2019.11.22 Proof of a Global Flood Part 3 Created by James on 4/12/2020 10:13:11 AM This Broadcast examines the manner in which the presence of Sedimentary Rocks over about 90% of the Earth’s surface proves the reality of a Global Flood. Examples such as Table Mountain and the Grand Canyon are cited to evidence this. We then go on to look at Granite Domes and specifically the Halfway House Granite Dome in South Africa as evidence of a massive tectonic event and the resulting disruption of the sedimentary rocks into which the Dome has intruded. We then look at the African Erosion Surface as evidence of massive cutting action. All of these provide supporting evidence with regard to the Global Flood.
Caution – this article has NOT been Proofread so there may be minor transcription errors.
Good day!
The Almighty Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with You!
If you do not believe there is a Creator, then the Almighty has said concerning you, "Why would I want someone to spend Eternity with me when they do not believe I exist?" So if you don’t believe and you are living your life thinking that you can do what you like and at the end of your life something nice is going to happen to you, I suggest you think again. It's going to be pretty darn unpleasant for you when you die.
If you're a believer and particularly a believer who hasn’t really made much effort to get to know the Almighty, Father has said concerning you, "Why would I want someone to be close to me in Heaven, which inherently means I will give them great prestige and authority if they do not have a Deep Personal Relationship with me, and have not proven to me that they can be trusted in this life?"
So again if you're a believer but you're just pottering on doing things the way you've always done things and thinking something nice is going to happen at the end of your life, you could also be disappointed, in fact, it's pretty ugly actually if you don’t have a relationship with Him when you die.
The Global Flood that Changed the World -- Part 3
How the Geology and Topography of our Planet were formed
Based on a set of presentations created in 2010
To give context to this, the Almighty has said, "I created Human beings, this planet and this universe for men and women to be my Friends, my companions, to explore and learn and develop together. My greatest grief is that almost no person understands this let alone seeks such a relationship with me!"
The Global Flood that Changed the World -- Part 3 -- overview
It will be stated that layered Sedimentary Rock covers most of the planet and proves a Global Flood.
Table Mountain in Cape Town, South Africa, will be used to illustrate the principle of horizontally bedded rock layers.
We look at examples of Sedimentary Rocks all over the Earth.
The Halfway House Granite Dome will be cited as evidence of a Massive Tectonic Event concurrent with the laying down of sediments.
It will be confirmed that the Earth has a molten core fuelled by a Nuclear Reaction.
It will be noted that Granite Domes occur all over the Earth.
The Surface Expression of the Halfway House Dome on a Geological Map will be discussed.
A cross section through the Dome will be examined and commented on.
It will be evidenced that the crust was thin at the time of the Global Flood.
It will be established that the Granite contains Radioactive Isotopes frozen at the time the rock solidified.
It will be demonstrated that the Sedimentary Rock was not solid at the time that the Dome intruded.
It will be evidenced that the Dome was subject to disruption after formation.
It will be concluded that the dome proves a massive tectonic event in accordance with what has been postulated.
We will then look at the African Erosion Surface proving further massive uniform erosion.
Who am I? – James Robertson. I have a Doctorate in Engineering. I was a Strategic Management Consultant in South Africa for 25 years, currently a Business Executive. I have over 26 years' experience of actively seeking to draw close to the Almighty following a dramatic encounter with Him on 12th March 1993 when He spoke to me audibly in a locked room.
What is "End Time Issue Ministries?" – It's the organizational vehicle for delivering my message through Email Articles, Websites, this Radio Programme and physical books.
What is this Program? – "The Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with You!" – It represents the essence of my message.
See the Website www.EndTimeIssueMinistries.org for more information.
Questions from Last Week's Programme
Amy asked: "If God created everything, then mother nature is not real?"
Well, actually what it was done if you really come to understand all of this is that this thing that people call Mother Nature is actually a surrogate for the Almighty. So if you substitute the Almighty Creator for Mother Nature everywhere, you would be pretty close to the truth in many, many cases. So yes, there has been a higher power, there is a higher power that guides and creates, etc. We call that higher power Mother Nature is frankly a cope out avoiding, confronting the reality of the Creator.
Ralph asked: "How do you know what path God wants you to go down?"
Well Ralph, it's a journey quite frankly and in my life experience I have taken any number of turns, changes in direction what happens in my experience is one starts following the Almighty, one makes mistakes, things go wrong, you encounter opposition, things that you thought you could do you find you can no longer do because some obstacle gets in your way. So it's kind of like a zigzag road getting in the general direction He wants you to go. That said, where He wants you to go is to form a Deep Personal Relationship with you. He wants to lead you and guide you and help you in whatever you do.
Bill said: "It's so crazy how water is such a powerful thing."
Absolutely! If you understand how high velocity water can erode and move things, it's actually quite phenomenal. We don’t see water operating at the sort of speed that’s actually applied during the time of this inundation that we're talking about and calling a Global Flood.
Tasha: "So was there an Adam and Eve?"
Yes, there was an Adam and Eve, correctly Chavah. There was also Lilith before Chavah. So Father created Adam and Lilith. Lilith went astray after Satan very quickly, so Father had to create a new wife for Adam and He created Chavah or Eve and that’s a whole story in its own right.
Body of the Article
The Global Flood that Changed the World
Foreword -- recap
This Broadcast is the culmination of a number of years of observation and research coupled to formal training in Geography, Geology, Science, Mathematics and, most importantly, Engineering.
The Broadcast seeks to make visible key aspects of the topography and geology of our planet that are obvious and in plain sight once one is sensitised to them.
These observations evidence that the entire planet was submerged under water at some time in the past and that associated with this the surface of the Earth was radically transformed and subject to massive tectonic (ground movement) events.
All of this took place around 4,500 years ago such that there are very few archaeological finds that are older than this and the entire surface of the Earth dates back to this event. Theories of much older dates for the formation of the surface of the Earth are shown to be flawed and false.
Chapter 4
Layered Sedimentary Rock Covers Most of the Planet and Proves a Global Flood
Most of the planet is covered with sedimentary rocks and most of the sedimentary rocks evidence much wider extent and large portions of the same deposit which have disappeared.
You can view the graphics of this Broadcast on the Website on the Flood page, i.e. www.EndTimeIssueMinistries.org/Proof-of-Global-Flood. If you go to the website, you will find a menu item called "Proof of Global Flood." Hover your mouse over that you will see a number of child pages, click on that page and you will get links and texts to support this.
It's quite a challenge in presenting this subject. If you go to the presentations on the website, it's also on YouTube, there are videos, there also some slide share as PowerPoint presentation and both of which are on the website. If you go to and look at those, there are a lot of photographs, there are a lot of drawings, there are a lot of images, it's quite difficult to describe what we're talking about here without actually having both photographs and drawings in front of us.
So I would encourage you after the programme is over, if you're sitting in front of a computer right now, why not go to www.EndTimeIssueMinistries.org, click on "Proof of Global Flood" and click on "layered sedimentary rock" and follow with me, I think you will find that’s helpful.
The key thing here is that wherever you go on the Earth, there are layered rocks and we will discuss that a bit further now.
Layered Sedimentary Rock Covers Most of the Planet
Table Mountain in Cape Town is quite a significant mountain that’s used in a lot of travel literature. I think that quite a few people will note even if they've never been to South Africa.
If you look at Table Mountain in the typical view, what you will see is layers of horizontally bedded rock, the ends of which have been chopped off on both ends of the mountain range. So you got these flat inter-bedded layers of rock and that chopped off at the ends and then at the top of the mountain, there is a rubble field of large rocks just apparently scattered around of the same material as the underlying rocks.
If you look all over South Africa, you will find sedimentary rock. We have been talking about the South African gold fields and the sedimentary rock there. All over South Africa there is sedimentary rock.
This is really important folks, because if you really get what I am talking about here, almost certainly someway in your part of the world, probably within a few miles, certainly within a few hundred miles, you will find layered sedimentary rock. It may be in horizontal layers, it may be tilted at any sort of angle, it may be tilted absolutely vertical, but all over the world, you get these rocks.
Sedimentary Rocks All Over the World
For example, consider the Grand Canyon. If you look at the Grand Canyon, it's a massive field of horizontally bedded sedimentary rock. If you look into the canyon itself, you can see the layers exposed on the side of the canyon. It's dramatic folks. Whatever sedimentary rocks there are near you, I encourage you, the next time you're out and about, stop and have a look at them and figure out whether what I am saying is true. How else could they be deposited? Some massive overarching force has excavated material from somewhere and laid it down in horizontal layers, one layer on top of another layer, on top of another layer, on top of another layer, sometimes to considerable deep. This is not something that happened gradually over millions of years. This is something that happened in a dramatic catastrophic fashion.
Look in the Gulf of Mexico, there are sedimentary deposits containing oil that are 10 kilometres below the surface, i.e. 10,000 metres of sedimentary material. We saw earlier that the Gold Fields in South Africa, there is an effective depth there of 7,000 metres. Huge layers, how on Earth could this get deposited with any of the models that are generally postulated in discussions elsewhere. In fact if you really think about it, there is very little teaching, there is very little doctrine, there is very little theory that even attempts to explain these things. This is just kind of fobbed off, you just take it that’s the way it is, it's somehow happened or God created it that way. Not so in either case.
New World Encyclopaedia says that the Earth’s crust is comprised "primarily of sedimentary rocks." Think about that. Water laid deposits covering the entire planet. Not something that happened in a localised lake or sea or whatever. Those theories just don’t work folks.
Wikipedia says that Sedimentary Rocks form a "thin veneer" over the Earth. There is another key piece. Under the sedimentary rocks, there are igneous rocks, rocks formed from the core of the Earth, very different in form. How did that happen? Only what I am proposing here can explain that.
Sedimentary Rocks All Over the World -- Conclusion
No matter how you look at it, the Earth has either at different times been covered by a large number of very large, very deep seas and frankly that doesn’t explain it, or at one time the entire planet was covered with water.
I suggest for your consideration that only one interpretation is valid.
The entire planet was covered with water to considerable depth with massive tidal tsunami waves ripping round the planet cutting down high ground and depositing material with constant surface disruption by the up-thrusting of volcanoes, granite domes, lava flows, etc.
In other words, utter chaos! And then, pause a minute, the evidence indicate that a family of eight plus a collection of animals and goodness knows what all, I believe there were large numbers of technical books, manuals, how to do things. I believe that there were seeds of all the grains, etc. and the plants that are used for human consumption. I believe that both people and the animals were all stepped down that the Almighty put them into a deep hibernation sleep, otherwise there is no way they would have survived. The vessel being tossed backwards and forwards on these roaring tsunami waves ripping around the planet.
Folks, it's mind bogging when you rarely get the grips with what was going on there for a space of about a year and then you need to rethink your understanding of history, your understanding of how the planet came to be the way it is and with that you need to rethink the relationship with the Almighty.
Chapter 5: The Halfway House Granite Dome Proves a Massive Tectonic Event
We have already seen reference to the Halfway House Granite Dome in previous sections. This section explores the lessons we can learn from more detailed consideration of the Dome.
Halfway House Granite Dome Proves a Massive Tectonic Event
The Earth has a molten rock core
To start with, I want to make the point that this evidence that the Earth has a molten core. The first thing to understand with regard to the Dome is that the Earth has a molten core.
In considering this it is important to ask how the core remains molten, for millions of years or longer or for a shorter period if what I am postulating here is valid.
Either way, the core remains molten today as evidenced by volcanic eruptions that occur on a regular basis.
There is only one possible way for the core to remain molten, that is for some mechanism to exist to keep heating it, otherwise by now it would almost certainly have frozen. There is only one way that I know of for this to happen and that is by an ongoing nuclear fusion reaction and we will see a bit later in this chapter that the Granite rock contained radioactive isotopes at the time that it solidified thereby evidencing that the core is radioactive.
Taking account of this, it is possible to postulate that there is either progressive cooling of the core or progressive warming depending on whether the core is cooling down or getting hotter, which frankly in the time-frame we've been taking measurements, we're not going to know. And the question arises, is this a driver of so-called "global warming" but that’s material for another discussion.
Granite Domes are Everywhere and can be Very Large
It is important to be aware that Granite domes occur all over the surface of the earth and can be of considerable size. A few examples are displayed in the presentation on the Website, some in South Africa, some in the United States, there are many in China, and different parts over the world. The Statue of Christ over Rio de Janeiro in South America stands on a big granite dome.
These domes project above the surface of the Earth and the rounded shape indicates that these domes were contained by surrounding material when they were formed. That material has, in most cases, been subsequently eroded away leaving the very hard Granite to stand out.
The discussion of the Halfway House Granite Dome that follows informs the discussion of how the other Domes pictured on the Website came to be formed.
So the Halfway House Granite Dome doesn’t really project much above the surface. But some of the other domes that are pictured extend hundreds and if not thousand feet above the surrounding material and so what we come to understand there is that the crust is breaking up, it is cracking, huge volumes of molten core material extruded into the soft sedimentary rock or what would become sedimentary rock into the soft sedimentary layers that were being laid down and those layers contained the granite and it's upthrust if you could imagine that sort of bubble forcing its way up through this relatively plastic material and that gave it the bubble shape, the dome shape. And then in many cases around the world, these ripping tsunamis, tearing around, stripped layer after layer off with every wave that circulated the planet, every however many hours or minutes they were separated by, stripping the material away exposing the granite and so you end up with this body of granite, this dome of granite projecting up through the surface surrounded by lower lying material where the less strong material were stripped away leaving the granite exposed.
Dramatic stuff folks, really, really dramatic stuff!
The Surface Expression of the Dome on a Geological Map
There is an image in the presentation that illustrates the surface expression of the Halfway House Granite Dome on a Geological map of South Africa.
The dome is represented as a pink coloured area which is roughly circular with the Northcliff Ridge on the Southern side. The geology is very complex and is very fragmented.
It all points to massive disruption and massive forces coupled to massive erosion and deposition.
I previously referred to these things being in plain sight. One of the things I have observed is that particular dome, the faintest of dome in South Africa, which is postulated, a meteor strike. But if you actually go there and stand in the middle of it, it's a granite dome, and you can see that from the map and yet you go into professional geological offices, and you will find that there is a book on this meteor that’s supposedly formed the faintest of complex. It's crazy. People come from a position of ignorance, they invent theories, they don’t test those theories properly, and they make huge mistakes.
And then we wonder why we don’t understand the reality of the Creator, we don’t understand the reality of creation. We so easily are led astray. As I said, it all points to massive disruption, massive forces, coupled with massive erosion and deposition.
Geological Section through the Halfway House Granite Dome
In the presentation you will see there is a Geological Section through the Halfway House Granite Dome and you will see there very clearly these layers of sedimentary rocks that have been upthrust by this molten material to give this dome shape and the dome shape is expressed in the metamorphosed sedimentary rock around the dome as well.
So I said, the presentation contains a geological section through the Halfway House Granite Dome together with an overlay to better illustrate what happened.
The first image is a detailed section of the Dome as it is today.
The second image shows the molten Granite being up-thrust and the doming up of the originally horizontal layers.
It is very clear from consideration of those images that the sedimentary rocks were flexible at the time they were upthrust because they have conformed to the shape of the dome. There is no cracking, they've just conformed to the shape of the dome.
The Crust was Thin at the time
One can infer from all of the geology around the world that the crust was thin at the time of the strike by this ice comet.
If you look at the number of Domes around the Earth and the number of volcanoes, there are around 20,000 volcanoes operating at the time of this tectonic event, it indicates that the Earth’s crust was relatively thin at the time of this event so there was molten rock in vast quantities readily available just under the surface of the Earth. These upwellings also indicate massive pressures and massive instability.
The presentation displays images of a "crust" formed by freezing water to form a thin outer layer.
The Granite contained radio-active isotopes at the time it was formed
It is also so that the granite contained radioactive isotopes at the time it was formed.
Dr Robert Gentry has identified that Granite formations around the world contain the signature of radioactive isotopes with very short lives.
This evidences that the Granite came from a radioactive source, i.e. the core of the Earth is a nuclear reactor.
He also evidences that the Granite cooled very rapidly which is consistent with it being upthrust into ice cold sedimentary deposits and ice cold water.
The Sedimentary Rock was not solid at the time the Dome intruded
We have heard that the Quartzite rock that overlays the dome is vitreous, that is glass-like, extremely hard and, by extension, extremely brittle.
The image in the presentation on the website, taken at the instant that a ceramic floor tile of similar strength to the Quartzite rock shatters under bending forces, evidences that the dome could not have intruded into Quartzite rock, rather the Dome formed the Quartzite rock through the intense heat that came from the molten rock as it forced its way upward into the sodden and soft sedimentary materials.
If the rock were already vitrified and sufficiently thick when it was subject to upthrust it would not fracture at all as shown in the presentation, it would just be a slab that got lifted up.
If the rock had contained cracks at the time it was upthrust then the cracks would have opened up and material would have deposited in the cracks making mining extremely difficult. This has not happened.
In order to give rise to the rock forms that actually exist it was necessary for the sedimentary rocks to still be plastic under the intense pressure that was acting on them.
So again, this is point that the depth of material was considerable. Try to imagine the dynamics of what was going on here. On one hand, material was being laid down to depths of thousands of litres. On the other hand, that material was being stripped away again by the tsunami ripped tides that were ripping around the planet. So on one hand there were stripping material away and depositing it elsewhere on the planet and the next time, that material got thrust up and it got slipped away and deposited elsewhere in the planet again. If you really walk around, drive around, travel around, fly around this planet with your eyes open, you will see dramatic evidence all over the place of a massive tectonic and hydraulic event that I am talking about here. This is not Mickey Mouse stuff folks. This is really, really powerful dramatic Earth forces.
And then it's important in all of this not just to get a hand-on on this sort of technical level at a level of better understanding where we come from, better understanding of our history, better understanding of the history of the world, and so forth.
There is a huge piece here about why are we here, how did Noah and his family know to build that massive wooden vessel, the way they did as a completely sealed unit riveted together, massive timber, and how did they survive. Why did it happen? We will talk about this in more detail in subsequent programmes, but bear in mind if you know anything about what's written in the Bible about the flood, it was a judgment on corrupt mankind by the Almighty Creator. What I have come to understand is that it was a judgement that was brought about by Noah praying for the people on Earth to be destroyed because they were so corrupt. Remember from previous programmes the Almighty can do nothing on Earth unless a human being gives Him authority to do it, and prays it into existence.
So it's really important to understand Noah wasn’t a bystander in what happened. Noah was the agent used by the Almighty to speak this event into existence. The Almighty then intervened by causing a chunk of ice to be dislodged from the Kuiper Belt and navigated to strike the Earth, and then it ran its own course. It's equally unwise by people that the Almighty regards and refers as Bible punches to get into some magical sort of thing that the Almighty carefully sculpted the Earth as it is now. No, He directed an ice comet to strike the Earth and He then sat back and let it run its course.
If you don’t believe in the Almighty, I really think, I would really suggest for your consideration that you should think again. It is so much evident that He exists who really asks you right now to get on your knees and say "Father Yah I chose to believe you exists. I don’t understand, I ask you to open the eyes of my understanding. I ask you to teach me, I ask you to bring the people you want into my life, I ask you to help me to get the material I need, the books to read." There is a huge amount of information on my website that will help you to get further down the road.
The Granite was subject to further disruption
So we've seen this massive dome, the surface expression which is about 50 km diameter circle, much bigger below the surface. But if we look at the Geological Map or if we just drive around that area, there is massive disruption, there are faults, there is intrusion of dykes of other igneous rock after the Dome was formed. There are photos of this in the presentation; dramatic stuff.
Conclusion regarding the Halfway House Granite Dome
The scale is substantial -- about 50 km in diameter at the surface.
The vertical displacement of the top of the Dome is at least 7,000 meters.
The sedimentary deposits were converted to extremely hard vitreous (ceramic) quartzite.
This had to happen quickly before the granite solidified, that is, "froze." So imagine this huge bubble of molten rock moving out rapidly into the freezing mush and in the process baking that soft sedimentary deposit into a glass-like rock. So it had to really come up bubbling up at a serious speed for that to happen.
The disruption of the surface of the Earth is staggering.
There is only one possible explanation, a massive tectonic event accompanied by massive water action.
This required an external stimulus to initiate the reactions that took place and this can only have happened with an Ice Comet impact or something very similar.
Folks, the surface of the Earth is not capable of having initiated everything that we've been looking at on its own. This idea that everything on the Earth happened in some sort of pseudo-steady state is just not true folks. Really, it's not true. Something had to happen to make the Earth behave in this exceptional way and that something as we discussed previously has to be an ice comet because that’s the only way that you can account for the volume of water, the only way that you can account for the Earth being knocked off its axis, it's the only way that you can account for the Earth being knocked into an elliptical orbit around the sun, it's the only way you can account for all the craters on the Moon, the Mars, it's staggering stuff folks. It really is mind blowing if you really open your eyes, if you drive around, and say "How did that mountain get to look that way? How did that valley get to look that way? How did that canyon get to look that way? How did those cliffs get to look that way? How did that beach get to look that way?"
I noticed with interest the images that Microsoft put up on the Windows 10 login page and if you look at those images from all over the world, if you say you like the ones with the geological content, you will see so many dramatic photographs supporting what I am talking about here.
And again, I would suggest for your consideration that in future when you get a new image of some rock mass or piece of photography on your computer, stop and just think about it for a minute.
Chapter 6: The African Erosion Surface -- The Planar Surface that Proves a Global Flood
The next clue in this investigation is the existence of the African Erosion Surface, a consistent plane of high points at exactly the same elevation above sea level across much of the African Continent.
This section will describe that surface and discuss how its existence evidences a global flood.
If you want to Google in Google search for African erosion surface, put it in quotes so that you only find the exact match, you will find there is a substantial body of opinion and knowledge regarding the African erosion surface. But if you dig down, you will also find that the explanation is lacking if you take on board some of the points that I have been making in this programme.
So to bring this into some sort of focus and it's very difficult to really describe this in words without the picture, but if you look at the pictures on the website, I'll try and describe to you, so what you've got there is a series of photographs, the panorama from looking north from Northcliff and over an arch of about 180 degrees the horizon is absolutely uniformly levelled.
The Panorama North from Northcliff – the top has been chopped off the Dome and it is level
In the presentation, looking North from Northcliff, there are no points higher than Northcliff and many points the same height, so as I said, the horizon is level.
If we look to the South we see the same phenomenon and, in fact, if we travel anywhere in the vicinity for hundreds of kilometres in any direction, we see the same thing. The high points for a considerable distance around Northcliff are all very close to one another in elevation.
I encourage you to go to the website and have a look at the photograph there, it will make it a lot clearer. But basically what I am saying is if you get on to a higher point which Northcliff is an example, and you look out to the horizon and the horizon is absolutely flat. There are no higher points in it and this African erosion surface extends north from South Africa well into Central Africa. And then you've got to explain how this happened and we're going to that more in the next programme, but let us continue with the point here.
African Erosion Surface
Another panorama that’s on the website, there is a 360-degree view from the Control Tower at Grand Central Airport, right in the centre of the Halfway House Granite Dome.
Note that because of its 360 degree view and the fact that the series of images that make up the montage in the presentation were taken with a hand-held camera at different points around the Control Tower, there is a slight curve in the photo spread but, in practice the horizontal plane is consistently visible when one is on the ground.
The map in the presentation shows how this panorama covers the entire Halfway House Granite Dome – note that the village of Halfway House is in the Centre of the Municipal Area known as Midrand (middle of the Witwatersrand).
So here we've got a phenomenon that something has cut the surface of the Earth in this part of the world to an absolutely flat, the valleys cut into the flat surface. But the surface that existed before the valleys were cut was a uniform horizontal surface stretching for thousands of miles. You have to ask how on Earth does that happen? And there is only one explanation, visualize the tsunamis, these ripped tides that I have been talking about, ripping around the Earth, cutting away material. So this uniform flow of waves cut down the level, cut down the level to a certain point, and then something changed and we will talk about in subsequent programme of what change but something changed and the erosions stop. Well, it didn’t stop, it actually changed form, and suddenly started cutting valleys into this huge flat area that has been created.
I am not aware of a flat area like this anywhere else in the world. There may be in Australia, may be in central USA, not sure the explanations are necessarily the same. But think about it. On the one hand you've got mountains and canyons and what have you and on the other hand you get to the top of a particular mountain and you look at every direction and you see the horizon is of the same level. Again folks, how did it happen? It speaks of massive, massive, massive forces, massive action.
The Global Flood that Changed the World -- Part 3 -- review
It is stated that layered Sedimentary Rock covers most of the planet and proves a Global Flood.
We said the Table Mountain in Cape Town, South Africa, is used to illustrate the principle of horizontally bedded rock layers.
We've looked at examples of Sedimentary Rocks all over the Earth.
The Halfway House Granite Dome has been cited as evidence of a Massive Tectonic Event concurrent with the laying down of sediments.
It is confirmed that the Earth has a molten core fuelled by a Nuclear Reaction.
We've noted that Granite Domes occur all over the Earth.
The Surface Expression of the Halfway House Dome on a Geological Map has been discussed.
A cross section through the Dome has been examined and commented on.
It is evidenced that the crust was thin at the time of the Global Flood.
It has been established that the Granite contains Radioactive Isotopes frozen at the time the rock solidified.
It has been demonstrated that the Sedimentary Rock was not solid at the time that the Dome intruded.
It is evidenced that the Dome was subject to disruption after formation.
It is concluded that the Dome proves a massive tectonic event in accordance with what has been postulated.
The African Erosion Surface is cited to prove massive uniform disruption.
We will continue with this discussion next week Yah willing. By the way, Yah is the correct name of the Almighty Creator. His full title is Yah the Eternally Self-Existing that you may know Him as Yahweh or Yahooeh, but His real name is Yah the Eternally Self-Existing; not God, not the Lord, those are blasphemous names.
I really ask you as you go about your daily business, look with new eyes at your environment in the light of what I have been telling you about. I really believe you will find some things that will surprise you.
Wrapping Up
Five Key Documents – Main Menu Webpages
So wrap up, five key documents that I think are really important in the context of my overall message is all on the main menu on my website.
"The Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with You" – near the bottom of the menu. Folks, this is really, really important. If you haven’t got a grasp of the fact that the Almighty desires a relationship with you, I would urge you to go and get this article and read it.
"Seven Components in Drawing Close to the Creator" – near the bottom of the menu. If you've made a decision to draw close, and this is probably the most important document on the planet. It will give you step by step instructions, things to do, things to pray in order to systematically get close to the Almighty.
"Recommended Worship" – near the bottom of the menu – songs that I strongly recommend -- the words have been corrected to a point and there is a document there that explains the typical errors in language.
"The Creator's Name is Yah the Eternally Self-Existing" – at the top of the menu. Learn about the truth about the name Yah and where it is embedded throughout the Bible in so many names.
"Where will You Spend Eternity? – What is required in order to qualify to sit on a High Throne for Eternity?" – near the bottom of the menu. I broadcast on that a month or two ago.
All of this is available at www.EndTimeIssueMinistries.org.
Transcripts of nearly all teachings in this series are available on the Website at the bottom on the "Radio" page.
Recordings of nearly all of the teachings broadcast so far are available on the Radio page and they are all available at http://RelationshipWithCreatorRadio.com/. Click on "The Show" and then on "Podcasts."
Books constituting a compilation of most writings published since 1998 are available near the bottom of the menu at the "Compilation of Most Writings" page and are physically available from me.
I publish regular email articles – email James@EndTimeIssueMinistries.org to be added to the list, or to seek counsel or prayer or to give me a feedback.
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Thank you for listening!
Please send me your questions on the W4CY webpage, I will answer them next broadcast.
Please email me to join the mailing list at James@EndTimeIssueMinistries.org.
If you decide to draw close to the Almighty, please let me know and we can connect by Skype, Zoom, email or telephone so that I can help you with your journey.
I hope to connect with you again next week when we will continue to explore how to become a Friend of the Creator.
As I said before, it doesn’t matter your race, it doesn’t matter your age, it doesn’t matter if you're highly educated or not educated at all, it doesn’t matter your skin colour, it doesn’t matter the colour of your eyes, of your hair, it doesn’t matter your race, your tribe, your nation, frankly it doesn’t matter anything about who you are. It doesn’t matter if right now you're erasing Satan, Father wants you to become His friend. It's totally doable, it's totally possible. The rewards are huge in the life to come and I encourage you to step out right now and make a decision to draw close to Him.
That’s all I have to say today, thank you so much.
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