one defines the Word of the Almighty as words which He has physically written down then it appears that "the word" is reduced to ten commandments written on two pieces of stone.
Insofar as Hebrew scholars state that the ten commandments are only ten words then in literal terms the written word of the Almighty amounts to the ten commandments as ten words on two pieces of stone.
Thus at an absolute level of avoiding ambiguity one can argue that the literal "word of Yah" is those ten words or commandments.
Irrespective of how one interprets the word "word" there should be no disagreement on this.
Yet there is ENORMOUS disagreement on the application of these words.
In fact, it seems to me that most of the time the argument about "is the bible the word of the Almighty" is about interpretation of the word "word".
Conventional English usage includes the phrases "the written word" and "the spoken word". These phrases are NOT related to the Almighty, they are general English usage.
This document constitutes what is generally referred to as "the written word".
By attaching religious significance to the word "word" it takes on a significance that the language does not contain. Examination of Strong's dictionary and Hebrew and Greek Lexicons confirms this.
Consider the word "word" in Genesis 15:4 "And, behold, the word of Yah the eternally self existing {the LORD} came unto him, saying, This shall not be thine heir; but he that shall come forth out of thine own bowels shall be thine heir." (KJV, name adjusted) and in Psalm 107:20 "He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions." (KJV)
In both cases the word "word" is allocated Strong's number 1697 dabar (daw-baw'); which is derived from the word which is allocated Strong's number 1696; and is summarised as "a word; by implication, a matter (as spoken of) or thing; adverbially, a cause:"
The various translations of the word/s to which Strong's number 1697 is allocated in the King James Version include "act, advice, affair, answer, X any such (thing), because of, book, business, care, case, cause, certain rate, + chronicles, commandment, X commune (-ication), + concern [-ing], + confer, counsel, + dearth, decree, deed, X disease, due, duty, effect, + eloquent, errand, [evil favouredness-], + glory, + harm, hurt, + iniquity, + judgment, language, + lying, manner, matter, message, [no] thing, oracle, X ought, X parts, + pertaining, + please, portion, + power, promise, provision, purpose, question, rate, reason, report, request, X (as hast) said, sake, saying, sentence, + sign, + so, some [uncleanness], somewhat to say, + song, speech, X spoken, talk, task, + that, X there done, thing (concerning), thought, + thus, tidings, what [-soever], + wherewith, which, word, work." (Strong's dictionary as included in PC Study Bible 2.1 G from Biblesoft)
The word to which Strong's number 1696 is allocated and from which 1697 is derived is "dabar (daw-bar');" which is elaborated on as "a primitive root; perhaps properly, to arrange; but used figuratively (of words), to speak; rarely (in a destructive sense) to subdue:"
This word is translated in the King James Version as "answer, appoint, bid, command, commune, declare, destroy, give, name, promise, pronounce, rehearse, say, speak, be spokesman, subdue, talk, teach, tell, think, use [entreaties], utter, X well, X work." (Strong's Dictionary)
Such diversity of meaning for the Hebrew does not support attaching some highly specific religious meaning to the word "word". Similar comments apply to the Greek texts {New Testament}.
The Hebrew Lexicon in the On-Line Bible (http://www.onlinebible.net) reports the following counts for Strong's number 1697 "word 807, thing 231, matter 63, acts 51, chronicles 38, saying 25, commandment 20, misc 204; 1439".
The Hebrew word sometimes translated "word" is clearly more complex than the word "word" and again there does not appear to be a sound basis to support the common Christian interpretation relating to the bible being "the word of the Almighty".
There is therefore no basis to conclude that the word "word" takes on some particular mystical / magical significance when applied to the Almighty and to words that He inspires men to speak or write.
A well know British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) radio programme many years ago was titled "My Word" which was a pun on the English exclamation "my word!". The phrase "my word" also occurs in common English usage in the form of "I give you my word" and "my word is my bond". These usages are directly comparable to "my word" as applied by the Almighty, the words spoken by the Almighty ARE binding and exact.
It is important to recognize that the words spoken by the Almighty ARE precise and exact. The tendency of people today to coin their own meanings for words is NOT pleasing to the Almighty.
In the remainder of this article the emphasis is on interpreting the manner in which humans record what the Almighty says as distinct from a semantic analysis of the writings.
In the article 1A1.04.09.04 "How Do We Hear The Almighty?" it was noted that the Almighty speaks to us "Spirit to spirit" and that our spirits must communicate with our consciousness through our soul and sub-conscious mind using what is contained in our memory to interpret the spiritual impulses.
As a consequence of spiritual contamination and psychological trauma as well as false teachings, what the Almighty communicates to the human spirit is at some level filtered and frequently corrupted.
Nothing that has been spoken or written by a man is free of at least cultural and learned linguistic bias. Yahooshua spoke Aramaic and spoke using Aramaic idiom, concepts, sentence construction, metaphor, etc thus what was spoken through him has a bias in favour of Aramaic.
This is a technical linguistic issue that does not say anything positive or negative about any person or language. It simply says that a person who speaks a particular language will find it easier to understand a speaker or writer who is communicating in their mother tongue and that translation is unlikely to be precise.
All these factors result in great complexity and difficulty in terms of how the Almighty communicates to us, even when He speaks to us personally.
One of the reasons the Almighty uses parables, metaphors, allegory, visions, and dreams is to communicate with us past the learned mental linguistic barriers that are in place. Even then there are difficulties. If we have an ingrained picture of Yahooshua on a cross our minds may block any image that depicts Yahooshua on a stake EVEN if that is the image that is being communicated to us spiritually.
In this context Hebrew and Aramaic idiom is NOT necessarily the idiom of the Almighty. He applies mercy and grace to all people who turn to Him.
In what follows, it is assumed that the essential meaning of "the word of the Almighty" as it is applied by most believers relates to communication that is considered to originate from the Almighty and, by implication, communication which is INSPIRED and 100% accurate, reliable and dependable.
From consideration of the factors in the article 1A1.04.09.04 "How Do We Hear The Almighty?" the only way that such communication could take place would be for the Almighty to speak verbally Himself or by His Spirit through a person in a language unknown to the speaker BUT even then we may be unable to hear Him. Furthermore, after He spoke at Sinai, the people requested that He refrain from doing this in future.
The reason prophets are martyred is because people are unable to recognize the Almighty when He speaks through people because they filter what they read, hear and observe through their mental programming and linguistic, cultural bias and prejudice or as a consequence of outright rebellion.
Thus, we are left with the reality that however the Almighty speaks to us what we "hear" WILL be filtered and corrupt at some level.
Following are some specific attributes of communication that I have come to understand are inherently assumed when people speak of "the word of the Almighty". These attributes and assumptions are inherent in beliefs about the bible and about words spoken through third parties AND words that people believe the Almighty to have spoken to them. Yet they represent continua of concept which it is important to recognize and take account of in evaluating ANY communication from ANY source.
It is automatically assumed that IF something is the "word of the Almighty" it is automatically 100% inspired.
As noted in the article on hearing the Almighty the reality is that our own spirit, the spirit's of humans around us, the spirits of Satanic messengers {angels} and the spirits of demons are ALL creating "noise" - spiritual "sounds" that are being injected into our spirit's simultaneously with the messages that we may receive from the Spirit of the Almighty and from His messengers.
The closer a person is to the Almighty and the more sanctified (set-apart) they are and the more sanctified the environment where they are situated, the less hostile noise there will be and therefore the more likely they are to be inspired by the Almighty.
It is also entirely possible to be "inspired" by a demonic spirit or Satanic messenger. A person who is demon possessed, that is a person who has invited a demon to take residence within them in the same way that a believer invites the Spirit of the Almighty to reside in them, will be particularly likely to be inspired by the demon or demons.
Even if one has demons resident ON oneself as is the case with most and possibly all believers there will be times when one is inspired by demons rather than the Spirit of the Almighty.
Thus, there is a continuum of inspiration ranging from 100% inspired by the Almighty to 100% inspired by the forces of darkness with a neutral point of 0% inspiration where it is purely the flesh (mind and will) of the person that is speaking.
As a general principle, few human beings are 100% inspired by the Spirit of the Almighty much of the time. In reality it is likely that this only happens when a person speaks in "tongues" in a language they do not know as reported in Acts 2.
Critical examination of the bible will indicate that there are at least the passages referred to in the article 1A1.04.09.03 "The Bible is NOT the Word of Yahooeh" which were NOT inspired at all.
Inherent in the previous point is another dimension -- the extent to which a message given by the Almighty is accurately transmitted to the consciousness of a person and then accurately spoken out or written down.
It is easier for the Almighty to speak through a person who it totally "yielded" to Him as at some level it then becomes possible for the Spirit of the Almighty to say and do things through that person which do not require the conscious compliance of that person. In such cases the accuracy of transmission will be higher.
This requires a person to "die to self".
A person who is entirely dead to self will transmit a message much more accurately than a person whose "flesh" is highly active.
Death to self is a choice and also something that takes time and conscious effort to achieve and which can be LOST at any time. It is a matter of seeking to subject one's will to the Almighty in everything and this requires conscious choices.
Even then, the message from the Spirit of the Almighty can be filtered by the person bringing the message and it is very difficult for the Almighty to communicate about something that person does not know or does not believe.
It is almost impossible for the Almighty to speak of "Yahooshua" if the mind of the person He is seeking to speak through has never heard the word "Yahooshua" or anything that resembles it or if the person associates that spiritual impulse with the English word "Jesus".
Thus, a person can be inspired but still NOT accurately transmit the message.
Thus there are components of the bible where the writer MAY have been operating under a high level of inspiration but in some cases the TRANSMISSION was NOT entirely accurate.
Thus, when the Almighty speaks through a Jew He appears to be a Jew, when He speaks through an Englishman He appears to be an Englishman because the transmission of the message is filtered through the conditioned reflexes, learned responses, mannerisms, culture, idiom, language, etc of the instrument that is being spoken through.
When a person is 100% inspired by the Almighty AND there is 100% accuracy of transmission then one can have an expectation that words spoken by the Almighty by are being delivered EXACTLY. However, even then they must still be read or heard accurately AND interpreted precisely for exact communication to occur.
To the extent that cultural and linguistic and other bias is present it is arguable that it is IMPOSSIBLE for the Almighty to speak through a human being absolutely without interference UNLESS the Almighty totally takes control of that human being.
Insofar as the Almighty has created us to make choices it is not likely that He will take total control very often and there are no indications that He DOES this very frequently or at all.
Accordingly, even at high levels of inspiration the Almighty chooses to be constrained by the vessel that He is speaking or acting through.
This is why He has provided the mechanisms in the covenant through Yahooshua for us to be led by His Spirit.
It is important to recognise that IF a person is at any moment in time 100% inspired and 100% yielded and there is 100% accuracy of transmission the resulting message WILL be 100% truth.
However, insofar as it seldom happens in practice that a person is entirely inspired, yielded and transmitting accurately it seldom happens that 100% accuracy is assured. It is possible that this has hardly ever happened in the history of mankind.
Paradoxically, it is possible for a person NOT to be inspired, NOT to be yielded and for there to be NO transmission from the Spirit of the Almighty AND YET to speak truth.
There are many truths that do not relate directly to matters of the Kingdom of the Almighty where there is NO REASON for the forces of darkness to interfere.
Thus one can be a brilliant physicist, chemist, engineer, physician, carpenter, bricklayer, or whatever and operate in a HIGH level of truth in one's area of expertise and for there to be NO inspiration whatsoever other than one's own intellectual efforts.
Thus TRUTH does NOT evidence level of inspiration or level of accuracy of transmission or level of yieldedness.
Thus, using truth as a test of whether a person is from the Almighty or not contains a serious problem.
Even in matters of the Almighty a person may know truth that they learned but which is NOT given to them by personal inspiration.
This is one of the major hidden traps of believing that the bible is the inerrant word of the Almighty. Just because someone uses their intellect to study the bible and learn and interpret what it says does NOT necessarily indicate that they are inspired, yielded or have a close relationship or even any relationship with the Almighty. Refer "The Final Quest" by Rick Joyner for examples.
Based on personal discussion with converted Satanists, it appears that practising Satanists generally have a much more thorough knowledge of the bible than most believers and they use this knowledge to plan their attacks on believers and to protect themselves from those serving the Almighty.
In other words, head knowledge that is NOT based on personal relationship with the Almighty is NOT of relevance when it comes to seeking salvation.
We must seek FIRST personal relationship with the Almighty, a personal infilling of His Spirit and seek truth THROUGH Him NOT seek truth without Him.
Taking this to the extreme, it is possible for a person to be 100% inspired by Satanic forces and demons and yet to speak TRUTH!
Note that it is as easy for a person to reach 100% demonic inspiration as to reach 100% inspiration by the Almighty. Both require exceptional personal commitment and active seeking and cooperation with the spirit concerned.
Frequently the Almighty speaks using parables or metaphors or images or allegory or other forms of speech which are not directly interpretable.
In many cases, as with the parables that Yahooshua used this provides a way in which something can be communicated simply that is in fact complex such as coming judgment and it also provides a way where concepts can be communicated in different languages with less likelihood of translation error. This approach also provides the Almighty with a metaphorical "hook" that He can use to communicate further with individual believers for the rest of this age. However, these same parables can be misused by human intellect and Satanic spirits to mislead people.
In other cases, particularly relating to prophesy, the Almighty does not make things clear because prophesy is primarily related to creating a legal context for future events that the Almighty is planning.
This is NOT a case of the Almighty as some mysterious puppeteer manipulating things, it IS a case of a war being fought between the forces of darkness allied with Satan and those serving the Almighty.
As a general principle it is not the intention of the Almighty for people to understand these prophecies before the time. He may reveal the interpretation to isolated individuals so that they can pray the prophesy into existence but in general the majority of people will only understand prophesy after it has been clearly fulfilled and even then this will require instruction by the Spirit of the Almighty.
This is particularly evident regarding Yahooshua. The High Priests, scribes, pharisees and many people in Israel were waiting for the "Messiah" the anointed one, the prophet like Moses, etc. However, they had applied their intellect and their understanding to what this person would be like and had not understood all the writings that spoke about him. Consequently they did not recognize Yahooshua and mocked him when they put him to death FULFILLING PROPHESY!
Even after his death and resurrection Yahooshua had to appear to his followers over a period of forty days to teach them how to interpret the writings about him. Accordingly, we should not be surprised at the wide variety of writings today which claim to interpret what is about to happen and which do not agree and which repeatedly do NOT come to pass.
In some cases the manifestation is spiritual and therefore not widely observed.
The words that the Almighty speaks are not just words, they are spiritual objects that have a depth that is MUCH GREATER than the words.
If we try and understand the words of the Almighty with our intellect we will miss much of what His words say.
Thus, words that are truly from the Almighty have life and power that is far beyond the text on the page or words "on the tongue". Accordingly, memorising words or memorising text at an intellectual level or even reading the text in inspired writings, such as many passages in the book {bible}, is not sufficient, they must be "imbibed" spiritually.
Notice that words spoken by human beings are also multi-dimensional and that the SAME words spoken with a different spirit can have different spiritual substance.
Thus if two people connect deeply emotionally and spiritually with clear eye contact where each is open to the other and both are feeling intense love and one says to the other "I love you" the person who receives that message will receive "I love you". However, IF the person sending the message is angry, resentful, insincere or whatever, and speaks out exactly the same words "I love you" then the person receiving the words will receive the message that is surrounding the words, the message in the eyes, the facial expression and body language, the tone of voice, the spirit to spirit communication.
The same will happen if the person who is receiving the message is blocking mentally or emotionally or spiritually or in some other way is not open to the message.
Thus words are a VERY SMALL part of communication in one respect and a very great part in another respect. This paradox is part of the entire paradox of the spiritual and physical realms. What is important in the spiritual realm seems unimportant in the physical and vice versa.
Thus a person who is filled with the Spirit of the Almighty can speak words which contain the life of the Almighty and a person who is NOT filled with the Spirit of the Almighty can speak the same words and they will be experienced as being without life.
In the same way, a person who is not filled with the Spirit will receive the same message very differently to one who is filled with the Spirit.
The spirit realm is amazingly complex and hardly understood at all in this age. This is another reason why academic debates on the "Word of God" are not helpful.
Seek FIRST the Kingdom of Yah, that is Yah's way of doing things, and His righteousness and THEN all the material things will be added unto you (Matthew 6:33).
We must FIRST have a personal encounter with the living Mighty One, Yah the Creator of the havens and the earth and CHOOSE to make him our sovereign {king} and master {lord} and THEN His Spirit will come to dwell in us and will assist us to find the way, to do His will, interpret the words that He speaks to us directly, through others, in written texts, etc.
It is by the Spirit of the Almighty WITHIN us and personal relationship WITH Him that we will come to imbibe that which is from Him in the book {bible} and in other books and writings and in other people.
He is all around us and speaking to us constantly through a myriad of different instruments not just one book. It is His prerogative to speak to us ANY WAY He chooses and it is only by His Spirit within us and an intense personal relationship that we will discern His voice and learn from Him.
This requires that we put aside our intellect and understanding and seek His Spirit and thereby His intellect and understanding, accepting that we will frequently NOT understand what He is saying or indicating until some time later.
Over and above the dimensions of knowledge referred to above, there are categories of knowledge that have a direct bearing on salvation and relationship with the Almighty and others which do not.
These categories apply to the bible as much as they apply to anything that any human being says or writes. The relative content of the following components will vary. A particular document or passage of writing or speech may contain one or more of the following components. It will always contain at least one.
Only some of these components have a direct bearing on salvation, that is the eternal destiny of each individual human being.
Thus, statements that the bible contains all the truth a person needs are misleading because they axiomatically are false at the level that people need secular knowledge that is not contained in the bible for their day to day lives.
It can be argued that embedded somewhere in the bible are most of the items of information that are required to serve the Almighty however even this is misleading. The practical reality is that what is contained in the bible comprises largely veiled indicators and high level concepts and pointers which require further guidance to apply.
Because these things are NOT inherently obvious or plain most people turn to teachers and the Almighty turns to parables, visions, etc.
Notwithstanding this the real answer is to turn FIRST to the Almighty to build relationship with Him and CONCURRENTLY to use the bible and other resources to gain knowledge as He leads.
The key element of the preceding paragraph is AS HE LEADS.
There are NO absolute rules about reading the Bible, memorising verses is of no use if those verses are not particularly relevant to that individual or if they are only gained intellectually and NOT spiritually.
Memorising verses in the sense of instilling them into the mind and spirit so the Spirit of the Almighty can use them later can be critical to a person's long terms survival. However few people have the capacity to consciously memorise the entire bible and there is much in the bible where there is likely to be little benefit in memorising it. In practise, conscious intellectual memorization of verses, chapters or the entire book is counter productive. We should rather partake of the living water, the Spirit behind the verses, so that the Spirit of the Almighty can bring them to remembrance as required.
There may be other knowledge and experience that is NOT contained in the bible that IS important to one individual but not to another.
Serving the Almighty is therefore filled with paradoxes and apparent contradictions. Something that has proved critical in the life of one believer may be irrelevant in the life of another or only relevant at a later date.
This is inherent in the parable of being a "body". What is important to the nail on the big toe on the right foot may be irrelevant to a hair in the left ear.
The magnitude and complexity of these things is so great that there is ABSOLUTELY NO POSSIBILITY of resolving these matters using our own intellect. The Almighty does NOT want us to do this. He wants us to TURN TO HIM in a deep revelation of our need for Him.
He wants us to make CHOICES relative to bringing our will into subjection to His Spirit.
He wants us to do this of our own free will.
He wants us to pray prayers for guidance and He wants us to follow His guidance.
He wants a DEEP personal relationship with each one of us.
He HAS allowed the writings in the bible to be preserved as a very important source of reference.
He has permitted the writings to contain obvious errors and omissions so that we will NOT depend on the book but turn to him in perplexity to seek HIM and His Spirit and His guidance and His WILL for OUR lives.
He has given us other people to help us hear Him -- part of the answer to our prayers will be that He will assemble a complex mosaic of other people who He speaks to us through from time to time BUT He still wants to be our primary and principal source!
He has given us the full complexity of marriage to learn about our relationship with Him -- "this is a great mystery but I speak concerning the Spirit of the Almighty and the body of believers" (Ephesians 5:32)
The Almighty has given us children, parents, siblings, wider family and society all as metaphors to help us to know Him and His ways provided we have eyes to see and ears to hear and ask questions and seek His face.
The following are broad categories of knowledge which embrace all available knowledge. Across all of these categories the full continuum of error, inspiration, accuracy of transmission and clarity or veiling applies. Some of these categories are relatively narrow and some are infinitely broad.
The ten commandments that have existed from the beginning of time and which were confirmed at Mount Sinai and written on the tablets of stone as described in Exodus and confirmed in Deuteronomy.
These are the ONLY words that are recorded as having been WRITTEN by the Almighty AND they were written in stone.
They have never changed and will never change.
They are intuitively sound and robust and at a profound fundamental level they require NO explanation IF we choose to serve the Almighty, put Him first, and form a close relationship with Him.
They are summarized in turn by two commandments - love Yah the eternally self existing with all your heart, mind, soul and strength AND your neighbour as yourself as stated in Deuteronomy 6:5, Leviticus 19:18, Matthew 22:37 and 39 and other verses.
This in turn is summarized further by "the just shall live by faith" as stated in Habakkuk 2:4, Romans 1:17, Galatians 3:11 and Hebrews 10:38. Faith embraces the very essence of being led by the Spirit of the Almighty in everything. This statement does NOT say that we are just if we live by faith but that IN ORDER to become just it is NECESSARY to live by faith. This is a JOURNEY and life style and NOT a decision.
Note that the just shall live by faith was NOT a new principle given to Habakkuk for the first time, it is a fundamental principle that was known at some level up to the time of Habakkuk that was so little known by that time that it was necessary for it to be written down. Mankind is NOT improving spiritually and in their knowledge of the Kingdom, they have been deteriorating exponentially since the time of Adam as they learn ALL EVIL.
Notice that if we love the Almighty with ALL our mind this requires that NO PART of our mind is exercising our own will contrary to the leading of the Spirit of the Almighty -- this simple statement is requiring us to give ourselves TOTALLY to the Almighty.
In critical essence this category is embraced by one statement then two statements and then ten statements.
Yet, in practical terms, even at the level of the writings about the commandments we encounter degrees of error, inspiration, etc.
The third of the ten commandments is reported in Exodus 20:7 as "Thou shalt not take the name of Yah the eternally self existing thy mighty one in vain; for Yah the eternally self existing will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain." (KJV, names replaced)
This seems clear and unambiguous yet a large proportion of the English translations and therefore associated translations in other languages refer to "the LORD your God". Even Jewish translations use "the LORD your God". Yet the Hebrew text is quite clear "Yahooeh your elohim" is the approximate transliteration of the Hebrew. There is NO REFERENCE to "Baal your Gad" where Baal and Gad are pagan blasphemous demonic deities. "Baal your Gad" is an approximate conversion of the English "the LORD your God" into Hebrew.
Thus, in the vast majority of bibles in this one verse alone relating to one of the ten CORE commandments we find enormous error and at least originally at some point inspiration by Satanic or demonic spirit agencies.
Taken literally, "the LORD your God", that is "Baal your Gad" is in NO WAY speaking of the Almighty and therefore an absolutely literal consideration of the above verse as it is contained in many translations is 100% error and originally at least 100% Satanic inspiration since Baal and Gad are basically aliases referring to Satan. They are Satanic and demonic principalities.
Thus an extremely clear and unambiguous commandment is converted into something that is completely erroneous.
Similar remarks apply to many of the commandments. The fourth commandment is clear, "remember the seventh day", yet the entire world has been told that Yahooshua changed the Sabbath to the first day of the week. In other words, Yahooshua converted the seventh day of the week into the first day. This is a fundamental contradiction of the commandment. It does NOT specify the Sabbath it specifies the SEVENTH day. The last day of the week. Why rest on the first day of the week? How did the seventh day get converted into the first day without the whole world noticing? What happened to the missing day? Bottom line, the Sabbath is STILL the seventh day of the week, that is Saturday.
There have been other articles relating to these topics and the objective is not to address these aspects comprehensively at this point. Accordingly the other obvious breaches of the ten commandments will not be addressed here. What is important to note is that millions who claim that the "bible is the Word of God" and "without error" do NOT do what the bible says in terms of these basic commandments.
AND they offer any number of excuses for their error and their grievous insensitivity towards our loving Heavenly Father.
Note that the truths of the commandments can just as well be spoken by unbelievers and can be spoken by Satan or his servants and then twisted in any number of ways including but by no means limited to the examples above.
What is contained in the book {bible} in terms of the core commandments in the original Hebrew appears to be accurate although there ARE discrepancies between Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5 which do not appear to be material other than to evidence that at least one of these passages does NOT constitute a verbatim transcript of what was spoken by the Almighty, thereby evidencing that even at this most fundamental level we cannot place entire reliance on the writings of men.
The second category of content relates to amplification and explanation of the commandments.
There are a significant number of passages, particularly in Exodus, Numbers, Leviticus and Deuteronomy which relate to amplification and explanation of the commandments.
Thus Leviticus 18 and 20 and Deuteronomy 22, Numbers 5 and other chapters contain verses that in various ways amplify and explain the application of the seventh commandment, "do not commit adultery".
These verses, together with others, make it clear that the state commonly referred to today as "marriage" comes into existence when a man takes the virginity, that is sexually perforates the hymen, of a woman. Everything else is adultery unless the woman is a true widow or the Almighty makes a specific exception for divorce. Note that Yahooshua clarified and constrained Deuteronomy 24 regarding divorce.
The above passages also indicate that there are certain relationships where sexual intercourse, that is marriage, is also prohibited. These relate to specific family relationships.
Inherent in these definitions is an axiomatic conclusion that since the Almighty created women with hymens and since a man can perforate the hymen of more than one woman, the Almighty designed and intended mankind for men to marry more than one wife and therefore it is axiomatically the WILL and word of the Almighty that this is so.
Yet most of the people who claim the bible to be the word of the Almighty and without error believe otherwise and enormous suffering and loss of salvation results amongst millions who are nominally believers as well as in the world at large.
There is a very limited part of the entire book {bible} that deals with the amplification and explanation of the essential commandments.
A significant portion of what Yahooshua taught was confirmation and reiteration of these points. He did NOT change any of them.
There is much that is written by men under this heading and, as with the previous category, this subject can be addressed in the full range of truth and error, Yah given inspiration and Satanic inspiration, etc.
The seventh commandment, adultery, is another example where the vast majority of those who claim that the "bible is the Word of God" and "without error" ignore plain language and resort to all forms of excuses, explanations and other demonically inspired lies to justify enforced monogamy and the adultery that results as being in some way "God's best" where, indeed in this case "God" is NOT referring to Yah the eternally self existing.
The Father says that more souls have been condemned to the lake of fire and will be condemned to the lake of fire as a consequence of the heresies around the seventh commandment than possibly all the other commandments put together. Once a man and woman have joined together and then gone separate ways with other sexual partners the spiritual turmoil that results is time consuming and complex to resolve.
Much of what is contained in the book {bible} in the category of amplification and explanation appears to be accurate and appears to be inspired, however, the English translations have obscured this at various levels.
A significant component of the writings in the book {bible} relate to case law relative to the application of the commandments.
There are many reports of how people have applied the commandments or failed to apply the commandments and the consequences of these actions. There are also examples of corrective measures.
Much of the history of the nation of Israel contains case law of how the Almighty views and responds to those who break the commandments.
This case law is as relevant today as ever although the judgments that result in this age are more spiritual and less obvious than those that occurred in the first four thousand years of mankind. These changes from physical to spiritual are NOT as a consequence of the contract (covenant) through Yahooshua as widely claimed, they are as a consequence of the progressive spiritual deterioration of mankind which required another (new) and stronger contract with greater provisions for those who choose to live by faith.
In interpreting this case law, as with all other components, the assistance of the Spirit of the Almighty is essential in order to correctly discern the application of the commandments and the application of the case law to a particular situation.
Building up enormous bodies of supplementary law interpreted by human beings, as has been done by certain groups, is not helpful and turns people away from seeking the Almighty.
Only the Almighty knows all the facts of a situation and therefore only the Almighty can judge justly.
Some of the teachings of Yahooshua were forms of case law, sometimes through the use of parables.
The body of case law is as large as all the judgments that have been passed in the Court of Heaven, in other words, it is infinite and NO human being can reasonably purport to have a full understanding of case law. They CAN seek a close relationship with the Almighty and His guidance insofar as any commandment or any case record has a bearing on their particular circumstances.
Much of what is contained in the book {bible} in the category of case law appears to be accurate and appears to be inspired, however, the English translations have obscured this at various levels. These passages may to some extent be veiled by Hebrew and Aramaic idiom, culture and bias on the part of the writers.
There are certain passages that inform us about the Day of Judgment, Heaven, the lake of fire, etc.
Notably a large proportion of the most explicit passages relating to this subject were taught by Yahooshua or by those who came after Yahooshua.
It is therefore extremely unwise for those who purport to seek the protection of the covenant [contract] entered into between the Almighty and Yahooshua, Yahooshua acting on behalf of mankind, to suggest that judgment does not apply to believers.
On the contrary, it is written that judgment will BEGIN in the house of Yah the eternally self existing, that is the body of believers (1 Peter 4:17).
The essential message of the book known as "Revelation" is that we will all be judged, that believers must overcome to the end and that those who do not overcome will have their names blotted out of the book of life. Yahooshua repeatedly warned of this in parables about goats and sheep, wheat and tares, wise and foolish virgins, etc.
The destiny or end of age category of written material in the book {bible} is a vital component of balancing messages of the love of the Almighty with messages about the wrath or judgment of the Almighty. Much of the historical writings in the book indicate that the Almighty has a VERY LOW tolerance for sin. Yet modern believers seem to think that they can get away with any number of errors and heresies with no fear for and no respect for the coming judgment and the lake of fire and no apparent desire to overcome and sit on a high throne.
As with the other categories writings on this subject can cover the full spectrum of truth and error.
Much of what is contained in the book {bible} in this category appears to be accurate and appears to be inspired and quite clear. Yet frequently this component is disregarded or distorted as a consequence of wrong beliefs.
There are many passages in the book {bible} of history many of these overlap with amplification of the commandments and case law and there appear to be recurrent patterns which are believed by many to also give an indication of future events.
To the extent that the behaviour of Satan and human beings tends to be repetitive, making the same mistakes in following generations, these patterns may indeed be present. To the extent that they are widely assumed to portray the Almighty as a puppet master who is controlling our lives in minute detail in order to achieve a predetermined outcome this belief is blasphemous.
The history contained in the book constitutes a minute fraction of the history of the parties who are reported in the book and an infinitesimal part of entire human history.
Much of what is contained in the book {bible} in this category appears to be accurate. Since it is history there is no need for inspiration for it to be accurate. Insofar as much of the history does contain interpretation of why things happened and warnings from the Almighty, it appears that much of this material in the book may well be inspired and that the selection of material that is recorded is inspired. This is less certain and less necessary than in the previous categories.
Most of these passages do, however, contain judgmental language and local idiom which may well represent personal opinion or cultural bias on the part of the writer. This is supported by the differences of situational interpretation and language between writers. This is particularly noticeable in the writings in the books up to and including Malachi and after Malachi in the sequence encountered in the most widely distributed Protestant bibles and many others.
There is also a considerable body of general and other legal information in the form of guidelines, supplementary law and covenants (contracts).
These include many of the teachings of Yahooshua and those who came after him (followed him).
Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy in particular contain guidelines, supplementary law and covenants relating specifically to the covenants through Adam, Noah, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Israel) and ministered through Moses (Moshe).
There are numerous covenants up to that point and further covenants with Aaron, David (the king) and others which created the context and legal basis for Yahooshua to live the life he lived and die the death he died in order to institute a FURTHER covenant as another building block towards defeating Satan and his followers.
Together with this there is a very substantial body of teaching in the book {bible} relating to the Spirit of the Almighty, the spirit realm, how to walk in the anointing of the Spirit of the Almighty, etc.
A substantial portion of this teaching in the book is confused by the use of the words "Christ" and "Messiah" both of which are not accurate reflections of the concept of anointing with the Spirit of the Almighty, the anointed of Yah, etc that are actually reported using the words translated as "Christ".
These errors cause considerable confusion in the world today with the result that most believers have completely wrong ideas about "Christ" and "Jesus" or "Messiah" and "Yahooshua" instead of understanding that the anointing that was upon Yahooshua is available to ALL who call on the Name of Yah the eternally self existing in the name of Yahooshua [Yah is salvation / the salvation of Yah / Yah save].
There is also a large body of MODERN teaching in this area where the Almighty has been teaching the current and recent generations about Himself, about His Spirit, about the gifts of His Spirit, etc. This is necessary partly because the information was not as important two thousand years ago and partly because Satan used men to conceal and destroy many of the written records.
For this reason the belief in a "canon of scripture" which is CLOSED is a very dangerous lie. There is no basis to assert that in this most depraved and evil of all generations with the highest level of Satanic and demonic activity the world has ever known that the Almighty has ceased speaking to His people or ceased speaking through His people.
There is also absolutely NO BASIS to assert that the Almighty cannot build on the revelation given thus far or that He cannot give NEW revelation that is appropriate to the war that is currently being waged in the heavenlies and in the spirit realm.
This body of knowledge is being added to daily. Because of the extremely weak spiritual condition of the ENTIRE population of mankind today these writings and messages are frequently corrupt at a significant level in terms of modern age cultural bias and distortion. This distortion results from wrong beliefs and teachings, from the current level of spiritual "noise" and from the current level of hardening of the heart and psychological damage.
Consequently the level of error and the level of demonic and Satanic inspiration diluting the truth from the Almighty and inspiration by His Spirit in the area of general law is very considerable.
Every believer is therefore strongly advised to seek FIRST the Almighty and His Spirit and His Way of doing things and His guidance BEFORE placing much reliance on what human beings have to say or write.
There ARE inspired writings and messages but they are seldom if ever 100% pure and, as stated before, this is NOT an issue provided we cease looking to men and TURN TO THE ALMIGHTY!
Since a covenant is simply a legal contract in the Court of Heaven, there is no limit to the number of contracts the Almighty can make with human beings. He is only constrained by previous contracts He has made with a particular bloodline.
In particular, it is my current understanding that the Almighty made a specific contract with Adam and Eve that the seed (singular) of the woman would bruise the head of the serpent and therefore that contact could ONLY be fulfilled by ONE man. It is my understanding that this contract was fulfilled through Yahooshua as the culmination of a succession of progressive contracts made by the Almighty with an increasingly narrowly defined bloodline.
Thus Israel were the legal recipients of the fulfilment of that contract and are therefore LEGALLY OBLIGED to make the terms of that contract available to all human beings. The contract makes provision for adoption by faith and the contract in and through the name of Yahooshua, who is the signatory to the contract, is therefore available to ALL human beings.
This does NOT obligate other human beings through other blood lines to adhere to this contract, in reality the legal obligation stops at Yahooshua because he had no children and there is therefore NO descendant blood line. The contract is ONLY available through faith in the covenant with the Almighty, Yah the eternally self existing.
IF the Almighty chooses to enter into another contract with another blood line, such as with Ishmael through Muhammed, He is entirely at liberty to do so and the only requirement is that the covenant is legally congruent with the contracts with previous generations of THAT bloodline.
Whatever is recorded about that contract will be filtered through cultural bias, language, limitations of the person used as an instrument by the Almighty to speak through, bias of the people who recorded, transcribed and translated the original message. Thus, the Quran is no more likely to be the 100% inerrant, 100% inspired word of the Almighty than the Bible, even though the word "quran" is effectively equivalent to "scripture".
Calling something "scripture" does NOT make it without error and inspired, "scripture" is an opinion expressed by human beings, who, as we have seen, are highly prone to error.
Insofar as the covenant through Yahooshua is the MOST POWERFUL contract and could ONLY be entered into ONCE it is highly desirable for ALL people to be informed of and offered an opportunity to participate in that contract.
However, there is no obligation on those who are currently not party to that contract to seek to participate in it. It WOULD be easier for them but it is NOT a legal requirement.
The OBLIGATION rests with those who are aware of the covenant and have CHOSEN to participate in the covenant to publish the contract widely and to INVITE others to participate in the contract to THEIR benefit.
There are several broad categories of forecasting or prophesy in the book and they should be interpreted and viewed differently. Prophesy is distinct from factual statements regarding the planned end of the age and associated warnings and objectives including the terms and conditions of the Judgment. These terms and conditions and objectives were already defined by the Almighty by the time mankind was created.
There are short term prophecies that were reported, recorded and fulfilled during the period in which the texts contained in the book were recorded. Many of these relate to specific people or nations with primarily emphasis on the nations of the "Middle East".
There are STILL prophecies being given and fulfilled on a daily basis in this age.
There are medium term prophecies of which the most significant are those that relate to the coming of an anointed one who would bruise the head of the serpent and provide the legal basis for mankind to regain dominion over the earth. To the extent that believers have not regained dominion over the earth, part of these prophecies have not yet been fulfilled.
There are long term prophecies which have yet to be fulfilled and which are the most relevant to us today in terms of a discussion of the "book".
Many of these prophecies were fulfilled by the coming of Yahooshua, others will be fulfilled IF he returns to bring judgment on the earth.
These prophecies constitute statements of intended direction by the Almighty. However, since the Almighty gave all authority on earth to Adam and Adam submitted to Satan thereby transferring authority to Satan, these intended events must be brought to pass by human beings. They do this by exercising authority in the name of Yahooshua [the salvation of Yah] since Yahooshua regained authority and then delegated it to those who call on his name.
NONE of these prophecies will be fulfilled if there are not human beings to pray them into existence, issue commands, etc and the ONLY basis for a human being to do this at the level of the overall global and universal battle against the forces of Satan is prayer in the NAME OF YAHOOSHUA. "Jesus" is NOT effective because it is NOT the name of the one who lived a sinless life and was therefore entitled to immediate resurrection and authority over the forces of darkness and over the entire world.
In order for the forces of darkness to triumph and, contrary to popular belief it is POSSIBLE for them to triumph, human beings must operate in terms of the laws and guiding principles and commandments and covenants of the Almighty AND live the life they are commanded to live AND be filled with the Spirit of the Almighty.
The essence of being a believer who makes a DIFFERENCE today is to yield to the Almighty in such a way that He can LIVE THROUGH YOU. Are you seeking to be in this position, if not, why not?
Prophecies, by their nature are frequently veiled, use metaphor and allegory, are disjoint and spoken in components or modules through different prophets and are NOT intended for general revelation until AFTER they have been fulfilled other than to give general indications for prayer and to give specific direction to a small number of prophets who pray and act to give effect to those prophecies. These prophets will receive greater revelation and it will frequently be given to them on a "top secret, general officer commanding orders" basis. Such prophets will NOT talk about or publish what they have been told or shown UNLESS specifically commanded to do so by the Almighty and, in general, indications are that this will not frequently happen.
Where it does happen it is likely to be associated with clear CALLS TO ACTION, either prayer and intercession or repentance, or similar. Repentance and self examination are likely to be central indications of such a prophetic call to action.
Messages that do not include this component may be part of a message being delivered through several prophets or they may be indications of prophets who are not themselves sufficiently cleansed {sanctified} or who are imposing cultural or other bias on the message or filtering it to a greater or lesser extent as outlined in the message 1A1.04.09.04 "How Do We Hear The Almighty?"
Many statements in terms of promises of blessing and cursing are conditional on behaviour. If a person or nation corrects wrong behaviour a warning or curse may never be executed and if a person or nation turns from correct behaviour a blessing may never be received.
This same bias and filtering is evident in many of the historical accounts and may be evident in the reasons given for judgments resulting in historical events.
Thus, there are some important prophecies in the book {bible} and we may not know they are there until the life to come and there is absolutely NO reason why the Almighty cannot speak further after the completion of the texts in the book.
There is NO reason why there cannot be further prophecies. There is also no reason why any particular person or group should know of any particular prophesy UNLESS the Almighty CHOOSES to inform that person or group for reasons that are entirely at the discretion of the Almighty in terms of His relationship with that individual or group. In such cases it is the responsibility of the person or group to hear the message. History indicates that this seldom occurs. This is not a matter of the Almighty as a devious puppeteer, it is a matter of the way humans and Satan forces repeatedly interact in similar patterns that the Almighty is calling us to break out of.
In addition to the above categories of information which particularly have a bearing on our ability to serve the Almighty and achieve what we are called to do and live lives that are pleasing to the Almighty, there is an infinite body of other information of a "technical" nature.
By technical I mean information that describes how things work or why things happen, etc. This includes all the practical information relating to engineering, science, medicine and every other field of human endeavour from the most basic to the most complex.
Insofar as it is factual and actual the term "technical" is used to embrace it.
The capacity for us to learn more is beyond anything we can conceive, the complexity of the Universe and the complexity of an individual atom and everything in between is immense.
Almost NONE of this information is contained in the book {bible} and most of what is there is available by inference rather than direct statement.
In addition to information relating to the physical realm there is a comparable body of knowledge relating to the spiritual realm. Much of this directly impacts our ability to serve the Almighty and to overcome in this life. Various messages on the ETI (End Time Issues) email list have discussed aspects of this. This message falls into this category.
The field of psychology alone demonstrates the enormous complexity of information relating to the working of the human brain and the emotional and spiritual response of human beings relating to the interface between the spiritual and the physical.
When it comes to the manifestations of the spirit realm and how the spirit realm operates we know very little and those who know most are people who most "believers" would class as unbelievers and heretics. Whether these people are believers or not we will only know for certain after the Day of Judgment. We should NOT judge before the time and we should be willing to share truth as led no matter what happens.
However, IF one is seeking information and knowledge about the spiritual realm and about other dimensions that are considered "non-secular" or "not righteous" it is quite possible that the Almighty will lead people who ask questions in this domain to gain information from sources that are regarded as religiously dangerous. In this regard the important principle is to allow the Almighty to lead and protect. Not gaining information the Almighty wants one to have because of fear is NOT pleasing to the Almighty.
This aspect alone represents an enormous challenge if one recognizes that the Almighty is the author, that is the originator or creator, of all that exists. Thus the laws of the spiritual realm are just as much created by the Almighty as those of the physical realm and therefore there are an infinite number of "words" that the Almighty has spoken and can speak about this domain.
In addition to the above there is an infinite amount of tradition, religion, folk tales, outright lies, and diverse information. Much of this is to a greater or lesser extent based on fact. However the truth may be so immersed in falsehood that it is obscure or entirely hidden. Where relevant it may be necessary to look closely in order to find the truth, should this be something the Almighty wants in one's life.
In a sense this category cuts across all the previous categories but, for the purpose of this article, it seemed relevant to define this category in order to separate out those things which are primarily truly implausible, unreal, etc from those that are at a material level true as viewed by the Almighty.
Human beings are creative beings with enormous capacity to create, imagine, visualise, dream, etc outside the realms of what the Almighty created. Much of this category of "other", including much of "Christianity" is demonically inspired and much is intentionally originated by the Satanic kingdom to mask and conceal or distract people away from the truths of the Almighty. However, there are also components that lie in the domain of human imagination apart from that inspired by the Almighty and His servants and that inspired by the demonic and Satanic realm.
There are elements of this component included in "the book" {bible} as reported in the article 1A1.04.09.03 "The Bible is NOT the Word of Yahooeh".
This article has reviewed a number of aspects relating to answering the question "what IS the word of the Almighty?"
It is indicated that the words of the Almighty are incomprehensibly numerous and that that which is contained in "the book" {the bible}, even IF entirely inspired, represents a minuscule fraction of all that the Almighty has ever spoken and will ever speak. Thus, defining the book as "THE WORD" is fundamentally erroneous in that dimension to start with.
It is further indicated that the contents of the book span over nine different categories of information of which accuracy is only really important in a few categories which represent a relatively small part of the entire book. There is therefore no need for the entire book to be without error.
Furthermore, there is evidence of human distortion in even the first category, the essential commandments of the Almighty, which form the essential basis of the judgment.
Accordingly, it is proposed that the fundamental requirement is an intimate and open relationship with the Almighty and that "the book" {bible} is an important resource in SUPPORT of that relationship but NOT indispensable.
It is also proposed that it is NOT necessary for the book to be entirely reliable and that, in fact, from the perspective of the Almighty it is IMPORTANT that the book should be incomplete and contain visible inaccuracies since He wants us to turn to Him and NOT worship or rely on any book or any being other than Himself.

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