2009.12.04 The Forces of Darkness Rule on Earth and Yah is Powerless EXCEPT through believers Created by host on 6/23/2013 4:21:47 AM Having regained authority over Satan and the forces of darkness, Yahooshua {Jesus} delegated that authority to the son's of Adam
The Forces of Darkness Rule on Earth and Yah is Powerless EXCEPT through believers
James Robertson
I have understood for a number of years that Yahooshua said that ALL authority in heaven and on earth had been given to him and that he then delegated that authority to those who follow his example and serve Yah.
The net effect is that Yah delegated authority to Adam, Adam abdicated it to Satan, Yahooshua regained authority BUT immediately delegated to those who believe in Yah through the covenant through Yahooshua.
Yahooshua is "seated at the right hand of the Father WAITING till his enemies are made his footstool".
Thus, by choice, Yah has no authority on earth except through those who believe and call on His name in the name of Yahooshua.
This means that Satan and by extension the forces of darkness rule on earth EXCEPT where believers take authority.
By extension, Yah is POWERLESS on earth EXCEPT through those who believe!
The question that those of us who claim to believe must answer is "what am I doing to take authority and reign over the forces of darkness?"

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