2005.03.D.18.Fw Man Made Lights That Never Go Out Created by James3 on 9/7/2019 2:33:16 PM Fw Man Made Lights That Never Go Out
Following is another message from Jonathan Gray that again highlights advanced technology thousands of years old that evidences that mankind was much more advanced thousands of years ago -- created in the likeness and image of the Almighty.
One of the things that i have become aware of since reading the book Dead Men's Secrets and studying other material from Jonathan and others is that we tend to filter our interpretation of the writings in the bible and other sources through an entrenched evolution mind set that assumes that the people in bible stories lived in primitive times when, in fact, they were part of a declining civilization, a civilization that was much more advanced than ours today.
This information has a bearing on the recent debate over the date of Passover since there seems to be much evidence to support a view that in the time of Moses, Israel probably had access to advanced astronomical instruments and that the use of sightings for new moons and Barley for new year was probably not necessary and quite possibly not even considered.
I strongly recommend obtaining a copy of the book Dead Men's Secrets. Either the electronic copy from the web site link below or, in South Africa, we have stock of the hard cover version for R190.00 plus R29 postage and packing.
Warm regards and blessings
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jonathan Gray" <info@archaeologyanswers.com>
To: <james@etimin.org>
Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2005 6:52 AM
Subject: James, Do you love a good mystery?
James, this news is from Jonathan Gray - www.beforeus.com You authorized this mailing when you requested your free report on our web-site or a friend enrolled you. See below for removal directions.
Do you love a good mystery, James? The vast Amazon forest still conceals many mysteries.
This report concerns man-made lights that never go out - but just keep on burning, century after century.
As a matter of fact, I have written about this quite a bit in the past - especially in Dead Men's Secrets
(http://www.beforeus.com )
Here was an astonishing rumor -but was it true?
On trek through the forbidding Matto Grosso region of Brazil in 1925, Colonel P.H. Fawcett, D.S.O., was challenged by native reports of mysterious cold lights in some ruined cities of the jungle.
Not only that. There existed, it was claimed, a city still living, inhabited, illuminated at night. Could this really be? Might there be some still surviving remnant of a long lost civilization, which was using "forgotten" knowledge?
Fawcett came out averring he had glimpsed one of these jungle cities. He reentered the region to further pursue his passion, but this time disappeared without trace.
It is noteworthy that few have ever set foot in this "terra prohibida" and returned.
A "lost world" indeed, it is a land infested with enormous swamp creatures, wild beasts and wilder men. This region is generally bounded by the Rio Xingu, the Rio Tapajos and the Amazon.
In regard to the supposed jungle lights, I am somewhat intrigued. The existence of devices which provided lighting at night in ancient times cannot be questioned, because so many classical writers describe them. I was dumbfounded to discover this.
Until 1890, we possessed only candles, torches and oil lamps, and it is easy to think that this was always the case.
However, we must now regard the past use of lighting and electricity as a historical certainty.
In Antioch, Syria, in the 6th century, an ever-burning lamp was found with an inscription indicating it had been burning more than 500 years.
And in England, during the early Middle Ages, a third century perpetual lamp was found that had burned for
In Rome, when the sepulchre of Pallis was opened in 1401,the tomb was found to be illuminated by a perpetual lamp which had been alight for more than 2,000 years.
Nothing could put it out, until, in an act of vandalism, it was broken to pieces.
Back again in Syria, in the 11th century, Kedrenus, the Byzantium historian, records having seen a perpetual lamp at Edessa, which had been burning for 500 years.
A sealed mausoleum beside the Appian way near Rome was opened in April 1485. It contained a sarcophagus containing the body of a shapely and beautiful patrician girl. At her feetstood a lighted lamp which had been burning for 1,500 years!
The body was that of Cicero's daughter, Tullia. She lay in a transparent, all-preserving fluid, the nature of which was unknown.
When the preserver was removed, her lifelike form with red lips and dark hair was seen by 20,000 people. The lamp continued to burn for some time.
Many of these lighted lamps have been found in the subterranean vaults of Memphis, Egypt, but after exposure to air, the lights went out.
Well, what do you think about that? If you want to know more about these strange lamps, the best I can do is point you to a site where you can learn more about the Dead Men's Secrets e-book. And after you receive it, zero in on Chapter 25, "Ruins That Glow in the Night".
Anyway, here's where to go: http://www.beforeus.com
And happy reading!
Warm regards,
Jonathan Gray
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International explorer, archaeologist and author Jonathan Gray has traveled the world to gather data on ancient mysteries. He has penetrated some largely unexplored areas, including parts of the Amazon headwaters. The author has also led expeditions to the bottom of the sea and to remote mountain and desert regions of the world. He lectures internationally.

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