2020.06.04 Demographics of the Kingdom -- Part 1 Created by James on 6/18/2020 3:01:42 PM This Broadcast looks at the different categories of belief on Earth today based on the statistics on 25 December 2015. It is noted that the vast majority of people on Earth today do not believe and that most of those who do believe are to all intents and purposes useless to the Almighty. The different ranks in the lower echelons in Heaven are also discussed.
Caution – this article has NOT been Proofread so there may be minor transcription errors.
Good day!
The Almighty Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with You! If you die as an Unbeliever, your spirit will live for a very long time as a disembodied Ancestor Spirit or Demon. The Creator has said regarding unbelievers, "Why would I want someone to spend Eternity with me when they do NOT Believe I exist?"
So if you don't believe and you're living your life expecting something nice to happen when you die, you're in for a nasty shock. You could end up in your coffin, you could end up in a crematorium furnace, you might end up haunting one of your friends or family.
If you die as a Believer without any form of relationship with the Creator, you will end up in the Outer Darkness – a cold, black, terrible place with weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth – the Trash Heap of Heaven. Father has said concerning such Believers, "Why would I want someone to be close to me in Heaven, which inherently means I will give them great prestige and authority, if they do NOT have a deep personal relationship with me and have NOT proven to me that they can be trusted in this life?"
So again, if you at some point in time sort of believed the Almighty existed, but you've carried on living your life as though He doesn't, you are also in for a nasty shock when you die. If you make a real effort to seek relationship with the Almighty, the rewards in the life to come are huge – a glorious resurrected body, great prestige, great authority, and a permanent close relationship with the Creator and with Yahooshua who you may know as Jesus. It's really worth it to make a real effort in this life.
The Almighty has said, "I created Human beings, this planet and this universe for men and women to be my Friends, my companions, to explore and learn and develop together. My greatest grief is that almost NO person understands this let alone seeks such a relationship with me!" That's the heart of my message folks. I encourage you to seek a Deep Relationship with Father Yah, the Almighty Creator.
Demographics of the Kingdom -- Part 1 – Overview
This Broadcast discusses the subject of the Demographics of the Kingdom on Earth today.
Before we do that, we will first revisit the song "The UK Blessing" and comment on some important considerations.
In particular we will consider that Prayers to "The LORD" are received by the Demonic and Satanic Realm.
We will look at the Demographics on Earth today based on figures given on 25 December 2015.
We will mention that around 22.5 million are actively serving Satan.
That around 6.8 billion outright unbelievers are of no use to either Satan or Yah.
That there are around 100 million Believing Unbelievers who are in for a nasty shock when they die.
That there are around 20 million Unbelieving Believers.
That there are around 2 million Foolish Virgins with NO infilling of the Spirit of Yah.
Also about 500,000 Adulterous Wives who worship Jesus, the Bible, etc.
Finally we examine some questions relating to your relationship with the Almighty Creator.
Who am I? – James Robertson. I have a Doctorate in Engineering. I have been a Strategic Management Consultant and Business Executive for the last 30 years. I have 27 years' experience of actively seeking to draw close to the Almighty following a dramatic encounter with Him on 12th March 1993 when He spoke to me audibly in a locked room and I knew for certain that He was real.
What is "End Time Issue Ministries?" It's the organizational vehicle for delivering my message through Email Articles, Websites, this Radio Program and physical books.
What is THIS Program? – "The Creator Desires a DEEP Personal Relationship with YOU!" – It represents the essence of my message.
See the Website www.ETIMin.org for more information.
Questions from Last Week's Programme
Mary asked: "What if we think we have made up for a sin, how do we know if we have repented enough?"
Mary, it's not really about repenting enough. It's about sincerely saying "Father, I recognise that I have sinned. I recognise I was wrong, I repent, I turn around and I ask you to forgive me." It's as simple as that. Pray it sincerely. If you've affected other people as I said last week you may have to go and return things that you've stolen, may be repay money that you've stolen, may be you've to go and confess things that you've done wrong against others, etc., but it's not that difficult. It's only difficult if you let it become difficult. As you get closer to Father, you will understand better whether you've repented enough or not.
Amy asked: "How would we know if He has told us we were doing wrong?"
Amy, this is about getting close to Father. As you get close to Father, you will hear Him more and the more you hear Him, the more you will be able to know that He is speaking to if you're doing wrong. Also looking for signs and just being sensitive and being aware. As you get used to being led by His spirit to hearing His voice, He will speak to you, He will guide you.
Lester asked: "With so many demons out there how can we keep on the right path and not sin?"
Lester, the key point here is to get close to Father, to keep the Ten Commandments and that means you need to understand exactly what the Commandments are and I taught on this about six months ago. There is a couple of podcasts on that. The key thing is if you don't sin, the Demons can't touch you. So the key thing is to get free of sin.
Francis asked: "Who do we confess the sins and to who?"
Francis, you confess the sins to the Almighty Creator. "Father in the name of Yahooshua I confess that I have sinned against you. I have done such and such. I repent. I confess it as sin and I turn around and I ask you to forgive me." The full prayers have been given several times in the past. Look particularly at the session on "Seven Components of Drawing Close" on Cleansing about six months ago.
Avery asked: "I have to ask this to get clarity, is there more than one or is the Father, Son and Spirit 3 or just one?"
Avery, it's total confusion. Father and Son are two totally separate beings. The Son (Yahooshua, Jesus) is a created being, a human being like you and I. Miraculously created? Yes with the seed only of the woman, but no more miraculously created than Adam or Chavah (Eve) were created. Father is the Almighty Creator, Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, always been here, always will be here. The Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Set-Apart Spirit is the portion of Father's Spirit that He gives to Believers. So there is what you might call the Universal Spirit of the Creator that is everywhere and then there is the set apart, separated spirit which He gives only to those who believe in Him. So the whole trinity thing is absolute nonsense.
Avery asked: "And if one how can that be explained?"
They are not one Avery – two distinct entities. Yah the Eternally Self-Existing the Almighty Creator and His set-apart spirit is part of Him and then Yahooshua (Jesus) is a separate created being.
Jasper asked: "Is this choking you up? It seems there is emotion coming out there."
Yes, Jasper when I was talking about the people who don't believe singing songs and worship being taken from Father, it really choked me up. It really gets to me, it upsets me. I know how much it upsets Him, He lets me feel His pain and it really grieves me. Thank you for noticing.
Kyle asked: "How do you get messages in dreams from Him?"
Kyle, I have only had messages in dreams, I don’t know, may be two, may be three times. That’s not the way that He communicates with me. Some people get dreams on a regular basis – each person is different. You can ask for dreams and He may or may not give them to you.
Francis asked: "What if you have forgotten a sin, how can you fix and repent if you have forgotten it happened?"
Francis, two pieces to that – the one is that as you start the journey of dealing with sin, you say "Father, I ask you to forgive me everything that I've done that I should not have done and everything that I've not done that I should have done and bring to my remembrance everything that I need to confess and repent of." What I did and what I recommend in the Seven Components teaching on Cleansing is you sit down in a quiet place, take a pad of A4 or letter size paper, put a year number on the top of each page. So you have a page per year and you go backwards and forwards through that pad of notes writing down things that happened to you since you committed things that happened to hurt you, etc. and you do that on a regular basis for some period of time and eventually you will get pretty much to the bottom of the barrel.
Lester asked: "All throughout history others have sinned, what are we to learn from this?"
Lester, the short answer to that is learn that Satan is in control and dominates the Earth – the Satanic, the Demonic. Serving Father is about getting victory over sin – choosing not to sin and living a life without sin.
Questions from last week's program the UK Blessing
I was asked whether it was necessary to stress at the end of the UK Blessing song that 80% of the singers were not believers, it was such a nice song and that detracted from it.
It is so important to see these things from Father’s point of view.
That song is a POWERFUL prayer to Father based on historical records going back thousands of years.
Yet it is sung to "The LORD" NOT to "Yah." Just a small correction, but so huge! "Lord bless you" – no, no, no, no! "Yah bless you" – totally different.
A true believer has a spiritual connection with the Creator and so, even when, in error, they sing to the Lord their Spirit translates this so that the song is to the Creator at some diluted level and I stress "diluted level." There is a world of difference to Father between a believer singing to the Lord and somehow it getting through their spirit that they are actually praying or singing to Yah versus singing "Yah bless you, Yah keep you, Yah make His face to shine upon you." Such a big difference and so, so hurtful.
It's important to understand that Unbelievers have NO such connection.
So keep in mind that ALL Grace for the use of "The LORD" and "God" and "Jesus" as a name for the Creator was withdrawn in 2003 before Satan was sentenced to go to the Pit for 1,000 years.
Our experience before 2003 is completely different to experience today.
Prayers to the Lord are received by the Demonic and Satanic Realm
Thus, while there were approximately 65 people singing that song, ONLY about 13 were singing to the Creator and the rest (about 52) were singing to the Demonic Mastermind called "The LORD" and his associated Principalities, Powers, Thrones and Dominions.
Imagine what it feels like for the Creator with this powerful prayer being played millions of times around the world and most of the prayer is going to the Forces of Darkness.
Imagine the glee of the Forces of Darkness!
Add to this the reality that those 52 people believe they are singing to the Creator and that they will go to Heaven when they die whereas they will end up as Demons.
IT IS HORRIBLE – THAT is why I spoke about it and those two counts why I was in tears.
Note also that this song has been heard by millions of Unbelievers many of whom may have falsely appropriated this blessing to themselves.
That song is only relevant if it is sung by Believers to Believers. I know this may sound harsh; I was just trying to tell you the harsh realities because the Satanic and Demonic Realm is harsh. So we're going to play the song again, and I pray with this, so I am not taking down the song, I've got it on my phone, I got it on my hi-fi at home. I listen to it regularly. It is a powerful prayer. It's a beautiful prayer. So please listen to it again in the light of what I have just shared with you.
The UK Blessing
Based on Numbers 6:23 to 25
23 "Tell Aaron and his sons: This is how you are to bless the Israelites. Say to them: 24 'May Yah the Eternally Self-Existing bless you and keep you; 25 may Yah the Eternally Self-Existing cause His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you.'"
Notice I said Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, not the Lord.
Please listen to this again in the light of what I have just shared and decide whether YOU are going to do something to turn the people in error to the truth! And whether YOU will now take on a discipline to use the True Name of the Creator, Yah the Eternally Self-Existing.
♪The UK Blessing Song♪
Comment on The UK Blessing
Folks, I hope you can begin now to understand more of what I'm saying. Such a powerful prayer and yet the vast majority of those people on Earth it's being played millions and millions of times, it has gone viral. The vast majority of people are claiming those blessings and they have no right to the blessings, they will never receive the blessings. As I was preparing for tonight's broadcast, I came across a recording of the same song by Kari Jobe who together with somebody else created that song quite recently and there was a YouTube video of them performing in a big charismatic assembly in the United States and I was looking at that and thinking "Well, that’s sort of where this belongs – in the group of believers." And then Father said to me less than half of that congregation have a relationship with me.
Folks, think about that. Big charismatic church, big charismatic assembly, singing and praising the Lord and half of them don't have a relationship with Him because they are being lied to about the names. They are lied to about Jesus. They are lied to about the Bible. It is so hurtful to our loving heavenly Father. I can't begin to describe the grief that He experiences and I am privileged to feel His heart some of the time now and again. I urge you to take concrete action to draw closer to the Almighty Creator and build a Deep Personal Relationship with Him and then help others to do the same.
Folks, forget about going to wherever, deal with it in your own life. Deal with it in the life of your family. Deal with it in the life of your friends. This is huge and this leads us to today's subject – the Demographics of the Kingdom of Yah, which will put some of this in greater perspective and I hope what I've just shared with you will help put perspective on this.
Body of the Article
December 2017 -- The Demographics of the Kingdom of Yah
On December 25, 2015, I was given a set of statistics which I am going to report to you today and next week, which I have reported a few times in the past, but I want to go into them a bit more detail and I want to use the context that we have just created with that song to help you to understand the significance of this.
What I am going to share with you today is based on the numbers I was given in 2015; I haven’t been given new numbers. They are up a bit, down a bit here and there, but basically they are roughly about the same. These stats are on the cover of my books as well.
On December 25, 2015 I wrote "A matter that has exercised my attention to a significant extent in recent weeks is Yah’s count of believers around the world in terms of the categories that occur in Heaven."
The broad disposition has been known to me at some level for around 15 years and is summarized by the End Time Issue Ministries logo which represents the continuum from the Pit of Deception that is the Satanic and Demonic realm on the left to the Kingdom of Yah, represented by a very steep mountain, on the right with a plateau in the centre which is where the bulk of the world population resides.
By Kingdom of Yah, I mean the people who if the end would come at this instant would find themselves in Heaven and those who wouldn't.
In the years since I was first given that continuum I have progressively come to understand it better and this episode summarizes my current understanding in the context of the current population of planet Earth as at the end of 2015. The continuum is refined and elaborated on in the commentary that follows.
The overall picture – the Demographics of the Kingdom of Yah on Earth today – this image which is on the website, look at the Demographics page near the bottom of the Menu is an elaboration of the logo and shows the descent into all evil on the left of the picture and the ascent into all good, as defined by the Almighty Creator, Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, on the right. The details of this image are presented on the website.
Key things to note here are that it requires real determination and effort to climb the mountain of Yah in search of ALL truth and zero error, that it is relatively easy to slip into deception and rampant sin and that the vast majority of the population of the World today are of little value to either Father Yah OR Satan, they are so wrapped up in their human activities that they are oblivious to the spiritual battle that is being waged. There are roughly 6.8 billion people in this last category with the balance of the population of around 155 million aligning themselves at some conscious level with either Yah or Satan.
All numbers are approximate and are constantly in a state of flux but I will discuss them here as they were given to me.
Some more people have come to belief in the last few months because of the coronavirus, people who were what I call Believing Unbelievers, people who at some level know about the Almighty, but never had a relationship with Him got on their knees and asked Him for help and suddenly shifted from being Unbelievers to Believers. So these figures have changed a bit but fundamentally the rough numbers are the same.
The second image on the website enlarges the domain of people serving Satan at some material level with similar demographics to those serving Yah although with far more Satan servants who are intensely serving Satan than there are servants of Yah intensely serving Yah. Father said at the time that the exact demographics of the Satanic Realm were of NO consequence for the purpose of this article. The key point is the huge number of unbelievers who are of NO spiritual value to either side. See the article "Where are YOU Going?" on the Website.
The next image enlarges the elements of the picture which represents those who are of some direct impact on the Kingdom of Yah.
As I discussed a few weeks ago, there is a definite ranking in Heaven which is a direct reflection of the conduct of people on Earth and this ranking is discussed below and next week.
The following is of relevance:
Actively Serving Satan – 22.5 million
There are about 22.5 million people who at some level are actively serving Satan, of which about 5,000 are ACTIVELY serving Satan at a level that is making a real impact for the Kingdom of Darkness – roughly the same numbers as those serving Yah and actively making an impact.
If Satan wins the contest, see the article on the Website "The REAL Contest" these people will have significant status with Satan. If Satan loses the contest they will be thrown into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone and, after a moment of torment and terror, they will be utterly consumed along with all the Billions of other Unbelievers.
Folks, the 5,000 serving Satan I am talking about are serious witches, warlocks, Satanists, people who are actively vilely serving Satan, people who are committing murders, human sacrifices, drinking human blood, eating human flesh, really perpetrating horrible, horrifying acts. We don't hear about it these days. They're all dressed in some vague level of respectability. Most of the abortion clinics are run by Satanists and Witches. Every baby that is aborted is offered to Satan. The flesh of those babies is consumed by Satanists. The blood of those babies is consumed by Satanists to get power and the more vile the acts they commit, the more power they get in the service of Satan.
Folks, you may not want to hear about this, but it's real. It's happening. It's all around us. Those 5,000 are much more actively serving Satan than the 5,000 who are closest to Yah are actively serving Yah. It's an abomination, it's horrible. Yah is losing the battle. It is only by people listening to this broadcast, people reading my articles that we will turn the situation around.
Outright Unbelievers – 6.8 billion
We then have about 6.8 billion outright unbelievers and that number is growing all the time because the population is growing and that’s where the growth is taking place. The outright unbelievers, who are of no use to either side, number around 6.8 billion. These people cloud the situation for both sides but provide massive distraction for servants of Yah who think that somehow these people must be "saved" when, in fact, the number of true believers of any value to Yah is reducing constantly. This huge mass of people constitutes a major threat to the Kingdom of Yah insofar as so many believers are distracted by them.
That said IF there were to be a massive shift in those closer to the Creator THEN this group would become of interest.
Fundamentally Yah desires ALL people to serve Him Deeply but, right now, these people are of little interest to Him as even those nominally close to Him are, in reality, far from Him!
Folks, there is so much confusion amongst believers. There are millions and millions of good unbelievers, but as long as they are not serving Yah, as long as they do not have a relationship with Yah, they are of no consequence in the sight of Yah. If you're a believer, you should be focusing your attention on getting close to Father and helping other believers get close to Father. That's where the great weakness is, even the people who are sort of nominally close to Father are so far from Him.
Believing Unbelievers – 100 million
We then have Believing Unbelievers, about a 100 million. The next category are the "Believing Unbelievers" – these are the ones who believe in Jesus, or Mohammed, or Moshe {Moses}, the Bible, the Quaran, the Torah but have NO revelation of the reality of the Creator at a level that has impacted Him and them Spiritually. They may pay lip service to belief but they have never been touched in such a way that there has been a spiritual switch over of allegiance from unbelief in Yah to belief in Yah – referred to by some as being "born again." Witness the group that I spoke of just now, the church, where more than half of the congregation were not believers, had no relationship.
This group is a massive distraction to believers who generally regard these people as believers when they are not. The number in this category is a reflection of the fact that Yah started to withdraw the Grace for the wrong names and for worship of Jesus at the end of the year 2000 and then finally in May 2003. In terms of the current battle for the Kingdom of Yah these people are a major threat because of their ability to consume time and resources and distract true believers. In spiritual terms, these people are all members of the Kingdom of the White Witches in Satan’s kingdom.
Sadly these people think they are Believers and they will have a GREAT SHOCK when they die and find themselves as Demons.
Folks, it is so important to start using the true names, it's so important to start telling these people the truth. They are going to church regularly or to the mosque or to the synagogue and they don't know. They think they're believers because they go through – they sing songs like the one we have just listened to and they don't get it. It's tragic. It's tragic for Yah, it's tragic for them.
Unbelieving Believers -- Destined for the Outer Darkness – 20 million
We then have the Unbelieving Believers who are destined for the Outer Darkness in Heaven, about 20 million.
At the bottom of the mountain, those who have JUST made it onto the mountain and have at some minuscule level developed a revelation of the reality of the Creator but who thereafter, have gone on to live their lives as though Yah does NOT exist.
If these people do NOT grow with Yah before they die they will face a tormented time in Hell for all their unconfessed sin because they didn’t know they had to confess. Thereafter they will find themselves in the Trash Heap of Heaven (Yah’s words) that is "The Outer Darkness" – the place reserved for those who have known of the existence of Yah but who have ignored Him from that point on. Regarding these people Yah says "They ignored me throughout their lives on Earth so I will ignore them for Eternity!" – Yah would really rather NOT have these people in Heaven at all!
And He is ANGRY at the Evangelists and Preachers who are responsible for these meaningless and ineffectual so-called "conversions" – the Charismatic Christian Church is largely responsible for this situation.
Folks, there is absolutely no point in getting somebody in a church to go forward to an altar, pray a prayer, and then leave them to their own devices. And if you don't explain to them beforehand what they are getting themselves into, that’s what happens. They don't understand. The problem is the believers don't understand. The problem is there is so much lack of awareness of the reality of judgement and where people are going to end up.
Foolish Virgins – NO Infilling of the Spirit of Yah – 2 million
We then get into Heaven, we have spoken about this quite recently – the Foolish Virgins. They have no infilling of the Spirit of Yah, they've never made love to Yah with their worship. They have sung sterile hymns.
Having advanced a few steps up the mountain we find those who at some level HAVE changed their lives and sought to serve Yah but they have never worshipped Him in a way that has resulted in an infilling of Yah’s Set-Apart {holy} Spirit. This includes many in the traditional churches, mosques, synagogues. These people have no relationship with Father, they hardly hear His voice, and do NOT have meaningful communication with Him.
This is predominantly made up of devotedly committed Pastors, Priests, Imams and Rabbis who have been doing their best to serve the Almighty with NO Spiritual Infilling and therefore through their own intellect and understanding.
Folks, this is tragic. A lot of people in traditional religion, most of them don't make it into Heaven at all and most of their leaders or some of their leaders who do make it into Heaven are right in the outer reaches of Heaven and with place of the Foolish Virgins because they never got to a place of having a relationship. Folks, I can't stress this enough. If you do not have a relationship with Father, if you are not talking to Him daily, if you are not hearing His voice clearly, you have got a long way to go. And better that you hear that from me today than you hear it from Yah the day you die when it's too late for you to do anything about it.
Adulterous Wives – Infilling of the Spirit of Yah but worship other mighty ones – 500,000
Moving a little bit further into Heaven, we come to the Adulterous Wives. They've received an infilling of the Spirit of Yah, but they worship other Mighty Ones and here we have got about 500,000.
There are a significant number of those who have received some impartation of the Spirit of Yah who worship Jesus, worship the Bible, worship Mohammed, worship the Quaran, worship Moshe {Moses}, worship the Torah, etc. to a point where Yah only receives limited attention. These people are a source of great vexation to Father Yah.
So this is like the way Father explained it to me a few years ago, He said "James, these people are like a woman who is loved who goes and has sex with a man's worst enemy and then boast about it." Think about it. People are filled with the Spirit of Yah and they are worshipping idols, which means that they're giving their prayers to Satan. Huge distress and grief for Father!
Most of these people are Charismatic Christians. It's horrible folks! I hope I am somehow getting this message through to you.
That is ALL I have time for today.
I want to ask you "Where do YOU stand?"
Or are you higher up the Mountain, which we will talk about next week.
Are YOU ready to make a really solid commitment?
I urge you if you've not really committed yourself deeply on previous programmes to do so now.
What is the state of YOUR relationship with the Almighty Creator?
I want to just check in with you regarding the state of your relationship with the Almighty Creator.
I would like to ask you to critically examine where YOU are relative to Him.
Do you talk to Him constantly throughout the day and allow Him to lead you in every possible way?
Are you conscious of Him at all times?
Do you worship Him at every opportunity?
Do you count Him your FRIEND?
Have you clearly and unambiguously heard HIM CALL YOU FRIEND?
If NOT, you are FAILING in your life purpose and will be bitterly disappointed when you die.
Folks, I just want to get this "friend" thing clear. Father Yah is a Friend to all who believe in Him. He wants to be your friend. That is not the same as you being His friend. If you are His friend, you do what it takes to hear Him clearly. You look after His interests. You listen to the song that we played earlier and you grieve with Him for all the people who are not worshipping Him, for all the people who are misled and distracted. You take on his priorities – what is important to Him. You seek to understand that and eventually if you really go for it, one day He will clearly tell you, you are now my friend. That is huge. It's absolutely huge; I can't describe it. But it's not something you can appropriate for yourself, it's not something you can declare for yourself. You've got to wait until He audibly says to you "You are now my friend." Huge! Worth working towards! I challenge you to seek that today.
Wrapping Up
Five Key Documents – Main Menu Webpages
There are five very important documents on the Main webpage, Main Menu of the website:
"The Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with You."
"Seven Components in Drawing Close to the Creator."
"Recommended Worship" -- Songs that are strongly recommended.
"The Creator's Name is Yah the Eternally Self-Existing."
"Where will you Spend Eternity? – What is required in order to qualify to sit on a High Throne for Eternity?"
All of this available at www.ETIMin.org.
Transcripts of nearly all teachings in this series are available on the Website at the bottom on the "Radio" page.
Recordings of nearly all of the teachings Broadcast so far are available on the Radio page and they are all available at http://RelationshipWithCreatorRadio.com. Click on "The Show" and then "Podcasts."
Books constituting a compilation of most writings published since 1998 are available near the bottom of the Menu at the "Compilation of Most Writings" page and are physically available.
I publish regular email articles – email JamesAR@ETIMin.org to be added to the list, or to seek counsel or prayer or give me feedback.
Visit the Website and use the Google Search, Article Keyword Cloud, Table of Contents and Article Search to locate the information you are looking for.
Thank you for listening!
Please send me your questions on the W4CY webpage, I will answer them next broadcast.
Please email me to join the mailing list at JamesAR@ETIMin.org.
If you decide to draw close to the Almighty, please let me know and we can connect by Skype, Zoom, email or telephone so that I can help you with your journey.
I hope to connect with you again next week when we will continue to explore how to become a Friend of the Creator.
Work with me to make a way for Yahooshua to return in victory at the end of the millennium and make his enemies his footstool.
If you've been convicted today to seek a close relationship you might like to pray something like "Father, I come to you in the name of Yahooshua, I have realised that I'm not nearly as close to you as I could be. I desire to become your friend, I desire to become close to you. I ask you to help me and guide me. I ask you to bring the people I need into my life. I ask you to take the people you don't want in my life out. I ask you to open the doors you want opened, close the doors that you want closed. Father lead me to the material. I need the books, the websites, the videos, YouTube, people I meet in the street, people I know, help me to find whatever it is I need to find to grow with you day by day. Help me to learn to hear your voice. Help me to make a difference. Father, I desire to become your friend."
Folks, this broadcast will be on the website in about 24 hours' time if you want to get that prayer again. Thank you so much.
Dr James A Robertson
Emissary of Yah
Broadcast Thursday 4, June 2020

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