2005.04.D.11 .The World After The Flood Of Genesis Created by James3 on 9/7/2019 7:26:50 PM The World After The Flood Of Genesis
I have just completed reading the book "The Corpse Came Back -- Forgotten Secrets of Our Earth SINCE The Great Disaster" by Jonathan Gray
This is the third book in the trilogy that I have written about previously. The first book deals with the world before the Flood, the second book deals with what caused the flood and what the flood looked like and this book deals with what happened after the flood based on the account in Genesis.
The book discusses archaeological evidence in the demonstrates that repopulation of the world took place from a location in Eastern Turkey, where the Ark of Noah has been found. It also explains how the continents came into being and diverse other things that i had either not thought about or where i have been puzzled by conventional explanations but never really questioned them.
The essence of what is presented in the book includes:
1. The flood was not just a prolonged period of rain, it was the consequence of a Comet fly-by that caused the earth to tilt on its axis resulting in catastrophic tectonic (earth plate) movements, volcanoes, rain, upwelling of water from beneath the crust, etc.
2. This was accompanied by massive storms, winds, tsunami's (far bigger than those a few months ago), etc which collectively completely reformed the surface of the earth, formed massive sedimentary deposits and destroyed all forms of life other than those contained in the Ark.
3. Drainage of the surface of the earth took place gradually and has taken thousands of years and is still continuing slowly as glaciers melt and inland lakes and seas dry up resulting in desertification of areas such as the Sahara desert.
4. A major factor in the drainage of the earth was a reduction of the density of the core of the earth as a consequence of the dramatic tectonic events of the flood resulting in a substantial increase in the diameter of the planet which in turn resulted in the crust of the earth being ruptured into the present continents which were then uplifted and moved apart by the expanding core resulting in the geography we know today.
5. This resulted in rapid run-off from the surface of the earth and the formation of the canyons, valleys, etc that characterize the surface today.
6. These movements continued for a considerable period such that there are the remains of an advanced human city and sea port at the end of Lake Titicaca in the Andes with evidence that the Andes were up-thrust suddenly from sea level about 4,000 years ago as the crust of the earth continued to respond to the dramatic tectonic forces and movements.
7. Explanations are given, supported by archaeological evidence, with regard to how the children of Noah repopulated the earth and the advanced technology that they took with them.
8. A striking realization for me in reading this book is that the earth today is by no means the way it was even 2,000 years ago, that Britain was only fully settled about 3,000 years ago, that mankind has deteriorated drastically in terms of every aspect in the past 4,000 years and that my whole perspective of history has been fundamentally flawed by a lack of understanding of the flood and its consequence.
9. Another striking realization was that the genealogies presented in Genesis show that many of Shem, the son of Noah's, descendants to several generations died before he did, another striking example of how mankind has deteriorated.
10. As i mentioned in writing about Jonathan Gray's previous book on the flood, one of the things that has been striking to me is the extent to which these explanations have explained things which i, as a Civil Engineer with a strong interest in Geology and Geography, have been puzzled by but never really questioned.
I strongly recommend these three books, together with the book "Dead Men's Secrets" all of which are available from www.archaeologyanswers.com as electronic books for download -- note that if you purchase the electronic version of the book there are print shops that will print and bind the book for you.
ETI have copies of the book "Dead Men's Secrets" in hardcover available for sale.
Warm regards and blessings
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