2021.05.01 The Essence of my Message Regarding the Almighty Creator Created by James on 5/8/2021 2:14:36 PM This article seeks to summarize the most important information about the Almighty Creator which every person should know
2021.05.01 The Essence of my Message Regarding the Almighty Creator
This article seeks to summarize the most important information about the Almighty Creator which every person should know:
- He has always existed
The Almighty Creator has always existed – his True Name is “Yah the Eternally Self-Existing” – NOT “The LORD”, NOT “Adonai”, NOT “God”, NOT “G_d”, NOT “Hashem”.Allah translates accurately as “The Almighty” which IS an accurate designation although He prefers to be called “Yah”.
- We exist because He was lonely
At the start of Creation, Yah was lonely and wanted Friends so He set about Creating an intelligent being with the ability to make choices, reason and engage in rational conversation – we are the end product.He wants each and every human alive today to become His Friend but almost no one knows this.
- Life on Earth is a Training and Testing Ground for Rank in Heaven
Life on Earth is a Training and Testing Ground for Rank in Heaven – depending on the level of your relationship with the Creator at the time of your death you will be rewarded for Eternity ranging from a High Throne in Heaven to rejected as a Demon on Earth destined for the Lake of Fire and Brimstone – see https://www.eti-ministries.org/demographics-of-kingdom
- Creation took place in an Evolutionary manner
Creation took place in an experimental, iterative, that is “evolutionary” process of progressive refinement to achieve the desired outcome.So there are many planets suitable for life in some form – see https://www.eti-ministries.org/our-world-today-history
- Satan developed pride and Rebelled
During the process the Spirit being (Messenger / Angel) we know today as “Satan” developed a manufacturing defect “pride” and rebelled.This lead to “The Contest” in terms of which Satan is seeking to corrupt human kind completely while the Almighty is seeking to keep us true to Himself – currently Satan is winning – see https://www.eti-ministries.org/real-contest
- Yah is Chesed – that is Covenant Love
Yah is Chesed, that is “Covenant Love” and He expects that of us so “love your enemies as yourself, do good to them that hate you and pray for those who despitefully use you” are fundamental principles.He does NOT want us killing other people and committing suicide bombing atrocities to earn His approval.
- Heaven is a place of Great Beauty, Peace and Love
Heaven is a place of Great Beauty, Peace and Love for those who qualify to go there, see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9BkY9vEIZs and other videos cited at https://www.eti-ministries.org/important-videos-to-watch
- Yahooshua {
Jesus} is the First and Most Powerful Created Being
The man incorrectly called “Jesus”, true name “Yahooshua” is the first Created Being who came to Earth as a man, born of a Virgin, lived a life free of sin and died a terrible death.This qualified him to become King of all human Kings, Lord of all human Lords, High Priest, Advocate and offering for sin.He is seated at the Right hand of the Almighty waiting for his enemies to be made his footstool.If this happens he will return to rule on Earth in around 3003, about 982 years from now.
I hope this gives you a clear view of who the Almighty Creator is and why you are here.
Dr James A Robertson
End Time Issue Ministries
08 May 2021

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