2021.06.05 The Essence of my Message regarding the Commandments Created by James on 6/20/2021 4:59:40 PM There is a lot of confusion regarding sin and the Commandments including a lot of debate in the USA at present which is relevant to this discussion.
The Commandments are discussed in some detail on the Website but I want to summarize them now and highlight some little understood ramifications associated with breaking them including the essential definition of Sin. It is important to understand that the Satanic and Demonic Realm have corrupted things to such an extent that most Believers are breaking MOST of the Commandments. It is also important to recognize that in the extreme case breaking any one of the Commandments carries a death penalty. Torment in Hell if unrepented is axiomatic for every Believer who at some level believes in the reality of the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth whose TRUE Name is Yah the Eternally Self-Existing.
2021.06.05 The Essence of my Message regarding the Commandments
There is a lot of confusion regarding sin and the Commandments including a lot of debate in the USA at present which is relevant to this discussion.
The Commandments are discussed in some detail on the Website but I want to summarize them now and highlight some little understood ramifications associated with breaking them including the essential definition of Sin. It is important to understand that the Satanic and Demonic Realm have corrupted things to such an extent that most Believers are breaking MOST of the Commandments. It is also important to recognize that in the extreme case breaking any one of the Commandments carries a death penalty. Torment in Hell if unrepented is axiomatic for every Believer who at some level believes in the reality of the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth whose TRUE Name is Yah the Eternally Self-Existing.
- Correct Interpretation of the Commandments
The Correct interpretation of the Commandments is as follows:
- The Great Commandment – Love Yah with ALL your heart, mind, soul and strength
The Great Commandment is “Love Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, your Mighty One with ALL your heart, with ALL your mind, with ALL your soul and with ALL your strength”.If you are NOT doing this you are not really on the playing field.
Note that IF you do NOT believe the Almighty Creator, Yah, exists then you are an unbeliever and nothing in this article applies to you, you are a servant of Satan and the agenda of Satan is to break ALL of the Commandments.As an unbeliever you will NOT be judged, you will NOT face Hell, you will simply die and your spirit will continue to exist alongside your corpse which, frankly, is a horrible way to spend eternity.This is discussed in more detail elsewhere on the website – see https://www.ETIMin.org/where-are-you-going
The Ten Commandments given on the Mountain in Sinai are the essence of loving Yah and complying with His Commandments, see below:
- Yah is ONE, do NOT worship others
The first of the Ten Commandments is “Yah the Eternally Self-Existing your Mighty One is ONE Mighty One, you shall have NO other Mighty Ones apart from Him.”
So NOT worshipping Jesus or Yahooshua or the Messiah or Mohammed or the Emperor or the Queen or the President or whatever other person.Note that Yahooshua {Jesus} IS a Mighty One (aka a god), he is NOT THE Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth.There is much further discussion on the website -- see https://www.ETIMin.org/commandments/chesed-love-the-almighty/yah-is-one, https://www.ETIMin.org/essence-of-message-re-yahooshua-jesus and https://www.ETIMin.org/yahooshua
- Do NOT Worship Idols
This relates to NOT worshipping the Bible (the Bible is NOT the Word of God), NOT worshipping the Quran, etc.Includes worshipping your wife or husband or your car or your house or your business, etc.We are Commanded to ONLY worship the Almighty Creator whose true Name is Yah the Eternally Self-Existing.Also excludes worshipping the Cross, wearing Crucifixes, adorning buildings with Crucifixes or crosses, etc – see https://www.ETIMin.org/commandments/chesed-love-the-almighty/no-idols
- Do NOT take the Name of Yah in Vain
The true Name of the Almighty Creator is “Yah the Eternally Self-Existing” or, strictly speaking, “Yah”.Calling Him “The LORD” or “God” or similar is taking His Name in vain.www.Yahoo.com is a blasphemous name that results in Yah’s name being taken in vain – if you have a Yahoo email address get rid of it. Calling Yahooshua “Jesus” is also taking Yah’s Name in vain. The Afrikaans word for Yes, “Ja” and the German “Jawohl” and similar break this Commandment – see https://www.ETIMin.org/commandments/chesed-love-the-almighty/name-yah-not-in-vain
To understand more about the Name of Yah see https://www.ETIMin.org/yah-7-000-times-in-the-bible-why-not-used and https://www.ETIMin.org/creators-name-yah-eternally-self-existing
- Keep the Sabbaths
This relates to keeping the TRUE Sabbath, that is the LAST day of the week, that is Saturday, from sunrise Saturday to sunrise Sunday.Observing Sunday as a Sabbath and working on Saturday is breaking this Commandment.Observing sunset Friday to sunset Saturday and working Saturday night is breaking this Commandment.
Failing to observe the High Sabbaths of Pesach (Passover), Shavuot (Pentecost), Yom Teruah (Day of Trumpets), Yom Kippur(Day of Atonement), First day of the Feast of Sukkot (First Day of the Feast of Tabernacles) and the Last or Great day of Sukkot (the Feast of Tabernacles) also violates this Commandment – see https://www.ETIMin.org/commandments/chesed-love-the-almighty/keep-sabbaths
- Honour your Parents
This means that you respect your parents and treat them with respect and nurture and care for them in their old age.In particular this means that you do NOT deposit them in an Old Age Home / Frail Care Centre, or similar butyou keep them in the bosom of your family and care for them in whatever way is required and constantly show them love and respect.Note that IF you curse your mother or your father you WILL bring a death penalty on yourself.See https://www.ETIMin.org/commandments/chesed-love-your-neighbor/honor-parents
- No Murder
This is particularly contentious.Life begins in the sight of the Creator at the INSTANT of fertilization.At that moment a Spirit is allocated and a human being comes into existence.So any contraceptive that prevents the embryo being implanted or which cause the embryo to be rejected by the womb is MURDER.The person who installed the Intra Uterine Device is complicit in the murder just as is the person who designed it, the person who sold it the person who assembled it, etc.The man is equally complicit with the woman.
Abortion is clear cut murder and, as above, the people who legislated it, the people who deliver the service, including those in administration and support services as well as those who actually perform the abortion and those who benefit from the exploitation of the remains of the aborted children are ALL judged as violating this Commandment which carries a death sentence and torment in Hell for Believers – see https://www.ETIMin.org/commandments/chesed-love-your-neighbor/no-murder
If you are NOT particularly spiritually inclined and the above does not impact you much I suggest that you visit https://www.priestsforlife.org/images/abortion-images-galleries.aspx and search on Google for “graphic pictures of aborted children” and similar, the images of shredded live human beings are truly shocking!
- No Adultery
Adultery is sexual intercourse between males – either directly or by two men having intercourse with the same woman whether concurrently or sequentially.So usual social behaviour in most societies where men and women have sexual intercourse, terminate their relationships and move on to new partners is Adultery.Legal marriage where the woman has had a previous sexual partner is also adultery.Sex with a woman who gave her virginity to another man is adultery UNLESS there were legitimate grounds for divorce AND the appropriate prayers have been prayed.Sexual intercourse with a virgin is THE Act of Marriage as is sexual intercourse with a widow or truly divorced woman – see https://www.ETIMin.org/commandments/chesed-love-your-neighbor/no-adultery
See also https://www.ETIMin.org/men-women/men-and-women-and-family/separation-of-man-and-woman re cutting ties in a valid manner and also https://www.ETIMin.org/virgins-covenant-lost re the sanctity of virginity.
- No Stealing
Direct theft, any form of fraud, fraudulent or misleading advertising, sales misrepresentation, Pastors, Priests, Rabbis, Imams, etc who are teaching lies and pressing their followers to give to them on the pretext they are teaching truth, etc.People who repent of stealing but do not make restitution or return what they have stolen, etc.See https://www.ETIMin.org/commandments/chesed-love-your-neighbor/no-stealing
- No False Witness or Lying
Includes false teachings by religious leaders (applies to just about every religious leader on the planet), lies by politicians, misrepresentation in sales and advertising, etc.Important to realize that the end judgment for lying is also a death penalty – see https://www.ETIMin.org/commandments/chesed-love-your-neighbor/no-false-witness-or-lying
- No Coveting or Lusting
Includes coveting or lusting after men or women or cars or houses or businesses, etc.Coveting is an INTENSE desire for something, “burning with lust” – see https://www.ETIMin.org/commandments/chesed-love-your-neighbor/no-coveting-or-lusting
- Sin is breaking the Commandments and carries a death penalty
The fundamental definition of sin is breaking of one or more of the above Commandments and ultimately this results in a death penalty which will result in premature death for a Believer who fails to confess, repent and turn around.
- The price for unrepented sin is torment in Hell
For Believers, after death breaking the Commandments and failing to repent and turn around before death will result in torment in Hell after death before entering Heaven – see https://www.ETIMin.org/hell
- Abortion – the Commandment that is being overthrown most violently
The most flagrant violation of the Commandments in many societies is Abortion, both through the use of abortive contraceptives such as Intra-Uterine Devices, abortive medication and outright surgical Abortion coupled with legislation that permits this form of murder and effectively encourages it.
- The sin of those who legislate violation of the Commandments
An extension of the previous point is that those who legislate to permit abortion are partakers in the sin, the blood is on their hands.This applies equally to those who have legislated that the Sabbath is Sunday and NOT Saturday and to ANY other law or policy that permits or enforces breaking of any of the above Commandments.Where these people are Believers they also bring a death penalty onthemselves and will be tormented in Hell after death before entering Heaven.
When I say “death penalty” I am referring to premature death, debilitating illness, accidents, etc that terminate life before appointed term.
- Legislating against the Death Penalty for Murder
Note that Genesis 9:6 states “Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of Yah made He man.” Legislating against the Death Penalty for murder or opposing the Death Penalty for murder breaks this Commandment and will also be associated with a death penalty and torment in Hell.
- Taking the Covenant Meal while actively violating a Commandment
The Covenant Meal, also known as “Communion” or “The Eucharist” is a rehearsal of the terms ofYahooshua’s Covenant in terms of which by repenting of sin a Believer can correct for sins they have committed.Hebrews 6:6 states “If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of Yah afresh, and put him to an open shame.”In other words, if a person takes the Covenant Meal while knowingly and actively breaking one or more of the Commandments they will ultimately be rejected from entering Heaven and will face torment in Hell.This is particularly relevant to legislators, politicians and others who actively promote abortion or abolition of the death penalty for murder.
- Administering the Covenant Meal to one who is knowingly and actively violating a Commandment
An extension of the previous point.If a Pastor, Priest or other person who administers the Covenant Meal / Communion / Holy Eucharist administers it to someone while KNOWING that the person concerned is violating one or more of the Commandments then the blood of that person will be ON THE HANDS of the person ministering the Sacrament and THEY will ALSO face torment in Hell and may ultimately be rejected from entering Heaven.
- The Mark of the Beast
There is a lot of hysteria and hype about microchips being “The Mark of the Beast”.This is false, the Mark of the Beast is in the right hand, and in the forehead – so it is in our thoughts and in what we write and covenant (shake hands on).The mark has to be available to very single human being on the planet simultaneously AND it has to be a spiritual mark the ABSENCE of which prevents a human being from buying or selling.
The Almighty Creator says that the Mark of the Beast is violating one or more of the Ten Commandments which applies to just about every human being on the planet today.
IF someone is truly living ABOVE sin and is truly KEEPING all the Commandments set out above scrupulously THEN they are WITHOUT the Mark and the Satanic and Demonic Realm will then do everything possible to prevent them from buying or selling.This nets down to preventing them selling because if they cannot sell they will not have money to buy.To counter this it is vital for the family unit to be in perfect harmony and alignment in which case they will prosper – see https://www.ETIMin.org/anointed-life/anointed-life-part-5/man-and-woman-in-harmony
For more on the Mark of the Beast see https://www.ETIMin.org/commandments/the-mark-of-the-beast
- To live above sin KEEP the Commandments
I would like to suggest for your consideration that it is NOT that difficult to keep the above Commandments and THAT is what is meant by “living above sin”.I encourage you to seek to do this assuming your relationship with the Almighty Creator IS important to you.Note that it is written in 1 John 5:3 “For this is the love of Yah, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous.”IF you TRULY love the Almighty Creator then I CHALLENGEyou to active start keeping ALL the above Commandments noting that getting free of lies is a time consuming process.r
- Taking the Covenant Meal and Repentance
If in reading the above you have realized that you HAVE broken one or more of the above Commandments the resolution of the situation is quite straight forward:
At the first possible opportunity obtain some red grape juice, preferably NOT carbonated, you can use red wine as an alternative but I recommend grape juice.Also obtain some bread, preferably unleavened, some shops sell Jewish Matzos (or you may be able to order on Amazon), or a plain wheat biscuit or, failing that ordinary leavened bread.
Find yourself a quiet place and pray along the lines of:
“Father, I come to you in the name of Yahooshua and I recall that on the night that he was betrayed Yahooshua took the bread and broke it and gave it to his followers and said, ‘this is my body given for you, do this as often as you eat it in remembrance of me’.I ask that as I partake of this bread that I partake of ALL that it represents to you” – take the bread, break it and eat it soberly and thoughtfully considering all your sins and wrong doing.
Then take a cup / chalice / glass of the red grape juice or red wine and pray “Father, I recall that after supper Yahooshua took the cup and gave it to those who followed him and said ‘this is my blood shed for you and for many for forgiveness of sin, do this as often as you drink it in remembrance of me’. I ask that as I partake of this cup that I partake of ALL that it represents to you and, in particular I ask that you forgive me ALL my sins -- all that I have done that I ought NOT to have done and all that I have NOT done that I ought to have done. I ask that where there is sin that I need to deal with specifically that you will bring it to my attention and guide me in dealing with it, I also ask that you will cover me with the blood of the covenant from the top of my head to the soles of my feet and also cover my dwelling and all that I own and have beneficial use of the with the blood of the covenant, I ask this in the name of Yahooshua, Amen”.Drink the grape juice or wine, dip your forefinger in the cup and apply a small amount to the back of your neck, your forehead, your tongue, your eyelids, the lobe of your right ear, the thumb of your right hand and the big toe of your right foot praying as you do so, “Father I ask you to seal my brain with the blood of the covenant, seal my tongue and all that I say, seal my eyes and all that I see, seal my ears and all that I hear, seal my right hand and all that I write and covenant and seal my right foot and guide me everywhere I walk”.
There is much more involved in truly cleaning up one’s life, see the section on Cleaning (Section 4) in the article https://www.ETIMin.org/seven-components-of-drawing-close
To fully understand the Offering (Sacrifice) made by Yahooshua {Jesus} please read the article https://www.ETIMin.org/miracle-of-yahooshua-jesus-death
12. The “Words of Yah” and the “Sword of the Spirit”
Note that the Ten Commandments are referred to in Hebrew as the “Ten Words” – so, in other words, when one refers to the “Word of Yah” {“Word of God”} one is actually referring to the Ten Commandments NOT the Bible.
Note also that where reference is made to “The Sword of the Spirit” this in actual fact relates to the Ten Commandments.
I hope that this article has challenged you to clean up your life and get free of sin. I also hope that it will stimulate you to support your elected representatives and religious leaders to clean up their lives in terms of passing legislation that is congruent and consistent with the Commandments of the Almighty Creator. Note that it is NOT sufficient to simply repent, one must turn around and CEASE doing what is wrong and MAKE RIGHT where it is within ones ability to make right. You are welcome to contact me by email for counsel and support.
Warm regards and blessings,
Dr James A Robertson
Emissary and Spokesman
End Time Issue Ministries
20 June 2021

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