2020.08.06 Important Insights from Yah Part 4 Created by James on 11/23/2020 11:51:10 AM Direct quotes of words spoken by the Almighty Creator to James Robertson.
Caution – this article has NOT been Proofread so there may be minor transcription errors.
Good day!
The Almighty Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with You! If you die as an Unbeliever, your spirit will live for a very long time as a Disembodied Ancestor Spirit or Demon. The Creator has said regarding Unbelievers, "Why would I want someone to spend Eternity with me when they do NOT Believe I exist?" If you die as a Believer without any form of relationship with the Creator, you will end up in the Outer Darkness – a cold, black, terrible place with weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth – the Trash Heap of Heaven. Father has said concerning such Believers, "Why would I want someone to be close to me in Heaven, which inherently means I will give them great prestige and authority, if they do NOT have a deep personal relationship with me and have NOT proven to me that they can be trusted in this life?"
If you make a real effort to seek relationship with the Almighty, the rewards in the life to come are huge – a glorious resurrected body, great prestige, great authority, and a permanent close relationship with the Creator and Yahooshua. To put this all in context, the Almighty has said, "I created Human beings, this planet and this universe for men and women to be my Friends, my companions, to explore and learn and develop together. My greatest grief is that almost NO person understands this let alone seeks such a relationship with me!"
Important Insights from Yah – Part 4 – Overview
This Broadcast shares a diversity of verbatim quotes of words spoken to me by the Creator in just over two weeks from 28th August to 15th September 2014.
These quotes address a number of challenging issues and also challenge YOU to seek to hear Father Yah THAT clearly and become His Spokesperson.
Finally we examine some questions relating to your relationship with the Almighty Creator.
Who am I? – James Robertson. I have a Doctorate in Engineering and I am a Strategic Management Consultant. I have 27 years' experience of actively seeking to draw close to the Almighty following a dramatic encounter with Him on 12th March 1993 when He spoke to me audibly in a locked room and I knew for certain that He was real.
I was confirmed in the Anglican Church at the age of 13 and served as an Altar Boy for a number of years from the age of 19. Eventually, married to an Unbeliever, I became disenchanted with the hypocrisy in the Church and backslid to a point where I was not even sure the Almighty existed. In this backslidden state I embarked on an adulterous affair which, when it ended, left me desperate and suicidal. It was then that the Almighty spoke to me and I realized that my intellect had gotten me into a right mess and chose to serve Him faithfully for the rest of my life.
In doing this I applied my deep-seated aversion to failure borne out of an accident in early childhood coupled to my Engineering training of rigour and preventing failure, to my seeking of knowledge about Father. This journey led to numerous supernatural experiences, prayers answered and clear communication with the Creator that forms the basis for what I teach in these programs.
What is "End Time Issue Ministries?" It's the organizational vehicle for delivering my message through Email Articles, Websites, this Radio Program and physical books.
What is THIS Program? – "The Creator Desires a DEEP Personal Relationship with YOU!" – It represents the essence of my message.
See the Website www.ETIMin.org for more information.
See also www.relationshipwithcreatorradio.com. Click on "The Show" and "Podcasts" for previous broadcasts.
Questions from Last Week's Programme
"What if you believe in the existence but have no relationship with the Almighty?"
That’s probably where the majority of people find themselves. For the most part nobody tells one that it is possible to have a relationship. Nobody tells one that you can have a deep relationship. Nobody tells one that you can hear Father speak to you clearly. So you've heard me now, you can have a deep personal relationship with Father. So I would really encourage you, wherever you are in your journey with Him seek a deep relationship with Him, do what you need to do to hear His voice. There is a 70-page article on the website near the bottom of the Menu – Seven Components of Drawing Close. Get hold of that article, read it, apply what's in it, you can get to a close relationship.
"Why create a whole universe for potential friends to be in if you don’t play with them in the element you created?"
Very good question. The fact is as I explained sometime back, some things went wrong, Hillel, one messenger Angel rebelled, became Satan, challenged the Almighty to a contest, that’s been going on now for over 6000 years. It's a total mess. Father is very unhappy, He is very lonely. It's not the way He planned it. But you can help Him to turn the situation around.
"From listening to this I would think it is almost like a game being played to see where the pieces go after you use them in the game."
I think it is probably fair to say that a lot of games, these computer games, these kind of weird games that people seem to like to play are actually modelling what is going on in the world. So probably that does look a bit like a game, but I assure you it's not a game, it's a very serious battle that is taking place.
"Would you say people get a bit frustrated with things that come up in life and fall away from their beliefs?"
Absolutely, particularly with the wrong teaching. If you've grown up with the teaching of the church which doesn't explain the contest, doesn't explain that the rules of engagement, doesn't explain that you can have a deep relationship, etc., etc. They would do what I did in my 20s and 30s and fall away. It happens to the majority of people. The question is whether you can get back or not and that’s a whole different conversation.
"Will He answer us if we say your name?"
I don’t think my name will help you much. You could go to Him and say, "Father, James Robertson says that if I believe in you, you will speak to me, and you will answer my questions," etc. So in that sense you could speak to Him in my name. But as a general rule, there is no need to; you can speak to Him in your own name. You need to speak to Him in the name of Yahooshua in certain things, but apart from that, just go to Him, He recognises you, He wants to have a deep relationship with you.
"I find that I have learned a lot from listening to your teachings. I thank you for being here for me."
That’s a pleasure. Thank you very much. If you want to contact me by email, please feel free to do so. I encourage you just to go for it and seek a close relationship.
"How long does this contest between the Almighty and Satan go on?"
7000 years, started just over 6000 years ago, 6017 years ago, and it is going to go on until the end of this millennium, so it will be 7000 years in total.
"When we pray, what do we have the right to pray for?"
That’s a challenging one! Theoretically you have the right to pray for anything to do with your immediate life. You don't have the right to pray things over other people who don't necessarily agree with what you're praying. You can petition, you can ask for favour, you can ask for things, but you got to be a bit careful in what you pray for. There is a huge amount that is prayed that is just hot air.
A couple of points from last week and feedback that I had.
CLARIFICATION: I did make the statement that you couldn’t pray for the world. That’s not entirely true. If one is senior in rank AND has thoroughly cleaned up your act you DO have authority to pray for the Earth or nations IF what you pray IS Father's will – For example Noah and the Flood.
So there has been a number of instances where I have gone to Father and said, "Father what you like to happen in this situation?" And He has given me specific instructions as to what I am to pray. I have prayed that, He has acted on it, and dramatic things have happened in the lives of nations and people. So if you really want to touch the world, the way to do that is to get close to Father, get senior in rank, and get Him to tell you what He wants you to pray. Don’t pray with your own understanding, don’t pray just because you think it's a good idea. Remember, there are other people praying. So if you were to pray "I want so and so to win the election," and the person across the road is praying they want the other person to win the election, it's a waste of time, it's hot air.
If Father says, "I want so and so to win the election," and you've the authority and you pray for it, then that person will win the election, but you need to check in and make sure it's Father's will.
COMMENT: Holy means set apart, as you draw closer to Father you will find you have less in common with most people.
NOTE: The Peace of Yah in this life, the Joy of Yah, etc. you don't feel alone, see outside stuff differently. This is some notes taken from a conversation I had with somebody who listened to the program. It happens naturally, it's very fulfilling, it's a very healthy space to be, wake up in gratitude and joy thanking for the day, big change that occurs from living in the World.
This is about being unattached from manmade things and fulfilled by Yah, very discernable, very full.
So just a word of encouragement, there is a really bountiful place as a Believer who is close to Father.
Body of the Article
Important Insights that I have gained into various topics from day to day
A collection of short messages given by the Almighty with regard to various topics from 28th August to 15th September 2014 – I testify that these messages are accurate records of what I heard Him say to me at that time.
These messages were given in the weeks following a series of seven three-day fasts seeking truth and seeking to draw closer to the Almighty.
The Almighty Creator, Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, says: "It is time to choose – will you be my Friend, or my foe? – there is NO middle ground!" He said that on 6 August 2014.
Refer to the Webpage “Important Insights” on the main menu of the Website for the complete collection https://www.eti-ministries.org/important-insights.
28 August 2014 -- Yah says further:
Yah re the British -- 28 August 2014:
"In the world at large, despite their huge errors, the British have, as a nation, done the most in recent centuries to preserve key truths even though in a very religious way that is, in itself, relatively powerless."
Yah re servants under attack – 29 August 2014:
"It brings me great joy when one of my servants stands for me even when things are happening that are painful and do NOT make sense."
Yah re messengers {angels} – 29 August 2014:
"Messengers do NOT understand." This is in response to a song which says "As Angels understand."
"'Angels' are messengers, servants, called to do the bidding of men without questioning. Satan was an aberration, a messenger with reasoning, a manufacturing defect. The messengers who followed Satan did so simply because those were their orders NOT because they also rebelled and their service today remains according to the original order – to follow the Light Giver, Lucifer, now Satan and Satan has in turn delegated his authority over his legions to the Masterminds."
Yah re humans tending NOT to believe -- 29 August 2014:
"It turns out that it is the nature of humans to demand proof of my existence and to lapse into unbelief unless convinced. The first generation of unbelievers became unbelievers with very little help from Satan – they fell into his lap, so to speak – ANOTHER design flaw!!"
Yah re the creation of humans and messengers – 29 August 2014:
"All the more advanced beings and especially human beings and messengers were extremely interesting AND challenging to design and refine to a point where they were put into production – problem is that there were a few minor flaws that have had major consequences."
Yah re defects in Humans and The Contest – 29 August 2014:
"I truly believed that with all the intricacy and beauty of creation that humans would have NO difficulty in believing – I almost took it as a given and thus I was over confident when I accepted Satan's challenge – I should have realized once I saw the defect in Satan's make that the possibility existed of a comparable defect in humans – with hindsight I deeply regret entering into the contest."
"That said, those who DO overcome and serve me are probably of a much higher calibre than would have been the case if there had been NO defect and all had believed."
Folks, these are really tender insights into some of Father's thinking to realise this whole thing is a mistake and He has traded a terrible price for accepting the challenge from Satan.
Yah re "believe the best of all men" – 30 August 2014:
"People have taken "believe the best of all men" out of context – it relates to Chesed (covenant love) between believers NOT glorifying the wrong deeds and errors of unbelievers – currently "Western Civilization" has it wrong – they believe the best of unbelievers, sinners and people in error, such as most of Africa but are intolerant of error in believers and people who are presumed to be believers to whom the principle ACTUALLY applies."
Yah re form belief – 30 August 2014:
"Reciting a creed or other form statement of belief is NOT enough – there must be an intense heart realization of my existence – there must be a SHIFT!"
Yah re leaders – 30 August 2014:
"It should be the goal of every one of my leaders that they should enable those who come after them to get closer to me than they are – work to promote others above yourself."
Folks, that's a really important principle, one of the huge errors of pretty much all religion has been that the leaders do not want people to get to a senior rank above them with Yah. So they see themselves as the custodians of relationship with Yah. If you are a true leader your goal should be to help those who come after you to go beyond you to go further than you to get close to Father than you. It's so important.
Regarding believe the best of all men, also so much wrong thinking in terms of the majority of people are unbelievers folks. Don't take the Bible and apply to unbelievers. Don't pray for unbelievers as though they're believers, they are not, they're serving Satan. I know this sounds harsh but you need to draw distinction. If you really want to do something for unbelievers, go out there and convert them, but don't just convert them, convert them in a deep sustainable fashion that they go on to become really strong servants. Just going out and getting them to respond to an alter call and then leaving them to hack it is not what it's all about.
Yah re Creation versus Evolution – 01 September 2014:
"Virtually every significant plant and animal reproduces sexually – how is this possible without a Creator?"
Yah re the Quran – 01 September 2014:
"The Quran, while more inspired than the Bible is still the work of men, is NOT to be worshipped and contains error. Some of what the Quran says about Yahooshua, specifically that he spoke at 2 days old and breathed life into a clay dove are incorrect."
Yah re Moslem error – 01 September 2014:
"The Moslems have fallen into exactly the same traps as the Christians and the Jews, putting their book on a pedestal and ascribing undue value and validity to it, and putting their prophet on a pedestal and ascribing undue status to him."
"This is part of the human condition, they need to worship something or someone tangible, this is what side tracked the Japhethites in the Far East and the Shemmites in India and surrounding countries."
Folks, I have just done a video on why you should seek a deep relationship with the Father. If you'd like a copy, just email me after this and I'll send it to you. It's on YouTube. One of the things I have done is put in a number of photographs of plants and animals, etc. Folks, if you look with open eyes at nature and animals, plants, at ourselves human beings, there is no ways we could have come into existence as a long train of random events. There has to be a Creator. We came from Him, He has always existed; I suggest you accept that.
Yah re the recent falling away – 01 September 2014:
"I am greatly distressed and saddened by the number of deeply committed believers who have fallen away because of their error since the dispensation changed – it is really disheartening."
Yah re sexuality of single believing women – 01 September 2014:
"The hang ups with regard to sexual intimacy between women is a HUGE inhibitor with regard to single anointed women – they would rather keep hoping for 'Mr right,' dating 'Mr wrong' and from time to time being carried away into fornication and falling away by their sexual urges getting out of control."
Yah re fantasies in Science – 01 September 2014:
"The level of unsupported fantasy with regard to evolution, geology, archaeology, landform geography and other fields of 'science' is breath-taking – ALL are at some level religions."
Folks that last point is so-so important. If you get to a really solid understanding of how creation really works, if you get to a solid understanding of The Flood and how that has shaped the land and animals and plants and everything in the last four and a half thousand years, you will realise that a lot of what is postulated as science by archaeologists, geographers, astronomers, geologists, etc. is just absolutely unsupported fantasy, just doesn’t make any sense at all, it's what they've sucked out of their thumbs.
Yah re David Attenborough – 01 September 2014:
"David Attenborough knows me well and has learned a huge amount from me and I have enjoyed teaching him – the problem is that he does NOT believe that I exist!"
Yah re 'never let me go' – 01 September 2014:
"'Never let me go' and related songs and prayers are in error – this entire exercise is for YOU to grow close to me and STAY close to me by choice, and climb back up when you fall down NOT for me to somehow HOLD you against your free will – friends to NOT hold friends hostage!"
Yah in terms of how He interacts with humans – 02 September 2014:
"The biggest way that I help humans is by teaching, giving them wisdom, causing them to find favour, speaking to them through others. I do this with believers and unbelievers alike with the level of interaction governed by the extent to which they receive what I give them and distinctly separately relative to the level of their relationship with me."
All creative knowledge, positive creative knowledge comes from Father, whether you're a believer or an unbeliever. The reason that the European world, including United States has prospered in the last few hundred years, particularly the last hundred to hundred and fifty years is because they were closer to Father than anyone else. They slipped away a lot now, but they're still more close to Father than elsewhere.
Yah re life elsewhere – 03 September 2014:
"I created this entire Universe for mankind, there are NO other life forms anywhere apart from on earth other than the messengers in Heaven and the torturers in Hell and they are ALL focused on mankind."
Yah re other thoughts while worshipping – 03 September 2014:
"When you draw close to me in worship you WILL receive revelation relative to your work, life, etc. – this is normal – do NOT get into condemnation – write it down and refocus on me."
Yah re the song Agnus Dei – 03 September 2014:
"'Agnus Dei' sung the way you (James) sing it with words corrected and 'the lamb' ignored, is one of my favourite songs. There are others but they are NOT available to you for language and other reasons."
Folks, it's so important, if you're going to sing songs, don't just sing any old song because it sounds nice to you; sing it because it sounds nice to Father, sing it because it's a powerful prayer, sing it because it's going to help you to draw close to Father. Sing it because it's going to help you to get filled with His spirit. Be thoughtful about what you sing, be thoughtful about what you say. There is so much out there that is either of no relevance whatsoever or is destructive and will pull you away.
Songs like "Jesus do you know how much I love you," really one of the most silly songs there is and so hurtful to Father on so many levels. There are recommended songs on the website.
Yah re being really close to Him – 06 September 2014:
"It is impossible to draw really close to me without deep determination, separation and sacrificing the comforts and pleasures of this life at a significant level – NOT because I want it that way, simply because of the level of evil and opposition in the world today."
Yah re demons NOT passing through walls – 06 September 2014:
"Messengers are able to pass through solid objects, ancestor spirits (demons) NOT because they are designed to engage with the physical realm."
"So, to cast demons out there MUST be an open door or window and they should be directed towards that – they CAN exit and enter through a small vent or opening like a chimney or air vent."
Yah re the powers of the forces of darkness over believers – 07 September 2014:
"As you are increasingly understanding, the powers of the forces of darkness are very limited UNLESS the believer involved gives them a legal right – then it is NOT the powers of the forces of darkness but the power of the sin and error that is the issue."
Folks, that is so important. If you sin, you set yourself up against Father. If something supernatural happens to you while you're in sin, it's quite likely to be that Father is delivering judgement on you, not that the Forces of Darkness have got such power and that they are doing things. If you get to a place and it's not that difficult, if you get to a place where you live above and free of sin, the Forces of Darkness can't touch you, and that side of life becomes relatively easy.
Yah re day to day happenings – 07 September 2014:
"Much of what believers attribute to the Satanic is, in fact, just the way humans behave – things happen (compounded by the demonic when there is sin)."
Yah re reaching the top of the mountain – 07 September 2014:
"No human being has reached the top of the mountain since Yahooshua and very few have ever reached the top – Abraham, Moshe, Dawid momentarily, Daniel"
Yah re the standards He sets – 07 September 2014:
"Throughout the Contest I have, in a sense, been too idealistic and set standards that were almost impossible to attain – and I have been almost universally disappointed – BUT the few who have really gone ALL OUT for me have made my high standards worthwhile!"
Yah re technology brought by Noah – 07 September 2014:
"Noah brought very considerable supplies, technology and technical information with him on the ship."
That is so important folks. You don't understand the world today unless you understand the Flood, unless you understand the fact that Noah and his three sons and their wives survived the Flood, together with a selection of every type of animal plus seeds plus technology plus manuals plus drawings plus all sorts of things. They knew the world was going to be destroyed and that the only resources available to them would be what was on that ship. So they equipped that ship with everything they possibly can or specifically Noah and Shem equipped it with everything they possibly could. It's so important to understand that folks, that's why Egypt etc. sprung up so rapidly because they had all the technical knowledge already.
Yah re "Bible puncher Creation" – 07 September 2014:
"They have banned the teaching of 'Bible puncher Creation' from schools because it is irrational and does NOT fit the facts. They have NOT banned true evolutionary creation because no one has ever tried to teach it!"
Yah re Rick Joyner's visions – 07 September 2014:
"Rick Joyner's visions ALL had one purpose – to call him to lead the return to ALL truth and to equip him with the conceptual knowledge he needed to commence his own intense journey to seek ALL truth – he missed both objectives entirely!"
Yah re Rick Joyner's failure to act – 08 September 2014:
"I do NOT know how Rick Joyner expected the things in his visions in terms of recovery and the advance of the Kingdom to happen if he did NOTHING – it was obvious nobody else had the vision and therefore nobody else was doing anything."
Yah re "Revival" – 08 September 2014:
"Revival as men call it – actually turning back to me – is my desire always and I speak to men and women about it constantly. Regrettably almost NONE hear me and of those who DO most expect it to be something I will do unilaterally so they sit around waiting and praying for it when they should, in fact, be bringing it to pass!"
"This is one of the great frustrations resulting from the misconceptions that result from Bible-centric teaching."
Folks, it's so important to understand we are called to rule on Earth. It's not Yah's job to make things happen. It's my job and your job. It is up to us, we have to go out and speak the words, we have to pray the prayers. We have to get free of sin, we have to get to a deeper knowledge of Father. The reason the world is such a mess is that the believers are powerless and ineffective, they're unable to pray because they're full of sin. If you don't like the state of the world, look in the mirror, because you're part of the problem, unless you take up my challenge and really clean up your act.
Yah re His priorities to reach unbelievers – 09 September 2014:
"There are millions of first generation unbelievers (parents were believers) in European communities – these are my priority in terms of recovery."
Yah re responsibility with regard to dreams and visions – 09 September 2014:
"So often I show those who know me things in dreams or visions so that they can do something to change the situation – but instead, they sit in judgement of the other people in the vision or they totally misinterpret the dream or vision and do the exact opposite of what was required or they settle down to boast about their experience."
Yah re the use of the Hebrew word "Chen" in place of "Grace" – 12 September 2014:
"Please use the word 'Chen' instead of 'Grace' – it is more pleasing to me."
Yah re the use of the Hebrew word "Chesed" in place of "Mercy" – 12 September 2014:
"Please use the word 'Chesed' instead of 'Mercy' – it is more pleasing to me."
Folks, so much of the modern English language around the matters of the Almighty is corrupt and in error. If you look on the website, you will find information regarding a variety of things where the language is incorrect, and names is just one part of that. Remember that the people who translated the Bible did so under fierce opposition, they were persecuted, so early forms of the Bible were preserved with some level of miracle, but that doesn't mean it's Yah's word.
Yah re 'reigning with the Spirit of Yah' – 12 September 2014:
"Reigning with the Spirit of Yah is about:
(1) Exercising control over your own spirit, mind and body, e.g. reigning in your temper, desires, etc.
(2) Exercising restraint, discipline, wisdom with regard to your dealings with others – especially with regard to disputes and differences and all aspects of leadership and subordinancy.
(3) Exercising discipline and control over the Satanic realm by gaining victory over sin and thereafter leading others to that place – as well as taking authority over the Satanic and Demonic realm WHERE appropriate and within the limits of YOUR authority."
Yah re Demons hearing our thoughts – 12 September 2014:
"Demons CANNOT read thoughts, they CAN broadcast signals that humans experience as thoughts and other impulses – as though they came from your own spirit/mind."
So if a person has Demons, those Demons can speak to them and they can think that they had that thought and that then the Demons read their minds.
Yah re the role of women in the spiritual life of the family – 13 September 2014:
"In the vast majority of cases the woman sets the spiritual tone of the household. However, in really strong households the man sets the direction, undergirded and lifted up by his woman. A woman who tears down one of my strong men is an abomination in my sight."
Yah re people recovering after falling away – 13 September 2014:
"When a person falls down the mountain, if they are to climb up again, they are forced to find another route and each new route is more difficult and more restrictive than the previous route – that is NOT me being difficult, it is JUST the way it is."
Yah re Muslims deifying Mohammed – 13 September 2014:
"To a large extent Muslims have deified Mohammed and put him on a pedestal just as the Christians have Jesus and the Jews have Moshe."
Folks, we're so inclined to elevate people to some position of divine authority or whatever – don't do that. You need to get closer. If you are a Muslim, you want to get closer to Father than Mohammed. If you're a Christian, you want to get closer to Yah than Yahooshua. If you're a Jew you want to get closer to Yah than Moses. If you're paying attention to what I'm saying, you want to get closer to Father than I am.
Yah re humans must do the work – 13 September 2014:
"One of the huge consequences of Bible dependency is that the majority of my people do NOT understand that they have to do the work to give effect to my will and my plans on earth – the "bless me" mind-set and culture of entitlement is pervasive."
Yah re the African people – 13 September 2014:
"I have almost nothing in common with the vast majority of African people – they have regressed so far through their demon worship and primitive savagery that there is almost nothing that I want to do together with them."
Yah re bringing correction – 15 September 2014:
"When someone is in error the more one tries to correct them the more hardened they become in their error – speak once, speak twice and then walk away."
Yah re the number of believing Europeans – 15 September 2014:
"When you (James) were born there were a substantial number of Europeans who were believers, albeit at a nominal level – today that has almost completely died out and the majority who think they believe are worshipping Jesus and therefore Demons."
Re Africa – there are people in Africa, African people who are descendants of Shemites through sexual promiscuity and there are African people who are earnestly seeking to draw close to Father and there is a substantial change in focus that’s happened in Africa in the last few decades, but you still get people who are performing rights to Ancestor Spirits and Demons and so forth, and there are still a lot of witch doctors and things like that going on there, and Father hates that.
I pray that this has given you food for thought – actions and decisions YOU can take RIGHT NOW.
Also I pray that YOU have been challenged to seek to hear Father Yah as closely as I heard Him in August 2014 – it IS available to you.
Right now I would like to ask you to pray with me. If you have been convicted that you need to get closer to Father, pray more or less as follows. Remember that this recording will be on the RelationshipWithCreatorRadio website probably by this time tomorrow.
"Father I come to you in the name of Yahooshua. I realise that I'm not as close to you as you would like me to be. James says that I can get very close to you. I choose to believe him and today I choose to serve you. I ask you to bring the people you want into my life, take the people you don't want in my life out, open the doors that you want opened, close the doors that you want closed. Teach me to be led by your spirit every second of every day. Fill me with your spirit. Help me to bring you joy. Help me to know your will and to do it. Help me to hear your voice and be instantly obedient. I thank you that your messengers encamp around me to protect me; I thank you that no weapon formed against me shall prosper. I thank you that every tongue that rises against me in unrighteous judgement will be refuted. I ask you help me to become a wise steward and then a good and faithful servant and then an overcomer, and finally a friend. I ask you to help me to come to a place where I qualify to sit on a High Throne with you for eternity. Father I desire today to become your friend, please help me. Amen."
What is the state of YOUR relationship with the Almighty Creator?
In closing I would like to ask you to critically examine where YOU are relative to the Almighty Creator.
Do you talk to Him constantly throughout the day and allow Him to lead you in every possible way?
Are you conscious of Him at all times?
Do you worship Him at every opportunity?
Do you count Him your FRIEND?
Have you clearly and unambiguously heard HIM CALL YOU FRIEND?
If NOT, you are FAILING in your life purpose and will be bitterly disappointed when you die.
I refer you again to the page on the website "Seven Components of Drawing Close." It is also available as a PDF to download behind the homepage and in the Articles database. It's also in the "Books" and also I have spoken about it at length on the programme about six months ago. I strongly recommend that you get that article, "Seven Components of Drawing Close to Yah" and put it into practice. It will take you about two years if you work really energetically to do everything it's in there to a point where it becomes your habitual conduct and you get to a place where you hear Him clearly and you get to a place where He may call you Friend. It's entirely doable, you can get closer than I did. I didn't have access to any of the stuff 27 years ago. It's available to you right now from the website.
Wrapping Up
Five Key Documents – Main Menu Webpages
"The Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with You."
"Seven Components in Drawing Close to the Creator."
"Recommended Worship."
"The Creator's Name is Yah the Eternally Self-Existing."
"Where will you Spend Eternity? -- What is required in order to qualify to sit on a High Throne for Eternity?"
All of this available at www.ETIMin.org.
Transcripts of nearly all teachings in this series are available on the Website at the bottom on the "Radio" page.
Recordings of nearly all of the teachings Broadcast so far are available on the Radio page and they are all available at http://RelationshipWithCreatorRadio.com. Click on "The Show" and then "Podcasts."
Books constituting a compilation of most writings published since 1998 are available near the bottom of the Menu at the "Compilation of Most Writings" page and are physically available.
I publish regular email articles – email JamesAR@ETIMin.org to be added to the list, or to seek counsel or prayer or give me feedback.
Visit the Website and use the Google Search, Article Keyword Cloud, Table of Contents and Article Search to locate the information you are looking for.
Folks, there is about 1000 webpages, there is about a 1000 articles, it's a huge amount of information, years of research, praying, fasting, writing, seeking, learning. It's there for you to get you off to a flying start in your relationship with Father. I urge you to make full use of it, www.EndTimeIssueMinistries.org.
Thank you for listening!
Please send me your questions on the W4CY webpage, I will answer them next broadcast.
Please email me to join the mailing list at JamesAR@ETIMin.org.
If you decide to draw close to the Almighty, please let me know and we can connect by Skype, Zoom, email or telephone so that I can help you with your journey.
I hope to connect with you again next week when we will continue to explore how to become a Friend of the Creator.
Work with me to make a way for Yahooshua to return in victory at the end of the millennium and make his enemies his footstool.
Folks, this is so important. It doesn't matter your race, your religion, your tribe, your denomination, your wealth or lack of wealth, your education or lack of education, your age, your gender, it is open to you to become a Friend of the Almighty Creator. That is what you were created for, that is what He wants from you. Anything less than that you will be disappointed when you come before the Judgement Seat at the end of your life. I urge you to go for it. It's hard work but it's worth it. You don't want to get to the end of your life, leave your body, come before the Judgement Seat, and realise that you missed a massive opportunity. I urge you to go for it. Pray the prayer I prayed a few minutes ago and get on with it.
Thank you so much.
Dr James A Robertson
Emissary of Yah
Broadcast Thursday 6, August 2020
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