2005.03.D.04 Commentary On Washtub Vision Created by James3 on 9/7/2019 11:56:53 AM Commentary On Washtub Vision
Following is a commentary on the "Washtub Vision", message 1AD.05.03.01
Warm regards and blessings
To Holly Moody
From Gerry Easton
Date 5 / 03 / 05
Re “The Washtub Vision”
Dear Holly
This vision that our heavenly Father has given you is a great blessing and carries an immense message for His prophets and His children. May this vision and the message be spread abroad to assist those who have ears to hear.
Please allow me to humbly move through your introduction and vision and to initially highlight important words, phrases and Scriptural verses. Each one has a bearing for us and we would like to return to them for the analysis.
[ 1] 1 Kings 17 and 18
[ 2] And it came to pass
[ 3] Wondered, pondered, compelling
[ 4] Silence, tragedy and stress
[ 5] Brown cape
[ 6] Swirled madly around
[ 7] Voice gentle and soothing
[ 8] Soap and water in the eyes, ears
[ 9] And even in their mouths
[10] Scrubbed
[11] Bucketful after bucketful
[12] Wringer
[13] Water pressed from them
[14] Totally limp and exhausted
[14] Gently
[15] The ordeal they had just endured
[16] Gentle breeze
[17] Aware of the sound of the voice
[18] Opened their eyes
[19] Became more alert
[20] Not one of the men or women had resisted
[21] Or even spoken
[22] Small cloud
Can we now look at the words spoken by the heavenly Father concerning the vision?
His prophets need to be purified and cleansed.
This process is painful
Within His prophets are impurities and unclean things
His children, the large numbers will follow and be cleansed
Changes in the way He is speaking and moving.
If they are not attuned
They will overlook and miss His purpose and His will
His prophets need to be able to discern His words and to know through His Spirit how to apply the interpretation of His words to them
The duty of His prophets is to not only warn but to be able to correct with a solution
His prophets and children must mature in Him.
But during this time of cleansing there will be those prophets and children who give up and will not endure to the end.
What His prophets and children reveal to others will offend and be offensive.
His message of spiritual purification is delicate.
Souls will hang in the balance.
Thank you, Holly for grasping the enormous magnitude of what is now happening and your sincere desire for the prophets and the Father’s children to endure.
The opening key is Elijah, the Tish-bite [a sojourner]. According to John 15: 19, the heavenly Father’s prophets and children are chosen, why? The reason “because ye are not of the world”. They are in the world but not of it or conformed to it. They are sojourners.
Before the second coming of our Saviour, the Messiah Elijah must first come. Matthew 17: 11. “Elijah truly shall first come, and restore all things”. These words were repeated in Mark 9: 12 and are further confirmed in Acts 3 : 21.What needs to be corrected, put back to original state, repaired? This word “restore” carries a wealth of meanings and the key to the vision.
May we now begin with the analysis concerning your introduction?
In Kings 17, Elijah listens to the words of the heavenly Father and is obedient to His instructions and moves and dwells at the brook called Kerith. The meaning of this brook is – [to covenant]. The Father had covenanted to Elijah that He would get water from the brook and that ravens would feed him. We do not know how long he dwelt there but his faith was being built. This must have been a silent time for him. A stressful time as he waited for the birds to bring his food and as he watched the brook slowly dry up. Surely during this time he must have pondered and wondered what plan was in store for him.
In verse 7 the brook dries up, yet he waits. Then the heavenly Father speaks to him, “Arise get thee to Tsarephath”. The name of this place means – [refinement, melt, pure]. He was to enter the second stage of his purification.
He now prophesies and conveys the heavenly Father’s promise of sustaining them to the widow. They are miraculously fed and the final touch to his faith in the heavenly Father is the raising of the widow’s son from death.
He is now ready for the Mount Carmel contest.
In Kings 18, the first message is that the heavenly Father’s prophets will experience fear of bringing His message to civil authorities influenced by Isabel, a righteous, religious woman. The harlot religious system.
“And it came to pass”.
Elijah is accused of causing trouble for the children of Israel. Likewise His prophets today will be accused and be called trouble makers.
Elijah now challenges the civil authority and the entire religious order to a contest and this hinges on two opinions over the Name of the Almighty, Creator of the heavens and the earth. At this stage, due to incorrect translations we have to resort to the original Hebrew of verse 21.
And Elijah came unto all the people, and said, “How long halt ye between two opinions? If YHWH be The Almighty One [Elohim], follow Him: but if Baal [Lord], then follow him.” And the people answered him not a word.
Can we transport ourselves back to that day on Mt. Karmel? Again every Hebrew name has a meaning and Karmel means [a fruitful field]. What fruit came forth from this contest, one man against the king, the civil authority, the entire religious leadership and all the people stating that they are in error? Did they not ask? “But Elijah, how can the whole world be wrong?” In any case what is in a name, and it is not the sincerity in our hearts which counts?
The next verses tell the story of the religious heads calling on Baal [Lord] with no success. Finally in verse 30, Elijah calls the people. Notice how the civil authority and the religious leaders are excluded.
He rebuilds, restores the altar of the heavenly Father, the true worship. Bucketful after bucketful of water is poured over the offering and then at the 9th hour at the very same time that our precious Saviour uttered the words in John 19 : 30 “It is finished.” In verse 36, we read, “And it came to pass at the time of the offering of the evening sacrifice, that Elijah the prophet came near, and said, “ O - YHWH the Almighty One [Elohim] of Abraham, Isaac ,and of Israel, let it be known this day that Thou art the Almighty One [ Elohim] in Israel - - - -.”
The heavenly Father answers Elijah’s petition made to Him in His correct Name and the people respond in verse 39, “And when all the people saw it, they fell on their faces: and they said, “YHWH, He is the Almighty One [Elohim], YHWH, He is the Almighty One [Elohim]..”
The fruit of this field was that there were no longer two opinions. The world, being the majority had it wrong and only the one true Name brought results.
The contest was over a Name and the religious leaders lost and were put to death for misleading the people.
Then we see the little cloud likened to a hand, mentioned a lot in the vision and the significance of the cloud.
In Acts 1 : 9, “And when He had spoken these things, while they beheld, He was taken up; and a cloud received Him out of their sight.” In verse 11 the angels state to the disciples that the Messiah “Shall come in like manner as ye have seen Him go into heaven.”
Are we looking today for that cloud, the only solution to this world is the return of the heavenly Father’s Son, our Saviour and Messiah?
The numbers 1 to 4 ,11 and 22 have been covered.
Number [5] the “brown cape” indicates impure. As a result of the message in the vision those that endure the washing and wringing receive a promise, in Revelation 3: 5. “He that overcometh, shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before My Father, and before His angels.
Can one grasp the magnitude of this promise?
The prophets need to be purified and cleansed. This is going to be painful and radical. The [6] swirling around will make them confused and the things that they have inherited are ingrained in their skin requiring [10] scrubbing to remove them. Things they have seen and heard have to be washed away [8] with soap and water and even the things they say [9] are unclean. A taste of soap in one’s mouth is awful and soap in one’s eyes brings a terrible stinging. The rinsing away of the impurities will take more than one bucketful [11]
The doctrines and false beliefs will require major pressure [12] the wringer. Yet during this process our heavenly Father is encouraging us [14] gently in a [7] soothing voice like [16] a gentle breeze. As He encouraged Elijah in Kings 19: 11 – 12
He spoke in “a still small voice” and not in “the wind.”
During this time of cleansing which [15] is an ordeal to endure we will feel [14] totally limp and exhausted. Then we will [17] be aware of His voice and [19] become more alert to the falsehoods of the world and religion.
What is man’s normal reaction to correction, especially prophets who think they know it all – to resist verbally.
However, concerning the Father’s prophets and children, [20] not one of the men or women will resist even [21] verbally.
They will be focused, their lamps filled and looking toward that cloud of promise.
Please allow us to help in exposing some of the names and words that require a cleansing of the mouth.
Luke 11: 2. “And he said unto them, When ye pray, say, ‘Our Father Which art in heaven Hallowed be Thy Name’.”
In the four evangels the heavenly Father’s Son gave us a wonderful example to follow. In 175 places He used the following words, Your Father ; My heavenly Father; The Father; Our Father; One Father; Your heavenly Father; My Father; Abba Father; Righteous Father; Only Father.
Gently we introduce this address to lead prophets and children away from the words, Lord and God.
Sadly the fault does not lie with the people but with the scribes both ancient and modern. In nearly 7000 places in the Old Covenant Scriptures the heavenly Father’s Name written in Hebrew הוהי [ YHWH ] has been changed to Lord and this has just carried on in the New Covenant Scriptures.
Please look up “Baal” in the Oxford dictionary and it states that the English translation is “Lord”. Then we have the lords and ladies of England and Lord’s cricket ground. Then look at all the Baals – [ Baal – bereth = Lord of the Fir-tree] ; Baal – hatzim = Lord of arrows ; Baal – tamar = Lord of the palm tree etc to name a few.
But is His Name important? He knows that we mean Him? Can we refer back to Elijah’s contest? Better still, may we ask the heavenly Father to answer this question?
Isaiah 42 : 8, “ I am YHWH, that is My Name, and I will not give My glory to any other name.”
The Father’s prophets have to declare and will make known His Name.
Malachi 1: 11 “For from the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same My Name shall be great among the Gentiles; and in every place incense shall be offered unto My Name, and a pure offering: for My Name shall be great among the heathen, sayeth YHWH of Hosts.”
Then in Matthew 23: 39 we have this prophecy, “For I say unto you, ye shall not see Me henceforth, till ye shall say, blessed is He that cometh in the Name of YHWH.”
The Father’s prophets and His children need to be alert and in tune. Satan does not want this Name to be known in order to delay the Messiah’s return. The whole world, civil, media and religion will fight this RESTORATION. By their fruit you will recognise them.
To end may we quote Acts 4: 12. “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other Name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.”
Humbly we are only dealing here with the soap in the mouth. This is vitally important but the there is so much more.
Jeremiah 16: 19 – 21, gives us this prophecy concerning the coming day of affliction, “The Gentiles shall come unto Thee from the ends of the earth, and shall say; Surely our fathers have inherited lies, vanity, and things wherein there is no profit.”
“Therefore, behold I will this once cause them to know, I will cause them to know My hand and My might ; and they shall know that My Name is YHWH.”
Will we allow His hand to lift us into the washtub?
If so, has the tumbling started and are you willing to receive more or do you wish to climb out? We do not claim to be through the process and our heavenly Father is still wringing and refining us. We pray for His love, His infinite patience, His encouragement and gentleness to assist us to endure His refining and cleansing to the end.
Truly the spirit of Elijah is at work in these late days to prepare the bride.
HalleluYah and we look forward to your response.
Warm regards and blessings
Email geaston@telkomsa.net
PS HalleluYah does not mean “Praise the Lord” but “Praise be to Yah.”

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