2005.07.D.10 Definition of Faith Created by James3 on 9/8/2019 2:00:15 PM Definition of Faith
I encountered this definition of faith from an email received from Kabbalah - Bnei Baruch english@kabbalah.info
"The perception of the Creator is called Faith. A common mistake in interpreting this concept centers on the idea that faith implies groping in the dark, without seeing or perceiving the Creator. In fact, the meaning of faith is exactly the opposite. According to Kabbalah, the light of the Creator which fills a person, the light of the connection to the Creator, the light which gives a feeling of unification with Him (ohr chassadim) is known as the light of faith, or simply, faith.
Faith, the light of the Creator, gives a person a sensation of being linked to the eternal, an understanding of the Creator, a feeling of complete communication with the Creator, as well as a sense of absolute security, immortality, greatness and strength."
Warm regards and blessings

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