2005.09.D.05 Do You Receive the Manna Every Day Created by James3 on 9/8/2019 3:52:43 PM Do You Receive the Manna Every Day
I have just completed reading "The Call" by Rick Joyner, a report on a series of prophetic experiences and visions.
He writes about the scriptures being the "meat" of what the Almighty would speak to us through others whereas he describes that which the Almighty speaks to us through others day to day, whether verbally, by email, radio, TV, books, tapes, videos, whatever, as being "Manna". The right food for us each day.
Frequently I am "too busy" to read the emails that come to me.
Frequently if I do start reading I find aspects of doctrine that do not agree with my understanding and I feel "uncomfortable" and stop reading.
I was reminded yesterday as I was reading, of an article that I wrote some years ago called "seek truth NOT error".
The essence of the message was that every human being on the planet or who has ever lived, barring Yahooshua, has contained some level of error. Accordingly reading what someone else has written will inevitably bring us into conflict with what we perceive to be error in them or conflict with our own unknown error.
No person who is seeking to serve the Almighty knowingly propagates error at a conscious level, accordingly, we should seek what is truth in what others write and say and not become preoccupied with their error unless we are able to bring correction in love -- which is much easier said than done!
Have you received the manna that others have sent to you this day?
Warm regards and blessings

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