2004.10.D.01 Comment On What Is The Word Of The Almighty Created by James3 on 8/30/2019 6:37:56 PM Comment On What Is The Word Of The Almighty
Following is an email from Johann Moller attaching comment on the article "What is the Word of the Almighty?" published last month followed by my reply.
You might like to consider these comments and form your own opinion of what is true.
Warm regards and blessings
----- Original Message -----
From: Johann Moller
To: James R @ ETIMin
Cc: basil@pop.co.za
Sent: Saturday, October 02, 2004 2:35 PM
Subject: Fw: Fw: [ETI Main pdf 1A1.04.09.07] What IS The Word of the Almighty?
Shalom James,
I took the liberty of sending your article to my good friend Basil Fernie for his comments. In his extremely busy schedule he very kindly took the (considerable) time to do so.
Blessings to you.
----- Original Message -----
From: Basil Fernie
To: Johann Moller
Sent: Saturday, September 18, 2004 9:49 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: [ETI Main pdf 1A1.04.09.07] What IS The Word of the Almighty?
Shalom Johann,
Herewith my comments interspersed in James' article. They are mainly reactive and may not create a very good impression, but please accept them whence they come. I have not had time to add diplomacy.
May Heaven favour you and Talana
Johann Moller wrote:
Shalom Basil,
I would be most interested to hear what your take is on what James says in this article.
Blessings to you,
Thank you Johann
I have briefly read Basil's comments.
Some of his points have been covered by previous articles on the ETI list and in some cases I read him to agree with me.
In many cases the differences that Basil highlights indicate a specific "doctrinal" position that overlooks certain key points.
At present I have limited time and may therefore not manage to respond in detail.
Furthermore, it seems to me that many of the points will be difficult to resolve by email and, if possible, a meeting between the three of us might be more beneficial? -- would this be practical in terms of Basil's geographic location?
Warm regards and blessings
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