2019.09.20 History – the REAL FACTS – Part 4 Created by James3 on 1/20/2020 2:26:43 PM This Broadcast looks at the real history of mankind up to the present. It is noted that there is huge error in organized religion, no matter which religion we speak of.
The reality of Ancestor Spirits, also known as Demons, is discussed, reference is made to the first Unbelievers and how they served Satan and became the Masterminds of what is happening on Earth. It is noted that there are over 100 billion Demons on Earth today so you really do NOT want to end up as a Demon. It is also stated
2019.09.20 History – the REAL FACTS – Part 4
2019.09.20 History – the REAL FACTS – Part 4
This Broadcast looks at the real history of mankind up to the present. It is noted that there is huge error in organized religion, no matter which religion we speak of.
The reality of Ancestor Spirits, also known as Demons, is discussed, reference is made to the first Unbelievers and how they served Satan and became the Masterminds of what is happening on Earth. It is noted that there are over 100 billion Demons on Earth today so you really do NOT want to end up as a Demon. It is also stated that there has been a Global Nuclear War before the time of Abraham. It is stressed that every human being on Earth today has the opportunity to become a Friend of the Almighty irrespective of who or what they are.
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Good day!
The Almighty Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with You!
If you don’t believe the Creator exists, He has said concerning you, "Why would I want someone to spend Eternity with me when they do not believe I exist?" So if you don’t believe and you think that something pleasant is going to happen when you die, you're in for a big shock.
Regarding believers He has said, "Why would I want someone to be close to me in Heaven, which inherently means I will give them great prestige and authority if they do not have a Deep Personal Relationship with me, and have not proven to me that they can be trusted in this life?"
So if you believed at some level and you're not making an effort to have a relationship with Father and you're expecting something pleasant to happen at the end of your life, you're also in for a nasty shock. If you want your life to be worthwhile, if you want the end result of your life to be a blessing to you for Eternity, you're going to have to make some sacrifices and work at it in this life.
Our World Today -- History -- the REAL Facts -- Part 4
Tonight's topic "Our World Today – History – the Real Facts – Part 4." All of this in the context that the Almighty has said "I created Human beings, this planet and this universe for men and women to be my Friends, my companions, to explore and learn and develop together. My greatest grief is that almost no person understands this let alone seeks such a relationship with me!"
Human Spirits – Ancestor Spirits and the Demonic Masterminds – overview
Tonight we're looking a human spirits, which are Ancestor Spirits and Demonic Masterminds.
We will discuss the reality that the spirits of unbelievers become Ancestor Spirits or Demons when they die.
We will see that there is a reward for those in deep relationship.
We will speak about the first unbelievers.
We will see how Satan enrolled the first deceased Human Spirits.
We will understand that the first Demons recognized a power opportunity.
We will discuss Demonic Organization.
We will realize that most Demons were stranded in the flood.
We will learn that the Ruling Masterminds survived on Ham, the son of Noah.
We will look at the recovery of Earth and ongoing degradation of mankind.
We will realize that surviving the Flood was traumatic and the Earth was a sodden muddy mess.
We will understand that the survivors had much knowledge and experience, there were rapid technology advances.
We will recognize that there were three families descended from Noah.
We will discover that there was a global nuclear war resulting in Genetic Aberrations and that this gave rise to degenerative evolution.
We will conclude by learning that Abraham was a Turnaround Emissary or Prophet or Apostle and that there have been other turning arounds.
Who am I? – James Robertson. I have a Doctorate in Engineering. I was a Strategic Management Consultant in South Africa for about 25 years. I am currently a Business Executive in the United Kingdom. I have over 26 years' experience of actively seeking to draw close to the Almighty following a dramatic encounter with Him on 12th March 1993 when He spoke to me audibly in a locked room.
What is "End Time Issue Ministries?" It's the organizational vehicle for delivering my message through Email Articles, Websites, this Radio Programme and physical books.
What is This Program? – "The Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with You!" – it represents the essence of my message.
See the Website www.EndTimeIssueMinistries.org for more information.
Questions from Last Week's Programme
Rene asked: "How can we gain over sin?"
A couple of months ago I presented a series of talks on Seven Components in Drawing Close to the Almighty. That goes through a whole range of processes, prayers, worship, etc that you can use to get authority over sin, to get victory over sin. It's basically a matter of taking a quality decision that you're not going to sin, coming to understand what sin really is, and then actively seeking to stop sinning. Sin is a choice. You have an opportunity in every situation to tell the truth or to lie. You have the opportunity regularly in most societies to have sex with somebody who is forbidden to you or not. You have a choice whether you worship the Almighty alone or whether you worship idols or whether you worship the Bible or whatever, whether you worship your motor car or your wife or your husband or your children, you have a choice.
Once you've made that choice, you repent, you take the bread and wine, the symbols of the covenant, you rehearse the covenant with Father, you ask for forgiveness, and you do that repeatedly until you've cleaned up your life. That's how you gain victory over sin. It's not a two-minute thing. It's something that takes quite a bit of effort.
Heather asked: "Did you say Adam caused Satan to have power?"
Yes. Adam had authority on Earth, he gave that authority to Satan. At that time there were billions of Satanic Messengers, Angels serving Satan. The Human beings gave Satan the authority to deploy those Messengers as he saw fit on Earth and caused man to be in submission to him and that gave Satan great power and that continues to be the case today, because the world is full of sin. So the Satanic realm and the Demonic realm have authority in this world and great power because Adam sinned. If Adam had not disobeyed and stayed true to Yah, Satan would not have got authority and this world would be very, very, very different to what it is today.
Levi asked: "Yes we have free will but he has almighty power. Can't He control us?"
Yes, He could control us if He wanted to, but that's not the point. He created us to have free will to make decisions, to make choices, and to serve Him if we chose to. That's the subject of this programme. You can choose to have a Deep Personal Relationship with the Almighty Creator, you can get really, really close to Him. It's your choice. It's just like the sin thing. You can choose to sin or not sin, you can choose to get close to Father or not to get close to Father. He has chosen to give us that right so that He can have people in heaven who have chosen to serve Him. He wants you to be there because you've chosen and not because you're a puppet and He has forced it.
Naomi asked: "Are you saying we need to make the choices to do better?"
Absolutely Naomi, that's what I'm saying. You have to choose to live without sin, you have to choose to get close to Father.
Missy asked: "Why did they even have a Satan? Could the Almighty not get rid the world of him?"
Again, yes Father could, however, when Father was about to destroy Satan, Satan challenged Him and he wasn’t Satan at that point, challenged Father to this thing called "The Contest" to see if Satan could make the Human beings all desert Father before the end of 7,000 years. And so Satan is in control on Earth because Adam gave him control. And so again, like the other part, it's about choices. Father has chosen to allow Satan and allow Human beings and He wants us to take authority. We could if we all put our minds to it, get rid of all the Satanic and Demonic realm on the planet within a very short space of time if we clean up our act and pray the right prayers.
Ruth asked: "How can we know we are in good standing and grace?"
Basically if you are in good standing Father will tell you you're in good standing. An essential part of this is to learn to hear Father's voice clearly. When you are right with Him, He will tell you you're right with Him, you will know that you're right with Him. Until then you need to clean up your act. Grace is something different. Grace is given to help young believers cope and adapt. So grace is given to help you do the things I've been talking about.
Body of the Article
Chapter 5: Human Spirits – Ancestor Spirits and the Demonic Masterminds
1. Reward for those in Deep Relationship
I want to start out by reiterating what I have said several times in these broadcasts. There is a reward for those in Deep Relationship. Father Yah's plan was that those humans who entered into close relationship with Him would be rewarded on death with a high rank and a throne for Eternity in Heaven. Those who were rejected because they never believed in His existence will be cast into the incinerator, the Lake of Fire and Brimstone and utterly destroyed.
Satan’s challenge changed this so that the rejects remain on Earth till the end of The Contest and, if Satan wins The Contest, on Earth for Eternity.
Reward for those in Deep Relationship -- Continued
As I have stated several times before, there are various Ranks in Heaven:
1. Friends – those who were Friends to Yah in this life, , Yah being the true name of the Almighty Creator, sit on the highest thrones close to Yahooshua, Yahooshua being the true name of the man you may know as Jesus. That is a place of great status, of great authority, great esteem.
2. Overcomers -- also sit on thrones but not the highest thrones. Also high esteem, great authority, just not quite as much as the Friends.
3. Good and Faithful Servants -- not on thrones but towards the front of the throne room. Those are people who put in a real effort to serve Father in this life.
4. Wise Stewards -- further removed from the thrones – still in the throne room – filled with the Spirit of Yah but they have only performed limited service to Father. So that's kind of the minimum that you want to end up folks. You don’t want to be in the categories that I am going to talk about in a minute. You want to be hopefully a Friend, that's what you're created for is to be a Friend, to get close to Father in this life, to serve Him in this life, bring Him joy in this life, have Him participate in every aspect of your life.
You really need to qualify to be one of these four categories. Otherwise you're going to regret it for the rest of Eternity.
5. Adulterous Wives – those who were filled with the Spirit but in serious sin, especially many Jesus worshippers and Bible worshippers will end up here.
6. Foolish Virgins – those who believed but never received an infilling of the Set-Apart (Holy) Spirit of Yah, mostly because they did not know it was possible or did not believe in it. Most traditional Christians and most Moslems and most Jews will end up here. Note that it is possible to get filled with the Spirit without knowing it is possible and that it is possible for someone who is not filled with the Spirit to qualify for one of the higher ranks but it is more difficult to get there without the infilling of the Spirit.
7. Those sentenced to Eternity in the Outer Darkness – "the Trash heap of Heaven" – those who believed but then continued to live as unbelievers and never served Father Yah at all. A very large number of those who are products of Christian "Outreach" and missionary activity will end up here. Please note there are penalties in Judgment if you produce people like this!
So if you're a Pastor or a Prophet or an Evangelist or whatever who goes around or an Imam or a Rabbi or Guru or whatever and you bring people to some level of conversion to belief in the Almighty, but you don't equip them to get close to the Almighty understand the Almighty is seriously not impressed with you. That will completely discount whatever good works you may have done.
2. The First Unbelievers
Let's talk about the first unbelievers.
Within a few generations of Adam, men and women were born who did not believe and who, when they died, became the first Ancestor Spirits or Demons, taking orders from Satan.
Now this is really important to understand folks. When Father designed this whole experiment, He did not expect there to be unbelievers. He did not expect pretty much everything that's happened in the last 6016 years to happen. Satan was a massive design error and as a consequence there was no provision for the spirits of people who died in unbelief. Under the original design, such people would have been cast into the Lake of Fire and utterly destroyed. Suddenly, because of the challenge from Satan, this was not possible, and so today there are over one hundred billion human spirits scattered around the Earth some as Demons on people, some in graves, some in the rocks all over the place. Horrible state to be in, you don't want to die as an unbeliever. It's really not a nice thing at all.
3. Satan Enrols Deceased Human Spirits
Satan quickly realized that these highly intelligent and highly knowledgeable human spirits were a very powerful resource and so he set about working with them to determine how best to mobilize them in his hate campaign against Yah. This campaign being directed at ensuring there were no believers in right standing with Yah by the end of the 6,000 years after creation and, failing that, by the end of the 7,000 years that will mark the end of The Contest in around May 3003, which will be the Day of Judgment.
So Satan found himself with some human spirits, they were totally within his control. They were very powerful human spirits, but they had no way of getting around unless they were carried around by Messengers {Angels} or put on another human being or an animal and they pretty much had to do what Satan told them to do. And some of them very quickly realised that if they played Satan's games by his rules and played along with him and helped him to build power and authority, they would get a whole lot of power back and so that's what they did. They were given control of other Demons and so the whole power structure on Earth is controlled by Seven Demonic Masterminds, each of which has a huge collection of Principalities, Powers, Thrones, and Dominions under them seeking to destroy the believers, seeking to make sure that there are no true believers on Earth at the end of the millennium.
4. First Demons Recognize a Power Opportunity
These first Ancestor Spirits (Demons) in turn recognized the opportunity presented by them being the first Demons and set about applying their considerable knowledge and experience to understand how to gain power and authority by supporting Satan in his evil quest.
Think about it, what would you do as a human being if you die as an unbeliever, you find that you are stuck on your corpse and a Messenger from Satan, an Angel from Satan comes along, picks you up, takes you to Satan's "throne room" and there the leaders say to you if you will serve Satan faithfully, if you will do everything he tells you to do, we will give you great power and authority. Otherwise you can go back to your corpse. So when you're faced with the choice of being a powerful Demon and being put on your corpse in your grave for the rest of Eternity, I think you're going to choose to serve Satan.
So over the centuries, over the millennia, over 100 billion people have died as unbelievers and some of them have really climbed in and sought to serve Satan energetically and therefore been given control over huge numbers of other Demons, over huge numbers of Satanic Messengers, Angels. Folks, it's a very, very different scenario to what you've probably been taught and the problem is that neither Yah nor Satan can tell us anything about these things unless we do the necessary fasting and praying to seek truth.
5. Demonic Organization
They organized themselves as they had when alive, with governments, committees, etc. Those bodies were reconstituted after the flood.
There are similar ranks in the Demonic realm in the kingdom of Satan to those that I have talked about with regard to the Kingdom of Yah:
A. The Council of Ruling Masterminds who reported directly to Satan until Satan was sent to the Pit for 1,000 years in 2003. This Council of Masterminds today rule the Earth in Satan’s absence very powerfully and very effectively such that many of the activities that attract so much attention from conspiracy theorists, such as "The New World Order" are, in fact, being instigated and driven by the Council of Masterminds and not by living human beings. The living human beings are just pawns in this power play.
This Junta rules the Earth today.
Folks, this is so important. It's possible to look around the Earth, and say this is wrong, that's wrong, this looks like a conspiracy that looks like that. If you look at the human beings, they're just pawns. They've got Demons, they're crawling with Demons, they are mouthpieces for the Demons. The Demons are operating under close supervision from the top, from the council that we're talking about and they've got an agenda that the human beings for the most part don't understand. So don't get stuck in what the other human beings are doing, deal with the spiritual thing. That's what we're called to have authority over.
The incumbents, the Committee or Council of Masterminds, the Junta, have thousands close to 6,000 years of practice and they guard their positions jealously and violently with huge numbers of committed supporters in a Power-Fear structure.
The Masterminds today include Baal, Molech, Ashteroth, a Demon called Jesus, a Demon called God, a Demon called The LORD and a Demon called Christ. Prayers to these last four names are no longer answered by Yah as an act of Grace which was done up until 2003, but they are answered by the Principalities, Powers, Thrones and Dominions that muster in under each of the corresponding Masterminds.
So if you are praying to God and you say, "Oh God, please help me," you get a Demon that belongs to the structure of God, the Mastermind God. So if you say, "Jesus help me," you will get at least one Demon from the structure called Jesus and if you keep doing it you will get more and more Demons and they will answer your prayers in supernatural ways sometimes. That's why the world at the moment is full of false miracles. That's why so many powerful men and women who was serving Yah faithfully in the '90s, even into the 2000s have fallen away totally because the Demons have taken over and taken them completely out of line. Very important to know these things, very important to use the right names, very important to be really careful about what you say and do.
5. Demonic Organization – continued
The next category of rank in the Demonic organisation is:
B. Illuminated Ones -- they were highly committed to Satan as a Satanist, Witch, Warlock, etc in this life. They were filled with Demons, they perpetrated many human sacrifices and other extreme evil in order to win favour with Satan and the Masterminds -- they will be rewarded with a position of considerable evil power in support of the Masterminds. When they were alive, they invited Demons to live in them and control them hence the term "Illuminated" – contrast this with "Anointed" being a person filled with the spirit of the Almighty Creator.
Folks, if you want a high rank in the Satanic realm, you better get out there and be really, really terrible and wicked and ugly and kill people and eat human flesh and lie and steal and cheat and get yourself filled with Demons, etc., etc. You don't want to go there folks, but there are people who do go there. I've seen some of them.
C. Foot Soldier – which is the next rank in the Demonic hierarchy. Moderately successful in sinning, led many others into sin, had some sort of relationship with the Demonic and Satanic realm, gives them a position of some authority and esteem in the Satanic sense.
It's important to understand the power and the authority we're talking about here relates to the number of people under control, the number of people in submission. So the more you move up this hierarchy, the more people you have under your control, the more Demons you have under control and also the human beings that those Demons control.
D. Pretender -- they were into sin, they denied the Creator but they really never did very much for Satan. They're largely disregarded in the Satanic realm. They will be used for low level assignments to low level people on Earth -- remember that they will be one of over 100 billion Ancestor Spirits at the time they die.
Folks, you don’t want to be there either. Not a good place to be.
E. Kingdom of the White Witches -- Good "Faeries" (Demons). Please note that a Fairy is a Demon. It's just a simple example of how the Forces of Darkness try and dress things up. So we get these pictures of pretty Faries with wings giving spells and answering commands, etc. It's just a smokescreen for Demons. If you believe in Faries, you believe in Demons and you give yourself over to Demons. So these good Faries, these good Demons lived a good life. They sort of thought there might be a God but they never truly believed and they never thought it important. They may have been well educated, done all sorts of good works. They might even have gone to Church regularly, but they never had a deep revelation of the existence of the Creator – not really committed any major sin, and therefore no real use to the kingdom of Satan. So the Satanic and Demonic will largely leave them alone in some lonely location, such as a graveyard to be a "Good Ghost" unless a White Witch thinks she can use then in her witchcraft using the Satanic and Demonic realm to attempt to do good.
Folks it's a huge deception. You can be as good as you like, but if you don't believe you will end up as a Demon and it's not a good place to be.
6. Most Demons were Stranded in the Flood
Coming back to the flood that we spoke about last week, it's important to realise that most Demons were stranded in the flood. So Noah and his family were on the boat. Only Noah and Shem and their wives were believers. The others were not believers. And everybody else on the planet were unbelievers. They all died in the flood. Their spirits immediately became ancestor spirits. There was no Angels to go and carry them around, so the corpse was tossed in the waves or they got buried under tons of material that was compressed and became rock. So scattered around the planet, some at great depths are the spirits of the human beings who died in the flood. Others ended up in the oceans. The corpses were eaten by sharks and what have you. Their spirit ended up on the shark and the shark died and another shark somehow got the spirit and so they were lying on the bottom of the ocean or they were riding on the back of a shark or some other fish or whatever. Folks, you don't want to take the risk of being an ancestor spirit, a Demon. It's just a really ugly place to be. This is far worse than most people have been told. It's really not a good place to be and so even today, these Demons are being picked up and found and dug up and excavated and it's just really, really tragic when they could have been in Heaven on High Thrones, great esteem, great authority, great beauty. That's what we want to be folks.
7. Ruling Masterminds Survived on Ham
Just before the flood started, the Seven Masterminds that I have mentioned realized what was happening and just before the flood they managed to attach themselves to Ham, Noah’s youngest son who was an unbeliever and ancestor worshipper. So they survived the flood such that the Demonic realm got a jump start after the flood.
Father went to all that trouble to wipe out the unbelievers and the seven most powerful Demons got a free ride through the flood on Noah's unbelieving son, Ancestor Worshipping son Ham, because Noah insisted that Yah should save Ham.
Yah deeply regrets allowing Ham and Japheth and their wives to survive the Flood and today He asks that we should not ask special favours of Him with regard to our unbelieving children and families.
It's so easy to get stuck on asking Father for things for unbelieving families or children or even if they are believing. Don't ask for special favours. The reason that there was almost nobody available to send Satan to the Pit in 2003 was because Moses had prevailed on Yah that a firstborn child through his son Gershom should have the honours. By the time I was called to do that, I was just about the last one left and Father was, as He told me, scraping the bottom of the barrel!
Again, the key lesson is that Father desires a Deep Personal Relationship with You and everybody else on the planet, but let's focus on you right now. He desires that you should strive to become His Friend and qualify for a high throne when you cease to live on Earth.
Folks, get your own life right first. Once you've got your life right, you can start thinking about getting the lives of your children and brothers and sisters and parents, etc. right. It's a long slog to really get close to Father and it's really worth it if you will go for it.
Chapter 6: The Recovery of Earth and Ongoing Degeneration of Mankind
1. Surviving the Flood was Traumatic – a Sodden Muddy Mess
So it's important to realise that surviving the flood was traumatic, the world was a sodden muddy mess. The boat was tossed in every direction and there were significant injuries even though the occupants were strapped down and in a deep sleep induced by the Spirit of Yah.
After the Earth expanded and the waters subsided to form the Oceans the Earth was a sodden muddy mess of massively disrupted deposits with water everywhere, heavy cloud and much rain. It took centuries for a reasonably equitable environment to develop. Global drying and warming today is, in part, a manifestation of the ongoing draining of residual deposits of water from the flood from the land.
Global warming is a consequence of the Flood. It's got absolutely nothing to do with Carbon Dioxide and all these other stories about things that are causing the heating up. The planet is still drying out and therefore it's getting warmer. It's as simple as that. We can do all in our pitiful weak state think to do to cut back on the production of Carbon Dioxide and it will have absolutely zero effect. We can plant the whole planet with trees, we can wipe out all the people, we can go back to survival existence, no fires, nothing, it won't make a shred of difference to global warming. It's going to get warmer and there is absolutely nothing that mankind can do about it. Get close to Father, learn how to cope with it. That's the deal.
2. Much Knowledge and Experience – Rapid Technology Advance
There was much knowledge and experience brought through the flood by Noah and his family.
The survivors had brought with them a very substantial library of technical literature and much knowledge and experience. They were also of great stature (Noah was 18 feet or 6 meters tall) and of great intellect. We were literally created at the beginning with massive intellect in the likeness of the Almighty. So in a short space of time advanced centres of civilisation stared to spring up.
So the people survived the flood, came out of the boat, muddy mess, started to plant crops and all sorts of things and just imagine the first years must have been very, very difficult, very much survival. They brought with them seeds of agricultural products so they had to plant wheat and corn and barley and fruit trees and so on and so forth, but it took years for those things, months for the first grain crops and they needed to keep most of that for seed and years for the fruit trees. Really, really difficult folks.
The stories that we read about the flood etc just don't do justice to how really terrible it was.
3. Three Families from Noah
The three sons of Noah brought with them three distinctly different spiritual and physical dispensations:
A. The children of Shem clung closely to the religion of their fathers, Shem and Noah and became the people of the Middle East, Europe and India. They were highly inventive and adopted a culture of Justice – Right versus Wrong. That's Father's way.
B. The children of Japheth were Agnostic and Idolatrous but not Ancestor Worshipers. They were of lesser physical stature although highly intelligent. They were also inventive and highly disciplined and adopted a culture of Honour versus Shame. These are the people of the Far East, China, Japan, Korea, etc.
C. The children of Ham, the youngest son, sank into full blown Ancestor (Demon) worship and degenerated to become the people of Africa. They adopted a culture of Power versus Fear.
Those three families are still clearly visible on the Earth. Having said that, today there are people who are counter to this trend by virtue of cross fertilization by people of Shem and Japheth.
Today because of cross breeding there are counter trends in all population groups
So there are people who look African who are actually children of Shem, because the father some generations ago was a Shemite, an Israelite or whatever. So there are powerful servants arising in Africa as there are powerful servants arising in the Far East, you can't tell anything now based on the tribes, the culture, the country of any human being. You don't know the spiritual legacy that they come from, you don't know who is blessing them, you don't know what blessings are on them, you don't know what curses are on them, do not judge people by their race, by their skin colour, by their physical appearance. Don't judge people at all unless Father clearly tells you something, and in my experience, He's not in the habit of doing that unless you get to be a place of really close to Him and even then He doesn't do that often.
4. Global Nuclear War – Genetic Aberrations
Then there was a global nuclear war, which gave rise to genetic aberrations. Some hundreds of years after the flood there was a global nuclear war and many civilizations were wiped out. The resultant nuclear contamination resulted in aberrant genetic malformation which gave rise to the cave dwelling semi-human remains that have been found in certain parts of the World. These are not a missing link in evolutionary development!
So much confusion about this folks. People assume a steady state history, not the case. Massive disruption with the flood, massive disruption with the global nuclear war, genetic corruption because of exposure to radioactivity. We are the inheritors of a genesis of messed up people. We are a messed up people. We are nowhere close to what we were created to be. If you want to get back to what you were created to be, get close to Father and in the life to come, you will get back to that state. It's not going to happen otherwise. You want to be close to Father, folks. The alternatives are really too ghastly to contemplate.
5. Degenerative Evolution
So we then move into what you could call "Degenerative Evolution." As noted before, Noah and his family were of great stature. They were giants by today’s standards both physically and intellectually. As a consequence of the reduced gravitational forces consequent on the expansion of the Earth and as a consequence of general spiritual degradation mankind has devolved (degenerative evolution) from the great stature and intellect of Adam and even Noah to what we have today.
In the years immediately following the flood the high level of radioactive material ejected from the core of the Earth through volcanoes, lava flows and granite upwellings resulted in a level of limited mutation such that while there was only one species of cat on the survival vessel we now have a range of cats in different parts of the world, lions, tigers, panthers, leopards, etc. The same applies to other animals and to plants. There has been massive "evolutionary" development since the Flood albeit in a degenerative sense.
This again is so important to understand. There is a huge amount of truth in the theory of evolution. It's just going in the wrong direction. We've been evolving, negatively degrading, getting weaker. We are not the most powerful generation that has ever lived. We are the most decrepit, messed up, corrupt generation that has ever lived, and it's going to get worse. Father is progressively being excluded from the government of the nations, the vast majority of people are unbelievers, we are heading for another Dark Ages unless there is a massive turning around in the near future.
6. Abraham a Turnaround Emissary and other Turnarounds
Post the Flood, we get to Abraham, who was a turnaround emissary or turnaround Prophet and subsequent other turnarounds.
By the time of Abraham there were again almost no people truly serving Yah. Abraham initiated a turning around which propagated through Ishmael, Yaakov (Yisrael), Moshe (Moses) and David through to Yahooshua and Mohammed each one of which initiated a Turnaround of different levels of intensity. Martin Luther also initiated a turnaround bringing an end to the Dark Ages and initiating a major global Renaissance. It is vital to understand that the prosperity we enjoy today coupled with ever increasing levels of comfort and advanced technology is a direct consequence of large numbers of people turning back to Father Yah with invention and prosperity being a direct result of the blessings associated with serving Him.
This is the Renaissance, the recovery from the Dark Ages post Martin Luther, the spread of Christianity. Amazing things have happened but they've happened because Yah, the Almighty Creator has led them, driven them, inspired people, taught people, given people wisdom and now everybody is turning their backs on Him. How do we think we're going to continue in what we have today by totally excluding Father? It's crazy. It just doesn't make any sense at all once you understand these things.
Human Spirits – Ancestor Spirits and the Demonic Masterminds – Recap
We discussed the reality that the spirits of unbelievers become Ancestor Spirits or Demons when they die.
We saw that there is a reward for those in deep relationship.
We spoke about the first unbelievers.
We saw how Satan enrolled the deceased Human Spirits.
We understood that the first Demons recognized a power opportunity.
We discussed Demonic Organization.
We realized that most Demons were stranded in the flood.
We learned that the Ruling Masterminds survived on Ham.
We looked at the recovery of Earth and ongoing degradation of mankind.
We realized that surviving the Flood was traumatic and that the Earth was a sodden muddy mess after the Flood.
We understood that the survivors had much knowledge and experience, there were rapid technology advances.
We recognized that there were three families descended from Noah.
We discovered that there had been a global nuclear war resulting in Genetic Aberrations which gave rise to degenerative evolution.
We concluded by learning that Abraham was a Turnaround Emissary and that there had been other turning arounds.
And there is another turning around that has just started. Whether it will be sustained and endure remains to be seen. I'm working hard as best I can to make that happen. I've just published my books, 15 volumes of my writings over the last 20 odd years. There are a few copies available. If you would like a set, please contact me. Otherwise the electronic copies are available on the website.
Wrapping Up
Five Key Documents – Main Menu Webpages
Five key documents that you might want to refer to, they're all main menu webpages.
"The Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with You" – near the bottom of the menu.
"Seven Components in Drawing Close to the Creator" – also near the bottom of the menu. Folks, if you're serious about serving Father, this is a must read. Read it and apply everything that you find in that document. It was written under significant anointing, significant level of inspiration.
"Recommended Worship" – near the bottom of the menu. Songs that are strongly recommend. They're there to download.
"The Creator's Name is Yah the Eternally Self-Existing" – at the top of the menu. It's so important to understand His name and how His name is interleaved with the names of people throughout history.
"Where will You Spend Eternity – What is required in order to qualify to sit on a High Throne for Eternity?"
They're all available at www.EndTimeIssueMinistries.org.
Transcripts of nearly all the teachings in this series are available on the Website at the bottom on the "Radio" page.
Recordings of nearly all of the teachings broadcast so far are available on the Radio page and they are all available at http://RelationshipWithCreatorRadio.com. Click on the "The Show" and then on "Podcasts."
Books constituting a compilation of most writings published since 1998 are available near the bottom of the menu at the "Compilation of Most Writings" page and are physically available.
I publish regular email articles; email James@EndTimeIssueMinistries.org to be added to the list or to seek counsel or prayer or give me feedback.
Visit the website and use the Google Search, Article Keyword Cloud, Table of Contents and Article Search to locate the information you are looking for.
Thank you for listening!
Please send me your questions on the W4CY webpage. I will answer them in the next broadcast.
Please email me to join the mailing list at James@EndTimeIssueMinistries.org.
If you decide to draw close to the Almighty, please let me know and we can connect by Skype, Zoom, email or telephone so that I can help you with your journey. I hope to connect with you again next week when we will continue to explore how to become a Friend of the Creator.
In saying all of this, I really want to stress to you, if you're listening to me and saying "I can't do that. I can't become a Friend of the Creator. How will I do that? It is just me." Folks, He wants that far more than you do and He will come to meet you wherever you are the moment that you commit yourself to seeking to become His Friend. Just a simple prayer like "Father, James Robertson says it is possible for me to become your Friend. I want to become your Friend. Please help me."
Then, go to the website, there is a huge amount of material, there is about 1,000 webpages, all over 1,000 articles, books, download the books, read the books, apply the books. It doesn't matter what your race is or your colour or your level of education or your wealth. I urge you to do it folks. The reward is huge, magnificent, fabulous, far greater than you can imagine. Thank you so much.
James Robertson
Emissary and Spokesman of Yah
Broadcast 20 September 2019 on www.W4CY.com

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