2004.09.D.02 REVIVAL!! - Africa, Asia, Latin America Created by James3 on 8/24/2019 8:42:54 PM REVIVAL!! - Africa, Asia, Latin America
Another forward with comments.
Warm regards and blessings
"A TIDAL WAVE of Christianity"
-{Source: CBN - http://www.cbn.com/CBNNews/News/030819a.asp }
September 11th focused a lot of attention on the growth of Islam. What most pundits and scholars have missed is the incredible growth of Christianity, and where it's growing. We like to think of ourselves as the Christian West. But there is growing evidence that
the center of Christendom has moved. Africans are running to accept Jesus Christ. It is a scene playing out all across the developing world.
It may sound like an exaggeration, but it's not: Christianity is sweeping across the southern hemisphere and Asia like a tidal wave. "The scale of Christian growth is almost unimaginable," said Dr. Philip Jenkins, distinguished professor of History and Religious
Studies at Penn State University.
Jenkins shocked and probably panicked some of America's political and media elite with his acclaimed book, The Next Christendom: The Coming of Global Christianity. Jenkins argues the greatest movement of the past century was not communism or capitalism.
Do the math and the winner is Spirit-filled Christianity, or what he terms in his study as "Pentecostalism." "
The modern Pentecostal movement begins at the start of the 20th century," Jenkins said. "So say this begins with a few hundred, a few thousand people. today you're dealing with several hundred million people, and the best projections are by 2040's or 2050's,
you could be dealing with a billion Pentecostals worldwide. By that stage there will be more Pentecostals than Hindus. There are already more Pentecostals than Buddhists." Jenkins says in just 20 years, two-thirds of all Christians will live in Africa, Latin America or Asia."
Back in 1900, there were about 10 million Christians in Africa, representing about 10 percent of the population. Today there are 360 million, representing just under half the population.
That is one of the most important changes in religious history, and I think most of us didn't notice it," he said. A lot of people still haven't noticed it. When scandal or controversy hits an American church, the U.S. news media tends to treat it like a worldwide crisis for that denomination.
But it is not a crisis for those churches in the developing world. Most of them are not gripped by debates over homosexuality or abortion that is a problem for European and American liberals - they believe the Bible. "The Bible is alive in Africa and Asia and Latin America,"
Jenkins said. "Overwhelmingly, th[is] kind of Christianity is one which is very Bible-centered, which takes the Bible very seriously, takes authority very seriously, both the Old and the New Testament, in a way which I don't think western Christianity has done probably since the Enlightenment." But the growth of Christianity threatens Islam, and Christians are being slaughtered in places like Nigeria and Indonesia.
Jenkins thinks the conflict will intensify in nations where the two faiths compete. And he debunks the notion that Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world. Christianity is growing faster." If you look at the 25 most populous countries in the world in the mid-21st century, 20 of those are going to be divided to a greater or lesser extent between Christianity and Islam," Jenkins said.
Then there is China. There are about 80 million Christians in China, according to former Time Magazine Correspondent David Aikman, who predicts China will be a Christianized nation in 20 to 30 years. He does not predict a Christian majority, but a China that is 25 to 30 percent Christian. Enough, he says, to change society and government. "If you have a Christianized China, the leadership of China would reflect a Christian worldview to some degree," Aikman said. "A China that's Christianized would not be a threat to the
United States."
And Aikman says the Chinese church leaders have a burden to take the gospel the rest of the way across the globe, to the Muslims. "It's part of a sense that they call 'back to Jerusalem,'" Aikman said.
"They believe that just as the gospel originally came out of Jerusalem and went to the West and to North America and Europe and came to China, now the Chinese need to bring it back to Jerusalem, not in the sense of evangelizing the Jewish, but in the sense of completing the circle so that the gospel message is available to everybody in the world."
Imagine Chinese reaching the Muslims, Koreans evangelizing Indians, Africans taking the gospel back to a largely godless Europe.
African Matthew Ashimolowo is the pastor of the fastest growing church in England. "God is sending people who used to receive missionaries to now be missionaries around the world,"
Ashimolowo said. Kenyan Bishop Gilbert Dya has one of the largest churches
in London.
"I am in this country, believing that God sent me here in Great Britain to make a voice on His behalf to let them know that they need to repent and come back to God," he said.
The developing world is not only a growing base for world Missions, Jenkins says it is becoming the center of Christendom.again. "Jesus said His church would last until the end of time. He never used the word, 'Europe.' Christianity is returning, I think, to its roots. It is a religion that originated in the Middle East and in Africa. Perhaps it went away for a while, but now it's back," Jenkins said.
-{Source: CBN}
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Dear Andrew
There is indeed considerable movement in Africa.
Some of this movement is challenging the false doctrines of the "Western" church that arise from Rome.
It is important, as this article states, for western believers to return to the true faith, this includes recognizing the truth about virginity being the seal of marriage and the truth that one man can take the virginity of more than one woman and therefore marry more than one woman.
It is also important to differentiate between radical "Islam" and true "Islam" -- the word islam is simply an arabic word that means a follower of the ways of the Almighty "Muslim" means one who follows the ways of the Almighty and "Allah" is simply the Arabic word for the Hebrew "Elohim" and the Aramaic "Eloah" all referring to the Almighty. Allah is a much more accurate name for the Almighty than the blasphemous pagan name "God".
The essential difference between Islam and Christianity is that Islam correctly recognizes Yahooshua {Jesus} as a great prophet and Christianity erroneously worships Jesus as God.
Secondly Islam recognizes there are errors in the Bible and that worship of the Bible is sin, Christianity worships the Bible as the inerrant word of God and is in error. Much of Islam today worships the "Quran" in the same way and is in error in that respect.
Thirdly, the promises in terms of which Yahooshua fulfilled prophecy were made specifically to the children of Isaac and Jacob (Israel) and since Muhammed was of the line of Ishmael he did not have direct legal access through his bloodline to the covenant through Yahooshua and was not exposed to right teaching. Accordingly, the commandments that the Almighty was able to give through Muhammed were constrained.
My point?
Muslims ARE BELIEVERS in Yah the eternally self existing (the Almighty).
They ALSO have many errors.
They are brothers -- it is time to cease seeing Islam as competition and start building bridges -- there are over a billion Muslim believers out there who are ripe to receive the full good news of the covenant of Yahooshua -- I have preached to them and spoken to them in Malawi and I have just returned from Iran -- they are deeply sincere people who deeply love the Almighty, there is much to offer them BUT there is much to learn from them.
Being offended with radical errant Islam is no different to being offended with radical errant Christianity.
Christianity needs to deal with the massive planks in its own eyes and then it will be able to reach the Muslim people.
It is also important to realise that one of the reasons the forces of darkness are not resisting much of Christianity at present is that there is so much pagan error in Christianity that it is one of the most pagan religions on earth today. Christianity is collectively breaking all the ten commandments it is calling the Almighty by pagan names and it is worshipping the great Apostle Yahooshua the Anointed of Yah {Jesus Christ}instead of focussing on the power of the covenant that he introduced and carrying out his orders as head of the body of believers {church} to defeat the forces of darkness. In doing this they confuse "the christ" the anointing of the Almighty that was upon Yahooshua, with the man, and fail to recognize the full power that is available to EVERY believer through the anointing of the Spirit of Yah {the "christ"}.
The most important prophecy that Yahooshua came to fulfil was to "bruise the head of the serpent". This function for Yahooshua is prophesied in the stars -- the "star sign" "Virgo" is a virgin holding a child called "the Branch" whose heel is over the head of the serpent -- that is how important the role of Yahooshua is, yet Christianity is currently doing very little to bruise the head of the serpent, it has a form of power but no real power.
It is up to believers to BIND all the demons and fallen angels on earth and send them to the Pit for at least a thousand years. Hardly anyone knows this is possible and virtually no one is doing it. Most of those that bind demons are not sending them to the pit and so they simply leave the location and find someone else -- I have seen in the Spirit powerfully anointed believers casting out demons and the demons laughing as they leave the building and attach to the first person with appropriate sin that they encounter. In one case it was like a merry-go round -- casting the same demons out time after time owning to a lack of knowledge.
Furthermore, it is difficult for believers to be really effective in sending demons to the Pit when most are still in bondage to false doctrine and the demons that go with it.
It is time for a MUCH GREATER level of set apartness {sanctification and holiness} in the body of believers. This requires a MUCH GREATER seeking after truth.
Warm regards and blessings

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