2004.10.D.12.Some Questions For Me Created by James3 on 8/30/2019 7:07:52 PM Some Questions For Me
Following are some questions that it seems worthwhile for us all to ask ourselves:
1) Am I willing to seek to become one with the Father the way Yahooshua was?
2) Am I willing to seek to become one with the entire body of believers the way Yahooshua prayed? -- am I willing to seek unity NOT division? -- seek truth not error? -- believe the best of all? -- including one with groups, denominations, etc that I do not understand or do not agree with?
3) Am I willing to seek to do greater works than Yahooshua did as he promised?
4) Am I willing to be filled with the set apart {holy} Spirit of the Almighty the way Yahooshua was?
5) Am I willing to pray as frequently and for as long as Yahooshua prayed?
6) Am I willing to be reviled and rejected and hated for speaking truth in love without compromise the way Yahooshua was?
7) Am I willing to ask whether I am an apostle, or prophet, or evangelist or shepherd-teacher and then to walk in that role and be that person I am called to be whatever that entails? -- note that there is no such thing as "laity" or "lay people" we are ALL the flock and there are NO professions ONLY callings!
I hope this helps.
Warm regards and blessings
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