2019.11.08 Proof of a Global Flood Part 1 Created by James3 on 1/20/2020 2:46:08 PM This Broadcast introduces the topic of proving that there WAS a Global Flood and how it came about. Evidence of a Flood is drawn from various sources. The importance of my Engineering Training in developing this thesis is stressed. Astronomical observations from NASA are cited. The importance of the work of Jonathan Gray is stressed. My credentials that qualify me to have these opinions are cited. It is noted that “Design Against Failure” is a fundamental conceptual principle. Reductio ad
2019.11.08 Proof of a Global Flood Part 1
This Broadcast introduces the topic of proving that there WAS a Global Flood and how it came about. Evidence of a Flood is drawn from various sources. The importance of my Engineering Training in developing this thesis is stressed. Astronomical observations from NASA are cited. The importance of the work of Jonathan Gray is stressed. My credentials that qualify me to have these opinions are cited. It is noted that “Design Against Failure” is a fundamental conceptual principle. Reductio ad Absurdem is presented as a vital reasoning method. It is stressed that most physical world parameters exhibit non-linear and frequently exponential characteristics. It is stressed that “extrapolation should be avoided” and that backward extrapolation over millions of years if false. It is noted that many conventional teachings relating to these topics are fundamentally flawed and false.
<<< PREVIOUS SUB-SECTION: 2019.11.01 History – the REAL FACTS – Part 5
NEXT SECTION: Why YOU Should Believe in the Almighty Creator >>>
Good day!
The Almighty Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with You!
If you do not believe the Creator exists, He has said regarding you, "Why would I want someone to spend Eternity with me when they do not believe I exist?" He has also said regarding believers, "Why would I want someone to be close to me in Heaven, which inherently means I will give them great prestige and authority if they do not have a Deep Personal Relationship with me, and have not proven to me that they can be trusted in this life?"
So if you at some level believed and you are going along thinking that there is something nice is going to happen to you at the end of your life, you might just be in for a nasty surprise. You really need to form a relationship with the Almighty and draw close to Him if you want to receive prestige in the life to come.
The Global Flood that Changed the World -- Part 1
How the Geology and Topography of our Planet were formed
Based on a set of presentations created in 2010
Today we're talking about the Global Flood that changed the world. It's part 1 of the series, looking at how the Geology and Topography of our planet were formed and it's based on a set of presentations that I created in 2010.
The overall context of this, the Almighty has said "I created Human beings, this planet and this universe for men and women to be my Friends, my companions, to explore and learn and develop together. My greatest grief is that almost no person understands this let alone seeks such a relationship with me!"
The Global Flood that Changed the World -- Part 1 -- overview
It is explained that the presentations on which this Broadcast are based are the culmination of years of observation and research coupled to formal training in Geography, Geology, Science, Mathematics and Engineering.
It is pointed out that the survival of the Flood by one family of eight people supports the existence of an Almighty Creator.
Evidence for the Flood is drawn from numerous sources.
The progression of events that led to this understanding is summarized.
The importance of my formal Engineering training in developing my understanding is stressed.
Astronomical observations from NASA are cited in support of the theory of how the Flood was initiated.
It is noted that the detailed presentations are available on the Website under the Flood index item.
Various elements of information are presented as contextual support to the overall thesis of this series of presentations.
The importance of the thinking of Jonathan Gray in setting me on this path is stressed.
"Design against failure" as a fundamental Engineering principle is discussed.
My academic and other credentials in support of my authority to express these opinions is noted.
The principle of "reductio ad absurdum" as a technique used in Mathematics and Law is discussed.
The reality that most physical world parameters are non-linear and frequently exponential is noted as important.
The Engineering principle that "extrapolation should be avoided" is discussed.
It is noted that most dating techniques used in Archaeology and Geology are fatally flawed and give rise to highly inaccurate results.
Who am I? – James Robertson, I have a Doctorate in Engineering, many years' experience as Strategic Management Consultant and more recently as a Business Executive. I have over 26 years' experience of actively seeking to draw close to the Almighty following a dramatic encounter with Him on 12th March 1993 when He spoke to me audibly in a locked room.
What is "End Time Issue Ministries?" It's the organizational vehicle for delivering my message through Email Articles, Websites, this Radio Programme and physical books.
What is this Programme? – "The Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with You!" – it represents the essence of my message.
See the Website www.EndTimeIssueMinistries.org for more information.
Questions from Last Week's Programme
Number one, Faith said "God is good."
That is certainly true, so it's not really a question but a statement, and I agree with that.
Number two, Jim said "I was told that the bible is God's word. He spoke to the wise men and the wise men put his word into the good book?"
Sorry to tell you that that is a complete falsehood. The Bible is a compilation of fragments of manuscripts written by numerous different authors over many, many years, which were collated and written out in the form of a book. If you study the book with any level of critical questioning, you will see that many of the so-called books in the Bible are fragments and incomplete.
Question number three, Lynn asked "Is depression a form of having Demons in you?"
Certainly Demons can cause depression, Demons and other people can result in behaviour that leads to depression. It is however also possible to have depression without Demons getting involved.
Derrick asked, "Do you think that the Devil has more control over people now more than ever?"
Yes, I do. Mankind has been sinking into greater and greater deception. The big problem is that what you think would be the attributes of people serving the Devil is in fact not the case. The First Commandment is "Love Yah the Eternally Self-Existing," Yah being the name of the Almighty Creator, "With all your heart, with all your mind, with all your soul, with all your strength." If you don’t believe, you are breaking that Commandment, you are serving the Devil. That goes for just about the whole population of the Earth today.
Maddi asked, "This generation has a rude awakening when it comes to Judgment Day."
Again, more of a statement. Yes indeed, that is certainly true. This generation will have a rude awakening when it dies. Each individual has a rude awakening when they die. Pretty much all the believers and the unbelievers will get a shock.
John asked, "Is it true that you have to go to church in order to get to Heaven?"
No, not at all. Going to church might help you to get to Heaven but it could also get in the way of you going to Heaven and frankly, for the last two decades Father has been saying to true believers to come out of the Church, come out of the Mosques, Synagogue, whatever. Church is an abdication. It's about people relying on some other human beings to have a relationship with the Almighty for them instead of them seeking that relationship themselves.
Libby asked, "What does shaving your body do?"
That relates to some comment that I made about sanctification. I spoke at length on this a couple of months ago. Basically shaving is a way of symbolically cleansing your body, cutting off demons, etc. It should be done together with full body anointing and full body immersion. I don’t have time to go into that now in detail. If you go to the website and have a look at the back issues you will find that there is an article in the webpage "The Seven Components of Drawing Close to the Almighty" if you read that about halfway through, you will find a detailed discussion.
Body of the Article
The Global Flood that Changed the World
Our programme tonight is The Global Flood that Changed the World. This Broadcast is the culmination of a number of years of observation and research coupled to formal training in Geography, Geology, Science, Mathematics and, most importantly, Engineering.
The Broadcast seeks to make visible key aspects of the topography and geology of our planet that are obvious and in plain sight once one is sensitised to them.
These observations evidence that the entire planet was submerged under water at some time in the past and that associated with this the surface of the Earth was radically transformed and subject to massive tectonic (ground movement) events.
All of this took place around 4,500 years ago such that there are very few archaeological finds that are older than this and the entire surface of the Earth dates back to this event. Theories of much older dates for the formation of the surface of the Earth are shown to be flawed and false.
It is evidenced that a family of eight people survived the Flood in a purpose build ship that enabled them to ride out the storms and other events associated with this Flood.
It is asserted that since only one family survived and had sufficient foreknowledge of the coming event to build the ship in question this evidences the involvement of an external power who is asserted to be the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, whose name is Yah the Eternally Self-Existing. You may know Him as God or the Lord but those are incorrect names.
It is further asserted that this Being warned the head of the family in question, a man named Noah or Nuh, so that he had time to build the vessel and gather together a representative sample of animals and birds in the vessel at the time the Flood commenced.
It is asserted that the Flood was the consequence of an impact with an Ice Comet that tilted the Earth on its axis and disturbed its circular orbit around the Sun.
There is very little written about the true causes of the flood. What I'm sharing with you in the series of broadcast are pieced together over a number of years and I will explain them more in due course. So the presentations on which this talk tonight is based are the most complete analysis that I have seen on the topic.
Evidence in support of this theory as advanced here is drawn from the metamorphosed sedimentary deposits that are mined by South African Gold Mines, the presence of sedimentary rocks covering most of the planet, the presence of Granite Domes such as the Halfway House Granite Dome, the existence of the African Erosion Surface, the presence of incised river valleys and other features associated with dramatic water erosion around the planet and the presence of upthrust mountain ranges evidencing high speed movement of continental plates that then collided with one another.
It is suggested that all of this evidence points to a sound basis to conclude that the Almighty Creator exists and to choose to serve Him. Some important basic principles relating to the Almighty and service of Him, including some suggested prayers are presented in the last Broadcast of this series.
It is hoped that any person who thinks critically will study the material in this Broadcast and come to a deep understanding of the reality of the Flood and then to a deep understanding of the reality of the Creator such that they will come to serve the Almighty as a matter of considered choice.
As I said in the beginning, the overall context of this talk is the fact that the Almighty Creator desires a Deep Personal Relationship with each and every human being on the planet. The fact that there are virtually none that are doing this at the moment is a cause of great sadness to Him, but it is totally open to you tonight to choose to start a journey to seek a Deep Personal Relationship with the Almighty, and if you do that you will find very huge rewards in the life to come.
I have always been interested in Geology and Geology was a favourite subject at University as I studied to become a Civil Engineer. I went on to practice as a Consulting Geotechnical Engineer for a number of years which gave me exposure to diverse geology, primarily in South and Central Africa. I was also interested in Geography and studied Geography at school as one of my top subjects.
In these years I did not give much thought to how the geology and topography that I was working with came about. The generally accepted wisdom was that the surface of the Earth developed over millions or billions of years and I saw no reason to question that.
Then, in about 2000, I came across the work of Jonathan Gray and over the next few years studied a number of his videos and books until in around 2005 I encountered his trilogy of books relating to the Flood reported in the historical writings known as "Genesis" in the book commonly referred to as "The Bible." These three books "The Killing of Paradise Planet," "Surprise Witness" and "The Corpse Came Back," all of which are available on Amazon, collectively painted a very different picture of the origin of the Geology and Topography than we are all familiar with.
Folks I can't stress this enough, we go through life being told things which we believe as we have no reason to question them and the fact is there is a hang of a lot of error being taught today, not just around the subject that we are talking about, but around all sorts of things relating to the Almighty, relating to social things, relating to all sorts of topics. We need to seek truth and not being taken aside by error.
Introduction continued
As I was reading these books by Jonathan Gray, I was travelling about 100 kilometres round trip from my then home in Johannesburg, South Africa, North to Pretoria. As a consequence I was driving from the Southern rim of the Halfway House Granite Dome, over the Dome itself and then over the Southern reaches of the Magaliesberg Mountain Range. Thus, as I progressively read these three books I was constantly exposed to Geology and Topography which I knew very well from my course at University and from living in the area all my life. Everything that I saw correlated exactly with what Jonathan was saying and so, progressively I came to rethink my view of how this had all been formed.
In saying this it is important to note that in all my formal study there was very little formal comment on exactly how the Geology and Topography was formed other than general references to millions or billions of years, an inland sea, and similar vague statements. Frankly, we were much more concerned with what existed and how we worked with it as an Engineering material than we were concerned about the specifics of how the Geology and Topography were formed.
As I mentioned a minute ago, this is so common in so many areas of life. We just take for granted what other people say and then we live our lives on that basis. I suggest for your consideration that there are many areas of what you believe, particularly about the things of the Almighty and in many other areas where you will find the same thing. If you visit my website, you may find quite a bit of this.
I should also note that by the time that I read these three books I had been down a very dramatic road of discovery with regard to the reality of the existence of the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth such that I knew with deep certainty that He does exist.
Given that I held the Bible to be an important historical source, albeit not what many believers claim for it, I was open to the possibility that the account of a Global Flood in Genesis was at least approximately valid. That said, having believed for a number of years that the Bible was "The Word of God and without error," I had come to understand that the Bible is only a book containing a compilation of writings by diverse people most of which accounts are reasonably accurate as historical accounts go, but the book does contain errors. I had also come to understand that this was not an issue since the Almighty is interested in us having a Deep Personal Relationship with Him not having deep faith in a book, no matter what the book might be.
So, applying all my Engineering training (I have a Doctorate in Civil Engineering specializing in "Cement Stabilized Soils as a Material for Dam Construction") I set about verifying Jonathan Gray’s hypothesis of how the current surface of the Earth was formed. As I read the books and observed the Geology and Topography first hand on my regular trips to Pretoria I had a progression of "Aha" moments where I constantly saw the validity of what Jonathan was saying.
If you start praying to seek truth, prayers like "Father lead me into all truth by your spirit," "Father show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it," "Father judge me severely and correct me harshly that I may serve you more perfectly," you will start to get this sort of revelation.
Introduction continued
Finally, having digested Jonathan's writings and my observations, I concluded that all parts of the surface of the Earth that I had ever observed had been laid down under water and subject to massive upheaval.
My training as an Engineer in Mechanics clearly evidenced to me that the massive upheaval of the Earth’s Crust that I was now sensitised to, required a massively dramatic external force to bring about the vertical and horizontal movements that were everywhere in evidence.
My training in Construction Materials and specifically my experience creating what was effectively artificial rock by the application of pressure and addition of Cement which formed the basis of my Doctoral research clearly evidenced that the rocks I was observing had all been subject to massive external pressure in order to take the forms that are everywhere in evidence.
So in considering in what I have to say, I think it is really important to understand that this is coming from a base of formal education, formal training, formal practical experience. I can substantiate what I'm saying with regard to formation of rocks from first hand experience creating and testing in all manner of different ways artificial rocks. Unfortunately, very few people in Geology have that experience and so they don’t question periods of how the rocks were formed. And other people just take it for granted that they know what they are talking about.
Sometime later, I happened to subscribe to a news feed on my computer from NASA, the National Aeronautical and Space Administration of the United States of America, and that fed me daily satellite images from outer space which evidenced the hugely unstable environment in which our planet exists and also provided graphic details of massive ice objects in orbit around our Sun in the Kuiper Belt as well as an example of an Ice Comet. It became apparent that Jonathan’s hypothesis of an Ice Comet striking the Earth or a near miss by an Ice Comet was entirely plausible.
I was convinced!
In the years that followed I became aware that my training as an Engineer and experience as a Geotechnical Engineer afforded me the opportunity to argue the case for the hypothesis postulated by Jonathan Gray from a very robust perspective, more robust than the arguments which he as an archaeologist had been able to advance.
So just to reinforce that point, the approach that one has to be seeking truth, the approach that one has to evaluate things, the information at one's disposal is really important. As is the extent to which people who present technical or pseudo-technical theories have a basis to do that. I like to believe that what I am saying here is well substantiated.
With this in mind I set myself the task of putting together a set of videos presenting my findings. This I did and the videos were completed on DVD and also uploaded to YouTube in the first quarter of 2010. The videos are on YouTube at http://www.YouTube.com/user/ProofOfGlobalFlood, the PowerPoint slides are on SlideShare at http://www.slideshare.net/End_Time_Issue_Ministries and the Videos and Slideshares are available on the End Time Issue Ministries websites on the Flood page.
In subsequent years I have come to understand some issues more clearly, I have also come to understand the consequences of the Global Flood event much more clearly. In engaging with people who dispute this hypothesis I have found that very few people have the time or the interest to watch eleven videos amounting to over three hours of viewing time or even to watch the summary.
Accordingly I concluded that there was a need for a reasonably concise eBook that lifts out all the key points of the argument that people could easily flip through and skim in order to get the gist of the proposition. This Broadcast is based on that eBook which is available on the Website.
One of the things that became evident to me, we hear a lot about global warming and I come to understand that global warming is simply a manifestation of the progressive drying of the surface of the Earth post the flood. It has absolutely nothing to do with carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. So yes, there is a real problem, but carbon is not the cause; classic example of people drawing wrong conclusions.
Chapter 2
In presenting this hypothesis of the formation of the Crust of the Earth into its present Geology and Topography, I want to start out by offering some contextual comments. The full presentations and videos on which this Broadcast is based are available on the Website under the "Flood" item in the main index.
So the website has got something of the order of a thousand pages, covers a huge diversity of topics. There is a very extensive index menu, when you log on to the site at the top of the webpage, if you skim over all of those items you will find additional pages. So there is a very large amount of information on a very wide diversity of topics including a lot of information about the Flood on the website.
So if you are really seeking truth, if you are asking questions, if you are challenged to seek a deep relationship with the Almighty, the website would be the first place to go. You are also welcome to email me, the email address given at the end of this programme, James@EndTimeIssueMinistries.org. You are welcome to email me with questions, to ask for support, we can connect on Skype or Zoom, telephone, email. I am very happy to consult with you to help you.
Acknowledgement – Jonathan Gray
The information and thinking that triggered the understanding of the formation of the Earth’s crust discussed in this presentation came to me from material published by Jonathan Gray.
He has got a website www.beforeus.com and www.archaeologyanswers.com.
You can contact Jonathan at:
Email: info@archaeologyanswers.com
Post: Surprising Discoveries, PO Box 785, Thames, 3540, New Zealand.
This material forms the foundation on which my current understanding has been built.
This information has been supplemented from my own knowledge and experience and diverse other sources.
I would really encourage you to visit the www.beforeus.com website or www.archaeologyanswers.com website, it's the same site I think. A really large amount of very challenging, very interesting, and very useful information. He has another book "Dead Men's Secrets" which I strongly recommend and there are a number of other books which I strongly recommend.
I distributed his material in South Africa for many years. So you might really serve yourself by buying the books that I mentioned off Amazon or off Jonathan's website, you can get them on PDF or you can get the printed bound books from Amazon. I have really been blessed by Jonathan's ministry. A lot of useful information.
Design against failure
In my business career I have invested considerable time in learning how to achieve high value outcomes for business information system projects and, in doing this I have sought to apply what I term "Engineering Principles" to what I do. I have also sought to apply these principles in my learning about the matters of the Almighty Creator and all associated activities of which my research into the formation of the Earth’s present crust is an important element.
One of these principles I enunciate as "Engineers do not design bridges to stand up, they design bridges not to fall down." This is a very important distinction. In order to ensure that a bridge will not fall down it is necessary to understand every possible mechanism whereby the bridge might fall down and then eliminate all of those mechanisms from the design.
The same principle applies to one’s theory of the formation of the Crust of the Earth, one must ensure that one has considered every possible factor that could cause one’s theory to fail, ensure that it does not fail on each and every point and then one will have a reliable hypothesis.
It's so easy to say something, like this skeleton is 10,000 years old or these mountains were formed over millions of years. But is that really true? Can you substantiate that theory? Does it stand up to critical evaluation?
Design against failure
I have had to conclude over the last fifteen years or so that most people do not understand this principle of design against failure and neither do they apply it to their religious life or to their study of Geology and Topography. The currently prevailing theories about how the present Crust of the Earth was formed fail this test dismally – both from the professional geological camp and the religious camp.
I have it that what is presented in the abovementioned videos and in the eBook do comply with that requirement. In other words, I am confident that I have thoroughly considered every possible factor that might cause this hypothesis to fail and I am fully satisfied that these issues have been considered and dealt with such that I have a high level of certainty that the essence of what is presented here is valid and reliable.
Folks, I welcome your questions, I welcome constructive criticism, I welcome constructive questioning. If you think I am wrong, if you think I have missed the point, whether something I have said during this series is not valid, please feel free to challenge me, you have got my email address.
What I would ask is that if you have another theory that you test it critically, that you ask critical questions, that you look at the weaknesses of your theory and see whether it really does stand up to critical evaluation.
In providing context to the talks that follow, I would like to present my credentials. I present this document and present this presentation with the credentials that include the following:
- High School – including Geography, Biology, Science and Mathematics, amongst other subjects, the last three with distinction. I have a solid grounding in the Geography of the World and also Topography. My training in Mathematics as a formal subject provides intense training in logic and problem solving.
- University – Bachelor of Science Honours in Engineering with distinction – Mathematics, Science, Mechanics, Geology, Materials Science, etc. I have a solid grounding in Geology and also in analytical methods. Note that this is first and foremost a Science qualification.
- University – PhD (Doctorate) – Cement Stabilized Soil as a material for the Construction of Large Dams. I have a solid understanding of what is required to manufacture artificial rock and also the properties of artificial rock-like materials.
- Other self-study in the field of Ceramics, which has a bearing on what I have to say about the vast South African gold fields.
- I was also a Registered Professional Engineer for over 25 years, which is evidence that I achieved the necessary standard of excellence to practice as an Engineer.
- Operated as a Consulting Geotechnical Engineer working on Mines throughout South and Central Africa. This provides a basis for me to have practical hands-on exposure to the Geology of that region and the ability to interpret the Geology of other parts of the world.
Thus, when I offer my comments on the hypothesis that I am presenting in this talk I do so off a strong grounding in Science and Scientific technique coupled to knowledge and experience in key fields of Science and associated disciplines that are necessary for me to have an authoritative opinion on the matters that I write about here.
I am sorry to sort of go on a bit about my experience and my qualification, but as I hope you will see as we go further into this subject, it's really important that you understand that what I am saying is based on this very solid foundation of knowledge and experience over many years. This is not something that I just glibly read from some other source and doctored as my own and proclaimed as some new truth. It's not something that I just glibly sat down and wrote about one day. It's something that I have spent many years in training in order to be able to say what I have to say.
On one hand I certainly didn’t embark on the career that I have embarked on in order to be able to do what I have done in these presentations, but at the same time it can be argued that the combination and knowledge and experience that I gathered over the first 50 or so years of my life were actually very, very relevant to enabling you to have a very solid and very substantive and defendable set of opinions around this topic.
Mathematics and Law -- Reductio ad absurdum -- Reduce to the absurd
Reductio ad absurdum is a well-established reasoning technique in Mathematics and Law in terms of which one assumes that a thesis is valid and then systematically analysis the situation based on this assumption. If the thesis stands up to this examination it is validated and if it fails, it fails. This technique is taught at school and university and is widely recognized and respected and well reported on the Internet, see for example in Wikipedia.
I have applied reductio ad absurdum repeatedly in considering the material presented in this document and I am confident that my argument stands up to rigorous scrutiny.
Folks, this applies to so many things. Come back to the climate change thing, I have not done the exercise, but I am pretty confident that if one undertook a systematic and thorough examination of what has been said about climate change being a consequence of increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, one would very quickly see that is fraudulent.
For example, a lot is made at planting trees, the problem is that the leaves fall which the carbon dioxide that is absorbed by the trees in large measure is converted into the substance of the leaves and then at the end of the season the leaves fall off and they decay and as they decay they give off carbon dioxide, so the carbon dioxide is released back into the atmosphere. Human beings produce waste that is processed typically in most countries today through sewage plants and in the digestives, the faecal matter is broken up into methane which in turn when it is used for fuel or whatever goes back into carbon dioxide.
Folks, global warming is in no way associated with the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. If you apply these techniques you will find that that’s the case.
Most parameters in the natural physical world have non-linear characteristics
One of the false assumptions that traditional Geology and Land Form thinking makes is that it is possible to extrapolate linearly millions of years into the past. This is fundamentally false because the characteristics of most physical properties are non-linear. This is graphically demonstrated by virtually all the test results from my PhD research most of which follow exponential curves.
The radioactive decay of radioactive elements is also exponential, which is why there is reference to a half-life. Extrapolating backwards up an exponential curve is manifestly unwise, I could use much stronger language to describe that. This is the basis on which radioactive dating is done. The best that can be said for any date arrived at by looking at the tail end of the decay curve is that it is unwise and one could be much more outspoken than that.
Folks, I can't stress it enough, it's crazy to think that you can look thousands or millions or billions of years into the past by looking at the information that is available today. You just can't do it. You can hypothesize, you can prognosticate, you can theorize, but you cannot have the liberty in the absolute statement that so many people make.
Extrapolation should be avoided – fundamental Engineering principle
One of the fundamental principles of Engineering is that one should never extrapolate to any significant extent when considering test results. If one is forced to extrapolate for any reason then the extrapolation should be to a limited extent and should be checked and double checked by physical world testing. The reason for this is abundantly clear from consideration of any exponential curve.
Again, this is a well-established principle, search in Google for "Extrapolation should be avoided" in order to search the exact statement to see the number of times this exact text occurs. Today when I did that search again, I came up with 3,950 instances of the exact quote "extrapolation should be avoided" on the internet. It's a well-known principle. Extrapolating back from the few hundred or at best few thousand years of human records to millions or billions or even thousand or tens of thousands of years is just utterly futile and fraudulent.
As I said earlier, the way in which radio-carbon dating and other techniques are used to extrapolate thousands, millions and even billions of years is manifestly foolish when viewed in the light of this principle.
All the techniques that are used to estimate the age of artefacts fail this test. Dating something as "millions of years old" is tantamount to an ant on a railway track claiming to be able to predict how long the train travelled to get there just by looking at the oncoming train.
The Global Flood that Changed the World -- Part 1 -- review
It was explained that the presentations on which this Broadcast are based are the culmination of years of observation and research coupled to formal training in Geography, Geology, Science, Mathematics and Engineering.
It was pointed out that the survival of the Flood by one family of eight people supports the existence of an Almighty Creator.
Evidence for the Flood was drawn from numerous sources.
The progression of events that led to this understanding was summarized.
The importance of my formal Engineering training in developing my understanding was stressed.
Astronomical observations from NASA were cited in support of the theory of how the Flood was initiated.
It was noted that the detailed presentations are available on the Website under the Flood index item.
Various elements of information were presented as contextual support to the overall thesis of this series of presentations.
The importance of the thinking of Jonathan Gray in setting me on this path was stressed.
"Design against failure" as a fundamental Engineering principle was discussed.
My academic and other credentials in support of my authority to express these opinions was noted.
The principle of "reductio ad absurdum" as a technique used in Mathematics and Law was discussed.
The reality that most physical world parameters are non-linear and frequently exponential was noted as important.
The Engineering principle that "extrapolation should be avoided" was discussed.
It was noted that most dating techniques used in Archaeology and Geology are fatally flawed and give rise to highly inaccurate results.
Wrapping Up
Five Key Documents – Main Menu Webpages
So in wrapping up, in the context of the Almighty desiring a Deep Personal Relationship with You, there are five key documents that I would refer you to, they are all on the main menu of the website:
"The Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with You" – near the bottom of the menu.
"Seven Components in Drawing Close to the Creator" – also near the bottom of the menu. It's very important in terms of what you can do in order to draw close, probably the most important of all the articles.
"Recommended Worship" – near the bottom of the menu – the songs that are strongly recommended -- the songs that are also there for download.
"The Creator's Name is Yah the Eternally Self-Existing" – at the top of the menu. It's very important to understand the correct name and how the name of the Almighty occurs throughout the Bible.
"Where will You Spend Eternity? – What is required in order to qualify to sit on a High Throne for Eternity?" – near the bottom of the menu.
All available at www.EndTimeIssueMinistries.org.
Transcripts of nearly all teachings in this series are available on the Website at the bottom on the "Radio" page.
Recordings of nearly all of the teachings broadcast so far are available on the Radio page and they are all available at http://RelationshipWithCreatorRadio.com/. Click on "The Show" and then on "Podcasts."
Books constituting a compilation of most writings published since 1998 are available near the bottom of the menu at the "Compilation of Most Writings" page and are physically available. Email me if you want copies.
I publish regular email articles – email James@EndTimeIssueMinistries.org to be added to the list, or to seek counsel or prayer or to give me feedback.
Visit the website and use the Google Search, Article Keyword Cloud, Table of Contents and Article Search to locate the information you are looking for.
Thank you for listening.
Please send me your questions on the W4CY webpage, I will answer them next broadcast.
Please email me to join the mailing list at James@EndTimeIssueMinistries.org.
If you decide to draw close to the Almighty please let me know and we can connect by Skype, Zoom, email or telephone so that I can help you with your journey.
I hope to connect with you again next week when we will continue to explore how to become a Friend of the Creator.
In saying that, I want to stress that notwithstanding what you may have heard, the Almighty wants to be Friends with you. He wants to be Friends with anyone and everyone who will make the effort to become His Friend. Don’t get me wrong, it's not a trivial thing to get to a place where He calls you Friend. It took me about seven or eight years of intense effort not knowing that it was possible to get to a point where He called me a Friend and that included quite a bit of fasting, lots and lots of prayer, lots and lots of worship, lots and lots of self-study.
The article or eBook "Seven Components of Drawing Close" is very relevant.
Thank you so much for listening.
James Robertson
Emissary and Spokesman of Yah
Broadcast 08 November 2019 on www.W4CY.com

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