2021.04.05 The Essence of my message concerning Yahooshua {Jesus} Created by James on 4/24/2021 11:55:09 AM I have written many articles relating to Yahooshua {incorrectly called Jesus}. This article seeks to distill the essence of my message. See https://www.eti-ministries.org/yahooshua and child pages for detailed discussion. The key points are as follows:
2021.04.05 The Essence of my message concerning Yahooshua {Jesus}
I have written many articles relating to Yahooshua {incorrectly called Jesus}. This article seeks to distill the essence of my message. See https://www.eti-ministries.org/yahooshua and child pages for detailed discussion. The key points are as follows:
- Yahooshua NOT Jesus
His name was and is “Yahooshua” meaning “Yah is Salvation” – “Yah” is the true Name of the Almighty Creator “Yah the Eternally Self-Existing” – see https://www.eti-ministries.org/creators-name-yah-eternally-self-existing and child pages.
Yahooshua was a common Hebrew name, translated “Joshua” in the so-called Old Testament.
“Jesus” is a blasphemous Greek name that means “blessed of Zeus” – “Zeus” is a pagan, that is Satanic god and it is an insult to call Yahooshua “Jesus” – see https://www.eti-ministries.org/-yahooshua-not-jesus
Yah extended Grace for the use of Jesus up to 2003 but this was withdrawn at that point and there is now a curse associated with the name and a Demonic Mastermind.
- Most Powerful CREATED Being Because of Sinless Life and Death
Yahooshua is the MOST POWERFUL CREATED BEING in the Universe because he lived his entire life and died without sin and was therefore instantly resurrected.The ONLY Human Being to ever live their ENTIRE life without sinning, even when he died a terrible death.As a consequence Yahooshua is:
- Seated at the Right Hand of the Father WAITING for us to make his enemies his footstool. Yahooshua will ONLY return at the end of the Millennium, around May 3003, 982 years from now IF there is at least ONE Human Being in right standing and free of sin to call for his return AND if at least at some level the forces of darkness have been defeated.
- King of ALL Human Kings and Lord of ALL Human Lords, Yah is King of Yahooshua and Lord of Yahooshua. Yahooshua gives us authority over the Satanic and Demonic Realm but WE must exercise that authority in His Name.
- Our Advocate who pleads for Mercy for Believers, particularly young Believers, in the Court of Heaven. The Satanic and Demonic Realm are the Prosecutors. Father Yah is the Judge.
- Our High Priest who intercedes on our behalf with Father.
- His Body and Blood provided the Atoning Sacrifice for our sin IF we confess and repent and take the Bread and Wine as he instructed.
- Yahooshua has a spectacularly glorious resurrected body and is massively powerful. He can manifest in human form and also in the glorious form that goes with his position with Yah. He is able to engage in multiple conversations simultaneously, watch multiple situations simultaneously and manifest in multiple locations with multiple people simultaneously. He has other powers.
- First Spirit Created
When the Almighty started His Creation project his FIRST act was to create a Spirit Being to assist Him.That Spirit Being eventually became the man we know as Yahooshua.He served alongside the Almighty in an Executive (as in Chief Operating Officer) position assisting with the Creative process throughout the Creation.He was therefore highly knowledgeable of Satan’s ways when he came to Earth.
- Born of a Virgin
He was born of a pure (as in free of sin) Virgin by a creative miracle within an ovum in the Fallopian Tubes of Mirriam {Mary} and was therefore free of blood-line curses and Demons.Note that he IS a created being.He is NOT divine, there is NO trinity, he is NOT Yah in the flesh.Yah did NOT have sex with Mirriam.
- Filled with the Spirit of Yah
When Yahooshua was immersed by Yahoochanan (Yah has Graced) {John} Yahooshua was filled with the Set-Apart {Holy} Spirit of the Almighty.It was the Almighty in and through Yahooshua that performed miracles and prophesied and NOT Yahooshua.
- Death was Carefully Planned and Orchestrated
Yahooshua’s death on a stake at the hill Golgotha (Skull Hill) outside Jerusalem was planned over a thousand years earlier by Yah and Yahooshua and was carefully orchestrated so that his blood fell on the Mercy Seat of the Ark of the Covenant.
So Yahooshua came to Earth knowing exactly how, where and when he was to die.He then spent three and a half years provoking and antagonizing the High Priests, Scribes and Pharisees to come to a point where they would call for his death.See https://www.eti-ministries.org/miracle-of-yahooshua-jesus-death for a detailed discussion.
- Time in India, Tibet and Persia
At the age of 14 Yahooshua left Israel and travelled to India, Tibet and Persia where he taught and was taught.Specifically he learned spiritual principles that had been lost in Israel – see video at https://www.eti-ministries.org/important-videos-to-watch towards the bottom of the list.
- A Hebrew and Jew, Old Testament Emissary
Yahooshua was and is a Hebrew and a Jew.All that he carried out was under the covenant of Moses, the so-called “Old Covenant”, the “New Covenant” through Yahooshua only came into effect the moment Yahooshua died and his blood fell on the Mercy Seat of the Ark of the Covenant.
Yahooshua was therefore an “Old Testament” Emissary and Spokesman {Apostle and Prophet}
I hope that this gives you a clear understanding of who Yahooshua is and what he accomplished.
Dr James A Robertson
Emissary and Spokesman of Yah
End Time Issue Ministries
Saturday 17th April 2021 – Updated 24th April 2021

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