2020.04.10 The Horrors of Death as a Nominal Believer Created by James on 4/20/2020 9:09:38 AM This Broadcast looks at the horrors of death as a Nominal Believer, ending up in the Outer Darkness in Heaven, pitch black, cold with Eternal Weeping and Wailing and Gnashing of Teeth. This is contrasted with death as an Unbeliever and the glory of death as a Committed Believer. It is stressed that one does NOT want to die as a nominal believer.
Caution – this article has NOT been Proofread so there may be minor transcription errors.
Good day!
The Almighty Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with You!
If you currently do not believe the Creator exists, it's important to realise that if you die right now, you will live for a very long time as an Ancestor Spirit or Demon, you might be trapped in your casket under the ground with you rotting body, you might be trapped in the oven of the crematorium, or you might get to ride on one of your children or friends or whoever, but whatever happens, it's going to be unpleasant and it's important for you to understand that the Creator has said regarding such people, "Why would I want someone to spend Eternity with me when they do NOT Believe I exist?"
So if you don’t believe and you're going through life expecting something pleasant to happen when you die, you're in for a nasty shock. If you're a believer, but with no form of relationship with the Creator or you're not doing anything to serve the Creator, you will end up in the Outer Darkness, a cold, black terrible place with weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth, the trash heap of Heaven. Father has said concerning such believers, "Why would I want someone to be close to me in Heaven, which inherently means I will give them great prestige and authority, if they do NOT have a deep personal relationship with me and have NOT proven to me that they can be trusted in this life?"
All of this in the context that the Almighty has said, "I created Human beings, this planet and this universe for men and women to be my Friends, my companions, to explore and learn and develop together. My greatest grief is that almost NO person understands this let alone seeks such a relationship with me!"
If you make a real effort to seek relationship with the Almighty, the rewards in the life to come are huge; a glorious resurrected body, great prestige, great authority, and a permanent close relationship with the Creator and with Yahooshua who you may know as Jesus.
Today's programme, we're going to look at the Horrors of Death as a Nominal Believer and some other considerations.
The Horrors of Death as an Unbeliever -- Overview
This Broadcast discusses the horrible fate that waits for Nominal Believers when they die.
We will note that the Almighty was NOT confused when He created us the way we are intended to be sexually.
We will look at the Horrors of Death as a Nominal Believer and what happens when you die in this state.
We will recap the destination of Unbelievers and look at the fate of Nominal Believers on death.
We will discuss "The Outer Darkness" as the destination for Nominal Believers when they die.
We will mention that all Believers who have unrepented sin will spend time in Hell, the place of correction.
We will talk about Unbelieving Believers.
We will look at Death as a Committed Believer.
We will revisit why you should believe in the Almighty Creator at a DEEP level.
We will talk about Engineered Creative Complexity and Sexual Reproduction proving existence of the Creator.
We will note that there are huge rewards for loyal service and that Satan is God of this World and harsh Task Master.
We will ask whether you are striving to be your best in this life for nothing and look at Death as an Ancestor Spirit or resident of the Outer Darkness as a possible consequence.
We will then look at Critical Elements of what I Believe.
Finally we will examine some questions relating to your relationship with the Almighty Creator.
Who am I? – James Robertson. I have a Doctorate in Engineering. I was a Strategic Management Consultant in South Africa for 25 years. I have been a Business Executive in the UK for the last few years. I have 27 years' experience of actively seeking to draw close to the Almighty following a dramatic encounter with Him on 12th March 1993 when He spoke to me audibly in a locked room and I knew for certain that He was real.
What is "End Time Issue Ministries?" It's the organizational vehicle for delivering my message through Email Articles, Websites, this Radio Program and physical books.
What is THIS Program? – "The Creator Desires a DEEP Personal Relationship with YOU!" – It represents the essence of my message.
See the Website www.EndTimeIssueMinistries.org for more information.
Questions from Last Week's Programme
Patty asked: "Why is it that men can have more than one woman as a wife at a time and women can't do the same?"
Patty, Father intended us to work as teams and it is so that if a woman joins herself to more than one man there is confusion of the bloodline, so it doesn’t work from a spiritual point of view. Why Father chose to design it that way, I regret, I can't actually give you a clear answer, I can just tell you that that is the way it is.
Vincent asked: "Do you ever get out of being a little demon or what have you? Can you ever get another chance?"
If you die as an unbeliever and become a Demon, you don’t get another chance ever. You will just simply spend the rest of this millennium and possibly eternity as a Demon.
Wally asked: "Would that not make the demons more populated than the believers?"
Yes, there are far more unbelievers than believers. In the current age, there is about 2.5 million believers who are making some sort of a difference out of a population of somewhere around 7 billion people on Earth today and they are more than 100 billion Demons from past generations.
Leah asked: "Don’t you think we are schooled here enough on this earth to be a good demon. How can we fight the demons that are attached with us now?"
Well, there are two pieces there. If you have been a good person all your life and you die as an unbeliever, you will be a good Demon. Problem is that the Satanic Realm doesn’t think that is worthwhile so they are going to treat you pretty badly. How can we fight the Demons that are attached with us? The first thing you need to do is to get to become a believer. If you are a committed believer, you can then pray in the name of Yahooshua for Father Yah to remove the Demons from you. You have to deal with your sin before that prayer will be answered. I have given quite a lot of instruction on that and given you the prayers to pray in previous sessions. If you go back to the Seven Components of Drawing Close to the Almighty, the sessions on cleansing, you will find all the prayers for that.
Rosetta asked: "If monogamy is so wrong why do they have the laws they have that we have to follow?"
Rosetta, the reality is that the society in which we live is not serving Father. The laws that we have have been corrupted by the Satanic and Demonic Realm, and there is very little about our society that is in any way aligned with the will of the Almighty. So the fact that most countries legislate monogamy is just one of those things.
Francis asked: "Most men can't satisfy one woman much less many. If women are not getting satisfied you would think it should be the other way around. Women should have more than one man."
Francis, I think that’s a fair comment. The key point there is that in the way this was intended to be the women are absolutely permitted and encouraged to have sexual intimacy with one another as well as with their man. If the man is properly oriented, he can do a lot more than the average man today. There is a huge thing here that we just don’t know what we were like 6,000 years ago. We don’t know how to do these things. That doesn’t mean that they are not possible, it does mean that in the current generation, they are not easy to do and probably not practical. So this is why I have said several times that in practice it is almost certain that one man should have one woman. If you're going to try and have more than one woman, there are a lot of challenges associated with this. Some people are getting it right but the most of them are not.
Paul says: "This way of thinking would make it seem the Almighty is in fact a man."
Paul I don’t think you can necessarily draw that distinction. As I have said several times, there are many more women than men in Heaven, which suggests that actually it's not such a bad thing to be a woman.
Lester asked: "Can you give us more insight on how sex should be in a real relationship that the Almighty wants it to be?"
Lester, the risk of giving offence, if you read erotic literature written by unbelievers for unbelievers in sexual immorality and you apply the techniques and the things that happen there within a righteous marriage before Yah. Sex is intended to be good. It is intended to be varied, passionate, intense, giving, loving. If you want more information, I don’t think it's appropriate to go into more detail on this programme, but if you want more information, you are welcome to email me at James@EndTimeIssueMinistries.org.
Body of Article
Yah was NOT confused when He created men and women so that more than one woman could covenant with one man
I just want to make the point because if you look at the concerns that come up in the questions is again this thing that why, why, why more than one wife? And I just want to suggest for your consideration that the Almighty was not confused when He created men and women so that more than one woman could covenant with one man.
We have proven conclusively in the previous programmes through the hymen and virginity that Yah created men to be able to covenant with more than one woman.
From various feedbacks I have received following the last two weeks' Broadcasts and that I have received over many years the vast majority of people and especially believing women think that this is unjust and, through the language that they use, imply that Yah is confused and perverse.
I suggest for your consideration that Yah had a perfect plan. This is evidenced by the reality that there are far more women than men on Thrones in Heaven today so Yah certainly does NOT view women as inferior.
The fact is that this is the most spiritually decrepit and confused generation that has ever lived so we are NOT competent to pass judgment on something that was originally intended to be pure and beautiful.
The fact that it is intended to be pure, beautiful and powerful is evidenced by the extent that the Forces of Darkness have gone out of their way to corrupt and destroy it but use the spiritual principles that underpin it to give them power.
So what we find is that Satanists and witches fornicate and build up a network of one-flesh bonds which gives them power and they use the network of one-flesh bonds around unbelievers who are in error to tear those believers down, but in fact it was originally intended to be beautiful and powerful and if you can get it to work in this age it would be beautiful and powerful. We just don’t know how to do it.
The Horrors of Death as a Nominal Believer
What follows is intended to scare Nominal Believers, the counterpoint to this is a DEEP personal relationship with the Almighty Creator where the rewards are huge esteem, great authority and great supernatural power – that is what we were created for and it is available to every human being right now. This is my truth after 27 years of seeking truth, after numerous long-term fasts, after tens of thousands of hours of seeking Yah.
If you do NOT have a DEEP settled assurance of the reality of the Almighty Creator such that you easily and without question can confess that He is real AND if you have NOT substantially changed the way you live your life such that it is evident that you ARE a Believer then you are a nominal Believer.
If you die as a Nominal Believer you are faced with a horrible future. This broadcast seeks to make visible what faces you UNLESS you change your mind and make a solid commitment to the Almighty AND start actively serving Him BEFORE you die.
If you are a committed believer the following is of academic interest UNLESS you have family, friends or colleagues who are nominal Believers in which case you might like to share this with them.
What Happens when you Die as a Nominal Believer?
If at some point in your life you momentarily agreed that the Almighty Creator DOES exist you would have crossed over from death as an Unbeliever to death as a Believer qualified to enter Heaven.
However, IF after that decision you continued to live life as though the Almighty does not exist you will die as an "Unbelieving Believer." When Father created all of this He did NOT anticipate this category of person, people who momentarily believe and then carry on as though He does not exist. So the ONLY place for you in Heaven is "The Outer Darkness."
This Broadcast examines your fate.
There is the throne room in Heaven, which is where all believers who have a relationship with Father will end up. If you're an unbelieving believer, in other words, you believed momentarily and haven’t changed your lifestyle, there is no room for you there. So the only places to go outside the throne room where the trash heap is actually and you shouldn’t be surprised about that if you make no effort to love the Almighty, if you make no effort to grow with Him, if you make no effort to serve Him, why should you expect something good to happen when you die? So let's look at the destination of unbelievers again just for a recap of last week's programme.
Destination of Unbelievers
Unless you have at some stage reached a point of significant conviction of the existence of the Almighty Creator you will die as an Unbeliever and NEVER enter Heaven.
Listen to the previous Broadcast on "The Horrors of Death as an Unbeliever" for more detail.
There are about 100 million people on Earth today who think they are believers at some level but are not because they have never reached a deep settled assurance of the reality of the Creator, they will end up as Ancestor Spirits (Demons) together with all the other believers.
So right now, there is something of the order of 7 billion people who if they were to die today would end up as Demons, Ancestor Spirits. Many of them will end up with their rotting corpse in their casket or their grave, many will end up in the cremation oven, some of them will escape that and manage to transfer onto family or friends or others. Some of them if they are seen to be very capable sinners will be harvested by witches or warlocks and wizards or Satanists and put to work leading others astray. Not a pretty picture.
Nominal Believer
If you at some moment in time had a clear revelation of the reality of the Creator but have since lived your life as though He does NOT exist, then you are also in for a horrible shock when you die.
There are about 20 million people alive on Earth today in this category.
Many people who have responded to "altar calls" at Christian Crusades and such like fall into this category, or who once went to a Charismatic Church and had some fleeting experience and made a decision.
Or who underwent "confirmation" or "Bar mitzvah" or other right when they turned their team.
Folks, you may have momentarily believed in the Creator and then you have carried on living your life as though He does not exist, why would you expect something pleasant to happen to you? It's just not rational, is it? The Almighty created us to be His friends. He created us to do things with Him. So His reward structure is geared to those people who make an effort to serve Him, to those people who make an effort to make Him part of their lives to make Him the centre point of their lives. That’s what the reward system is there for. If you're not going to play according to those rules, why would you end up in a nice place when you die? It just doesn’t make any sense if you think about it that way.
The Outer Darkness
These people will end up in the "OUTER DARKNESS" when they die, pitch dark – you cannot see your hand in front of your face, unable to see the people around you. It's cold. You're surrounded by over 100 million others all of whom are weeping and wailing and gnashing their teeth for ever and ever and ever and ever and ever. What a horrible outcome! Think about it.
You at some point believe the Almighty exists and then you ignore Him. Why would you expect Him to pay attention to you after you die? Why would you expect Him to give you some reward in Heaven when you've done nothing that is worthy of reward? You may have been lied to with people who teach once saved always saved and go on about Jesus and God and the Lord and grace and mercy and forgiveness and all sorts of things that gave you the message that it really did not matter how you lived your life, when you die something nice was going to happen to you.
Folks, it does not make any sense. Think about it. Why should you ignore the Almighty throughout your life, which is the school ground, which is the testing ground, which will determine where you end up for eternity and then expect something pleasant to happen to you when you die. I say again what I said a few minutes ago, Father did not allow for this in His design. He did not expect it to happen. He expected people to love Him, serve Him, enjoy being around Him, enjoy growing with Him. So when He started getting people like this, there was nowhere in Heaven plan to put them in except the Outer Darkness, the trash heap.
All of that said, let's talk about time in hell, the place of correction.
Time in Hell – The Place of Correction
It's important to note that whether you are destined for the Outer Darkness or a High Throne or anywhere in-between if you have UNCONFESSED OR UNREPENTED SIN you WILL spend time in Hell, the place of correction, a place of terrible torment and torture where you will spend time paying the price for your unrepented sin remembering always that Yahooshua (Jesus incorrect name) died a terrible death so that you could repent of your sin and live free of sin so you did NOT have to go to Hell.
Folks, this is a similar point to the earlier points. If you think you're just going to carry on and live your life however it suits you and fornicate and lie and steal and use the wrong names and take the name of the Almighty in vain and worship Jesus and worship the Bible, you are in for a horrible shock when you die. Yahooshua (incorrectly called Jesus) was beaten, was tortured, died a terrible death on the stake so that you could repent of your sin and live free of sin so you did not have to go to hell. Why when Yahooshua went through all of that torture do you think that you can carry on sinning and somehow he is just going to let you off the hook without you repenting, without you working hard to get rid of your sin, without you working hard to live free of sin? Folks, it does not make any sense.
Unbelieving Believer
As an Unbelieving Believer, once you have paid the price for your unrepented sin you will go to the Outer Darkness for ever and ever and ever, a horrible fate!
I can't stress this enough. If you don’t want to go there, you need to start getting on your knees and pray. You need to start reading about the things of the Almighty, you can get my books off my website, you can go on my website, there is a huge amount of information there, inspired by Father and a significant anointing. Read it, apply it, put it into practice and then ask Father what He wants you to do to serve Him? What is your Ministry? Every one of us has a Ministry.
This nonsense of pastors and priests ruling over the flock is arrant nonsense. If you are a believer, you have a Ministry. Whether it is to go out and evangelise others to believe in Yah, whether it is to look after young believers, whether it's to look after the sick, whether it is to preach, teach, whether it's to spend time hearing from Father and broadcasting the messages He gives you, there is a job for you to do. And if you are not doing it, do not be surprised if you end up in the Outer Darkness.
I am not talking about somebody in the first few months after they come to belief, but once you have been down the road and you have done the necessary cleansing and deliverance, etc., you need to get on and get out there and do something constructive.
Contrast with Death as a Committed Believer
Contrast this with death as a Committed Spirit Filled Believer where you will qualify to be admitted to the Throne Room in Heaven and given a resurrected body, responsibility and powers commensurate with how you served the Almighty in this life with the highest prize being a very High Throne close to Yahooshua and massive supernatural glory and powers.
This outcome is open to EVERY PERSON ON EARTH TODAY IF you believe and go all out to serve the Creator, Yah the Eternally Self-Existing.
Folks, as you accomplish more for Father in this life, as you make greater sacrifices, as you fast more, as you pray more, as you do things right more, preach more, teach more, evangelise more, care more, do whatever it is that Father has asked you to do, make Father part of every part of your life. Consult with Him, talk to Him, praise Him, worship Him, ask Him to get involved with your life. Get him involved with your life, get involved with Him. The more you do that, the greater your rank in Heaven, the greater the reward, the more spectacular your glorified body will be, the greater your responsibility will be, the greater your powers will be, the greater your supernatural gifts will be.
So let's look at a few reasons why you should believe in the Almighty Creator at a deep level.
Why YOU Should Believe in the Almighty Creator at a DEEP level
If you do not have a deep personal relationship with the Almighty Creator I would like to present you with the following Critical Factors to consider as to WHY you should seek such a relationship:
We were created to be Companions and Friends
This entire Universe was created so that the Almighty Creator might have companions, confidantes, Friends – people who believed in Him and did things with Him. If you are NOT such a person you are missing your life goal.
This is so important folks. The sole reason you and I exist, the sole reason this planet exists, the sole reason the whole of this thing we call nature, the plants, the animals, the sea, the mountains, the universe, the solar system, the whole reason it all exists was for human beings to be friends and companions, and confidantes of the Almighty Creator.
There is no other reason. If you are not doing that folks, your whole life is a complete waste of time. It is a completely futile exercise. What is the point of trying so hard in your job and in your home and your family to have a happy family and bring up good children and have a good job and do your work well if you're going to end up as a Demon, as an Ancestor Spirit with your rotting corpse or in the Outer Darkness? Weeping and wailing and gnashing your teeth because you did not know what I am sharing with you today?
Engineered Creative Complexity
I am an engineer; I recognise how difficult it is to make things that work.
The visible Engineering complexity of us as Human Beings, everything we can see, touch and feel tells us there had to be a highly intelligent, highly creative Engineering Being to create all this. I am talking about you, I am talking about your spouse, your children, your pets, the plants, the animals, the sun, the moon, the universe, there had to be a highly intelligent, highly created engineering being to create all of this. And if you think it's all Mother Nature, well then Mother Nature is the pseudonym for Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, the Almighty Creator, but using that pseudonym is not going to get you very far.
Sexual Reproduction Requires a Creator
We are sexual beings. Sexual reproduction in all higher forms of plant and animal life requires the male and female to be perfectly formed before they can reproduce and not die out -- this proves there is a highly skilled Creator.
Folks, a male and a female cannot happen with a random stochastic, statistical haphazard evolutionary event. They have to be created fully formed and fully capable of reproducing from the start.
Huge Rewards for Loyal Service
There are HUGE rewards in the afterlife in terms of esteem and authority for those who truly serve the Creator in this life. YOU have the opportunity to be part of this.
Are you aware of this?
Are you going for it?
Folks, I have spoken at some length about this. There really is a huge reward for making a real effort in this life.
Satan the god of THIS World is a Harsh Task Master and so are his mastermind demons and the entire satanic and demonic hierarchy that rules on earth.
Satan, the Adversary, the God of THIS World and his cohorts are engaged in a Contest with the Almighty to turn ALL Human Beings against the Almighty Creator. Satan is responsible for the mess this world is in today and for all the evil, the wars, the disease, etc.
Why would you want to serve him?
That is the inevitable consequence of NOT believing in the Almighty Creator.
As an Unbeliever you will serve Satan more fully after you die and will find existence very harsh and very unpleasant.
I have spoken in some detail about this last week and earlier in this broadcast. I can't stress this enough. Folks, you have got the contrast between a fantastic supernatural resurrected body and great authority and prestige in Heaven, and potentially ending up in your casket while your corpse rots and you can do nothing to get out, you're stuck there forever. Why would you want to risk that?
Are you Striving to be your Best in this Life for Nothing?
You are no doubt striving to do your best in this life without knowing the outcome. If you realized that the outcome COULD be extremely beneficial and pleasant IF you truly serve the Creator I suggest you would view things differently. Today is your opportunity to start going for that goal. And conversely I think if you understood really where you would end up, you might just live life differently.
Death as one who becomes an Ancestor Spirit
The HARSH reality is that WHEN you die as an Unbeliever you will NOT enter Heaven, you will end up as a Demon on your corpse. If you die as a Nominal Believer, you will end up in the Outer Darkness.
Surely neither of those are your goal for your life?
I strongly recommend that you choose to believe and actively serve the Almighty.
Critical Elements of What I Believe
We were created to Worship and be Friends.
We were created to worship and be Friends with the Almighty Creator whose true Name is "Yah the Eternally Self-Existing" and it is gross sin to worship any other being.
The only reason you exist, the only reason this planet exists is for us to be Friends with Father. I sincerely hope that after listening to today's broadcast you will get that point. You get on your knees and say "Father help me to become your friend. Father help me to deal with the sin in my life."
Folks, I am here to help you. I want to see you become Yah's friend.
Cycles of Falling Away
There have been a number of cycles of mankind falling away from the Almighty which have each been turned around by a significant "Turnaround Prophet," most notably Noah, Abraham, Moshe (Moses), Yahooshua (Jesus), Mohammed and Martin Luther.
In each of those people's lives, the world was apostate, in great error, in great sin as it is today. Those men realised what was happening, cried out to Father in prayer and stood up and did what had to be done to arrest the decline and turn things around. We stand at a point in history today where such a turnaround has started again; the question is will you be part of that? Will you help to turn the captivity of these people to serve Yah?
I have spoken at length in previous programmes about this, but just to recap, when Adam was created he was given all authority on Earth. He listened to Satan's lies, ate the fruit and gave Satan control.
Satan Rebelled and Tricked Adam to Give Control
At the time that mankind was Created, Hillel, a Messenger (Angel), the Light Bearer in Heaven, rebelled and challenged the Almighty to a "Contest" to prove that humans would NOT serve the Almighty at the end of 7,000 years. Satan, the Adversary/Accuser as he is now known successfully tricked Adam and has ruled on Earth ever since.
It's so important to understand this folks. The reason the world is such a mess is because Satan is ruling and the demonic forces are ruling. Don’t blame the Almighty for the mess.
In 3003 round about May, there Must Be at Least ONE Human Being Free of Sin to call for Yahooshua to return.
It is a requirement of the Contest that at the end of the 7,000 years of man on Earth there must be at least ONE human being free of sin and serving Yah.
Right now, the prospects of that happening are not great. My mission is to enrol people like you to sign up to build a deep personal relationship with Father Yah and lay a foundation so that at the end of the millennium in 3003, there is at least one human being free of sin, and I would like there to be millions of human beings free of sin to call for Yahooshua to return.
Satan in the Pit for 1,000 Years
I have pointed out previously that Satan was sent to the pit for 1,000 years in 2003.
Satan was sentenced to 1,000 years in the Pit (Abyss) on 3 May 2003 and the Earth is currently ruled by 7 Demonic Masterminds assisted by the Spirits of over 100 Billion deceased Unbelievers (Ancestor Spirits/Demons) and billions of Satanic Messengers (Angels).
Folks, people are saying, Jesus is coming soon. But if you go and read, I think it's Revelation 19, you will see that Satan has to spend 1,000 years in the pit before Yahooshua returns. Satan was only sent to the pit on May 3, 2003.
It's also important to understand that Yahooshua Lived and Died Without Sin.
Yahooshua the Anointed of Yah lived a life without sin and died a terrible death in order that every individual believer would have a simple and sure way to receive forgiveness from sin and have authority over the Satanic and Demonic Realm.
He did not die so that you could live your life and keep sinning. He died so that you could live your life and if you sin you could quickly and easily repent and live a life free of sin, above sin.
He also died so that in his name you would have authority over the Satanic and Demonic realm, that you would have the authority to bind and cast out Demons, the authority to give orders to demons, but virtually nobody knows that, virtually nobody does it. It's a mess folks!
Global Hydraulic and Tectonic Event Approximately 4,500 Years Ago Reshaped the Earth
I also believe that there was a global hydraulic and tectonic event approximately 4,500 years ago that reshaped the Earth.
Approximately 4,500 years ago the Earth was judged at the request of Noah and struck by an Ice Comet that struck the Earth, knocked it off its axis and orbit and flooded the Earth drowning all but eight people – Noah and his family.
Those who survived -- Noah and his three sons and their wives gave rise to Three People Groups.
The three sons of Noah gave birth to three people groups, the Shemite Group (Europe, the Middle East, Russia, Asian Indian, North American Indians), the Japhethites (Far East Asia, Japanese, Chinese) and the Hamites (Africa).
There are three major Monotheistic Religions on Earth today, all of which stem from Shem.
The three major monotheistic religions – Judaism, Christianity and Islam flow from Shem and all of them attempt to worship Yah with limited success.
Today all are corrupt and deficient and are leading people astray. Yah would have true believers remove themselves from organized religion.
The full ambit of what I believe is presented in great detail on the Website.
Folks, if you don’t understand that really and truly 4,500 years ago the Earth was totally covered in water. There was massive disruption. There were volcanoes, there were lava flows, there were granite intrusions and everything that we see on Earth today in terms of topography and geology was created during that one year. You do not understand the world, you do not understand what's going on in the Earth if you do not know that.
What is the state of YOUR relationship with the Almighty Creator?
So I want to close by asking you what is the state of your relationship with the Almighty Creator?
Do you talk to Him constantly throughout the day and allow Him to lead you in every possible way?
Are you conscious of Him at all times?
Do you worship Him at every opportunity?
Do you count Him your FRIEND?
Have you clearly and unambiguously heard HIM CALL YOU FRIEND?
If NOT, you are FAILING in your life purpose and will be bitterly disappointed when you die.
Folks, I cannot stress this enough. He wants a Deep Personal Relationship with you. It doesn’t matter who you are, it doesn’t matter your race, your colour, your creed, your religion, your gender, your wealth or poverty, your education or ignorance. He will meet you where you are today and if you choose to become His Friend, He will help you to become His Friend. There are people around to teach you, I am here to teach you, you can learn from me. I have spent thousands of hours coming to know Him and I will willingly help you to fast track coming to know Him.
Wrapping Up
Five Key Documents – Main Menu Webpages
To wrap up, five key documents on the website, main menu webpages:
"The Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with You." This is the fundamental message.
"Seven Components in Drawing Close to the Creator." It's absolutely essential if you want to draw close. All sorts of processes, prayers, guidance in drawing close to the Almighty. If you put everything in that document into practice over the next couple of years, you will be close to Him by the time you're finished.
"Recommended Worship" -- Songs that are strongly recommended.
"The Creator's Name is Yah the Eternally Self-Existing." It's so important to understand His true name.
"Where will you Spend Eternity? -- What is required in order to qualify to sit on a High Throne for Eternity?" It's so important.
All of this available at www.EndTimeIssueMinistries.org.
Transcripts of nearly all teachings in this series are available on the Website at the bottom on the "Radio" page.
Recordings of nearly all of the teachings Broadcast so far are available on the Radio page and they are all available at http://RelationshipWithCreatorRadio.com. Click on "The Show" and then "Podcasts."
Books constituting a compilation of most writings published since 1998 are available near the bottom of the Menu at the "Compilation of Most Writings" page and are physically available.
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Thank you for listening!
Please send me your questions on the W4CY webpage, I will answer them next broadcast.
Please email me to join the mailing list at James@EndTimeIssueMinistries.org.
If you decide to draw close to the Almighty, please let me know and we can connect by Skype, Zoom, email or telephone so that I can help you with your journey.
I hope to connect with you again next week when we will continue to explore how to become a Friend of the Creator.
I want to invite you to work with me to make a way for Yahooshua to return in victory at the end of the millennium and make his enemies his footstool.
Folks, Jesus is not coming soon. He is waiting for us to make his enemies his footstool and if we don’t make his enemies his footstool, he is not coming back ever. It is important that you understand that. Satan has lied, distorted, corrupted most of what is taught by the church, most of what is taught by the synagogue, most of what is taught by the mosque. There is a huge spiritual battle that the servants of the Almighty have got their hands at their sides and are doing almost nothing to fight. Even those who are making an effort are in deep error and confusion and corruption and crawling with Demons. I invite you to journey with me to become a Friend of the Creator.
Thank you so much.
Dr James A Robertson
Emissary of Yah
Broadcast Friday 10 April 2020
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