2020.12.03 The Name “Yah” Appears over 7,000 times in the Bible so why do people NOT use it? Created by James on 12/19/2020 4:11:03 PM There continues to be great confusion about the true names of the Almighty. This article sets out key points relating to the fact that the TRUE Name of the Almighty Creator, Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, occurs over 7,000 times in the Hebrew texts of the Old Testament. Nearly 7,000 times in the form Yahooeh or Yahweh meaning “Yah the Eternally Self-Existing” and many more times in words and names like Yahooshua, HalleluYah, etc.
It is also noted that The LORD, God and Jesus are Satanic names and should NEVER be used.
2020.12.03 The Name “Yah” Appears over 7,000 times in the Bible so why do people NOT use it?
There continues to be great confusion about the true names of the Almighty. This article sets out key points relating to the fact that the TRUE Name of the Almighty Creator, Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, occurs over 7,000 times in the Hebrew texts of the Old Testament. Nearly 7,000 times in the form Yahooeh or Yahweh meaning “Yah the Eternally Self-Existing” and many more times in words and names like Yahooshua, HalleluYah, etc.
It is also noted that The LORD, God and Jesus are Satanic names and should NEVER be used.
- An Email about Yahweh in 2000
In late 2000 (over 20 years ago) I received an email which said that the true name of the Almighty was “Yahweh”, a transliteration of the so-called Tetragrammaton (YHWH) in Hebrew. I followed the link to the website in question which explained that YHWH occurred around 7,000 times in the Hebrew texts of the Old Testament and was INCORRECTLY translated “The LORD” in English Bibles.
- The LORD is an insult
It was further stated that “The LORD” was a literal translation of “Baal” a Pagan (that is Satanic) deity and that it was therefore an insult to call Father “The LORD” or “Lord”!
- Wife using name of worst enemy
I immediately went to Father and asked Him if this was important.He replied “James, how would you like it if your wife and your family called you by the name of your WORST ENEMY”
That was good enough for me I ceased to call the Creator The LORD or Lord and started to call Him Yahweh.
- God is also pagan, use Almighty
About the same time I discovered that the word God was a Pagan, i.e. Satanic term which was also insulting to the Creator! The Hebrew word mostly translated God is “Elohim” meaning Mighty One or Almighty depending on context. I corrected on this as well and started to refer to Father as “The Almighty” and NEVER as “God”.
- Allah = Almighty
I also came tounderstand that “Allah” was the Arabic of Elohim and therefore means “The Almighty” so Muslims are also worshipping Yah.
- Yahoo.com is taking the Name of the Almighty in vain
In the time that followed I eventually came to understand that Yahweh was a less accurate transliteration of the Hebrew YHWH and that “Yahooeh” was, in fact, more accurate.
With this I discovered that www.Yahoo.com is taking the Name of the Almighty in vain and breaking the third Commandment and brings a curse on all Believers who have email addresses with that Internet Service Provider.
- Yah the Eternally Self-Existing
Concurrently with this I came to understand that Yahooeh actually means “Yah the Eternally Self-Existing” where “Yah”, as in HalleluYah, is the TRUE ESSENTIAL NAME of the Almighty Creator of the Heavens the Earth.
- Yah is embedded in Hebrew names in the Bible
In this process I came to discover that the Name “Yah” is embedded in the Bible in dozens of Hebrew names of people that are based on Yah.
The most important example of this is “Yahooshua” meaning “Yah is salvation” which is the TRUE name of the man commonly called “Jesus”. Again, it turned out that Jesus is a blasphemous name which means “Blessed of Zeus” where Zeus is another Pagan, Satanic deity! So it is an insult to call the man in question Jesus, his true name is Yahooshua.
- Detailed Article in 2002
In early 2002 I wrote a detailed article “The TRUE Names of the Almighty in the bible” see https://www.eti-ministries.org/creators-name-yah-eternally-self-existing/abstract This is a very comprehensive analysis of the Name of Yah in the Hebrew texts of the Old Testament and discussion of related issues. I strongly recommend that you read this if you are serious about serving the Almighty.
- Corrupting True Belief
Over the years I have come to deeply understand how these wrong beliefs have corrupted true belief and true relationship with the Almighty Creator and have written much more about these topics.These wrong translations are also major contributors to the mistaken beliefs relating to the falsely alleged deity of Yahooshua {Jesus}
- IF you Love Yah call Him by His True Name
I have also heard Father Yah say “IF you love me call me by my true Name” i.e. Yah.
- Yah is ANGRY over wrong names
I have ALSO heard Father say that He is ANGRY with all those Believers who still call Him Lord or God or call Yahooshua Jesus.In fact, between January 2001 and May 2003 Father Yah progressively withdrew all Grace for these sins so people who today still use these wrong names are cursed!
IF you are serious about your relationship with the Almighty Creator I urge you to repent of using the wrong names and immediately start to use the correct names “Yah”, “Yah the Eternally Self-Existing”, “The Almighty” and “Yahooshua”.
Dr James A Robertson
Emissary and Spokesman of Yah
End Time Issue Ministries
05 December 2020 revised 17 December 2020
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