2020.01.17 Proof of a Global Flood Part 9 Created by James on 4/13/2020 5:57:58 PM This Broadcast further examines a range of Spiritual and Religious Principles and laws that we should be aware of. We look at various names that are Satanic and should be avoided, like God. We look at the confusion relating to the meaningless word Christ, we discuss the confusion relating to acceptable marriage, we note that there is a death penalty in the Court of Heaven for breach of Covenant. Judgment in this life is discussed, we are told NOT to worship any Mighty One but Yah. The Ten Laws or Ten Words (Ten Commandments) are discussed and it is explained how Yahooshua accomplished what he accomplished. The Mark of the Beast is briefly discussed.
Caution – this article has NOT been Proofread so there may be minor transcription errors.
Good day!
The Almighty Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with You!
If you don’t believe there is a Creator, He has said regarding you, "Why would I want someone to spend Eternity with me when they do not believe I exist?" You might like to think about that for a moment. If you don't believe, you're not going to end up in a nice place when you die; you're going to end up as an Ancestor Spirit or Demon, maybe buried along with your corpse or hitching a ride on one of your children or hitching a ride on a messenger or angel if you're privileged; you don’t want to be there. I strongly recommend that you turnaround today and recognise the reality of the Creator.
If you're a believer and believed at some level once upon a time but have just carried on your life as though the Almighty is not real, the Almighty has said concerning you, "Why would I want someone to be close to me in Heaven, which inherently means I will give them great prestige and authority, if they do not have a Deep Personal Relationship with me and have not proven to me that they can be trusted in this life?"
So if you believed at some level and you're pottering along and you think something nice is going to happen when you die, think again. You're likely to end up in the Outer Darkness, very, very dark, very, very cold, really very unpleasant, the Trash Heap of Heaven. If you want to end up somewhere nice when you die, you need to have a Relationship with Father in this life.
We're carrying on with the final episode now of the Global Flood that Changed the World, Part 9. We're going to look at some important spiritual principles that I think worth sharing and all of this is taking place in the context that the Almighty has said, "I created Human beings, this planet and this universe for men and women to be my Friends, my companions, to explore and learn and develop together. My greatest grief is that almost no person understands this let alone seeks such a relationship with me!"
The Global Flood that Changed the World -- Part 9 -- Overview
This episode presents some closing spiritual and religious considerations relating to the overall topic of relationship with the Creator.
God is a pagan name and should be avoided.
Christ is not a valid name.
Various word errors are outlined.
The confusion relating to marriage is mentioned.
It is noted that a Covenant includes a Death Penalty for breach.
Judgment in this life is discussed.
The spiritual journey of mankind on Earth over seven thousand years is discussed.
The continuum between the mountain of Yah and the Pit of Satan is outlined.
It is stressed that Yah (the Almighty Creator) is One and we should have no other Mighty Ones.
The Ten Laws or Ten Words are listed.
How Yahooshua (Jesus) achieved what he did is explained.
The Beast, the Mark of the Beast and the Pit are addressed.
We look at other Sabbaths that should be observed.
We offer some comments with regard to Islam.
We look at the difficult implications of Isaiah 4:1 regarding multiple wives.
My name is James Robertson. I have a Doctorate in Engineering, 25 years' experience as a Strategic Management Consultant in South Africa and now a Business Executive in the United Kingdom. I have over 26 years' experience of actively seeking to draw close to the Almighty following a dramatic encounter with Him on 12th March 1993 when He spoke to me audibly in a locked room and I knew for certain that He was real.
"End Time Issue Ministries" is the organizational vehicle for delivering my message through Email Articles, Websites, this Radio Programme and physical books.
What is This Program? – "The Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with You!" – it represents the essence of my message.
See the Website www.EndTimeIssueMinistries.org for more information.
See the "Proof of Global Flood" on the main Menu at the bottom of the main Menu for the presentations on which this Broadcast is based; you might find it useful to follow in the PowerPoint slides as I give this talk.
Questions from Last Week's Programme
Bill said: "I thought we are here to have babies and spread his word?"
Bill, as I have said throughout the series, we're here to have a deep relationship with Him. He wants to grow with us, learn with us, by all means have babies if you're going to dedicate those babies to Him and bring them up in relationship with Him, but the main thing is to have a relationship with Him. Remember that at the time of Adam, everybody knew about the Almighty. So we're foremost brought about in order to spread His word.
Jan asked: "Why was he (Noah) the only one to hear God?"
Jan, that’s just the way it is. Right now there are a very few people who are hearing the Almighty clearly. So people don’t make the effort to hear Him, so they don’t hear Him.
Jan also asks: "Why don't you think we are getting better?"
Once you understand that Adam was about 18 feet 3 metres tall and massive intellect and you look at the sophistication of the engineering for example in the Great Pyramid in Egypt, you realize that we have degenerated intellectually, we have degenerated physically and by extension I suggest for your consideration, we've degenerated spiritually.
Kevin asked: "The devil is more around than ever."
Yes, that’s true. Every human being who dies as an unbeliever becomes one more Demon. There are over 100 billion Demons on the planet today.
Lynn asked: "If you don’t believe in God you believe in nothing."
I think that’s a statement. I think you can believe in other things, people believe in nature and goodness knows what all! I would agree with you if you say that there is no point in believing in anything else, certainly.
Penny asks: "Why do we have to identify as one religion? Why can't we just believe in God?"
Absolutely I totally agree with you. All religions are a corruption. So rather seek a Deep Personal Relationship with Father and don’t identify with any religion.
Penny also asks: "So we should stop calling him God and Lord?"
Absolutely Penny. His true name is Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, generally call Him Yah or Father or Almighty. But God and Lord are abominable names.
Grace asks: "Out of all the years I have been going to church I have never heard Him been called that."
Grace, that’s certainly the case. The truth of His names has been hidden for years. The Forces of Darkness have been seeking to conceal it. It's only recently that an awareness of the true name has developed.
Beth asks: "How do you know calling Him that will make Him the happiest?"
Because He has told me. I have seen Him in tears over people misusing His name and people using His name correctly. It means a huge amount to Him in the same way that you wouldn't be happy if I called you Jane or Pete or John or Ann or whatever when your name is Beth.
Body of the Article
Chapter 12
Some Spiritual and Religious Considerations - Continued
God is a pagan name and therefore blasphemous. The word translated "God" or "god" means "Mighty One" or "Almighty" when applied to the Creator or "mighty one" when applied to anyone else. A ruler or judge is a "mighty one" and can therefore technically be referred to as a "god" but in actual fact the word god should not be used at all. Except perhaps for Satan in the sense of "god (mighty one) of this world."
Yahooshua (Jesus) is a mighty one and therefore can technically be called a god but it is disrespectful to do so. This duality of meaning gives rise to confusion.
Christ is NOT a name
The word “Christ” derives from the Greek “Christos.” It is used as a substitute for a technical term which refers to the impartation of the Spirit of the Almighty in a form of “smearing” that is called “Anointing.”
Thus “Jesus Christ” means “Yahooshua the Anointed of Yah.”
“Christ Jesus” means “the Anointing of the Spirit of Yah that was upon Yahooshua.”
“Christ” means “Anointed one” or “the Anointed of Yah.”
“Christ” is NOT Yahooshua’s name and Yahooshua's name is not Jesus. It is Yahooshua meaning Yah is salvation.
Any believer filled with the Spirit of Yah is an Anointed one, that is a “christ.”
It is confusing and disrespectful to call Yahooshua “Christ” rather refer to him by his correct name “Yahooshua the Anointed of Yah” or simply “Yahooshua.”
Folks, this is so important. This word Christ is so meaningless. It has given rise to so much confusion. The belief that the word Christ is actually an alternate name for Yahooshua or Jesus muddies the water, leads to people thinking that Yahooshua Jesus is the Almighty, when he is not. Christ or anointed or anointing or anointed one, refers to the Spirit of the Almighty on a human being. So Christ if you must use it relates to the Almighty Creator.
Some More Word Errors
Yahooshua was executed on a Stake (a length of tree trunk) NOT a Cross. The Cross is a pagan symbol that has pornographic symbolism and should be avoided.
The word “holy” actually means “set apart” and relates to separation from the things of the world. This word is better represented by the Hebrew “qodesh.”
“Bible” is derived from the Greek “Biblios” which means “book” as in the Afrikaans “Biblioteek” meaning library. The book does not claim a title for itself, it is merely a compendium of writings and different compendia appropriate the title “Bible” – the word should be avoided.
All versions of the book or the Bible contain error and none claim to be without error or fully inspired. There are texts in the book which are inspired by Yah and recorded with varying levels of accuracy. Yah says that 2.5% of the Bible is inspired, the rest NOT. All that can be said of this book is that it is an important reference work.
“Baptise” is another confusing term which should be correctly translated “immerse.” It refers to full immersion in water and is a routine procedure for cleansing that is laid down repeatedly in Leviticus. It is not mechanically possible to immerse a person with a thumb dipped in a cup of water and therefore the debate about what constitutes baptism is eliminated; immersion is the prescribed ordinance. We should immerse regularly, whenever we have repented of significant sin or have been contaminated spiritually in some way.
“Angel” is a representation of a word that means “Messenger,” it is more helpful to refer to them as Messengers because that is what they are. Lot of confusion about Angels.
Confusion around Marriage
The act that we generally refer to as “marriage” is “sexual intercourse with a virgin, widow or truly divorced female.”
In Yah’s terms the joining of a man and female in some ceremony is invalid and is adultery unless the woman satisfies one of the above conditions, in other words, she is a virgin, a widow, or truly divorced. In such cases it is something that humans do because they want to and NOT because Yah has prescribed it. Modern legal marriage has pagan, that is Satanic roots in order to pseudo-legitimize adultery.
Folks, this is a really important principle, originally going back 6000 plus years marriage was the act of consummation, sexual intercourse, no more, no less. Adam and Eve didn't run off looking for a priest or a pastor or a rabbi or whatever justice of the peace to marry them. They consummated their relationship before Yah. They became one spiritually. It's so important. Sex is a really, really special gift, not to be taken lightly, not to be taken casually, not to be thrown around, in the same way that dating and courtship and all of these things are not valid. Clearly define what you're looking for in a life partner, negotiate with suitable candidate, establish the truth, agree, consummate, live together for the rest of your lives. That's the way it's meant to be.
Covenant includes a Death Penalty
Father Yah has made innumerable Covenants with human beings of which a few notable ones include Covenants with Adam, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David, Yahooshua, etc. and with many others. He still makes Covenants today.
Failure to observe a Covenant leads to death, it may result in premature death in this life failing which it may lead to rejection in the life to come in the event of repeated unrepented breaches.
Thus while much is made of the Covenant through Yahooshua it should be seen in context and it must be understood that wilfully and repeatedly breaking that Covenant will lead to destruction in Eternal Hell fire. See Hebrews 6:4-6 in the Protestant Bible.
Folks, so many people run around casually living life because they think that Jesus has died and all their sins are forgiven as they commit them. No, not true! Once you have come to belief through the covenant of Yahooshua, at that instant all your sins are forgiven. Thereafter every sin you commit is counted against you unless you go before Father, confess your sin, repent, turn around, and ask for forgiveness. It's so important. If you want to get to the end of your life with a clean slate, you got to deal with every sin as it happens. Yahooshua did not die a terrible death so that you could just blunder through life sinning as you like.
Judgment in This Life
There is judgment in this life. We may request judgment in this life in order that we are not judged in the life to come. We may be judged in any event – any illness, accident, loss of any sort is frequently a judgment. Judgment requires the prosecutor – Satan or one of his Messengers to bring charges before the Court of Heaven.
Yahooshua as our advocate may plead for mitigation of sentence, mercy, etc. as may be applicable for young believers. Father Yah as the Judge hands down the sentence. Satan and his Messengers and Demons execute/carry out the sentence, for example by causing an accident. Read the first few chapters of Job for an indication of how this happens.
Judgment in this life is to be sought and desired. It trains us, it allows us to learn. It is grace that helps us to learn and avoid damnation in the life to come and if we desire it helps us to aspire to a High Throne for Eternity. It allows us to pay the price for our unconfessed sin in this life and therefore helps us to avoid a part in the lake of fire.
Pray “Father I ask you to judge me severely and correct me harshly that I may serve you more perfectly.” I recommend that as a regular prayer.
Folks, if you really want to serve Father you need to clean up your act and get free of sin. Praying this prayer is the key element of getting to a point where your life is free of sin.
The Spiritual Journey of Man on Earth Over Seven Thousand Years
At the start (6,000 plus years ago) human beings only knew good or they only knew the ways of Yah. As a consequence of disobedience and rebellion they started to learn all there is to learn about evil.
This generation, over 6,000 years from the creation of mankind, is the most evil generation that has ever lived. It's the culmination of a series of cycles where mankind degenerated to almost oblivion at the time of Noah, again at the time of Abraham, again at the time of Moses, again at the time of Yahooshua, again at the time of Mohammed, again at the time of Martin Luther, where almost no one was in any meaningful way serving the Almighty and there has been a resurgence or renaissance after each of those events and then degradation again.
Yahooshua came and died that we might regain authority on Earth.
We are called to restore relationship with Yah on Earth in order that Yahooshua may return. Evil is the opposite of service to Yah. So, we live in a society which by man’s standards is good but by Yah’s standards it is terribly evil.
At present Yahooshua, having been resurrected because he lived a life without sin, is “seated at the Right Hand of the Father waiting for his enemies to be made his footstool,” Matthew 22:44, Mark 12:36, Luke 20:43, Acts 2:35, Hebrews 1:13 and Hebrews 10:13. So a lot of verses that speak to Yahooshua waiting for his enemies to be made his footstool, so we need to pay attention to that.
Satan was cast into the Pit for one thousand years in 2003.
Two thousand years ago, Yahooshua, having regained authority on Earth from Satan by living a sinless life, immediately handed that authority to those that followed him and went to sit at the right hand of Father Yah to await the time when his followers would regain authority on Earth and prepare a place for his return.
That is not happening because believers do not understand that it is their role to prepare for Yahooshua, they mostly believe that “Jesus is coming soon” and are sitting back waiting for Yahooshua to sort out the mess. Yahooshua in turn, as we saw above, is waiting for us to sort out the mess – we have less than a thousand years in which to do this. If we truly understood the significance of Yahooshua’s return, the onset of judgment, we would not be asking for his soon return.
The continuum between the mountain of Yah and the Pit
This life and the life to come are more complex than most understand. There is a continuum between entirely and completely good which has only been achieved by Yahooshua and Father Yah and entirely and completely bad which has only been achieved by Satan.
The climb to all good is metaphorically referred to as “the mountain of Yah,” this is difficult as represented by the mountain in the photo in the PowerPoint on the website.
If the believers are successful in preparing a place for Yahooshua to return then Yahooshua will return to receive his kingdom and Satan, his Messengers and all those who have not qualified to enter Heaven will be cast into the Lake of Fire and utterly destroyed. If they do not succeed then Yahooshua will never return and Satan will take control of the Earth for ever. However, Father will withdraw His Spirit so all life on Earth will cease and Satan’s victory will be a pyric victory.
Most people are lukewarm, they are on the gently sloping ground in the middle between serving Yah and serving Satan. Most are oblivious to the battle that is raging all around them in the spiritual realm and are oblivious to the fact that in the absence of concerted action to climb the mountain of Yah they will eventually slide further and further towards Satan. The bulk of “good Christians” and “good Muslims” and “good Jews” are effectively serving Satan because of all the wrong things they believe and do. Even when those things seem good!
Climbing the mountain requires constant focussed effort so, if you are not consciously seeking to climb the mountain closer to Yah, you are almost certainly sliding away.
Yah is one, have NO OTHER mighty ones
Yahooshua is reported in Mark 12:29-30 as saying "The first of all the commandments is: 'Hear, O Israel, Yah the Eternally Self-Existing our Mighty One, Yah the Eternally Self-Existing is one. And you shall love Yah the Eternally Self-Existing your Mighty One with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.' This is the first commandment."
In Exodus 20:3 it is written that Yah said on the mountain “You shall have no other mighty ones before Me.”
It is therefore clear that it is sin to equate Yahooshua to Yah or to worship Yahooshua or in any way conjoin Yahooshua to Yah in the way that is customarily done.
Folks, people do all sorts of verbal gymnastics to apply this to Yahooshua as being one with the Almighty. We are all if we are believers and we are filled with the Spirit of the Almighty, even at the most limited level, we are one with Yah, just as Yahooshua is one with Yah. That does not mean that we are Yah, it does not mean that Yahooshua is Yah.
The Ten Laws – Hebrew the Ten Words
The Ten Commandments, that is the Ten Laws or in Hebrew Ten Words, which are the sole contents of the Container (Ark) of the Covenant are the essence of the Covenant made by the Almighty at Sinai. Since Yah appeared in fire on top of the mountain and spoke with an audible voice to several million people we must assume that these are the most important words ever spoken to human beings since this is the only time He has appeared so concretely that we know of.
The Ten Laws form the basis of judgment and are the “sword of the Spirit” that is referred to in some places.
When reference is made to “the Word of Yah” that reference is to these Commandments.
Folks, this is so important. Most people regard the Bible as "the word of God." Not so. The Bible contains the Ten Commandments. Those Ten Commandments are the words spoken by Yah. If you refer to the Word of Yah or the Word of God you are actually referring to the Ten Commandments, nothing more, nothing less. So if you talk of the sword of the spirit, that’s a Commandments dividing between truth and error. Talk about the word of God sharper than a two-edged sword, dividing between truth and error. That’s referring to the Ten Commandments folks, the ten words, not all the other stuff. This legalistic thing of some huge collection of laws, there are ten basic laws we need to live by them and the fact of the matter is pretty much the whole world is violating pretty much all of the Commandments.
The Ten Laws can be summarized as:
1. Yah is one -- have no other mighty ones before him. This includes do not worship Yahooshua (Jesus);
2. No graven images or idols, includes do not worship the Bible (the Bible is not the word of God);
3. Do not use the name of Yah in vain, includes not using “God,” “the LORD,” “Jesus,” etc. Yahoo.com email address breaks this commandment;
4. Observe the true Sabbath (Saturday) and the feasts and fasts;
5. Honour your mother and father;
6. Do not commit murder, includes do not oppose the death penalty, do not curse, no abortion, no contraception that causes abortion;
7. Do not commit adultery, based on virginity and widowhood as set out previously, no homosexual congress;
8. Do not steal including taking “tithes and offerings” while teaching error. The vast majority of churches and other assemblies are in serious error taking money from their congregants when they're not teaching all truth;
9. Do not bear false witness, includes lying and false doctrine;
10. Do not covet, includes lust.
Just a point there. If people really understood the commandment about not lying, churches, etc. would be very, very different. The vast majority of what is taught in churches, mosques, synagogues, in yoga schools, in Hindu temples in whatever is complete and utter falsehood. Those people will be judged severely when they come to judgement.
How did Yahooshua become King and achieve what he did?
Yahooshua was 100% a human being. He was born with a creative miracle less dramatic than Adam and Eve. He would not have been able to operate on Earth if he was not 100% human.
He had no human father therefore there were no blood line curses.
He was the first created spirit, so he lived with Yah before coming to Earth, so he knew Yah well and Yah’s ways and Satan’s ways so he was well equipped.
He lived a life without sin, gained victory and regained authority over the Heavens and the Earth.
He became king because humans proclaimed him king. He became Lord (Adonai) because humans proclaimed him lord.
He became the lamb of Yah because Yahoochanan the Immerser (John the Baptist) proclaimed him the Lamb. Through that assignment he gained the right to take the place of the animal offerings for sin and thus provide a simpler way to forgiveness. Assigned the body and blood of the Lamb to the bread and wine at the last meal with those who followed him most closely thereby assigning the body and blood of the Lamb to bread and wine so that all believers everywhere had access to the mechanical ingredients necessary for forgiveness of sin by faith.
Folks, so important. No magic, no supernatural, simply compliance with strict contractual terms and careful choice of words.
How did Yahooshua become King and achieve what he did? Continued
He became High Priest because the High Priest laid hands on him in mockery and proclaimed him Messiah and the blood of the offering fell on the Mercy Seat of the Ark of the Covenant.
He became the offering for atonement because his blood fell on the Mercy Seat, also the people laid hands on him for transfer of sin and sent him outside the gate and took his blood on themselves.
There is nothing magical about what Yahooshua achieved. Not even anything particularly supernatural. He lived a life without sin, that is the most noteworthy achievement and he died without sinning and as a consequence death had no hold on him and he was automatically resurrected.
Death in this life is the price we pay for sin, if we live without sin we are entitled to be resurrected, thus far only Yahooshua has accomplished this and so the position of King of Kings and Lord of Lords is filled for Eternity. But, through Yahooshua’s life and death we have access to an easier route to repentance and Eternal life.
Folks, if you sin, recognise it, confess it, repent. Go before Father and say "In the name of Yahooshua I confess that I have sinned. I ask you to forgive me." Take the bread and wine, pray over that, "Father I remember the covenant of Yahooshua" as you take the cup, "This is my blood shed for you and for many for forgiveness of sin." Do this as often as you should drink it and "Father I participate in this, I ask you to forgive me." That’s it, clean up your life. So easy. Why would you not want to do that? Why would you want to continue in sin?
The Beast? The Mark? The Pit?
The Beast in the Bible and particularly in the book of revelation is simply another name for Satan.
The Mark of the Beast is a spiritual mark in the forehead – what we think and in the hand – what we write and contract that breaks one or more of the Ten Commandments. If you are breaking any of the Commandments you have the Mark of the Beast.
The Pit is a prison into which offending spirits are sent until their period of sentence has been served. Satan is serving 1000 years in the pit at the moment.
Folks, there is so much wrong thinking about the mark of the beast. People are taking it literally, the Forces of Darkness are having a field day making fools of believers who are saying that they don't want the microchip in their forehead, they don’t want the microchip in their wrist. It's the Mark of the Beast. It's got all sorts of strange and crazy ideas associated with it. Folks, the microchip is no different to the microchip in your credit card. It simply a data store that allows you to be identified. So what if they put a microchip in your hand or your forehead? You might prefer not to for other reasons, but don't do it because it's the Mark of the Beast, that’s just plain silly.
It's really important to be aware that there really is a being called Satan, that he really has been trying for 6000 years to lead mankind astray and he has been inordinately successful. It's up to us, you and me to turn that around.
The other Sabbaths
In addition to the Saturday Sabbath we are required to observe:
Passover -- Pesach (March/April);
Pentecost -- Shavuot (50 days later);
The Feast of Trumpets – Yom Teruah (September);
The Day of Atonement as a set apart (sacred) fast day – water only fast – Yom Kippur (a week later);
The first day of the Feast of Tabernacles – Sukkot Day 1 (a week after that, September/October);
The last or Great Day of the Feast of Tabernacles – Sukkot Day 8.
All of those are solemn Sabbaths, you should not do any business, any commercial work, anything that can be done on another day of the week should not be done on one of these Sabbaths. Please check, there is a website, I forget what it's called at the moment, quodeshbooks.co.za, which has the calendar on it. If you look at the Jewish calendar, it's more or less accurate. Get these dates, put them in your diary, apply for leave at work and observe them strictly. It's so important if you want to have a good relationship with Father. It's an insult to Him not to observe His high Sabbaths.
Other important points – Islam
Mohammed was also a turnaround prophet of the Most High and the Muslims are people of Yah, Allah is the Arabic word that corresponds to Elohim, the Hebrew Word for the Almighty. Mohammed correctly rebuked the Christians for worshipping Yahooshua and for worshipping the book (Bible).
“Islam” means the worship and service of the Almighty.
“Muslim” means one who worships and serves the Almighty.
Most Muslims have gross error just like most Christians have gross error, which is why they're constantly fighting with each other.
Muslims are subject to different Covenant terms to those applicable to the children of Israel and therefore they have to be grafted in to the Covenant through Yahooshua but this will only happen when the truth about Yahooshua is preached and taught.
Folks, one of the horrible things about the world we live in is that the Christians, the Jews and the Muslims are all at some sketchy level trying to serve the Almighty. They are all full of error, because the Forces of Darkness, the Satanic and Demonic realm have gotten them full of error. And they're fighting with each other. What is going on at the moment with Iran and Iraq and Israel is the people of Yah fighting amongst themselves. There are Muslims who are close to Father and there are Muslims who are long, long way from Father. There are Christians who are close to Father and Christians who are a long, long way from Him, and so the Jews and so the other different religions that have at some level relationship with the Almighty. It's so important.
Other important points – Other sheepfolds
Yahooshua indicated that he had other sheepfolds to visit. I am aware of one in Central America. There is every reason to believe that there are sheepfolds all over the Earth and that there are other religious groupings that have roots in knowledge of Yah and Yahooshua.
There is also reason to believe that virtually all human beings today are children of Abraham. The ten original nations of Western Europe are descended from the ten tribes of Israel that went into exile.
Folks, Yah has interacted with human beings all over the planet at different times throughout history. Those people have created religions, they followed human beings, they've got into error, so you can hardly recognise them. There is a book available called "Eternity in Their Hearts" which traces just a few people groups around the world who have some rudimentary element of memory of the Almighty Creator and are looking for a redeemer. Do not just discount anyone because they don't belong to your religion. Every religion is in massive error. If you really want to be close to Father, get out of whatever religion you're in and serve Father alone, and please do not put some comfortable label on yourself; stick to believer in Yah. Anything else beyond that is nonsense frankly.
A difficult truth -- Isaiah 4:1 – many wives
Taking and giving of virginity results in a Covenant, likewise sex with a widow or truly divorced female. A female can only give her virginity once, therefore sexual intercourse is one of the most sacred (set apart) acts possible between two humans.
It is possible for a man to take the virginity or widowhood of more than one woman and it is therefore possible for a man to be in life time sexual Covenant (marriage) with more than one woman. The problem is that modern women cannot share their man and most become highly aggressive if confronted with such a situation.
Isaiah 4:1 indicates there will be seven times more women than men in body of true believers at the end and this is evident today. This means that most believing women should remain single.
Folks, you can go around the world as I've done to some extent and going to religious assemblies and what you will find is that where there is a gentle spirit and people are relatively close to Father there will be many times more women than men. Where there is a harsh religious spirit, you will find that the number of men and women is roundabout equal. You can get all upset with me about this point but the fact of the matter is that there are roughly seven times as many women as men in Heaven. Folks, if you're a man you've got a problem, you really need to work hard at getting close to Father.
Closing Prayer
Father I come to you in the name of Yahooshua
I ask you to give me a hunger for truth and help me to seek to avoid error
I ask you by your Spirit to reveal all error in my life and show me how to deal with it
I ask you to help me hold on to truth no matter how hard it may be
I ask you to help me to overcome to the end no matter how hard it may be
I ask you to help me to build a deep personal relationship with you
Folks, there is much, much more you can pray. Few months ago I did a series on prayer, I recommend that to you. It's on the website and the Radio page, if you go and scout around there. There is a prayer page or series of prayer pages on the main website, dozens of prayers that give Father power and permission to operate in your life. Folks, if you're not praying appropriate prayers you are going to battle to grow in your relationship with Father. You have to give Him permission to act in your life. So Father I ask you to help me to draw closer to you, I ask you to help me to hear your voice and be instantly obedient. I ask you to leave me by your spirit every second of every day in every possible way. I ask you to help me to be sensitive to the leading of your spirit and obedient to the leading of your spirit. I ask you to help me to bring you joy every day. There is so much you can pray folks, so much you can pray and so much you should pray. Bless me indeed and enlarge my territory and relationship with you in knowledge of you and your ways and your will and your kingdom and the anointing of your spirit in humility, in Emunah, (faith, trust and belief) in harmony, in health, and in finances. I thank you that your messengers encamp around me to protect me that no weapon formed against me shall prosper that every tongue that rises against me in unrighteous judgement should be refuted. So much to pray, so important that you pray it regularly.
Wrapping Up
Five Key Documents – Main Menu Webpages
"The Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with You."
"Seven Components in Drawing Close to the Creator" – probably the most important document of the lot. Things that you can do immediately to start drawing close to Father.
"Recommended Worship."
"The Creator's Name is Yah the Eternally Self-Existing."
"Where will you Spend Eternity? -- What is required in order to qualify to sit on a High Throne for Eternity?" – very important. Broadcast this a few months ago, you can find it on the Radio page.
All available at www.EndTimeIssueMinistries.org.
Transcripts of nearly all teachings in this series are available on the Website at the bottom on the "Radio" page.
Recordings of nearly all of the teachings Broadcast so far are available on the Radio page and they are all available at http://RelationshipWithCreatorRadio.com/ Click on "The Show" and then "Podcasts."
Books constituting a compilation of most writings published since 1998 are available near the bottom of the Menu at the "Compilation of Most Writings" page and are physically available.
I publish regular email articles -- email James@EndTimeIssueMinistries.org to be added to the list, or to seek counsel or prayer or give me feedback.
Visit the Website and use the Google Search, Article Keyword Cloud, Table of Contents and Article Search to locate the information you are looking for.
Thank you for listening!
Please send me your questions on the W4CY webpage, I will answer them next broadcast.
Please email me to join the mailing list at James@EndTimeIssueMinistries.org.
If you decide to draw close to the Almighty, please let me know and we can connect by Skype, Zoom, email or telephone so that I can help you with your journey.
I hope to connect with you again next week when we will continue to explore how to become a Friend of the Creator.
Folks, I can't stress enough, this is about you and your relationship with Father. It's not about your pastor or your priest or your imam or your rabbi or your guru or your whatever. It's about you and Father. It doesn't matter whether you're rich or poor, it doesn't matter if you're well educated or not educated at all. It doesn’t matter if you're short or tall, it doesn't matter if you're blonde or black, it doesn’t matter what race you are, it doesn’t matter what tribe you are, it doesn't matter what language you speak; this is about you and Father. He wants you to have a Deep Personal Relationship with Him. You, the person you look at in the mirror every morning. It doesn't matter anything that anybody's ever told you about the chosen people or whatever, you can choose now to seek to become His Friend, and He will meet you where you're today.

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