2020.06.11 Demographics of the Kingdom -- Part 2 Created by James on 6/18/2020 3:49:49 PM This Broadcast looks further at the Demographics of the Kingdom of Yah on Earth and looks particularly at those who are close to Yah, the Wise Stewards, Good and Faithful Servants, Overcomers and Friends. It is noted that there are far more women than men in the body of true believers.
Caution – this article has NOT been Proofread so there may be minor transcription errors.
Good day!
The Almighty Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with You! If you die as an Unbeliever, your spirit will live for a very long time as a disembodied Ancestor Spirit or Demon. The Creator has said regarding Unbelievers, "Why would I want someone to spend Eternity with me when they do NOT Believe I exist?" Think about it. If you don't believe and you think something pleasant is going to happen at the end of your life, think again. You're going to end up in the grave, trapped alive as a spirit in the grave or in the crematorium oven or haunting your family or friends or others.
If you die as a Believer without any form of relationship with the Creator, you will end up in the Outer Darkness – a cold, black, terrible place with weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth – the Trash Heap of Heaven. Father has said concerning such Believers, "Why would I want someone to be close to me in Heaven, which inherently means I will give them great prestige and authority, if they do NOT have a deep personal relationship with me and have NOT proven to me that they can be trusted in this life?" So again, if you at some point in your life took some sort of a decision and you went forward to an altar or something and since then you've just lived life as though the Almighty doesn't exist, why do you think something pleasant is going to happen when you die? The Outer Darkness is a horrible place forever and ever and ever – black, cold, unpleasant.
If you make a real effort to seek relationship with the Almighty, the rewards in the life to come are huge – a glorious resurrected body, great prestige, great authority, and a permanent close relationship with the Creator and with Yahooshua who you may know as Jesus – fabulous, worth working for.
To put this all in context the Almighty has said, "I created Human beings, this planet and this universe for men and women to be my Friends, my companions, to explore and learn and develop together. My greatest grief is that almost NO person understands this let alone seeks such a relationship with me!"
We're going to talk more about this tonight. The programme is Demographics of the Kingdom of Yah - Part 2.
Demographics of the Kingdom -- Part 2 – Overview
This Broadcast continues to discuss the subject of the Demographics of the Kingdom on Earth today.
We look at Wise Stewards and see there are only 200,000 on the planet.
Then we look at Good and Faithful Servants and see there are only 5,000.
Overcomers, there are only 20.
Friend 1.
We then discuss that True Belief is on the point of dying out.
And see that most Believers and most Unbelieving Believers are Women.
We note that many of the stronger believers are joined to unsuitable spouses.
It is discussed that the core religious truths are ALL upheld by the Shemite peoples.
And we then note that the 5,020 strongest believers are all in great error, weak and ineffectual.
Finally we examine some questions relating to your relationship with the Almighty Creator.
Who am I? – James Robertson. I have a Doctorate in Engineering. I am a Strategic Management Consultant and Business Executive. I have 27 years' experience of actively seeking to draw close to the Almighty following a dramatic encounter with Him on 12th March 1993 when He spoke to me audibly in a locked room and I knew for certain that He was real.
I was confirmed in the Anglican Church at the age of 13 and served as an Altar Boy for a number of years from the age of 19. Eventually, I married an Unbeliever, and subsequently became disenchanted with the hypocrisy in the Church and backslid to a point where I was not even sure the Almighty existed. In this backslidden state I embarked on an adulterous affair which, when it ended, left me desperate and suicidal. It was then that the Almighty spoke to me and I realized that my intellect had gotten me into a right mess and chose to serve Him faithfully for the rest of my life.
In doing this I applied my deep seated aversion to failure borne out of an accident in early childhood coupled to my Engineering training of rigour and preventing failure, to my seeking of knowledge about Father. This journey led to numerous supernatural experiences, prayers answered and clear communication with the Creator that forms the basis for what I teach in these programmes.
What is "End Time Issue Ministries?" It's the organizational vehicle for delivering my message through Email Articles, Websites, this Radio Program and physical books.
What is THIS Program? – "The Creator Desires a DEEP Personal Relationship with YOU!" – It represents the essence of my message.
See the Website www.ETIMin.org for more information.
See also https://relationshipwithcreatorradio.com and then click on the "The Show" and "Podcasts" for previous broadcasts.
Questions from Last Week's Programme
Jasper asked: "Are demons and ghost the same thing?"
Well, yes and no. The things that we call ghosts are Demons but the way the ghosts are described in comic books, etc. is not entirely the way Demons are. For example, Demons can't pass through solid objects and they have no self-motor power. So what we experience as Demonic movement is combination of Demonic and Satanic where Satanic are fallen angels, fallen messengers.
Seth asked: "When you say why He created us it seems like He created us to be playmates for Him and He is seeing who is worth being friends with. Is this the case?"
Seth, to a point but I wouldn't use the word playmates. He created us to be friends. He created us to be highly intelligent beings who could reason with Him, who could create with Him, who could do things with Him. Think of Noah creating that marvellous and very sophisticated timber ship, that's the sort of person He is looking for – people who will do sophisticated projects with Him. And yes, He is seeking who is worthy of being His friend. Absolutely!
Saul asked: "I am still confused on all of this. I understand we need to change the way we refer to things and change our ways but where do we start?"
Saul, start where you are right now. This programme is a good place to start. If you go on to the area of podcast, you go on to the website, basically if you started with the first broadcast in October the year before last, and just followed through all the broadcasts, you would get a deeply mapped out journey of how you can grow. Simpler than that go to the article "Seven Components of Drawing Close to the Almighty" on the website, it's on the Main Menu towards the bottom and download that article and start putting that into practice. I am confident that if you put into practice everything in that article with the fasts and everything that goes with it, within a couple of years you will be very close to Father.
Pam asked: "If it is wrong to say and do things the way we have been taught, why was it taught to us that way?"
Well Pam, the fact is, Satan is in control on Earth and Satan has been directing things and so Satan has been ensuring that we're taught the wrong things. The Demons, the fallen messengers, Satanic.
Francis says: "I am beginning to like this song the more I hear it."
Francis, yes, it's a very powerful song and a very powerful prayer.
Naomi says: "I will need to hear this more to know for sure if I feel it in my spirit. I am not sure of the part that sounds more like a rap part."
Naomi, I would be careful of feeling it in your spirit. Unless you're very sanctified, very close to Father, you can get seriously misled by being led by feelings and the bit that sounds like a rap part don't get too fazed with it, it is a powerful prayer, that’s just the way that particular person is chosen to pray it; rather focus on the words. The thing with that whole song is the words are very powerful. It is a very powerful prayer.
Jasmine says: "Do you have other songs you can introduce to us?"
Jasmine, on the website, there is a page called Recommended Worship. If you click on that you will find about 20 songs and there is a zip file that you can download with those songs that you can play and I have them on my phone and I listen to them all the time. I have them on my hi-fi at home and I listen to them all the time.
Missy asked: "Do you feel his feelings? It seems like you get upset at times."
Yes Missy, I do you feel His feelings, not always; sometimes He allows me to feel His heart. So sometimes I feel His pain, His tears, His anger. The other day I felt deeply His grief that so few of those people who were singing this powerful song actually have a relationship with Him. Very, very, very taxing at times. I sat in a theatre and felt His anger at what was being portrayed, various other things.
Lester asked: "Do they not make it into Heaven because the teaching is not correct?"
That is absolutely so. The vast majority of people who are not going to make it into Heaven are not going to make it into Heaven because they have been taught the wrong things.
Francis says: "In seeing things you have spoken about I think I am a lot further away from the lord then I thought I was."
Francis that’s a good place to be, you are absolutely right, you are. I don’t have to know you. As you will see later on in this programme tonight, nobody or virtually nobody is in any way close to Father and they are a lot further away than they think they are.
Missy says: "I feel dirty and far from the Almighty."
Again, Missy you're on the mark there. Again, I don't know you but just about everybody on the planet is get the article on Seven Components of Drawing Close to Yah. It's about 70 pages. If you go behind the homepage you will find there is a PDF you can download and just put it into practice. Go through the cleansing process, etc. It's going to take a bit of time. I also broadcast it on this radio programme about six months ago; you can go and look at the podcasts. A lot of information there to get yourself clean.
Lester said: "I think I am a sinner and not near where I need to be."
Lester, as with the other people, yes you're absolutely spot on. That's the case. As I said to Missy, get the article Seven Components of Drawing Close to Yah and put it into practice.
Pam says: "I don’t think I am worthy to be with Him yet."
Again Pam, absolutely on the mark and you can change that instantly by praying the right prayers. You don’t have to go through a massive process to start changing where you are and you are standing with Him. He will be overjoyed if you decide to become His friend.
Questions from last week's program the UK Blessing
It's vital to realize that a believer has a spiritual connection with Yah so even though they speak of The LORD they are directing their worship to Yah.
So I said to you 20% of the 65 or so people who were singing had a relationship with Father. Their prayers went to Father.
The remaining 80% Unbeliever has no such connection so when they worship The LORD they are worshipping the Demonic Mastermind called The LORD and all his minions in the subordinate Principalities, Powers, Thrones and Dominions.
And Demons that belong to that hierarchy are resident on those singers and receive the worship and relay it and give a false, counterfeit DEMONIC Anointing.
Satan and his minions have gotten very good at getting high off the praise and worship they steal from Yah – for high read orgasm.
So if you do not have a relationship with Father and you sing a song to Father, you may well have a supernatural experience, but it's Demonic.
Body of the Article
December 2017 – The Demographics of the Kingdom of Yah continued
Wise Stewards – of some use to Father Yah – 200,000
To return to the theme for today's broadcast continuing the article that I was sharing with you last week written in December 2017 – the demographics of the kingdom of Yah and we're talking now about Wise Stewards who are of some use to Father Yah and with the same statistics as of December 25, 2015, about 200,000 people on the planet Earth.
This is the first category of people who are of some use to Father.
The Wise Stewards have received an infilling of the Spirit of Yah and have at some level treated it responsibly and done something useful with it.
This is the first group that at some level gives Father pleasure albeit at a limited level.
They are using their gifts and talents at some measure responsibly. The people currently in this category are on average operating at about 5% of their potential.
Folks, when I quote these statistics, I am not being ugly. If you look at Yahooshua as the benchmark of 100% of potential, if you're not going around doing greater works than Yahooshua did you're not operating at potential. It's as simple as that.
Good and Faithful Servants – making a real effort to serve Yah – 5,000
Next category of people in Heaven getting close to the thrones – Good and Faithful Servants – people who are making a real effort to serve Yah – only 5,000 people on the 25th of December 2015.
These are the people who are making the religious institutions of the world function at some level.
These people, together with the very small number of overcomers and Friends, are the ones that are keeping the battle flowing on behalf of Father on Earth.
They are, however, in serious error and deception and therefore of limited effect.
There are a similar number of people who are actively serving Satan and keeping things moving on that front.
The people currently in this category are on average operating at about 10% of their potential.
These are the prayer warriors, the faithful servants in Churches, Mosques and Synagogues, etc.
Father desires the number of these people to increase MASSIVELY!
Folks, I really want you to get this. We're so misled about religion and relationship with Father. Five thousand people of the entire 7 or 8 billion people on Earth who are starting to make some vague effort to help Father. It's shocking. Really I ask you to think about it. You can change that. You can become a Good and Faithful Servant, you can become an Overcomer, you can become a Friend. I encourage you to go for it.
Overcomers – those who will sit on Thrones for eternity if they endure – 20
Then we get to the Overcomers. Those who will sit on Thrones for eternity if they endure. December 25, 2015, only 20 people.
The overcomers are those who have made a material impact on the Kingdom of Darkness and they are working hard to serve Yah although, at present, they are in serious error.
There are VERY FEW of these people in the world today and they are mostly overcoming at a very basic level.
The people currently in this category are operating at about 20% of their potential.
Father again desires the number of these people to increase MASSIVELY!
Folks, these are people who are making an effort, they are fasting, they are praying. Their prayers may not be of much effect because they are praying in error. They are fasting for the wrong things. They are not considering the possibility that they are not nearly as close to Father as they think they are. They are not considering the possibility that they are in error. They are using Jesus, God, the Lord, Allah, HaShem. They are in serious deception folks. So they are of very limited value to Yah, and I really encourage you to get this – you can, starting today, very quickly, move up to becoming an Overcomer. Decide to conquer sin in your life, decide to conquer error in your life, put in practice everything that I've taught about on this Radio program for the last year and three quarters. You will very quickly get close to Father. He wants you to get close to Him. He is extremely lonely. I don't know whether you can comprehend that. Father Yah created us so that we could all be His friends and there are virtually no friends. Please help to change that.
Friends – those who are in deep personal relationship with Yah – 1 at present
Then we get to friends, those who are in deep personal relationship with Yah. On December 25, 2015, there was one, shortly after that there were two, one of them dropped away and there is now only one.
Friends are people who have laid down their lives to such an extent that they have paid a huge price to serve Father.
They have actively sought to come into "all truth," they have actively worked for many years to seek to know Father intimately, to get to hear Him clearly, to become His trusted confidantes and friends.
There is only one person on Earth in this category at present and they are NOT operating at close to their full potential.
"Friend" is NOT a title that one appropriates to oneself, it is a designation that Father assigns once a certain standard of self-sacrifice and alignment with Yah has been achieved.
Friends are the ones who will turn The Contest around and give Yah victory.
It's important to understand, Yah can be your friend, Yah chooses to be friendly to those who believe in Him. The fact that He is your friend doesn't make you His friend. You got to do some serious work to get to a point where He calls you friend and you can't appropriate that name that title. He has to tell you and you have to get to a point where you can hear Him clearly for Him to say "Son, you are now my friend. Thank you so much." Or however He chooses to articulate that.
It's powerful folks. If you really want to get to a place where you are highly acclaimed in Heaven when you get there, this is what you should be aiming for and it is totally doable. Get the article "Seven Components of Drawing Close to Yah" and put it into practice.
Friends continued
There is an article "Recognizing a Friend of Yah" on the Website. I will try and incorporate that into next week's broadcast.
What are YOUR options?
As you listen to this YOU have the option to seek to become a Friend, the ONLY thing preventing you from becoming a friend is YOU. If you decide today to seek to become a Friend of Yah and set yourself on the journey, praying the necessary prayers, making the necessary adjustments in your priorities and the way you lead your life YOU can become a Friend.
It will take you some years to get there but IF you are resolute and determined you have EVERY opportunity to reach that level and Father WILL do ALL He can to help you.
For guidance on this journey see the articles on the Website:
"The Creator Desires Deep Relationship with YOU" and "Seven Components in Growing Close to Yah."
If you apply ALL that is taught in both of these articles you will certainly progress deeply in relationship with Yah.
Once you have read the above, read the eBook "Where will you Spend Eternity?" for more information on what is required to qualify for a High Throne.
You may listen to this and like several of the people who responded after last week's broadcast, "I feel I am unclean, I don't think I am close to Father," etc., folks, you are only one decision away from changing that. I will pray with you towards the end of this programme. If you start praying the relevant and appropriate prayers and doing the relevant things, you can change that very rapidly.
Even if you do NOT aspire to become a Friend and sit on a High Throne because you are not that committed or are not able or willing to make the sacrifices required it is available to YOU to progress to any of the more junior ranks of esteem – that is, Wise Steward, Good and Faithful Servant or Overcomer.
I challenge you and invite you to choose TODAY to cease being complacent and deal with what you need to deal with in order to draw MUCH closer to Father. It may seem like hard work in this life, because it IS, but the reward is WELL worth it and you will have Eternity to enjoy the benefits of your spiritual labours should you take up the challenge.
So you may say "Well, becoming a friend is too much like hard work," then go for Wise Steward, go for Good and Faithful Servant, go for an Overcomer. But really and truly, if you really understand the prestige, the glory that you will have if you die as a Friend, you might just find that you've got it in you to do what it takes to get there. And one of the things you have to do to get there is to get your thinking aligned with Yah's thinking. Stop finding excuses not to keep the Commandments, just keep the Commandments – scrupulously, accurately, decisively – not that difficult. You will have most of the sin issues dealt with if you keep the Ten Commandments. It's really not that difficult – it just requires some grit and determination.
December 2017 Demographics of the Kingdom of Yah elaboration
Going on to another article also published in December 2017 – Demographics of the Kingdom of Yah elaboration. So that’s extending the article that we have just been looking through.
This is taken from a reprint of an article first published also on 25 December 2015 but which is every bit as relevant today.
The previous article The Demographics of the Kingdom of Yah on Earth Today summarized the distribution of believers and unbelievers on the Earth today as indicated by the graphic on the Website.
Flowing from this diagram a number of further points require elaboration.
True Belief is on the Point of Dying out
Given that true belief {faith} is only maintained at some level by the Good and Faithful Servants, Overcomers and Friends and that there are only around 5,021 of these on the entire planet and that nearly all of them are weak and ineffectual at a deep spiritual level, it is apparent that true faith is rapidly approaching the point of extinction.
Father says that unless the slide is averted that within 100 years there will not be any true believers of material effectiveness left on Earth and that, IF this point is reached, it is very unlikely that Father will win The Contest in 3003.
This broadcast therefore recognizes that we live in desperate times and seeks to focus the attention of readers on what is necessary to turn the tide of looming total collapse.
Folks, I hope I got your attention with that. Right now there is somewhere around just over 5,000 people on the entire planet who are of any material use to Father. Are you one of those? And if you're not what are you going to do to change it? There is hardly anybody teaching truth. Even the people who are looking for truth can't find it. What are you going to do? It's there for you. It will be tragic if in a 100 years' time there is nobody left who actually has a relationship with Father and nobody left to teach people to seek a relationship with Father.
Last year I published a set of 15 books, I have distributed those copies around the world in the hope that even if something happens to me those teachings will at some level go forward into the future and be a resource for people who come after me.
I'm here to help you. I want to help you. Just drop me an email. We can connect on phone, Zoom, email, however, and I will help you in whatever way I can to draw closer to Father to become a Friend. It means so much to Him. It's such a blessing to Him when somebody makes a quality decision to serve Him. I encourage you to go for it.
Most True Believers and Unbelieving Believers are Women
Yah says that most of the true Believers, and even most of the weak people and Believing Unbelievers, are Women.
Looking at the Good and Faithful Servants, there are about 10 times as many women as men.
Looking at the Wise Stewards, there are about 7 times as many women as men.
Looking at the Adulterous Wives, there are about 3 times as many women as men.
Looking at the Foolish Virgins, there are 4 times as many women as men.
In the Outer Darkness, there is twice as many women as men.
And amongst the Believing Unbelievers, there are 3 times as many women as men.
Ones that really matter are the Good and Faithful Servants and the Wise Stewards, so 10 and 7 and since there are only a few Good and Faithful Servants that means it's just over 7 women to men amongst those that are having some impact to Father.
I have said this before, but it bears repeating, if you are a man and you have some hang up about women and you somehow think that men are superior and that women are weak and ineffectual, I would urge you to rethink that. You could get a nasty shock if you get into Heaven and find that in your hierarchy of control, you're reporting to a hierarchy of women. There is some serious repenting there. If you treat women badly know that you are on the wrong side of Yah.
Many of the Stronger Believers are joined to Unsuitable Spouses
Many of the stronger true believers, that is the Good and Faithful Servants, Wise Stewards and Overcomers are joined sexually {married} to weak believers or unbelievers and this greatly blunts their impact.
As discussed in the article "Will Yah agree to you divorcing your unbelieving spouse?" NO, He will EXPECT you to divorce! Yah EXPECTS believers in such unions to divorce and separate themselves to His service.
This may seem harsh but it is extremely unpleasant for Yah, whose Spirit dwells relatively intensely in these relatively strong believers, to be constantly exposed spiritually to the weak believers or unbelievers that these stronger believers are joined to.
Such unions also largely blunt and make of little or no effect the ministry of those stronger ones.
You may say we've been together for years, I love her, I love him – that may be. Who do you love more? Your unbelieving spouse or Yah? Think about it. His spirit dwells in you. Every time you're one with the spouse you're one with Yah, so that makes Yah one with the unbeliever. It's a horrible experience for Him and you put Him through it day in and day out, and then you ask whether it would be acceptable to divorce and you go to the unbelieving church and the unbelieving church tells you that God hates divorce and no you can't get divorced – nonsense! He wants you to get divorced. He wants you to serve Him. He wants you either join to somebody who is as strong as you are or He wants you to stay single.
IF you are one who is seeking to be close to Yah and you are joined to one who is an unbeliever, I strongly advise you to divorce as soon as possible. If you are a woman, accept that it is highly UNLIKELY that you will find a suitable believing man and adjust your thinking to live as a single woman with Yah as your husband, covering and provider.
Consider teaming up with a number of other women to form a close covenant based community where you can grow, nurture the anointing and make an impact.
If you are a man married to an unbelieving woman, divorce immediately and seek Yah to guide you to a suitable woman who will strengthen you and help you to draw closer to Yah.
Men are a scarce resource and for this reason it is vital that they marry wisely guided by Yah.
Folks, it's so important that we align our thinking with what's important to Yah. Yah wants us to forsake anything and everything that is getting in the way of us having a close relationship with Him, anything and everything that is getting in the way of us getting closer to Him, anything and everything that is getting in the way of us serving Him, getting in the way of us becoming His friends, getting in the way of leading others to become His friends. My desire is that by the end of the millennium in about 3003 that there will be millions of Friends and billions of Committed Believers, that Yahooshua will return in victory, that Yah's enemies will be made Yahooshua footstool. I urge you to embrace that vision with me.
If you are married to a weak believer then share your desire to become much stronger with them and ask them to walk the road with you. If they refuse, whether in word or deed, divorce them.
I understand that the above may seem harsh but the reality is that IF you aspire to a position of real esteem with Yah you need to adjust your life accordingly and that means that you are NOT held back by an unbelieving or weak spouse.
In particular recognize that if you have been walking with Yah for some time and your spouse is NOT aligned with you that this will get in the way of your relationship with Father.
Further, I submit for your consideration, that it is MORE important what Yah thinks of your marriage situation than what you prefer – so consult Him, ask for guidance and ACT!
You don’t have to figure this out on your own – get on your knees, pray the prayer I am going to pray with you a little later, ask Father to guide you. Focus on getting to hear Him. Do whatever you can to help your spouse catch up with you. But some people see this as important and most people don't. And if you're married to somebody who doesn't see it as important, then as far as Yah is concerned, they are not important. Yes, you may love them deeply, you will get over it. Nothing is more important than serving Yah faithfully to the end. You're going to feel really bad if you get to Heaven one day and you are right out there on the fringes because you let your spouse hold you back.
The core religious truths are ALL upheld by Shemite peoples
In considering the statistics we have been talking about, it is important to recognize that the core religious truths of the three core monotheist religions, being Christianity, Islam and Judaism, all of which attempt to worship Yah, albeit in a weak and corrupt way, are maintained by blood descendants of Shem the eldest son of Noah and more specifically through the bloodline of Abraham and through him to Isaac and Ishmael and from Isaac through Yakov/Yisrael.
There are members of these bloodlines within the Japhethite (far East Asian peoples) and Hamite (African and certain other peoples) but the essence of these three core religions has been maintained by Shemite people.
Christianity has been preserved by the European peoples who are descended from the ten tribes that went into exile from the Northern Kingdom of Yisrael primarily in Western Europe, Russia, etc., also the North American Indians and the Asian Indians and related peoples.
Folks, it's important to understand – I am connected with a large number of people on LinkedIn, for example. And if you look at the photographs of the people that I am connected with you can clearly see the three bloodlines – the Shemites, the Hamites, and the Japhethites. It's important to understand a lot of things that are going on in the world today, but that's not for this particular broadcast.
Islam has been preserved by the Arabic peoples descended from Ishmael.
Judaism has been preserved primarily by the people of the Southern Kingdom of Yisrael, that is, Judah (Yahoodah) that is Jews.
These are the three groupings that between them have upheld the truths of Yah to a fair degree and it is vital that in this age where true believers are at risk of dying out that major initiatives to reach Japheth and Ham, other than supporting Believers in those demographic components, will have to take second place to strengthening the core before it is eliminated. Once the core is strong and walking in truth and above sin they will then be in a position to assist others.
It's important to note that at the time of writing the Overcomer who was second closest to Yah was a Muslim Cleric in Teheran and the person who was third closest to Yah was a Jewish Rabbi in Jerusalem.
The distribution of true belief is across ALL three main religions attempting to serve Yah.
It's important to understand there has been crossbreeding. So Shemite men from all over the world have engaged in sexual intercourse with women from the Japheth and Ham dispensations and fathered children. So you get people in far East Asia who are to all intents and purposes are far East Asian people, but they have the Shemite bloodline. We get people in Africa who from their appearance are Hamite people, but they have a Shemite bloodline. So you find people who are serving Yah throughout the world because of their bloodline, because of their inheritance, because of the blessings that have been passed down through the generations. The blessings of Yah go to a thousand generations. Curses also go a long way. So one of the reasons why some people do very well and others don't is because of these bloodline curses and blessings.
The 5,020 strongest believers are ALL in great error and very weak and ineffectual
Taking note of the points raised in the articles:
Recognizing a Friend of Yah
About REAL service to the Almighty in this age – what REALLY matters
Some critical questions for believers at this time
And the prayers in the article Seeking truth
It becomes apparent that almost all of the 5,020 strongest believers are in great error and very weak and ineffectual. Each of the major monotheistic religions has major errors, as evidenced by the division between them and each needs to learn from the other. See the article "Seek Truth NOT Error" for some key principles – on the main menu.
Unless a significant number of these 5,020 people recognize their desperately weak and corrupt state and turn to Father for teaching the future of true faith is very shaky.
Only outreach to the 5,020 is of real value to Yah at this time.
What is the state of YOUR relationship with the Almighty Creator?
In closing I would like to ask you to critically examine where YOU are relative to the Almighty Creator.
Do you talk to Him constantly throughout the day and allow Him to lead you in every possible way?
Are you conscious of Him at all times?
Do you worship Him at every opportunity?
Do you count Him your FRIEND?
Have you clearly and unambiguously heard HIM CALL YOU FRIEND?
If NOT, you are FAILING in your life purpose and will be bitterly disappointed when you die.
I am going to pray and I encourage you to pray with me. "Father Yah, I have now realised that I am not where you want me to be. I choose today to seek to become your friend. I choose today to lay down my life. I choose today to do the fasts I need to do, pray the prayers I need to pray, and do everything possible to draw close to you. I ask you to lead me to the material I need to help me grow close to you. I ask you to lead me to the people I need to meet and take the people you don't want in my life out. I ask you to open the doors you want opened in my life and close the doors you want closed. I ask you to teach me to pray. I ask you to teach me what it means to serve you truly in every area of my life. Help me to make a difference. Help me to overcome my sin. Help me to get to a place where I'm free of sin. Help me to get to a place where I know you deeply. Help me to get to a place where I have deep experience of you where I feel you, where I hear you. Clean up my ears, help me to hear you, help me to hear only what you want me to hear, see only what you want me to see, think only what you want me to think, speak only that which you want me to speak, write and covenant only that which you want me to write and covenant, and walk only where you want me to walk. Father, I choose to become your friend, help me in my journey, amen."
Wrapping Up
Five Key Documents – Main Menu Webpages
Five documents that are really important in the context of my message:
"The Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with You."
"Seven Components in Drawing Close to the Creator."
"Recommended Worship" -- Songs that are strongly recommended.
"The Creator's Name is Yah the Eternally Self-Existing."
"Where will you Spend Eternity? – What is required in order to qualify to sit on a High Throne for Eternity?"
All of this available on the website www.ETIMin.org.
Transcripts of nearly all teachings in this series are available on the Website at the bottom on the "Radio" page.
Recordings of nearly all of the teachings Broadcast so far are available on the Radio page and they are all available at http://RelationshipWithCreatorRadio.com. Click on "The Show" and then "Podcasts."
Books constituting a compilation of most writings published since 1998 are available near the bottom of the Menu at the "Compilation of Most Writings" page and are physically available.
I publish regular email articles – email JamesAR@ETIMin.org to be added to the list, or to seek counsel or prayer or give me feedback.
Visit the Website and use the Google Search, Article Keyword Cloud, Table of Contents and Article Search to locate the information you are looking for.
Thank you for listening!
Please send me your questions on the W4CY webpage, I will answer them next broadcast.
Please email me to join the mailing list at JamesAR@ETIMin.org.
If you decide to draw close to the Almighty, please let me know and we can connect by Skype, Zoom, email or telephone so that I can help you with your journey.
I hope to connect with you again next week when we will continue to explore how to become a Friend of the Creator.
Work with me to make a way for Yahooshua to return in victory at the end of the millennium and make his enemies his footstool.
Folks, this is so important. It doesn't matter who you are, it doesn't matter your race, your religion, your age, your gender, your level of education, your financial circumstances, colour of your hair, colour of your eyes, colour of your skin, it's not material. Father wants you, yes you, to become His friend. It's what we were created for folks. The only reason this universe exists, the only reason the solar system exists, the only reason this planet exists, the only reason you exist is to become a Friend of the Almighty and do things together with Him. Be his friend, talk to Him, keep Him company, invent things with Him, create things with Him, do things with Him. I encourage you to go for it starting right now.
Dr James A Robertson
Emissary of Yah
Broadcast Thursday 11, June 2020

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