2004.11.D.05. This Makes You Think! Created by James3 on 8/30/2019 7:32:07 PM This Makes You Think!
Following is a letter from Gerry Easton about the true name of the anointed one. He favours Yahushua versus Yahooshua, the difference as I understand it being a question of English transliteration of Hebrew.
The letter contains some useful points about the various names that are in common usage, including the name Jesus.
Warm regards and blessings
----- Original Message -----
From: Gerry Easton
To: james@etimin.org
Sent: Saturday, November 27, 2004 10:18 AM
Subject: My letter to the author of - Messiah Conspiracy Vol 1
To The Author – Dr. Phillip Moore
From Gerry Easton
Date 15 / 11 /04
Many thanks for your fantastic book with a wealth of information. Due to your extensive research, we look forward to receiving comments from you concerning a few important matters.
Having been to Israel, and having a passion for the Jewish people, has led us to read such books as yours.
My wife and I committed our lives on the 30 June 1986, and accepted the Messiah into our hearts. The first Bible we bought was the NIV version. Our first confusion came when we read their commentary on Matthew 1 : 16. “of whom was born Jesus, Who is called Christ”. On following the asterisk to the bottom of the page we found that, “Jesus is the Greek form of the Hebrew Joshua and Christ is the Greek for Messiah which means Anointed”.
However, we did not worry at the time but just accepted what the minister taught us. Then we purchased a Strong’s Concordance and with great excitement started looking up Hebrew words and Names. We remembered the commentary about “Joshua” and subsequent commentaries where it is put forward that this Old Testament leader was a shadow of the Messiah. We looked up his Hebrew name and found the following spelling
Yod He Vav Shin Ayin . and pronounced Yehoshua.
Recently, we asked some Jews who had accepted the Messiah, about His Name. They stated that there was some confusion, and division among Believers concerning this matter. There existed a variety of Names, consisting of Yeshua, Yahshua, Yehoshua, Yahushua and Jesus.
We found this disturbing, as we had read in Acts 4 : 12. “Neither is there salvation in any other : for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved”.
So a name, one name appears to be important.
On page 398 of your book we read the following. “It is also significant that whereas the Septuagint mostly renders the Hebrew name Joshua by Jesus, Aquila carefully abstains from so doing ; although, among Greek Jews, Jesus must have been a fairly common name”.
This statement is born out by the fact that Jesus had a son. We read about him in
Acts 13 : 6. “And when they had gone through the isle unto Paphos, they found a certain sorcerer, a false prophet, a Jew, whose name was Bar-Jesus”. [ Son of Jesus ].
Seeing as this was a common name, and in the Bible we read of a Jesus, who had children, this brings us to the following question.
What one name were the apostles using to do the healings and miracles in Acts 3 verse 6 and verse 16. Then the religious leaders asked them by what name they had used in Acts 4 verse 7. Their answer was given in verse 10. What was their reply?
Then in Acts 4 verse 18 they are forbidden to speak or teach in this name. Was it because credit would be given to the father of Bar- Jesus?
It would appear that the first Messianic believers encountered a problem with the declaration of a certain important name. The same situation seems to exist today.
We then spoke to a very close, Reform Jewish friend of ours about this matter, he said that the greatest stumbling block to himself and to other Jews was the name Jesus. He stated that in Brazil, Portugal, etc this name Jesus is very common and further that to have the Messiah, a Jew, with a Greek name was impossible.
Do you think, that if this is a stumbling block to the Jewish people accepting that the Messiah has come, it may be better to revert to the Old Covenant leader’s name?
The “shadow”, alternatively, should we not search, to find the name used by the apostles in Acts. But is this name still banned today as it was then?
Somewhere, we read that the stumbling blocks should be removed out of the way of the people.
On page 415 we quote from your book, “As previously noted, Jesus’ given name was Yeshua [“salvation”].
On page 416 we start to get excited.
We quote your words. “So what’s in a name?”
We get even more excited on page 417. “Israel, like all other nations of the world, has the right to know the true name of Jesus, whether the religious like it or not! Especially since Jesus’ name is the Hebrew name Joshua [ Yeshua or Yehoshua in Hebrew ]”.
“Israel can make up its own mind after investigating these long hidden facts about the concealment of Jesus’ Hebrew name”. We heartily applaud your words.
On page 417, you finally answer our question.
Spelt in the same Hebrew letters as we had researched in paragraph 5 of page 1 of this letter.
However, here enters the first confusion. Joshua’s name was written as above. Not Yeshua. But you state Yeshua or Yehoshua. Then a little further on the same page we read, “No, I mean Yeshua-His real name”.
From our little research, we read that there is a great difference in meaning between these two names. Yeshua = salvation ; Yehoshua = YH’s salvation, giving the credit to the One providing the means of salvation.
Here we now have to choose, remembering Acts 4 : 12. More prayer and searching.
We look deeper into the word. In Luke chapter 1 verses 13 and 31, the Almighty Heavenly Father instructed His angel Gabriel to convey His wishes as to the naming of two boys to be born. We now realize that John is the English form of the Greek name Ioannes [ Strong’s no 2491 ]. However, commentaries state that his Hebrew name was Yochanan.
We then looked up some commentaries and found in the Companion Bible the following statement, “John = Jehovah sheweth favour”.
From your book we now know that the name Jehovah is incorrect. Therefore this name must have started with the letters ; Yod Hay Vav ; This is confirmed on page 405 of your book where the Creator’s Name is spelt –Yod Hay Vav Hay. Therefore YH’s favour. “Yehochanan”.
Was this the reason for Zechariah being struck dumb? So that when he was asked, as to the naming of the boy, he had to write down the name so there could be no mistake. Did the relatives mistakenly think that Elizabeth had said the name Yochanan, as the emphasis is on the –chanan, the last part of the name? When Zechariah wrote down the name, there was an immediate reaction to his obedience in carrying out the Heavenly Father’s instructions, as conveyed to him by the angel Gabriel, his mission now accomplished, his speech was restored, and from the people, amazement, fear, and the words ;
“What manner of child shall this be?” Yah’s Favoured. No wonder their question.
It now appears to us, that only two men grew up in the New Testament, whose names started with the letters – Yod Hay Vav . These names had a profound affect on the people especially on the religious order of the day. It further seems to us that when a name starts with these three Hebrew letters, it can only be applied as a direct command from above. Such a name carries an emphatic statement as to the one doing, the choosing, the saving etc. Y-H.
Whereas, there are many whose names end - Yod Hay Vav ; with no problem. The previous Israeli Prime Minister, B. Netanyahu and there are books written by a Rabbi Matityahu Glaserson, just to mention a couple.
Now for our very basic deductions, where we need assistance. We sing the chorus – Halleluyah. In the New King James Bible we read in Psalm 68 : 4. “--- By His Name Yah, [ Y-H ] and rejoice before him”.
We have read, and been warned about the devious vowel pointing, we now reach the conclusion that the two names must have been Yahochanan and not Yehochanan, as we do not sing Halleluyeh. Then to be further in line with the above paragraphs, where the letter “u” and not the letter “o” follows the letter “h”. We arrive at Yahuchanan meaning “Yah’s Favoured or chosen” [ Strong’s no 3076 ] and “Yahushua meaning Yah’s Savior”. [ Strong’s no 3091 ].
The Messiah’s Name starting with the Yod Hay Vav. Yahu. Was this the reason for the Pharisees reaction and their banning of the Name? Would they have dared to tamper with a name starting with these three letters, which act as a seal.
With reference to this we quote a commentary from the Nelson Christian Life Bible, Master Outline number 4, The Names of God, “So sacred was the Name YHWH that when the Hebrews used letters representing numbers to number the Psalms, since the number 15 was made by YH [ Y = 10, H = 5 ], they preferred to use the letters TV [ 9 + 6 ] for Psalm 15.”
This brings us now to the question of Yeshua and the name change as you mention on page 418 found in Neh. 3 : 19. You state, “The fact that Jesus was named עןשי, Yeshua after Joshua is even more symbolic here ---”. Then further on you quote from the King James Version referring to Matt 1 : 21. “Johoshua meaning Jehovah is salvation”. But Yeshua does not contain the “Joh or the Jeh but correctly the YAH”. Further, this person referred to in Neh 3 : 19. was not the famous leader but was “the ruler of Mizpah”. Then your footnote states, “This name was also spelled with the extra letter, hay, earlier in the Torah”. This was referring to the “shadow” of the Messiah. In the Torah? Surely this is the authority?
Now to research why this letter hay had been dropped. We found that this had taken place after the Babylonian exile. The Jews had learnt from the Babylonians that the common people should not mention the name of a deity or god. Hence the corrupted form Yeshua, leaving it wide open to the ultimate corruption Yeshu.
However, this name Yeshua [ Strong’s no 3442 ] only appears 29 times in the Old Testament in the following books - 2 Chronicles, Ezra, and Nehemiah and never refers to the famous leader commonly called Joshua. Whereas the name spelt Yod Hay Vav Shin Ayin [ Strong’s no 3091 ], appears 214 times in the Old Testament in the following books – Exodus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, 1 Samuel, 1 Kings, 2 Kings, Haggai and Zechariah, the final book of the Old Testament.
This name refers to 4 men, who it appears conveyed a shadow message of the Messiah to come. [1] The leader, the son on Nun [ Strong’s no 5126 ] meaning perpetual, who led the chosen people into the promised land. [2] The stone in the field of YHVH, 1 Samuel 6 : 14, the stone of stumbling and rejection. [3] The gate, the way, of YHVH, 2 Kings 23 : 8. [4] The high priest crowned, the 30th from Aaron. Referred to in Haggai and Zechariah. Beautifulreferences referring to – The first high priest after Babylon, clothed with the sin of the world in Zechariah 3 : 3, My servant the BRANCH in verse 8, the stone in verse 9 and in 6 : 11 the high priest crowned. Interesting is the number 4 which is referred to later, thanks to your research.
We live in South Africa and have a well known, and respected leader, Nelson Mandela. Why has the world not decided to give him a Greek name? What about other famous people in the world? Has Michael Jackson got a Japanese name? George Bush does he have a German name? etc. But man can over ride the Heavenly Father’s wishes and call His Son by some Greek name.
Are we not treading on dangerous ground by going against the wishes of the Almighty Heavenly Father concerning what Name, His Son, our Savior should bear?
As you state, Jesus was not His real name. Then to say or call Him Jesus, is a false statement, which is a lie.
Having been shocked by the above, we then decided to investigate the origins of the Greek names – Ioannes [ John ] and Iesous [ Jesus ] Strong’s no 2424. Our grief was compounded, and we then marveled at the mercy, patience and infinite grace of the Heavenly Father.
Suddenly, certain statements in the Bible that we could not understand, became clear, but the implications were frightening.
Matthew 18 : 20. “For where two or three are gathered together in My Name, [ Jesus ] there am I in the midst of them”. A beautiful promise. Then comes the shock!
Matthew 7 : 22 – 23. “Many will say to Me in that day, Master, Master, have we not prophesied in Thy Name [ Jesus ]? And in thy Name [ Jesus ] have caste out devils? And in thy Name [ Jesus ] done many wonderful works?”
“And then will I profess unto them, ‘I never knew you ; depart from Me, ye that work lawlessness’”.
But His promise in Matthew 18 : 20, was “In My Name”. Surely He would be referring to the Name His Father had given to Him, His Hebrew Name. Is this why the test of the Spirit in 1 John 4 : 2 – 3 is the confession of a Name. This can only be the true Hebrew Name. Can the Heavenly Father’s Spirit lie?
Is this the reason for books like yours? To lead us back to that first simple faith. The restoration referred to in Acts 3 : 19 – 21.
The Bible states that Satan deceives the whole world. Most of the whole world believes that the Messiah’s Name is Jesus. This should set off warning bells. Then we are told that the truth will set us free. Should we not declare the Messiah’s true Hebrew Name to the world? Or do we fear rejection and seek man’s acceptance? Should the organization not
be “Jews for Yahushua” and have the full power and blessings of the Heavenly Father behind it?
We now thank you again for pages 424 – 428. “The Equation of the Ages”. The hidden Spiritual significance in the Hebrew alphabet and their number value. We quote from page 424, “The numerical value of the letters in Yehoshua עשןהי is equal to the numerical value of the phrase ‘ the Lord that healeth thee in Hebrew’”.However, as you have pointed out from the Hebrew letters, it is not the Lord but correctly הןהי YHVH who heals.
Then comes the statement which leads to confusion, “Yehoshua is an alternative and popular spelling of Yeshua [Jesus in Hebrew ].” Does man have the right to overrule the Almighty and His wishes? Humbly, the opinion of my wife and myself is – no.
Then on page 425 you show us how to arrive at the number value of a name, in particular Yahushua. י = 10 ה = 5 ן = 6 ש = 300 ע = 70 = 391
The same number value as Exodus 15 : 26. “ הןהי that healeth thee”.
[ הןהי rophe’aka ] = 391
Again thank you. We went further into Bible numbers and found the following gems.
3 + 9 + 1 = 13 = 4
Then we looked up all the things applying to 4, which is the number of creation-
[a] The fourth day = the material creation.
[b] Four - the number of the great elements, earth, air, fire and water.
[c] Four - the number of regions of the earth, north, south, east and west.
[d] Four - the divisions of the day, morning, noon, evening and midnight.
[e] Four - the seasons of the year, spring, summer, autumn and winter.
[f] Four - the variations of the lunar phases
[g] The Hebrew alphabet of 22 letters = 4
[h] The 4 Old Testament men bearing the name YHVH as mentioned above.
[I] The 4th letter, the aleph/ tav in the first line of Genesis.
“ Bereshit bara Elohim – alef/tav ” [ the word - the alpha/ omega ] then follow the heavens and the earth. Was not all of creation, created through the “Word”? Revelation 3 : 14. “The beginning of the creation of God [ Elohim ].”
[k] Was it a coincidence that the two Names bearing the letters YHV, should both appear in Luke chapter 1 in verse 13 and verse 31, which both add up to 4?
The same equation cannot be applied the popular alternative – Yeshua.
Finally we come to our precious Heavenly Father. We were taught by the most competent Person, our beloved Messiah and Savior, עשןהי how to pray.
“Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name - - -”.
To be able to hallow this Name, we need to know It. Wonderfully this is promised in Malachi 1 : 11. “For from the rising of the sun even unto the going down of the same My Name shall be great among the Gentiles - - ”.
Thank you for another pearl on page 427. [ 4 + 2 + 7 = 13 = 4 ] A coincidence?
We quote, “Likewise Yahweh [ Yehovah ] is spelled out in Hebrew at twenty two letter intervals ”. This is encoded in His account of creation in Genesis 1 : 1 – 5.
“This is the ancient and most holy name of God - - - ”.
Again we have 22, the letter intervals. 2 + 2 = 4
We believe that He never changes, therefore, His Name is the same today and is spelt as you have beautifully shown above – הןהי [ YHVH to Gentiles ].
From our earlier deductions we have the first three letters YHV pronounced – YAHU.
Therefore a simple deduction is that the Name is Yahueh or Yahuah, sounding the same, with the V sounding as the V in halleluyah.
If , with the assistance of your book, we are correct and you are in agreement, will you not in future, place a forward in your books assisting people both Jew and Gentile, advising about the true Name, The Name above all Names and use only that true Name? Not a popular name, or a compromise name, or a Greek surrogate name of suspicious origin.
Can we not reflect on Acts 4 : 12. “There is only one Name given” and realize the magnitude of the delusion, the deception and the counterfeit? And who is the master of this? Is it not the god of this world – Satan?
We really look forward to your comments and sincerely pray for the truth to prevail.
Kindest regards and warmest blessings.
Gerry, Joan and Kaleb Easton
Gerry Easton email geaston@telkomsa
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