2020.05.01 Hell is Real and for Believers Created by James on 5/26/2020 3:10:02 PM This Broadcast looks at the reality that Hell is for Believers to pay the price for their unconfessed sin. It is explained that Yahooshua paid the price for sin which is confessed and repented of but Believers must pay the price in Hell for the sin that they do NOT confess and repent of. Various aspects of this situation are discussed.
Caution – this article has NOT been Proofread so there may be minor transcription errors.
Good day!
The Almighty Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with You! If you're an unbeliever and you don't believe that the Almighty Creator exists, then when you die, your spirit will live for a very long time as a disembodied Ancestor Spirit or Demon. It's important to understand that the Creator has said regarding Unbelievers, "Why would I want someone to spend Eternity with me when they do NOT Believe I exist?"
So if you don't believe and you think something pleasant is going to happen to you when you die, you're in for a nasty shock or if you think you're just going to vaporise. You're going to end up on your corpse, you might end up in your coffin, you might end up on a family member, friend -- it's not going to be a pleasant experience. If you are a believer, but you don't have any form of relationship with the Almighty, in other words, once upon a time, you realised that the Creator existed and since then you pretty much lived your life as though He doesn't exist, you will end up in the Outer Darkness -- a cold, black, terrible place with weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth -- the Trash Heap of Heaven.
Father has said concerning such believers, "Why would I want someone to be close to me in Heaven, which inherently means I will give them great prestige and authority, if they do NOT have a deep personal relationship with me and have NOT proven to me that they can be trusted in this life?"
In this context, the Almighty has said, "I created Human beings, this planet and this universe for men and women to be my Friends, my companions, to explore and learn and develop together. My greatest grief is that almost NO person understands this let alone seeks such a relationship with me!"
If you make a real effort to seek relationship with the Almighty, the rewards in the life to come are huge -- a glorious resurrected body, great prestige, great authority, and a permanent close relationship with the Creator and with Yahooshua whom you may know as Jesus.
Today we're going to discuss the subject that Hell is Real and for Believers.
Hell is Real and for Believers -- Overview
This Broadcast discusses the reality of Hell and that Hell is a place of correction for Believers after they die.
We then go on to discuss some key considerations with regard to the Visions of Hell that will be discussed in the next Broadcast.
The subject of Hell is then discussed in more detail.
It is postulated that no one is intentionally going to Hell.
It is then noted that there are good, decent people in Hell.
Finally we examine some questions relating to your relationship with the Almighty Creator.
Who am I? – James Robertson. I have a Doctorate in Engineering. I have been a Strategic Management Consultant for over 30 years. I have 27 years' experience of actively seeking to draw close to the Almighty following a dramatic encounter with Him on 12th March 1993 when He spoke to me audibly in a locked room and I knew for certain that He was real.
What is "End Time Issue Ministries?" It's the organizational vehicle for delivering my message through Email Articles, Websites, this Radio Programme and physical books.
What is THIS Program? – "The Creator Desires a DEEP Personal Relationship with YOU!" – It represents the essence of my message.
See the Website www.ETIMin.org for more information.
Questions from Last Week's Programme
Jasper asked: "How do men earn a throne with the Almighty?"
I guess Jasper you're saying "how do people" because women also earn a throne. The first thing you need to do to earn a throne is to seek to come into relationship with Him. In order to come into close relationship with Him, you need to deal with all your sin and error in your life and then you need to do whatever it is He has called you to do, which maybe to tell other people about Him, maybe to help people get closer to Him, maybe to speak on His behalf, maybe to listen to what He has to say and write it down and publish it and it could be to play some role in society in which you represent Him. The key thing is to do it in relationship with Him and that will take time.
Francis asked: "Truth may change as things go along right?"
Francis, no, not correct! The fundamental truth as known to the Almighty will never change; our understanding of truth evolves as we progressively carve away sin and error and get closer to truth. So we may learn something today that we convinced as truth but in a few months or a few years' time, you may discover that there is a lot more to it than we thought there was. So our "truth" may appear to change but it doesn't. Fundamentally the Almighty's truths do not change.
Jasmine asked: "Does anyone shave their eyebrows?"
Jasmine, no. The first time I did a full body shave, I was about to shave my eyebrows and Father said "Don’t shave your eyebrows; nobody will understand what's going on." So don’t shave your eyebrows and if you're a woman don’t shave your head. If you're a man, yes you may shave your head as part of the cleansing process that we discussed a few weeks ago.
Estrella asked: "How do we recognize what is Satanic?"
Estrella, that’s really difficult. As I will talk about a bit later in this programme, there are a large number of good people who are either unbelievers or who are in serious sin, the fundamental taste of what's right and what's wrong is the Ten Commandments and the Great Commandment and we need to learn to apply those. It's not that easy to recognise. It does take time and you need to get into close relationship with Father to get there.
Jasper asked: "Are the Demons the same for everyone?"
Jasper, yes and no. Yes in the sense that they are all the spirits of deceased human beings. No in the sense that every single Demon is a separate human being so each Demon is unique, each Demon has walked its own road as a human being to get to being a Demon and its own road as a Demon in what they are doing to haunt you and to lead you astray. Demons do belong to families so if the Demon's strong point is pride, they will be in the army of pride. If it's lust, they will be in the army of lust and so forth and they will be given primary tasks, for example, to lead you into pride, lead you into lust, lead you into confusion or error or fear or whatever.
Ursula stated: "Not all parents are deserving of being treated well just because they are old."
Ursula, nobody said anything about them deserving being well treated. It's a commandment. Father says "Honour your father and mother and it will go well with you." So if you want things to go well with you treat your parents well, no matter how badly they treat you, no matter how badly they treated you in your childhood. It's the way it is. There is no room for whether they are deserving or not, and you may find that if you treat them well they will behave differently in time. And if they don't, treat them well, honour them, respect them. If you are a believer and they are an unbeliever, there is a point at which you're not going to let their unbelief influence your belief and you need to accept that they're not necessarily going to come to belief, although you would hope to prevent them ending up as Demons.
Lester asked: "Are you saying women can lay with women but men cannot lay with men?"
Yes Lester, that’s what I'm saying.
Comments in response to Further Questions
Some comments in response to some further questions that were asked of me subsequently:
Just to clarify my comments on tithing, tithing creates a spiritual yoke with the person receiving the money linked to the person giving the money. So tithing to someone or a ministry which is in error makes the person giving the money a partner in their sin. So the point I was making last week it is sin and error for churches, etc. to ask for tithes and offerings unless they are teaching full truth and none of them are teaching full truth. So you should not be tithing to a church. Tithe to an individual who is speaking truth and giving truth if you feel impressed by Father to do so. But otherwise keep the money to yourself and use it for your own ministry as I said last week every one of us is called to a ministry as believers.
Also I want to make clear and it comes across again later in tonight's broadcast, this is not about being and doing good; it's about being in relationship with the Creator -- there are a huge number of good people who live good lives, are honest, hardworking, loving, etc. but they do NOT have a relationship with the Creator and are therefore going to end up as Demons or in the Outer Darkness and those that are unbelievers are serving Satan. You may not want to hear this but if you're a good unbeliever, you're a servant of Satan. The first commandment is "Love Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, the Almighty One with all your heart, with all your mind, with all your soul and with all your strength." If you're not doing that you're serving Satan. I am sorry to have to point that out to you.
The only valid prayer for somebody who does not believe is that Yah will intervene dramatically in their lives and bring them to sin. It is gross sin for a believer to pray for unbelievers that Yah will heal them, that Yah will make things that they won't suffer from the coronavirus or whatever. Father doesn’t care what happens to the unbelievers -- they don’t believe He exists, they hate Him and He is not interested in them. It's sin for a believer to pray for Yah to do anything for unbelievers apart from a specific unbeliever to bring them to belief.
Once you pray that a few times but it hasn’t happened, let it go.
Note that my comments with regard to the Ten Commandments ONLY apply to true Believers, it does NOT matter what Unbelievers do, that is of NO consequence to Yah -- they will end up as Demons anyway.
Everything that I speak about, just about everything that I speak about is directed at believers only.
Finally just to recap a point I made last week, every believer is either a Spokesperson, in other words, prophet or prophetess, an Evangelist, a Shepherd, some call it the Pastor but that’s completely wrong name, very badly abused, Shepherd or they are a baby – in other words, they have come to belief in the last year or two, they are going through a growth process and somebody either shepherds are helping them to grow. But in terms of once you've been a Believer for a couple of years, you've a ministry, either as a Prophet, as an Evangelist or a Shepherd. There are no other roles.
Body of the Article
Hell is REAL and is for disciplining BELIEVERS with regard to unconfessed sin
Now, you may say to me "Well, that’s an ugly message. Why do you've to talk about hell?"
Folks, you need to know the reality, you need to know what you're up against. Would you rather be uncomfortable now and course correct or would you prefer to die and then find you're going to spend years in hell because you didn’t know the truth?
There are many misunderstandings regarding the place that is commonly referred to as "Hell" -- the place of torment.
In particular Believers believe that Unbelievers are going to "Hell" and they, Believers, are going to Heaven.
Unbelievers generally do NOT believe there is a Hell, a place of torment and, for them, that is correct. Hell is for believers.
This Broadcast series references a number of reports of visions or out of body experiences reported by Believers who were taken to the place of torment, Hell.
These reports will be summarized in the next Broadcast, this Broadcast lays the foundation.
In considering these reports please be aware that the reality is, in fact, as follows:
1. Yahooshua {Jesus} lived and died a terrible death so that Believers have a simple and effective mechanism for repenting of sin and receiving forgiveness.
2. The life of Yahooshua was without sin so that he became the offering (sacrifice) for sin. Failure of Believers to avail themselves of this mechanism is great sin.
3. For this reason the penalty for despising this sacrifice is great.
4. Accordingly, it is Believers NOT Unbelievers who are tormented in the place of torment (Hell) a year for every year they were in sin and severity and intensity of torment proportional to the severity of their sin as evidenced very clearly in the paintings of the young Korean artist which I plan to discuss next week.
Folks, this is so important. People blithely talk about Yahooshua's death on the cross (actually a stake), terrible torture, flogged, carrying that stake, nailed to the stake, bleeding, suffering, crown of thorns -- he did that to become an offering for sin so that you could go to Father Yah and say "Father in the name of Yahooshua I confess that I have sinned, I repent and I ask you to forgive me." If you don't do that it is right and just that you should suffer as much as Yahooshua suffered when you die if you still haven’t repented. So please get a fix on that. If you sin and you die with that sin unconfessed you will go to Hell and you will be tormented and it's absolutely just and fair. So you need to get rid of all sin in this life.
5. When a Believer dies with unconfessed sin for which they have NOT been judged in this life, they are taken to a place of judgment and from there to the place of torment to pay the price for their unconfessed sins -- here they are tormented by torturers as shown in the pictures on the Hell page on the Website.
6. IF a Believer is without sin they go directly to Heaven but this almost never happens these days.
7. Those who have sinned, once they have paid the price for the sins that they did NOT see fit to seek atonement for through the offering of the "Lamb of Yah" Yahooshua and for which they were NOT judged in this life, go to Hell and once they have paid the price only then enter Heaven.
8. When an Unbeliever dies they become a Demon or more accurately an "Ancestor Spirit," they are informed of the Rules of Engagement and returned to their corpse to mislead the people left behind and try and lead them into such sin that the Satanic forces can win The Contest with the Almighty -- very little in this series, very little in my whole Radio Programme applies to Unbelievers.
I'm talking to Believers about issues for Believers. Please don't try and apply it to the vast majority. I am basically talking to about 22.7 million people and of those 22.7 million I am talking to about 2 million really on the place of the planet today.
9. IF at the end of the 7,000 years from Creation, approximately 3003 in the modern calendar, Satan defeats the Almighty and there are NO Believers free of sin on Earth to call down judgment on the Earth, then Satan and his servants will rule on Earth for Eternity. IF there is at least ONE Believer free of sin at the end of the 7,000 years to call down judgment then Satan and his followers will be cast into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone where they will be consumed by Eternal fire.
I therefore submit for your consideration that there are good reasons to deal with your sin in this life if you are a Believer and, if you're not a Believer it is up to you how you want to gamble.
Remember that if you DO believe you are guaranteed a place in Heaven, even if it is a lowly place once you have paid the price for your unconfessed sin.
If you've listened to my messages for the last few weeks, I hope you're getting to see clearly the distinction between outright unbelievers, outright servants of Satan, the people that are called believing unbelievers. Those people who believe the Bible and Jesus, etc. but don't have a relationship, never, never come to revelation of the reality of the Creator and then the unbelieving believers in the Outer Darkness and then the committed believers who are making some sort of attempt to serve Father.
IF you have made a real effort to serve the Almighty there is the possibility that you will qualify for a High Throne for Eternity which, to my mind, is much better than gambling on some sort of miserable existence as an Ancestor Spirit for the next roughly thousand years -- see the broadcast "The Glory of Death as a Committed Believer" for more information about High Thrones.
Let's talk a bit about these visions of Hell that we will look at next week.
In listening to what follows please be aware of the following:
a. Father requires that I do not edit or censor other people's work. So the articles that I summarize are presented just as I received them -- it is up to you to sift out any error there may be -- consult the rest of this website for some pointers.
b. In a vision or dream Father is constrained in terms of the Rules of Engagement to only confirm or clarify information that is already known to the recipient or to answer questions that they have explicitly asked, accordingly all visions and dreams are filtered through the knowledge, experience and beliefs of the recipient and are therefore to some extent coloured and may contain material error, so, if a person only knows the name of "Jesus" that is the name that will be interpreted by them in the vision, if they believe that "Jesus is God" they will interpret that Yahooshua is the Almighty in some form when he is a man, etc. See also the Article on "The Rules of Engagement" on the Website.
I pray that what follows will greatly challenge you as a believer in terms of your view of how you will spend the rest of your life.
If, after you have read these articles or at least skimmed them, and you're not a Believer and now see merit in believing, please visit the "Why Believe" page on the Website. Note that the Creator has said regarding Unbelievers "Why would I want someone to spend Eternity with me when they do NOT believe I exist?"
If you are a Believer and after listening to this Broadcast you decide to clean up your act, then please visit the "Relationship with Yah" page on the Website -- you will also find much of relevance on the "Why Believe" page.
Your Father in Heaven deeply desires a personal relationship with you, and I am confident that, in the final analysis, you will find that choosing to have such a relationship with Him will be immensely rewarding.
Conversely, you will be bitterly disappointed when you die if you do NOT seek relationship with Him in this life.
If you don't believe and you've been convicted you can pray with me right now, "Father Yah, I come to you in the name of Yahooshua. I confess that I did not believe you existed. I now believe that you do exist. I ask you to come into my life. I ask you to guide me. I ask you to bring the people you want into my life. I ask you to fill me with your spirit and to lead me into deep relationship with you. I ask this in the name of Yahooshua. I thank you that you've heard me, amen." That's all it takes. Just commit your life to Him and then start actively seeking to draw close to Him.
Read the article "Seven Components of Drawing Close" for a huge amount of guidance.
Returning to the subject of Hell, "Hell" is the commonly used term for the place of correction for unconfessed sin on the part of BELIEVERS. This contrasts with the Lake of Fire and Brimstone which is the place of total destruction for Unbelievers IF Satan loses the Contest.
Yahooshua {Jesus} died a terrible death in order to provide an atoning sacrifice for CONFESSED and REPENTED sin.
If we FAIL to avail ourselves of that sacrifice by repenting to Yah for our sin in the name of Yahooshua in this life, WE, as Believers, will find ourselves in a terrible place of torment and terror where we will pay the price for our unrepented sin -- a JUST sentence given what Yahooshua went through.
The answer is to constantly seek Yah to show you your sin and then to confess it and repent of it, turning around and walking away from further sin -- note that this is a journey that requires that you constantly SEEK TRUTH and, as you discover your error, repent -- this may also require that you make restitution and take other measures to rectify what you have done wrong.
The metaphor that I like for this topic is like peeling an onion. You strip away some sin that opens you up to realise some new truths, some more sin, some more error, deal with it, repent, confess, strip that away, strip away the next layer, one layer at a time -- can take you years.
Some acts of restitution, such as publicly returning things you have stolen, publicly confessing fraud and lies, etc. can be challenging and it is then important to keep clearly in mind that you will pay a terrible price in pain and suffering if you do NOT repent and make right.
IF, as a Believer, you repeatedly return to the same sin you will eventually be rejected for Eternity and, in that case, when you die you will pay the price for your unrepented sin in Hell, and THEN be cast into the Lake of Fire where in a moment of torment and terror you will be utterly consumed and cease to exist.
As an Unbeliever, IF Satan wins the Contest you will remain on Earth as an Ancestor Spirit or Demon for Eternity as part of an evil and corrupt reign of over 100 billion Demons.
If Satan loses the Contest at the end of the 7,000 year from Creation you will be cast into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone and after a moment of torment and terror you will be utterly destroyed.
It's important to understand that when Father created all of this He did not expect there to be unbelievers. He didn't make any plans for unbelievers other than that if they were such a thing they would be instantly on death cast into the Lake of Fire and then suddenly He was challenged by Satan. He unwisely accepted the challenge and He's been losing the battle ever since. It is not Yah's fault the world is such a mess. It is Satan's doing. It's so important to understand that and it is only through us that this situation can be turned around.
In March 2011 I wrote "No one is intentionally going to Hell"
I started off by saying:
One of the things that I observe is that Believers who are in error do not know they are in error.
And most Believers who are in sin do not really know that what they are doing is sin and that it is going to send them to Hell for correction.
Most do NOT believe that Hell exists or if it does exist that the unbelievers are going there.
I truly believe that if someone has a deep revelation of Hell AND knows that what they are doing is sin they will make a serious effort to stop it.
Where I realize I have sinned, I try and exercise a discipline of immediately confessing and repenting.
There are things I have battled with in my life but where I was sinning I was at least at some level conscious of it. Most of my sin I was NOT conscious of before I became aware it was sin.
Folks, this is really important to understand. Right now, you may think you're a pretty good person not too much wrong with what you believe and what you do, I will pretty much guarantee you that if you start praying prayers like "Judge me severely and correct me harshly that I may serve you more perfectly" you will discover you've got a whole lot of sin and error in your life and it is going to take you at best a few years to sort all of that out. During that time, you need to be praying, you need to be looking, you need to be repenting, you need to be confessing, you need to be looking for guidance, you need to be very, very careful -- in the first few years, you can get seriously hijacked.
Hebrews 6 and 10 in the Bible make it clear that when we get to the point that we sin wilfully, knowingly, there is no further repentance. We are rejected by the Almighty and after paying the price of our sin in Hell we are cast into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone to be utterly destroyed.
I think it is so that even in such cases if the person concerned truly knew that their actions would bring Eternal damnation and torment they would cease doing what they were doing and change their behaviour.
What is my point?
Coming down aggressively and judgmentally on someone who is sinning and who does not understand that they are sinning is counterproductive.
We are told NOT to judge and not to condemn, "judgment is mine says Yah the Eternally Self-Existing."
The challenge is to seek truth in people and to build a bridge between their truth and what we have that we believe is truth and thereby to lead them from their error into light and to pray that others will do the same for us.
Folks, this is important. It's a journey. You start out unaware of these things. You start to become aware of them. You start to deal with them. There is grace during that period, but you get to a point where you keep doing it, you keep acting in pride, you keep acting in lust, you keep fornicating, even though you know it's wrong and you've gone through cleansing processes. There is a point Father is going "I have extended grace. There is no grace left to extend. You will now be utterly rejected." You need to be careful. Too many people play games with Yah.
Anger, offense, pride, etc. will NOT bring a person to truth and deliverance from sin.
Causing others to become angry, offended, rise up in pride, etc. will NOT cause them to receive what we have that is truth and, by the way, how sure are we that we have truth?
There are things that I know that I know that Father has shown me clearly and unambiguously are truths and this is much of what I write about and speak about but if I have errors I do not know what they are because otherwise I would course correct, or at least I hope I would.
Thus, I had been using the Afrikaans word "ja" for "yes" probably ever since I could talk, certainly ever since I went to pre-primary school because that is the common convention in the society where I lived as a child in South Africa.
At the time of writing this article in 2011, I had known about the true Name of the Creator being "Yah" for about 10 years but until a few days before writing that article I had not had a deep conviction that I was sinning by using "ja" instead of "yes" thereby using a word that sounds the same as "Yah."
Folks, this is really important. The Satanic and Demonic Realm have caused the true name of the Almighty to be just about completely forgotten and then caused all sorts of groups of people to use a word like "Ja," "Jahwohl" in German which sounds like the name of Yah and thereby take the name of Yah in vain. The Satanic realm is very devious.
Coming back to my journey in learning not to use the word Yah for "yes" was there grace for this?
I hope so and think so, we have to grow and learn.
Would I have been judged for this if I had not repented?
That is complex, see below.
Now I have a revelation so I certainly WILL be judged going forward.
At the time I recognized my sin I prayed "Father, I come to you in the name of Yahooshua and confess that I have sinned by using the word ja thereby taking your name in vain. I confess that I have done this millions of times, I confess that this is sin and I ask you to forgive me for the millions of times that I have done this, I ask you to help me to change my language so that I cease doing this!"
It was then up to me, assisted by Yah's Spirit, to change my behaviour. As long as I was sincerely working on it I believe there was grace.
Should I have become cavalier about it the grace would have ceased.
I now slip occasionally but, for the most part, I am disciplined about NOT using words that sound like Yah in my general speech and writing.
Folks, I have been speaking about living a life above sin for a number of years now. I've been challenged by people who say that it's not possible. I don't accept that. If you have a real revelation of judgement, if you have a real revelation of qualifying for a High Throne, if you have a real revelation of Hell for unconfessed sin, it is entirely possible in my experience to progressively deal with all sin in your life so that you can walk without sin. It is up to you.
As I have said a moment ago, there is a challenging dimension to this.
At that time, in 2011, I had been praying "Father please show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it" for about 15 years.
I had also been praying "Father, please judge me severely and correct me harshly that I may serve you more perfectly."
While I had been aware of the issue of "ja" versus "Yah" I had not really done much about it. However, since preceding writing this article, I had a fairly deep conviction that I needed to change this as a matter of urgency.
What would have happened in the intervening 15 years if I had died and ultimately ended up in front of the Judgment Seat?
I would like to believe that there would have been grace because of what I have been praying above but I am not going to stick my neck out and tell you categorically that there WOULD be grace in such a circumstance.
It's important to realise that just because you prayed it doesn't mean it's instantly done. Show me the level of my present deception, it's like the layers in the onion that I spoke about a few minutes ago. You got to learn some truths, apply that truth, get rid of some error, that opens you for the next layer of error and truth and next layer of error and truth.
Some of it can take days, weeks, months or years to strip away the next level. Sometimes Father has to arrange for you to connect with somebody in a different country, get to a particular website, get somebody to email you, it's not that easy for Him just to show you error. It's a lot easier today, you've got my website with about 1,000 pages, when printed and bound the books amount to about 9,000 pages. There is a huge resource there that is available for you to help you move into all truth much more quickly than I did.
Returning to my journey about "ja" the Afrikaans word for yes, there were many other issues I had been dealing with but NO I could have made an effort on this front as well.
The bottom line of this message is therefore – do NOT get angry and aggressive with others over their errors, constantly seek guidance with regard to your errors and pray the two prayers above on a regular basis if you sincerely do NOT want to be tormented in Hell for part of Eternity.
There IS a corollary to this – once we have been told about an error and we do nothing about it we will also be subject to a harsher judgment – as best I recall no one has ever said to me that it was sin to use "ja" I have just had the thought and have said it myself – I have not had another independent witness – but now that I have that witness, even though it is in myself, I will be judged more severely if I continue in this error.
In that particular case, I fairly quickly course corrected, became very disciplined, one of the disciplines I took on was where I was tempted to say ja, I would say yep instead or yes, it's a journey. It's about self-discipline. It's about noticing and as you start something like that you will be aware of it and you will say it will slip out, you will say yah, and just stop. "Father, I'm so sorry, I confess that a sin, I repent, I ask you to forgive me" and move on. It's not difficult. Yahooshua died to make it easy to repent of sin. The hard work is to recognise it and bring yourself to do it.
Grant grace to others as Yah grants grace to you.
Do NOT become proud of your own revelation.
Seek to build a truth between their truths and the truth you believe you have and pray that others will grant you the same mercy.
Pray for correction and judgment on an on-going basis.
You WILL pay the price of all unconfessed sin in Hell after you die.
Folks, you have a choice. Pray prayers like "Show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it, lead me into all truth by your spirit, judge me severely and correct me harshly that I may serve you more perfectly" and then notice, notice, notice, be awake, be sensitive. Somebody sends you an email and may have a lot of error in it, but mixed up with the error is the truth that you need. Sift the truth, don't look for error, don't fuss about the error, seek truth not error. Fundamental principle in this life with Yah -- seek truth not error. There is a world full of error out there. So why stress about it? Seek truth. Filter the truth from between the error. When you meet others look for the truth they have that you lack, and if there's a whole lot of error, then, if appropriate, move on.
There are Good Decent People in Hell
If you're a believer, there are people who you know who are believers who have died who are in Hell right now.
Hell is NOT for Unbelievers. They die and remain on Earth as Ancestor Spirits and will be cast into the fire and utterly destroyed at the end of the age IF Satan loses The Contest.
Hell is for BELIEVERS who die with unconfessed sin, so UNLESS YOU get serious about dealing with sin YOU will spend some period of time in HELL.
It is vital to understand that most of the Believers who end up in Hell are good, decent, Church/Mosque/Synagogue/Yoga School/other going Believers who led GOOD lives but who were in major sin and error. For example, worshipping Yahooshua as if he were Yah, worshipping the Bible/Quran/Torah/whatever book, calling the Almighty "God" or "The LORD" instead of His true name, calling Yahooshua "Jesus," working on the Saturday Sabbath, putting their parents in Old Age homes, using intrauterine contraceptive devices, etc., etc., etc.
For EVERY unconfessed sin and error when you die you WILL spend time being tormented in Hell.
Just to pick up the intrauterine devices, those cause abortions. They prevent the ovum from implanting -- fertilised egg. It's murder. A woman with one of those devices may have committed dozens of murders in the time that device has been there and she doesn’t realise she is a murderer and she will pay a horrible price in Hell when she dies.
What is the state of YOUR relationship with the Almighty Creator?
In closing I would like to ask you to critically examine where YOU are relative to the Almighty Creator.
Do you talk to Him constantly throughout the day and allow Him to lead you in every possible way?
Are you conscious of Him at all times?
Do you worship Him at every opportunity?
Do you count Him your FRIEND?
Have you clearly and unambiguously heard HIM CALL YOU FRIEND?
If NOT, you are FAILING in your life purpose and will be bitterly disappointed when you die.
Father created us to be His friends. That is the only reason we exist, not all the other stuff. All the other stuff is secondary. It doesn't matter who you are, it doesn't matter how wealthy you are or how poor you are, how well educated you are, how poorly educated you are, what race or tribe or gender or age, He wants you to be His friend. It doesn't matter if you're a manual labourer or a server in a restaurant or an atomic scientist, He wants to be your friend. Please give Him a chance right now.
Wrapping Up
Five Key Documents – Main Menu Webpages
"The Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with You."
"Seven Components in Drawing Close to the Creator." Vitally important steps to take in order to draw close.
"Recommended Worship" -- Songs that are strongly recommended.
"The Creator's Name is Yah the Eternally Self-Existing."
"Where will you Spend Eternity? -- What is required in order to qualify to sit on a High Throne for Eternity?"
All of this available at www.ETIMin.org.
Transcripts of nearly all teachings in this series are available on the Website at the bottom on the "Radio" page.
Recordings of nearly all of the teachings Broadcast so far are available on the Radio page and they are all available at http://RelationshipWithCreatorRadio.com. Click on "The Show" and then "Podcasts."
Books constituting a compilation of most writings published since 1998 are available near the bottom of the Menu at the "Compilation of Most Writings" page and are physically available.
I publish regular email articles -- email JamesAR@ETIMin.org to be added to the list, or to seek counsel or prayer or give me feedback.
Visit the Website and use the Google Search, Article Keyword Cloud, Table of Contents and Article Search to locate the information you are looking for.
Thank you for listening!
Please send me your questions on the W4CY webpage, I will answer them next broadcast.
Please email me to join the mailing list at JamesAR@ETIMin.org.
If you decide to draw close to the Almighty, please let me know and we can connect by Skype, Zoom, email or telephone so that I can help you with your journey.
I hope to connect with you again next week when we will continue to explore how to become a Friend of the Creator.
Please work with me to make a way for Yahooshua to return in victory at the end of the millennium and make his enemies and Yah's enemies his footstool.
I would ask you to consider praying along with me right now "Father Yah in the name of Yahooshua I have now come to understand that it is your desire for me to become your friend. Father, I choose today right now to seek to become your friend. Father, I don't know how to do it, but I know that you know what is required for me to do it. I ask you to bring the people you want into my life. I ask you to take the people you don't want in my life out. I ask you to open the doors you want open in my life and close the doors that you want closed. I ask you to take me by the hand and lead me. Show me what to pray. Send people to help me. Show me what to read and help me in every possible way. Amen."
You can pray that prayer right now, or if you don't pray it now at any time. I look forward to hearing from you.
Dr James A Robertson
Emissary of Yah
Broadcast Friday 1, May 2020

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