2009.12.02 How special is Yahooshua REALLY? Created by host on 6/23/2013 4:21:47 AM Discussion of why Yahooshua achieved what he achieved without priviledge
How special is Yahooshua REALLY?
James Robertson
I continue to get feedback regarding Yahooshua's exact status.
In this context it is important to distinguish between the status that he attained through being obedient even to the death of the stake having lived life without sin and any status he may have had before that point.
As i understand things the spirit being that was placed in the fertilized ovum (egg) in Mirriam {Mary} was the first spirit being that Yah ever created and who had a special relationship with Yah as a consequence. That spirit being also had full conscious knowledge of Yah and Yah's way of doing things, Yah's plan for the earth and the children of Adam (human beings) and also knew how Satan and the forces of darkness operated.
However, in coming to earth as a son of Adam {man}, Yahooshua stepped away from all power and privilege in order to be fully a son of Adam and live life as a human being in order to demonstrate that it was indeed possible for a human being to live a life without sin and to be totally filled with the set apart {holy} spirit.
In this regard, therefore, it is vital to recognize that there is NOTHING that Yahooshua did during his time on earth that was in any way a matter of special privilege or power, we are all created such that we are able to do the same and greater works relative to those performed by Yahooshua.
He was unique in his time on earth in that he succeeded in living a life without sin but he did it to demonstrate that we can also choose to forsake sin and serve Yah with all our heart, mind, soul and strength and to be filled to capacity with the Spirit of Yah.
BECAUSE Yahooshua accomplished this he was resurrected because there was no sin in him when he died NOT because of any special status.
It was a legal requirement that since he had lived without sin he was resurrected, just as it is a legal requirement that should you or i die having repented of all sin before death we too will be resurrected.
Let us consider what Yahooshua achieved on earth over and above the point of a life without sin totally as a son of Adam.
Firstly, consider that Adam is described as the son of Yah just as Yahooshua is described as the son of Yah.
In Job, even Satan and all created spirits in heaven are described as sons of Yah.
Yahooshua does NOT have exclusive claim to the designation "son of Yah", you and i are also son's of Yah -- in fact, chances are you refer to Yah as your father which by extension makes you His son or daughter so there is no reason to assume that being the son of Yah makes Yahooshua in any way particularly special, he was just like you or i when he was on earth.
Incidentally, Adam (man) fathered all of humanity with the exception of Yahooshua who did not have an earthly father but this was no different to Adam or Chavah {Eve}. Remember that the creation of Adam from dust and Chavah from a rib of Adam was MORE miraculous than the creation of the man Yahooshua from a fertile egg in a virgin so there is no particular reason to ascribe special status to Yahooshua here. It is pagan tradition that ascribe special status to a virgin in the context of the creation of the man Yahooshua. The only reason that Yah chose to create Yahooshua in this way was for the there to be a line of descent from Adam so Yahooshua could be a son of Adam and Yah chose a virgin because it was necessary so that no bloodline curses would pass to Yahooshua so he could start life without inherited curses and therefore sin.
This is a sovereign act on the part of Yahooshua and again does not convey a special rank on Yahooshua.
Many people are impressed by the miracles performed by Yah through Yahooshua but lose sight of the fact that ALL the miracles were performed by Yah and NOT by the human being who called them into being. Accordingly if we are to ascribe special status to Yahooshua we must ascribe the SAME status to Moshe {Moses}, EliYahu {Elijah}, and all the other prophets, else we must ascribe the same status to Yahooshua as we ascribe to them.
In deciding how you want to respond to this point please consider the following -- Yahooshua:
-- turned water into wine -- Moshe turned the waters of Egypt into blood;
-- healed lepers -- so did Elisha;
-- multiplied bread and fish -- Moshe fed the Yisraelites with manna in the wilderness for forty years, EliYahu multiplied meal and oil;
-- walked on water -- Moshe parted the sea; Elisha caused an axe head to float on water;
-- calmed the storm -- Moshe caused a storm;
-- did not cause any material thing to appear -- Moshe caused water to flow from a rock on two occassions; so did Samson; Moshe turned a rod
into a snake;
-- cast out demons and said that the sons of the Pharisees cast out demons by the spirit of Yah;
-- opened blind eyes -- Psalm 146 says Yah opens blind eyes; Paul caused a man to go blind and then to see again;
-- raised the dead -- Eliyahu raised the dead as did Peter;
-- cursed a fig tree and it died; Moshe destroyed all the plants in Egypt with a hail storm;
-- caused dumb persons to speak; Yah spoke to Balaam through a donkey;
-- did NOT call down fire from heaven; Moshe, Eliyahu and others did this;
-- did not bring about a global flood and destruction of the earth -- Noah did this;
-- laid hands on others to receive the set apart spirit; Moshe laid hands on seventy elders; Samuel anointed Saul and then David; Moshe received the
set apart spirit of Yah without laying on of hands or being immersed, Yahooshua only received it when he was immersed;
-- assigned his body to bread as an offering to Yah for covenant; Moshe designated a wide diversity of animal offerings {sacrifices} and meal, grain and bread offerings for various atoning and healing purposes AND thereby created the basis for Yahooshua's assignment;
-- assigned his blood to the wine in the cup as an offering and for atonement; again Moshe created the assignments to animal offering for forgiveness for sin which formed the basis of the authority for what Yahooshua did;
-- provided atonement through his offering on the stake and through his assignment of his body and blood to the bread and wine; again, Moshe instituted the offerings and rituals which Yahooshua fulfilled;
-- was resurrected; Enoch was translated {"raptured"} and never died; Shedrach, Meshach and Abednego were cast bound into a furnace and walked out unharmed; Daniel was cast into the lion's den and walked out unharmed;
-- repeatedly referred to himself as a prophet -- as far as i can recall all others only were named prophets by those around them;
-- lived a life without sin for thirty three and a half years; no one else has done that that i know of;
Either Moshe and Eliyahu and many other men were anointed prophets and emmissaries of Yah who did mighty works AND so was Yahooshua
OR Moshe and others are also super human beings as is ascribed to Yahooshua by many.
Bottom line?
Yahooshua WAS a mighty prophet, in some respects the mightiest ever but there could be a close context with Moshe given that Yahooshua only performed miracles for three years while Moshe did so for forty years and Moshe directly impact the lives of millions in real time and caused the death of millions and instituted the ordinances by which Yahooshua accomplished what he accomplished through assigning his body and blood to the bread and wine.
It is vital to understand this, IF we ascribe greater powers to Yahooshua when he lived on earth we DISEMPOWER OURSELVES from the challenge of seeking to forsake sin and be filled with the Spirit of Yah to the point where we can do the same and greater works than Yahooshua.

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