2020.12.09 Good is insufficient – relationship with the Creator is what counts Created by James on 1/9/2021 12:47:04 PM About five years ago I had dinner with a Professor who had had a profound impact on my professional career. The conversation turned to the mutual friend who had introduced us and who also led me back to Father. The Professor, who I deeply esteem, made the comment that as far as he was concerned religion was of no consequence what mattered was “being good”. I instantly knew he was mistaken but did not know how to answer him.
2020.12.09 Good is insufficient – relationship with the Creator is what counts
About five years ago I had dinner with a Professor who had had a profound impact on my professional career. The conversation turned to the mutual friend who had introduced us and who also led me back to Father. The Professor, who I deeply esteem, made the comment that as far as he was concerned religion was of no consequence what mattered was “being good”. I instantly knew he was mistaken but did not know how to answer him.
Today, I know with complete certainty that good is NOT enough, it is NOT even relevant, it is RELATIONSHIP with the Creator that is the only thing that matters!
There are billions of “Good” people on Earth today and yet on 25 December 2015 there were approximately 2,705,021 committed believers with some level of relationship with the Creator on Earth and that number has declined since then. And quite a few of those people would NOT be classed as “good” by many “good” people!
The fact is that of the 2,705,201 on 25 December 2015 very few had any sort of meaningful relationship with the Creator.
This is tragic given that the ONLY reason humankind, this planet and this Universe exist is to be Friends with the Creator.
So, if you are living a “good” life seeking to be a “good” person I have to tell you that is NOT sufficient, in fact on its own it is worthless! What really matters is that you have a DEEP personal relationship with the Creator, THEN it will help for you to be a “good” person.
I encourage you to NOW step out and start to earnestly seek a DEEP Personal Relationship with the Creator, see https://www.ETIMin.org/creator-desires-relationship and https://www.ETIMin.org/seven-components-of-drawing-close and put this into practice.
If you need any guidance please do not hesitate to contact me 😊
Warm regards and blessings
Dr James A Robertson
Emissary and Spokesman of Yah
End Time Issue Ministries
26 December 2020

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