2021.02.01 WHY are we HERE? Created by James on 2/6/2021 12:45:03 PM A question that it seems most people do not ask and therefore do not answer is “WHY are we HERE?” – Why do humans exist? Why does this planet exist? Etcetera.
2021.02.01 WHY are we HERE?
A question that it seems most people do not ask and therefore do not answer is “WHY are we HERE?” – Why do humans exist? Why does this planet exist? Etcetera.
Following are some key points:
- To be Friends of the Creator
Fundamentally the Almighty Creator, whose true Name is Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, created this Universe, this Solar System, this Planet, Plants, Animals and us Human beings for ONE reason, He was LONELY and wanted Friends to fellowship with.If you are NOT making a real effort to know Him and become His Friend you will be bitterly disappointed when you die – see https://www.eti-ministries.org/creator-desires-friends https://www.eti-ministries.org/good-insufficient-relationship-is-what-counts and https://www.eti-ministries.org/critical-elements-of-becoming-a-friend
- To enjoy His Creation WITH Him
Father is pleased with the fundamentals of His Creation, which He created for us to enjoy WITH Him, so He wants us to enjoy every facet of the Creation, the Astronomy, the Plants, the Animals, the scenery, the different foods, etc.He desires for us to thoroughly enjoy it all and SHARE with Him in doing this.Most people enjoy these things but very few people actually INCLUDE Him in their enjoyment.
- To discover, invent, build, construct, experiment WITH Him
He desires for us to design, invent, build, construct, experiment – use everything that He created to learn and grow WITH Him.He is creative and He enjoys it when we are creative and involve Him in our Creativity.We are intensely creative but very few people actually INCLUDE Father in their experimentation and creative endeavors.
- To fight the battle in the Spirit Realm FOR Him
Father has delegated ALL authority on Earth to Humans, Sons and Daughters of Adam.So, to fight the war against the spiritual forces of wickedness on Earth, the Satanic Messengers {Angels} and Demons (Ancestor Spirits -- deceased Human Beings) He has chosen to limit Himself to operate through us!He needs us to set the Earth free of Satan’s influence and pave the way for Yahooshua {incorrectly called Jesus by many} to return in victory at the end of the Millennium, which is around May 3003, roughly 982 years from now.Virtually NO ONE understands this let alone is doing anything about it – see https://www.eti-ministries.org/yahooshua-not-soon-about-3003
- To Pray HIS Will on Earth
An essential extension of the previous point is that the Almighty needs us to KNOW His Will on Earth AND to PRAY that Will into existence.Again, almost no one understands this let alone does anything about it.
I hope this has caused you to think differently about your existence on Earth and has challenged YOU to seek to become a Friend of the Almighty Creator.
Dr James Robertson
Emissary and Spokesman of Yah
End Time Issue Ministries
30 January 2021

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