2020.12.05 Yah did NOT Cease Speaking 2,000 years ago! There is NO “Canon of Scripture”! Created by James on 12/19/2020 4:15:25 PM This article examines the concept of a “Canon of Scripture” a collection of writings that is supposedly the definitive collection of writings from the Almighty for all time and debunks the myth pointing out how absurd the concept is. Some useful modern writings are listed and also an analysis of the periods in history covered by the Bible.
2020.12.05 Yah did NOT Cease Speaking 2,000 years ago! There is NO “Canon of Scripture”!
This article examines the concept of a “Canon of Scripture” a collection of writings that is supposedly the definitive collection of writings from the Almighty for all time and debunks the myth pointing out how absurd the concept is. Some useful modern writings are listed and also an analysis of the periods in history covered by the Bible.
- The Canon of Scripture
Those who believe that the Bible is “the inspired Word of God” generally believe in what they term “The Canon of Scripture” – following are a few definitions:
- “A biblical canon or canon of scripture is a set of texts (or "books") which a particular Jewish or Christian religious community regards as authoritative scripture -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biblical_canon
- “The canon of Scripture gives us confidence that the Bible we study today is truly the inspired and complete Word of God. It is the “rule of faith” -- https://e360bible.org/blog/a-basic-explanation-of-the-canon-of-scripture/
- “The biblical canon is the scriptural books that God has given his people, distinguished by divine qualities, church reception, and apostolic connection -- https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/essay/the-biblical-canon/
This article seeks to debunk this lie.
- The Canon of Scripture limits Yah
Fundamentally the so-called Canon of Scripture as defined above limits the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth whose TRUE Name is “Yah the Eternally Self-Existing” to 66 so-called books most of which are composed of fragments of texts and are not even structured well written treatises.There is NOT even agreement on what constitutes the Canon – the Protestants, Catholics, Greek Orthodox, etc do NOT agree on all items to include and exclude.
This amounts to about 1,200 A5 size pages in fairly small print in the typical English Protestant Bible.
The concept of the Canon asserts that in all of the over six thousand years of human history the Almighty has ONLY seen fit to speak to a very select group of people and then only for very limited extent and then has CEASED SPEAKING!
- There WAS some miraculous intervention when the Bible was compiled
It is important to recognize that at the time the Bible was compiled in around the 5th century the Satanic and Demonic realm HAD gone to great lengths to destroy as many historical records relating to belief in the Creator and the relationships of human kind with Him as they could.So there WAS a degree of miraculous intervention by the Creator with regard to assembling the texts.That simply means the Almighty Creator helped some people to assemble some fragments of texts to compile what became the Bible.That is ALL.
- Ludicrous in the Extreme – turns people OFF Belief
As one who once believed in the Canon of Scripture I have to say toyou that if you stop andthink about it, the Canon of Scripture is ludicrous in the extreme.
The Almighty Creator, who is BIGGER than the entire Universe, who went to HUGE effort over millions of years to create this planet and human beings so that we might have a relationship with Him then limited Himself to speaking very occasionally to a select few people in very limited extent over a few thousand years and then CEASED TO SPEAK!
This belief in the Canon also underpins the belief that the Bible is in some way miraculous and is “The Inerrant Word of God” and other similarly foolish beliefs.
This lie has led to otherwise sensible believers doing really foolish things like hearing from the Almighty and then NOT valuing what He says to them because “this is NOT Scripture”.
- Context – 9,000 pages in about 20 years
Let me put this in context.I came to committed belief in March 1993 when the Almighty spoke to me audibly in a locked room.Because He spoke to me then it never occurred to me that He would NOT speak to me again and so He HAS continued to speak to me for the last 27 and a half years.
By around 1998 I came to realize there was a lot of error in the church and started to realize I was hearing the Almighty on matters that were NOT known in the church or, if known, were NOT widely communicated.As a consequence I started to write and in 2000 I started to publish on an email list.In around 2010 I started the present website and in 2014 added considerable content.
In 2018 I started to compile most of what I had written into a series of books and in June 2019 I published a set of fifteen books amounting to around 9,000 A5 pages.In other words, the equivalent of about six or seven Bibles.
Most of that writing was written under some level of Anointing and with some level of Inspiration, varying from item to item.Father has said to me that this is the most comprehensive documentation about Him and His ways that has ever been compiled and it is FAR from complete.I continue to write and have written a significant number of articles subsequent to publishing the books.
My point?
If I as ONE individual, with limited experience of the matters of the Almighty could write 9,000 pages, how then is it that in over 6,000 years the Almighty has only “dictated” (because that is what “Scripture” means) about 1.200 pages?
- This fuels unbelief
It is palpably absurd and it is a huge reason why intelligent people do NOT believe – because the doctrines and beliefs that are espoused by well meaning but naive and unquestioning Believers are utterly foolish and make Yah look foolish.So they conclude that the Almighty is NOT real!
- The history covered in the Bible
Let us consider the extent of the Bible:
- Creation to about 1,500 years – the Flood – a few chapters
- After the flood to Abraham, about 500 years after the flood – a few chapters
- From Abraham to Moshe {Moses} about another 500 years also a few chapters
- Then from Moshe to the Babylonian exile about another 400 years, quite a bit of detail
- From the exile to Babylon to Yahooshua, about 600 years, NOT a lot of information
- Then Yahooshua and immediately after Yahooshua -- a few decades – the so-called New Testament.
- Next nearly 2,000 years NOTHING!?
That is IT and THAT is the SUM TOTAL of what the Almighty Creator has put in writing in 6,000 years?
That is clearly absurd!
Then, on top of this other historical books that potentially cast some light on the above periods are disregarded.They may be LESS accurate and less authoritative but they are unlikely to be 100% in error so they are potentially useful sources of additional information.
- Modern books
Ignoring older books, there are hundreds of thousands of religious books that have been written in the last few millennia.
InterVarsity Press suggests that thousands of Christian books are printed a year – see http://behindthebooks.ivpress.com/2007/05/how_many_new_christian_books_a.php
This is not to mention large numbers of Muslim books and large numbers of Jewish books and then there are all sorts of other religions where there is at least SOME revelation of the Almighty.
Some of these books are absolute nonsense but most of them have some grain of truth and there are undoubtedly tens of thousands of books on the planet today with a moderate level of inspiration!
Referring to the “Important Information” page on my website I list a few books that have had a particular impact on me albeit they allhave some level of error:
“I suggest these three "Bible" translations taking full account of what I have written about the Bible see https://www.eti-ministries.org/the-bible -- read them as history books in order to get a better understanding of some of those who walked closer to the Almighty than most over a period of four thousand years -- that is ALL the bible is, a reasonably reliable history book, written by human beings and containing errors, including errors with regard to the interpretation of events and situations and tied up with a huge diversity of flawed folklore and fable, but a useful history book nonetheless. There are some passages that contain inspired wisdom, such as much of Proverbs.
There are many other books that I have read which have had an impact but these are the ones that stand out for me at time of writing.
In ALL the above there is error regarding the truths of the Almighty at some level and in this regard I refer you to the webpage on "Seek Truth NOT Error" -- read these books and look for the truth that they contain and discard the error -- pray to Father Yah to guide you in this
See also the set of 15 pdf books of my own writings from 1998 to 2019 of which Father says “These are the most comprehensive discussion of Me and My ways that has ever been compiled” see https://www.eti-ministries.org/compilation-of-most-writings
The “Canon of Scripture”, the “Bible is the Word of God” and the concept of “Scripture” as generally applied are false, misleading and, in fact, extreme foolishness that makes it very difficult for people to believe in the Almighty, and in fact make Him look foolish and unreal.
The Almighty desires a DEEP personal relationship with YOU, see https://www.eti-ministries.org/-video-why-seek-relationship-most-important- and related pages on the website. He does NOT want you to have a deep relationship with a Book!
If you are currently spending time in Bible Study, Bible School, Bible whatever, I have to say to you that you are largely wasting your time, get on your knees, fast and pray and seek a DEEP PERSONAL RELAITONSHIP with the Almighty Creator, see https://www.eti-ministries.org/critical-elements-of-becoming-a-friend and https://www.eti-ministries.org/how-to-become-an-anointed-onem amongst other relevant pages on the Website.
See also https://www.eti-ministries.org/seven-components-of-drawing-close for guidance on drawing close to the Almighty.
Dr James A Robertson
Emissary and Spokesman of Yah
End Time Issue Ministries
05 December 2020

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