2004.09.D.09 About Unclean Meats and Related Issues Created by James3 on 8/30/2019 6:07:27 PM About Unclean Meats and Related Issues
Attached please find a very comprehensive analysis of digestive and health factors supporting the classification of clean and unclean meats in Leviticus plus comment on keeping the provisions of these aspects of the Torah as believers in Yah the eternally self existing through the covenant made through Yahooshua.
Warm regards and blessings
----- Original Message -----
From: RMi1794853@aol.com
To: sondrasowell@yahoo.com
Sent: Friday, September 10, 2004 6:59 PM
Subject: Midweek Teaching
To the Netzarim Diaspora, We have an anouncement:
UONYC Announces New Position of Traveling Shepherd
Shalom, The Board of Rabbis of the UONYC is most pleased to announce that our good chaver/friend Rabbi Rob Miller of Agudat Bris in Temple Texas has been appointed as our new "traveling shepherd." What that means is that if you and your group or congregation need a UONYC representative to come and offer needed, instruction, guidance, counsel, admonition, exhortation, or just plain old "trouble shooting" he is available! Perhaps your people need to see a real face to the UONYC, or maybe you and your wife are a little discouraged and doubting your calling, or gifting at a crucial time in your ministry! Well that's why we can now offer to send our traveling shepherd to you to eyeball the situation, and see how the UONYC can be of help! We believe that this wonderful appointment will show the care that Yahshua has for those leaders He has called to be in the vineyard. We are going steps beyond other organizations in making this opportunity available to you and your UONYC group!
It is our desire to be a real and caring community to you and your staff in times of trials and needs. If you become depressed or discouraged we want to be there in your city and community helping you through the situation in Yahshua's love and care as best as we can humanly be! From the outset our UONYC has been geared to healing and instructing shepherds of Yisrael, believing that YHWH's authority flows down Aaron's beard into the local kehilla. It is towards that end that we have authorized Rabbi Miller to represent the UONYC Board of Rabbis as he embarks on his role to provide better spiritual care and concern for our leaders, believing that healthy leadership makes for healthier congregations. Feel free to e mail Rabbi Rob at his new UONYC e mail address at union5@2house.org or call him at: 254-770-1167 or 254-773-0703. If you'd prefer you can call the UONYC office at 1-305-UNION-07 and request Rabbi Rob to contact you.
The traveling shepherd is an ambassador of the UONYC and as such will not engage you in any lashon hara/evil speaking against the board, or the UONYC. If you are calling to sit him down and issue a laundry list of complaints, don't waste yours, or his time. He has been instructed to pick up and leave if that situation occurs! Rabbi Rob also will not represent his doctrine, but only that of the UONYC beliefs posted at :
Rabbi Rob will be accountable to the Board of Rabbis and will issue periodic written and or verbal reports to update us on his travels.
We believe this is a major step towards putting a caring touch to an effective and caring growing community of Nazarene Yisraelites from around the globe! We are sure you agree and will receive the benefits from this appointment starting immediately. All we ask is that should you desire our traveling shepherd to meet with you and or your assembly in person, that you provide the necessary expenses to get him to you and back. Hardship cases where the local assembly cannot provide his traveling funds, will be assessed by the UONYC on an individual request basis and some FEW exceptions may be made where the UONYC will pay for his expenses. Once there we ask you as the leader to take up a special offering or two, as a gift to this man who is sacrificing his life on the altar of your service. Shalom.
Board of Rabbis
UONYC 08/24/04
This is an exciting new I for our movement. Pray as our Heavenly Father opens the doors of ministry.
Here is the midweek teaching for the past two midweek meetings
Rabbi rob
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