2004.09.D.05 Comment On The Bible Is NOT The Word Of The Almighty Created by James3 on 8/24/2019 8:40:27 PM Comment On The Bible Is NOT The Word Of The Almighty
The following response was received to the message ETI Main pdf 1A1.04.09.03 "The Bible is NOT the Word of Yahooeh"
Hi James,
What is the alternative if the bible is not the word of God?, and why go to all the trouble of studying a lot of "untruths" and doing this only with the bible. If you don't believe the bible, the burden of the proof is on you to come up with the correct alternative. So many have tried to proof what you are also suggesting, but has not succeeded over al the ages. Why not tackling the Koran and other spiritual books of other religions and prove that thy are also unreliable
>>> REPLY <<<
Hi ...
Thank you for your feedback.
Why does ANY book have to be the "inerrant" word of the Almighty?
Please consider this question
versus accepting that the Almighty has spoken through millions of human beings through the ages and that therefore there are billions of recorded words that at some level are inspired.
Thus there is MUCH in the book {bible} that IS inspired by the Almighty at some level, there is SOME which is more or less direct quotation of words spoken by the Almighty, there is much history of the interaction of the Almighty with human beings and there is some error.
Why is it necessary for any collection of writings to be entirely inspired?
Why is it necessary for any collection of writings to be without error?
Where in the "book" does it state that everything in any passage is inspired or without error?
The essence is for us to form a deep personal relationship with the Almighty using whatever writings are available to assist us to learn His will and learn how to serve Him.
There is no need to worship a book by calling it the "Word of the Almighty" and believing it to be without error.
The "WORDS of the Almighty" comprise ALL the words that the Almighty has ever spoken to any human being -- it is infinite since He is concurrently speaking to millions of people at any moment in time.
The recorded word in any tradition IS extremely important but it is NOT definitive.
These remarks apply just as much to the collection of inspired writings known as the "Quran" {Muslim Scriptures} as it does to the Bible or any other writing partly or largely inspired by the Almighty.
ALL human beings are fallible so ALL writings by human beings have the potential to contain error. There may be short passages that are free of error but we have ONLY ONE AUTHORITY on this, the Spirit of the Almighty and none of us hear Him that clearly that we can have absolute definitive certainty about more than a minute fraction of what we know.
By putting a book or the writings of any human being on a pedestal we commit idolatry and we limit the extent to which the Almighty can lead and guide us.
Yes the existing writings ARE an extremely important resource but that is all they are, a resource.
Studying the writings in the bible is a matter of reading and praying to the Almighty to show you what is truth in the book. A very high proportion IS truth, not all of that truth is inspired truth but it is an important resource that has certainly guided me and continues to guide me. I continue to read the book nearly every day and I continue to obtain revelation through it.
At the same time, I now read the book with a more critical eye. I no longer accept that every little anecdote, every statement made by someone in error is the consequence of some omnipotent puppeteer directing every move of every person. I read the book understanding that it is an important resource, seeking understanding, asking questions and seeking confirmation.
I endeavour to no longer use the book as the sole justification or excuse for what I believe, I seek to hear the voice of the Almighty and seek the guidance of His Spirit on anything of significance.
I have many translations of the book and I hope to purchase more, such as some of those I referred to some while ago.
I also have many books by modern authors, some of which I have never read and some of which I have read repeatedly. For example, while there is evident error at some level there are some modern books which I perceive to be inspired to a significant level or at least to report events which were given by the Spirit of the Almighty.
What am I saying?
There is NO NEED for any book to be without error and definitive or entirely inspired.
There are MANY books that contain some truth, many of those truths are important to amplifying what is in the bible and are important in understanding better how to apply His commandments and seek His Kingdom in this age.
If we cap our belief in inspired writing to the so-called "Canon of Scripture" for which there is NO "Scriptural" support we limit our ability to hear from the Almighty on important issues in this age and thereby potentially fall into great error.
For example, there are MANY prophets today writing and speaking to call people back to the true names, if one does not believe the Almighty has prophets in this age and inspires writings in this age then one is destined to examine these matters at an intellectual level INSTEAD of getting on one's knees and hearing what the Almighty has to say on the subject.
What if YOU are a prophet?
What if YOU are called to write about things inspired by the Spirit of the Almighty?
What if YOU are called to do this even though YOU know that you have much error and do not hear the Almighty clearly?
What if the Almighty is SPEAKING TO YOU about a truth that has been lost and needs to be restored in this age?
If there are no more prophets and the canon of inspired writing, which is all "scripture" is, has been closed then what hope do we have in this age?
I submit to you with DEEP conviction that the Almighty STILL speaks to His people today, there are STILL prophets and there are STILL inspired writings.
I support you to open yourself to this possibility and then to open yourself to the possibility that it is NOT DESIRABLE to place absolute reliance on texts written by other humans which have been copied and re-copied and translated with diverse effect.
IF you sincerely believe the "bible" to be the "Word of the Almighty" AND without error, then WHICH version are you referring to?
Which of the over 100 English versions are actually correct?
Which of the disparate manuscripts are correct?
Which of the ancient reports of scribal "emendation" are to be believed?
Why should the forces of darkness, the rulers of this age and this world permit 100% accurate recording, transcription and translation over thousand of years?
Finally WHY is it important for the bible or the quran or any other book to be definitively inspired and without error?
Could it be that human beings look for the easy way out -- rather let someone else hear from the Almighty and abdicate responsibility for our error to someone else?
It really is time for us ALL to seek the Almighty and hear HIM personally.
Surely that is what is referred to in Jeremiah and Hebrews:
Jeremiah 31:33-34
33 But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith Yah the eternally self existing {the LORD}, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their Mighty One {God}, and they shall be my people.
34 And they shall teach no more every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know Yah the eternally self existing {the LORD}: for they shall all know me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith Yah the eternally self existing {the LORD}: for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more. (KJV, names adjusted)
Hebrews 8:10-11
10 For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith Yah the eternally self existing {the Lord}; I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them a Mighty One {God}, and they shall be to me a people:
11 And they shall not teach every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know Yah the eternally self existing {the Lord}: for all shall know me, from the least to the greatest. (KJV, names adjusted)
I hope this helps.
Warm regards and blessings

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