2020.02.28 Spiritual Interaction between Man and Woman in Sexual Union Created by James on 4/13/2020 6:23:04 PM This Broadcast follows on from the two preceding messages on the Virgins Covenant and looks at other aspects of the Spiritual Interaction between Man and Woman in sexual union. There is discussion of promises, vows, oaths and covenant and further discussion of the one-flesh bond. We look at harmony and the consequences of a divided house and note that love results from making love.
Caution – this article has NOT been Proofread so there may be minor transcription errors.
Good day!
The Almighty Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with You!
If you're listening to this programme and you currently don’t believe that the Creator exists, it's important for you to understand that when you die as an unbeliever, you will live for a very long time as an Ancestor Spirit or Demon. The Creator has said regarding unbelievers, "Why would I want someone to spend Eternity with me when they do NOT Believe I exist?"
So when you leave your body, you could end up in the grave with your corpse while it rots and long after it has rotted, unable to get out, unable to do anything. Or you might end up on a relation, a child or friend or whatever and you might end up actually haunting them and leading them astray. But whatever, if you think you are a reasonably good person dying as an unbeliever is a really horrible thing.
On a slightly different track, if you die as a believer without any form of relationship with the Creator, you will end up in the Outer Darkness, a cold, black, terrible place in the outskirts of Heaven with weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth. It's the trash heap of Heaven for people who believed at some level, then did nothing about it, and Father has said concerning such believers, "Why would I want someone to be close to me in Heaven, which inherently means I will give them great prestige and authority, if they do NOT have a deep personal relationship with me and have NOT proven to me that they can be trusted in this life?"
The Spiritual Interaction between Man and Woman in Sexual Relationship -- Continued
CRITICAL to understanding sex and marriage
Tonight we're talking about spiritual interaction between man and woman in sexual relationship. It's a continuation of last week's programme and it is critical to understanding sex and marriage. We're doing this in the context that the Almighty has said, "I created Human beings, this planet and this universe for men and women to be my Friends, my companions, to explore and learn and develop together. My greatest grief is that almost NO person understands this let alone seeks such a relationship with me!"
It's so important to understand that if you believe and then make a real effort to seek relationship with the Almighty, the rewards in the life to come are huge. A glorious resurrected body, great prestige, great authority, and a permanent close relationship with the Creator and with Yahooshua who you may know as Jesus.
The Spiritual Interaction between Man and Woman -- Overview
We're looking at the Spiritual Interaction between Man and Woman.
We will review key points from last week's broadcast.
We will discuss contractual ties – promises, vows, oaths, covenant, etc.
We will look at the headlines of Yah’s default covenant terms for sexual union.
We will discuss the one-flesh bond and how that joins a man and woman.
We will look at harmony and the consequences of a divided House.
We will take note that love results from making love.
We will examine some questions relating to your relationship with the Almighty Creator.
Who am I? – James Robertson. I have a Doctorate in Engineering. I was a Strategic Management Consultant in South Africa for 25 years, currently a Business Executive and Consultant in the United Kingdom. I have over 26 years' experience of actively seeking to draw close to the Almighty following a dramatic encounter with Him on 12th March 1993 when He spoke to me audibly in a locked room and I knew for certain that He was real.
What is "End Time Issue Ministries?" It's the organizational vehicle for delivering my message through Email Articles, Websites, this Radio Programme and physical books.
What is THIS Program? – "The Creator Desires a DEEP Personal Relationship with YOU!" – it represents the essence of my message.
See the Website www.EndTimeIssueMinistries.org for more information.
Questions from Last Week's Programme
Jasper asked: "Was losing her your punishment for your behaviour?" This relates to the situation I described where I had been having adulterous relationship.
Well, Jasper, it was a consequence of my behaviour. I joined myself to a woman who was joined to another man and society dictated that I released her to go back to her man, and so it's just a consequence. If you're going to have sex with somebody else's wife, it's probably going to end up that way.
Grace asked: "What if condoms are used?"
Condoms have no influence on the spiritual. They do reduce your sexual pleasure but they don't stop the ejaculation of spirit that goes through the condom.
John asked: "What can be done to fix all the issues that stand before people who have already messed up?"
I think it's fair to say John that pretty much everybody when they come to a real deep belief in the Almighty has already messed up. If you go back a few months, you can go in the website, I gave a series called "Seven Components of Drawing Close to the Almighty." They're on the website and the Radio pages which you can download and listen to or you can read the transcripts. The document on which it is based is also available on the website and also available to download. It's a systematic process of cleaning up.
Timber asked: "What if you have had many partners?"
Well, Timber that's the reality for a lot of people. We will start probably next week looking at how you clean up if you've had many sexual partners. The processes described in the Seven Components of Drawing Close to the Almighty will help you deal with that to some extent and then as I say the episode that I hope to broadcast next week will go in some detail into how you clean up.
Ann: "Sometimes the serge (I think probably she meant the urge) is so great to act on the feelings."
Ann yes, you can get into a situation with a member of the opposite sex or the same sex for that matter where there is an intense desire and intense passion and it gets out of control. It is up to you to moderate that and manage it. If you're in a strong relationship, lifetime covenant relationship which is what we're talking about here, it's much less likely to happen that you will suddenly fall in love head over heels, lust or whatever you want to call it, with someone that you just met or whatever. It does require discipline.
Body of the Article
The Spiritual Interaction between Man and Woman in sexual union (husband and wife in marriage) – Last week
We completed on the Virgins Covenant.
We looked at Soul Ties (Friendship ties).
We looked at Sexual Attraction/Desire/Chemistry.
We looked at Spirit to Spirit Adhesion.
Few thoughts in response to other discussions since the last broadcast.
Fact is folks, people make a big thing about masturbation, but it is far better to masturbate than it is to go and have sex with the wrong person and certainly much better than going out and having one-night stands or going with prostitutes or gigolos or whatever.
It is important to recognise that Yah did NOT create us to be celibate and He does not consider celibacy as a gift to Him. There is a complete myth about that. You're not purer or better or whatever if you don’t have sex. Father didn’t create you not to have sex. If you can't find a suitable partner and you choose to be a celibate as a consequence of that, so bet it, but it's not best for you.
If you are not a believer, if you do NOT believe the Creator exists, you can have sex with whoever you like and it is of NO consequence.
But if you DO believe and you have sex outside of the prescribed boundaries you WILL spend time in Hell after you die UNLESS you confess and repent in this life. I want to stress that the conduct of unbeliever is of no concern to believers. They're subject to entirely different rules. The more they sin, the greater their prestige in the Kingdom of Satan. So why would you want to get involved in that?
It is pointless ranting at unbelievers about their bad behaviour; they are NOT bound by the same rules.
Contractual Ties – Promises, Vows, Oaths, Covenant
So coming back to the relationship between man and woman, let's look at contractual ties, which is promises, vows, oaths, covenants.
At some point in a relationship, a man and woman will start to make promises to one another. These may be simple and flippant promises or they can be more conscious and deliberate vows or they may go all the way to taking oaths with reference to the shedding of blood if the oath is broken (includes taking "Communion") – this is the fundamental essence of Covenant – a vow with blood that represents death to the one who breaks the vow or Covenant.
It is extremely unwise to take flippant or lightly intended vows or promises in a marriage ceremony – these will be legally bounding in the Court of Heaven and will be used to judge the people involved for the rest of the relationship – assuming they were entering into a righteous union at the time the vows were taken and that they had NOT already consummated.
The vows that were in place at the moment of consummation dictate your relationship for the rest of your lives or until you are genuinely divorced.
We use the phrase "broken promise" easily but, in the spiritual realm, a broken promise, vow or oath has a tangible almost physical manifestation. I have heard a vow break – it sounds like a very dry stick breaking – a sharp cracking noise.
Breaking a vow or oath can have huge spiritual consequences. The person on the receiving end of the betrayal can experience massive spiritual, emotional and physical trauma if they have placed considerable reliance on that vow or promise and have possibly invested a significant amount of time and effort into actions predicated on that vow or promise.
Once a vow has been broken it requires whole hearted repentance on the part of the offending party in order to rebuild and it may never be rebuilt.
Trust is a gift and when trust is broken it is difficult to restore it.
Folks, this is such important material. Be careful what you promise and if you're a man with a woman or a woman with a man do not make promises lightly. Do not make promises that you are not willing to commit to for the rest of your life together. It doesn't matter what it is whether it's "I'm giving up smoking" or "I am going to be faithful to you for the rest of my life even though I have had dozens of partners before this," folks don't promise things you can't keep. If you need those promises to make the relationship work, then the relationship may not be going to work.
Yah’s Default Covenant Terms
Let's look at Yah's default covenant terms.
When a man and a woman who are free to have intercourse have first sexual intercourse, Yah’s default covenant terms immediately come into play UNLESS the man and woman actively take vows or oaths that directly countermand Yah’s default contractual terms BEFORE intercourse.
In simple terms when a man take a woman’s virginity, blood is shed which automatically invokes a covenant with a death sentence and in the absence of alternative contractual terms the life-long terms of the covenant are:
Man is head of the woman and must protect her -- Ephesians 5:25 and other verses.
Woman must submit to her man in EVERYTHING – Ephesian 5:24, 1 Peter 3:1 and other verses.
When a man takes the "virginity" of a truly divorced woman or widow the same rules apply although it is advisable to take the bread and wine (Communion) under such circumstances.
Refer to the message on the Virgins Covenant broadcast the previous two weeks for a much deeper discussion.
Folks, this is so important. There is a set of rules, set of covenant terms that Father has ordained between a man and a woman to make their relationship work. If you do not expressly covenant otherwise, the first time the man ejaculates in the woman's vagina, those terms kick in and they're with you for life, and there is nothing you can do about them as long as the two of you are in sexual union, in other words, as long as you're married. It's so important. And you can promise what you like at your marriage ceremony after you've consummated, it's not going to get you anywhere.
One-Flesh Bond
The one-flesh bond is a spiritual connection between the spirits of the man and woman that comes into existence the moment one of them experiences orgasm and releases a spurt of their spirit in such a way that that spurt can connect with and bind to the other person.
A one-flesh bond can be formed by using the hand or mouth or other part of the body to bring the other person to orgasm as well as during conventional sexual intercourse with vaginal penetration.
If the orgasm is weak the bond is weak and if it is strong a stronger bond is formed.
The greater number of strong orgasms that are experienced the stronger the bond becomes – even many weak orgasms build the bond.
Folks, one of the very destructive practices that a lot of people have been told to follow is to avoid ejaculation in the vagina of the woman as a means of birth control without using contraceptives. Folks, that prevents the formation of the one-flesh bond. If you have sex that way the one-flesh bond will be weak and it's very likely that in time the relationship will break down or it will be a very mundane, very spiritually deficient relationship at best.
Contraceptives are readily available, use them, preferably a pill. Do not use abortive contraceptives, as either pills or devices that cause a fertilized egg to abort, that’s murder. You will spend time in hell for every aborted conception. Don't do it.
Simultaneous orgasm will result in the most rapid growth in the strength of the one-flesh bond.
One-flesh bonds can be formed at a very low-key level through the air if both parties focus on one another and masturbate to orgasm – even half way around the world.
The moment a man and woman form a one-flesh bond without vaginal intercourse but orally, in the vulva or anally the Court of Heaven finds them to be betrothed unless the bond is adulterous.
Once orgasm is achieved by either partner vaginally the couple are viewed as being in a life time covenant union by the Court of Heaven provided that the union is not adulterous.
Folks, if you don't intend to spend the rest of your life together, keep your clothes on and keep your hands out of each other's clothes. Don't go there at all. First of all decide that the other person is a suitable life partner and then once you have decided that and you have decided you want live together have great sex. But until you have made that quality decision, until you've had the difficult conversation, you need to spell out what you're going for in life, what your standards are, what your criteria are, what it is you want from a partner, and if you can't agree to one another, say goodbye and walk on until you find the right person.
If you're going on to a dating site to look for a partner, be very, very explicit about what you're looking for and very explicit about what you have to offer. Dating sites can be a great place to find the right partner and if you misuse them, you will end up with a whole lot of casual sexual interactions; be very careful.
Adultery judged by the Court of Heaven is very straightforward -- it is the formation of a one-flesh bond between a man and a woman where the woman already has a one-flesh bond with another man. In other words, basically it's a one-flesh bond between two men. Whether the relationship with that man has broken down and they have a legal divorce or whether she is "cheating" that is still adultery.
Note that in the event that a woman betrays her man sexually a spirit of jealousy (Numbers 5:14) will come upon him and he will become irritable, bad tempered and even aggressively angry.
So if you're a woman who is cheating on her husband and he is bad towards you, it's basically your doing. He doesn’t have to know what you're doing, he will just experience irritability and anger.
A legal divorce means NOTHING if the Court of Heaven does not agree with the verdict and is ONLY valid IF the one-flesh bond has been cut. Otherwise you may not join to another.
Male-male sex also results in a one-flesh bond and all the spiritual manifestations discussed here come into play. It's perfectly possible for two men to be in love, it's perfectly possible for them to do all the things that we talk about for a man and woman. It is not about it being "dirty" or whatever, it is simply forbidden and it will bring a harsh judgment at the end of your life.
If you are an unbeliever, so what? You are not going to Heaven anyway, you're not going to get judged anyway, you're just going to hang around on Earth for the rest of eternity. If you are a believer and you don't clean up your male-male sexual conduct before you die you will go to hell for a period. It's up to you. If you want to dirt, it's your choice.
The one-flesh bond CANNOT be cut by deliverance style prayers, it requires very specific prayer in humility and supported by legal argument in order to be cut. Only the Almighty, Himself, is able to cut a one-flesh bond. The party requesting the severance of the one-flesh bond must have a solid legal basis and robustly WANT the bond cut, it is easier to cut a one flesh bond when someone with the necessary knowledge and anointing leads the prayer.
The one-flesh bond ties the man and woman together even if they are on opposite sides of the planet.
A strong one-flesh bond will allow the parties to know one another’s thoughts and to speak with one voice, a really strong one-flesh bond allows the woman to act as the man’s representative and speak his will into a situation even if they are separated by thousands of kilometres.
Folks, the one-flesh bond is so powerful, it's so beautiful. If you recognise it, if you respect it, if you work with it, if you have had multiple partners you will not understand what I'm talking about here. If you have been messing around with people who have been messing around with people who have been messing around with people, you will be experiencing some level of spiritual confusion through the spider's web, the one-flesh bonds sits all around you. It's vital to clean that up and we will look at the prayers that you pray in the next broadcast hopefully. Clean it up, enter into a covenant relationship with the partner, and make it work. It's so important. It can be so good, so beautiful, so special and if that's not your experience to date, look at everything that I'm talking about and put it into practice.
A strong one-flesh bond will eventually cause a man and a woman to look more like one another and behave more like one another over time as it grows stronger.
The one-flesh bond will remain at its full strength for ever in this life as long as both parties are alive unless there is abuse, treachery, angry words, etc. that murder the one-flesh bond. Otherwise it will remain of full force for all of their lives whether they are legally divorced and living miles apart or whether they are living together.
It is technically possible for one human being to have direct one-flesh bonds with hundreds of other human beings in which case all sorts of complications arise. Witches and other agents of Satan can use the one-flesh bond in this way to manipulate and control believers who have these multiple one-flesh bonds.
Human Satan servants use multiple one-flesh bonds to give them power.
If you're a believer and you have had multiple partners, you are probably finding that you are battling to get really close to Father and you probably if you're in a long-term relationship, you are probably battling to be faithful, you are probably battling to give undivided attention to your chosen life partner, you may have been divorced several times. The thing is, the more you get more partners, the worse it gets, so you can go around looking for the ideal partner as long as you got this baggage of multiple one-flesh bonds, you will battle to make any permanent relationship work. It's really, really important to clean up in such a case.
Once a person is joined to people that have one-flesh bonds with prostitutes or Satanists they are effectively one-flesh with virtually the entire population of the planet with the exception of those who have strictly disciplined themselves NOT to get into this situation or to get out of this situation.
Note that the anointing flows through the one-flesh bond between the parties so that a partner who joins to others who are not anointed will have the anointing drain out of both of the partners.
Where one partner in a closed union (marriage) allows fear, rebellion, etc. to enter their lives this connects them to the forces of darkness and will also drain anointing out of both parties.
Folks, we are spiritual beings, one-flesh bond is a spiritual tie. One-flesh bond will tie a man and a woman who have such a bond, a strong bond together halfway across the planet. It allows the man to spiritually protect the woman, it allows the woman to underpin and reinforce and support the man. It's a completely different way of being to anything that the world teaches us. You may be listening to this with all sorts of ideals around the way you think things should be that don't agree with what I'm saying. So be it. You don't have to take my word for this, you don't have to apply what I am telling you, but you will be missing out on something very, very special.
Yah intended the union between a man and a woman to be beautiful, powerful, sustainable, enduring, enjoyable. If that's not your experience, then please look carefully and listen carefully, it can be so much more.
Transfer/Replication of Demons and Curses
The minute a one-flesh bond is formed the demons on each person are cloned onto the other person – thus, after first intercourse, the man has a full set of demons comparable to those on the woman and the woman has a full set of demons comparable to those on the man.
Where one of the parties has had sex with numerous partners and never cut ties and never been delivered tens of thousands of demons can be involved in this situation.
These demons will encourage sinful behaviour that is present in the source party to manifest in the other party and the two people will start to behave more alike because of similar demonic manifestations in both of them.
Note that there are very few people on earth who are entirely free of demons.
If a person has sin they give the relevant demons legal right to attach to them.
Remember that Demons are the spirits of dead unbelievers, so what happens if you're a believer and what I have just been talking about relates to believers primarily. If you are a believer you have Satanic messengers, Satanic Angel watching you, you go and have sex with somebody that Angel messenger takes an inventory of the Demons on you and goes off and collects a set of Demons like yours the same sins and deposits them on your sexual partner. It applies either way male or female. Those Demons will then actively seek to lead you into pride, lust, fear, whatever it is that is the speciality of that particular Demon that resulted in them being chosen to be put on you. It's a huge mess folks. If you are serious about serving Father, you need to clean it up and next week we will look at prayers, etc. to do with this.
The Divided House/Harmony
The moment a one-flesh bond is formed the parties become a "house" in spiritual terms. You will find Biblical references to the house of Jacob, etc.
Restricting the discussion to the context of a man and woman in legitimate exclusive relationship with no one-flesh bonds outside their relationship this is the way Father intended things to be – a closed system.
When this house is in harmony or unity it will prosper, whether the man and woman are actively serving the Almighty or actively serving Satan or just muddling along in life with no real relationship with either the Almighty or Satan.
In order to prosper the couple must DO what is necessary to prosper. You need to be praying, "Father give us wisdom to get wealth, enlarge our territory in relationship with you, in wisdom, in understanding, in wealth." You got to do the hard job, if it's your own business, you got to go out there and sell every day. You got to advertise, you got to market it, you got to do quality work. Father is not just going to drop money in your lap because you believe; He will give you wisdom to get wealth. He will supply your needs according to His riches and glory by the anointing that is upon Yahooshua. So He will put the anointing on you if you get filled with His spirit that is necessary to prosper, but you got to do the work.
Immediately division enters this house it will start to fall (Matthew 12:25, Luke 11:17). This does NOT have to be manifest division and strife, it can simply be the woman choosing to believe differently to the man, doing her own thing contrary to his will, etc.
Note that unless there is a formal contract (covenant) before the Court of Heaven in terms of which the man relinquishes his headship in favour of the woman then the man is ALWAYS the head and the division is ALWAYS with the woman. The man can do things that make it more difficult for the woman to be in harmony but the responsibility for harmony always rests with the woman. This is NOT being ugly or chauvinistic it is simply the way things are designed to be, the man is the head, the leader, the one who gives direction and the woman is the strong partner who supports her man – see Proverbs 31.
When a man and woman enter into sexual union it is vital that they understand that need for harmony, it is dangerous for a woman or man to enter into sexual union if they know there are fundamental differences of opinion. Don’t get confused about lust or desire or attraction or whatever if you can't agree how you are going to live your lives, it's going to be a mess.
If the man and woman both work for the same business and the woman is the head or the owner or the chief executive or whatever, then, by default, at work, the man will be expected to be in submission to the woman, and that’s a default term as well. So if a man joins a woman in business and it is her business and she is in charge, the man must submit to the woman. He should not from a position of being junior to her or subordinate to her, think that because of the principle of man being the head of the wife that he is now in charge. If it is her business, she is in charge and he must comply. But within their marriage, it's different.
Coming back to harmony, if the couple are not serving the Almighty and they are not in harmony, the impact may be limited because Satan is not really interested in such people. But if they are seeking to serve the Almighty with any measure of dedication the Forces of Darkness will infiltrate every area of their lives and particularly their finances with hindering spirits (demons) whose job it is to interfere with and obstruct and prevent finances from reaching the family unit as this is the simplest way to cause the family to fall.
A woman who is not prepared to submit to her man should either remain single or only join herself to a man who is willing to allow her to lead the family and submit to her.
A man and woman in perfect harmony, resulting from a strong woman exercising her will to align herself with her man is an extremely powerful spiritual force on the Earth with a magnifying effect which is dramatic.
Father intends us to be powerful in this life on this Earth. We shouldn't be struggling to survive just get by; we should be prospering. The key element of prospering is we need to be in harmony and we need to do whatever it is we need to do in order to prosper. It's not going to drop in your lap. There is no vaults in Heaven that Father is going to open a tap and force it and then money spill into your bank account or something; you got to go and do the work, do the marketing, do the selling, deliver the work, deliver quality, negotiate, etc.
Love results from "Making Love"
It is vital to understand that sexual intercourse is called "making love" for a reason, it causes love to come into existence.
Love can come into existence through relationship as a very deep form of soul tie but the deep spiritual form of love that comes about as a consequence of love making is a tangible spiritual force – it has a spiritual manifestation – it is written in 1 Corinthians 13:7 that love never dies, that it endures all things.
Once love has been created it CANNOT be put away or eliminated.
Love can be murdered through abuse but it will otherwise NEVER cease.
Even making love to a prostitute ONCE will cause love to come into existence together with memories that will never go away, they can be suppressed but they will not disappear.
There is NO prayer that can be prayed that will destroy love. Yah (the Almighty) IS love, it is fundamentally against His standards to destroy love, thus love should be given cautiously.
Under certain circumstances one can pray for the Almighty to seal the chamber of your heart where love for a particular person exists but it will always be there and be tangible if you look at it and if you let it out, it will potentially lead you into all sorts of trouble. It's one reason why many divorces fail, people don’t understand that the fact that they have created love with that person they have divorced, it's not going to go away so then they encounter them and they fall in love again or they have a quick one-night stand or whatever; very, very difficult if you are trying to live right coming back to those people who ask about what you do if you have had multiple partners, what you do if your life is a mess. You got to clean up, but it's a hard work. If you have had multiple sexual partners and you are not living any longer. You will have love at some level for each of them unless that you did horribly badly, in which case they will have destroyed that love. You have to very careful and recognise that Father didn’t create you to deal with that situation. So there is a limit to how much you can deal with it through prayer, it's discipline.
Treachery by a person who is deeply loved or forcible separation is massively traumatic and has spiritual, emotional and physical consequences that can destroy love.
Ironically, you can have a situation where somebody is emotionally unstable, they have a quick temper, they get angry easily, they shout and scream and swear and maybe even physically beat their partner and kill love in that partner without the love in themselves being killed because the partner is submissive and responsive. So you can have a situation where one partner still loves deeply and the other partner wants nothing to do with them.
From what I have just said, it will become apparent that sexual intercourse should ONLY take place when a man and woman are totally committed to spending the rest of their lives together.
One night stands cause massive spiritual damage and hardening of the heart, particularly if you have them regularly.
All of these factors are designed to make the union between man and woman (or women) extremely powerful and enduring. Yah never had in mind that we would marry lightly and divorce lightly or that we would engage in casual sex or use prostitutes or gigolos.
Sexual intercourse and the relationship and other spiritual forces that result from such intercourse are massively powerful with spiritual consequences which are extremely difficult to terminate or put aside.
These factors are designed to give rise to a powerful and enduring union that will endure the worst that life can throw at us and which, if correctly mobilized, will give rise to an intensely powerful and prosperous family unit that is able to make an impact on the earth way beyond its apparent capability.
Folks, if you had multiple sexual partners, join me again next week for the discussion on how to deal with that. Get hold of the teachings on Seven Components of Drawing Father and go through all the cleansing, rituals, etc. that are given there and then make a quality decision, commit yourself to one person or if you're a man and you choose to commit yourself to more than one woman and the women are prepared to share commit yourself to two or three women if that’s the case, but don't do that lightly.
I can't stress enough, Father intended it to be powerful. So the next piece of having been joined to multiple partners, make a choice, commit yourself, do the cleansing processes, make love regularly, tenderly, skilfully, considerately as frequently as you possibly can. And eventually the strength of that one-flesh bond will outweigh all the others. But recognise that you can still go out there and be in contact with a previous sexual partner and the love that was created will draw you back together again if you are not very careful. You can either be not from pillar to post by your desires, etc. or you can exercise iron discipline and stick to your partner. It's not going be easy if you have had multiple partners. It will be worth it if you stick to it and give it everything you've got and exercise great discipline.
What is the state of YOUR relationship with the Almighty Creator?
I want to wrap up by asking you what is the state of your relationship with the Almighty Creator? Remember that this series is about that, that Father wants a Deep Personal Relationship with You. Everything that I am talking about relates to how do you deal with that? Part of how you deal with that is that you have a strong covenant relationship, a strong life partner, strong sexual relationship so that the two or three of you can stand together powerfully in service to Father.
So in closing I would like to ask you to critically examine where YOU are relative to the Almighty Creator.
Do you talk to Him constantly throughout the day and allow Him to lead you in every possible way? That’s what He created you for to have a conversation with Him, to have Him lead you, to have Him guide you, to have Him speak through you, to have you rule over the Forces of Darkness in your life, to rule over sin, to live a life without sin, to have a powerful relationship.
Are you conscious of Father at all times?
Do you worship Him at every opportunity? Do you have prayers and worship songs on your mobile phone or the earphone and listen to it whenever you are travelling, when you are sitting at your desk? Do you have it playing in your house even when you are out?
Do you count Father to be your FRIEND? He wants to be your friend.
Beyond that, have you clearly and unambiguously heard HIM CALL YOU FRIEND? Folks, there is a difference. It's relatively easy to count Yah as your friend because He wants to be your friend. But can you live a life that will allow Him to call you friend? That means you keep all of the Ten Commandments all of the time, you put in first, you do the things that I have just spoken about.
If you are NOT doing all this, you are FAILING in your life purpose and will be bitterly disappointed when you die.
Wrapping Up
Five Key Documents – Main Menu Webpages
So in wrapping up, five key documents that underpin this message, they are all Main Menu webpages:
"The Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with You."
"Seven Components in Drawing Close to the Creator."
"Recommended Worship" – songs that are strongly recommended. All three towards the bottom of the Menu.
"The Creator's Name is Yah the Eternally Self-Existing" – at the top of the Menu.
"Where will You Spend Eternity? – What is required in order to qualify to sit on a High Throne for Eternity?" – near the bottom.
All available at www.EndTimeIssueMinistries.org.
Transcripts of nearly all teachings in this series are available on the Website at the bottom on the "Radio" page.
Recordings of nearly all of the teachings broadcast so far are available on the Radio page and they are all available at http://RelationshipWithCreatorRadio.com. Click on "The Show" and then "Podcasts."
Books constituting a compilation of most writings published since 1998 are available near the bottom of the menu at the "Compilation of Most Writings" page and are physically available if you ask me.
I publish regular email articles – email me at James@EndTimeIssueMinistries.org to be added to the list, or to seek counsel or prayer or to give me feedback.
Visit the website and use the Google Search, Article Keyword Cloud, Table of Contents and Article Search to locate the information you are looking for. There is over a thousand webpages on that website. Huge amount of information, round about 1000 articles, most of them written with some level of inspiration, some level of anointing. I recommend them if you are serious about getting closer to Father.
Thank you for listening.
Please send me your questions on the W4CY webpage, I will answer them next broadcast.
Please email me to join the mailing list at James@EndTimeIssueMinistries.org.
If you decide to draw close to the Almighty please let me know and we can connect by Skype, Zoom, email or telephone so that I can help you with your journey.
I hope to connect with you again next week when we will continue to explore how to become a Friend of the Creator.
I want to stress my message is for you, whoever you are, the person who is listening to me right now, Father wants a Deep Personal Relationship with You, not your partner, not the person at work with you, and He wants it with every single person on the planet. Right now I am talking to you, He wants a Deep Personal Relationship with You. It doesn't matter whether you are male or female, black or white, or yellow. He doesn't mind what tribe you belong to, what nation you belong to, what country you live in. He doesn’t mind whether you are well educated or poorly educated or not educated at all. It doesn't matter if right now you're a sinner, He wants to set you free, He wants to bless you and He wants to be your friend.
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