2005.03.D.06 New Moon Of The Aviv Sighted! Rosh Hashannah Sameach! (Happy New Year!) Created by James3 on 9/7/2019 12:14:18 PM New Moon Of The Aviv Sighted! Rosh Hashannah Sameach! (Happy New Year!)
Following on from the previous mail, herewith notification of the sighting of the New Moon which determines the start of the biblical year based on the interpretation presented in the previous article.
Warm regards and blessings
----- Original Message -----
From: Restoration Records
To: james@etimin.org
Sent: Friday, March 11, 2005 10:34 PM
Subject: New Moon of the Aviv Sighted! Rosh Hashannah Sameach! (Happy New Year!)
* Hear Oh Yisrael Yahweh Our Mighty One Yahweh Is One
* *And You Shall Love Your Neighbor As Yourself
RESTORATION RECORDS rarely sends out two emails the same day (for that matter rarely even in the same week), but the importance of the next announcement requires that we do so. Be blessed.
New Moon of the Aviv Sighted!
On March 11, 2005 the New Moon marking the 1st day of the new biblical year was sighted from Jerusalem. The moon was first sighted at 18:00 by Karl Bloodworth followed by Ruthanne Koch and Glen Cain. The moon was also seen by Nehemia Gordon, Devorah Gordon, Ferenc Illesy, Melekh Ben Ya'aqov, Rivka Michaeli, and Avi Marcus all of whom saw the moon by 18:01.
A photo of the New Moon of the Aviv is posted at:
Further details of the Aviv Search will be posted early next week.
Rosh Hashannah Sameach! (Happy New Year!)
Restoration Records is a ministry serving believers on Yahshua HaMashiach (Yahshua The Messiah) who are interested in the scriptural message of proclaiming "the restoration of all things" (Matt 17:11; Mark 9:12; Acts 1:6; 3:19-21) and in scripturally-based praise n worship psalms. The ministry is led, and the related websites www.restorationrecords.com and
www.kahalyahshuahamashiach.org are published by Yochanan Mascaro.

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