2020.12.04 Mother Nature is a meaningless false pseudonym for Yah and CANNOT Save you! Created by James on 12/19/2020 4:13:20 PM It is pointed out that “Mother Nature” apparently has all the attributes of the Creator such that it is seemingly a pseudonym for the Almighty Creator however it is noted that belief in Mother Nature will NOT lead to Salvation and Eternity in Heaven
2020.12.04 Mother Nature is a meaningless false pseudonym for Yah and CANNOT Save you!
It is pointed out that “Mother Nature” apparently has all the attributes of the Creator such that it is seemingly a pseudonym for the Almighty Creator however it is noted that belief in Mother Nature will NOT lead to Salvation and Eternity in Heaven
- Mother Nature seems to be the Creator
“Mother Nature” is a widely used term to explain where this Universe, Planet, plants and animals come from. The way it is languaged Mother Nature has always been here and is highly creative and, by implication, highly intelligent and directs affairs on Earth. If one looks critically at this definition it is actually a statement of the attributes of the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, Yah the Eternally Self-Existing.
So, one could argue that “Mother Nature” is a pseudonym for Yah.
- Mother Nature is a false Satanic construct to mislead people away from the Creator
However, this is FALSE.Mother Nature does NOT exist, it is a fabrication of the Satanic and Demonic Realm to circumvent the inconvenient truth of the reality of the Creator in order to seduce the vast majority of human beings into following Satan.
Mother Nature is another meaningless Satanic term like “The LORD”, “God”, “Jesus”, etc – you will get into serious trouble with Father Yah IF you subscribe to this false belief.
- Mother Nature CANNOT save anyone and CANNOT give entry to Heaven
Belief in Mother Nature CANNOT SAVE anyone.
Belief in Mother Nature will NOT give you entry to Heaven, NO MATTER how deeply you believe in her!
- To qualify to enter Heaven you MUST have a DEEP belief in the Almighty Creator
IF you want to spend Eternity in Heaven you MUST believe in Yah the Eternally Self-Existing ONLY and worship and serve Him ONLY!
This needs to be at a deep settled level of certainty that He does exist and DOES want you to be in relationship with Him – see https://www.eti-ministries.org/critical-elements-of-becoming-a-friend
IF you have ANY desire for a positive and pleasant outcome to your life, you need to CEASE honouring and / or worshipping and / or believing in Mother Nature and turn your attention to serving Yah ALONE!
Dr James A Robertson
Emissary and Spokesman of Yah
End Time Issue Ministries
05 December 2020

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