2021.07.05 The Essence of my message concerning a Global Hydraulic and Tectonic Catastrophe (aka Flood) Created by James on 7/31/2021 3:53:40 PM There is global proof of a global catastrophe which is FAR beyond a "Flood".
One of the problems associated with holding the Bible to be complete and inviolate and the "Word of God" is that people then suspend their intellect and critical faculties and take positions that turn unbelievers off of the Almighty Creator, Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, with the result that Yah says that "a huge number of unbelievers do NOT believe because they do NOT believe in ‘the God of the Bible punchers’".
If one assumes that the Earth was as it is today and that it rained for 40 days and 40 nights and submerged the entire planet that is palpably foolish, there clearly is NOT enough water.
2021.07.05 The Essence of my message concerning a Global Hydraulic and Tectonic Catastrophe (aka Flood)
There is global proof of a global catastrophe which is FAR beyond a "Flood".
One of the problems associated with holding the Bible to be complete and inviolate and the "Word of God" is that people then suspend their intellect and critical faculties and take positions that turn unbelievers off of the Almighty Creator, Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, with the result that Yah says that "a huge number of unbelievers do NOT believe because they do NOT believe in ‘the God of the Bible punchers’".
If one assumes that the Earth was as it is today and that it rained for 40 days and 40 nights and submerged the entire planet that is palpably foolish, there clearly is NOT enough water.
To then say "the Bible says it so I believe it" makes a mockery of logic and intellect where an honest answer would be "I cannot comprehend how this could have happened, there is clearly something I do not understand"
I asked Yah a question along these lines many years ago, in time He answered me by putting me in touch with material from Jonathan Gray and Ron Wyatt that evidence that the remains of a large wooden ship that exactly corresponds with the so-called "Ark" or ship of Noah (Nuh) in exactly the location that historical texts indicate have been found.
This material went on to postulate that an ice Comet had hit the Earth, melted, Flooded the Earth, knocked the Earth off its axis, causing massive tectonic (Earth surface form) distortion and finally triggered the release of pent up pressure in the core of the Earth so that the Earth expanded by about 25% allowing the water to drain off the continents
As an Engineer with training in Geology and a PhD in research into the formation of rock like materials and their strength and erosion characteristics I evaluated these assertions and found them to be plausible, in my investigations I discovered that large blocks of ice of the size necessary to Flood the Earth occur widely in the Kuiper Belt at the outer reaches of the Solar System and I found evidence of such a large block of ice striking Mars and leaving a crater that could only be explained by an ice object.

Figure 1 -- Chunk of Ice in the Kuiper Belt
Taking the dimensions of that crater and applying them to Earth I calculated that such an object would Flood the Earth to a depth of several kilometers.
As I observed and investigated further it became clearly apparent that the ONLY way the land forms we know today could be explained was through such an event.
In this investigation I combined extensive geological knowledge which I already had with observations in the field and proved conclusively to my satisfaction that there had been a massive hydraulic and tectonic event.
Taking this investigation further I established that about 90% of the Earth's surface is covered with rocks of sedimentary origin generally to depths of several kilometers, sometimes much more.
The Gold Mines in South Africa have proven reserves to a depth of over five kilometers thrust up by a Granite Dome which extrapolates to a height of at least two kilometers above current ground level indicating a potential depth of water of at least seven kilometers. Oil reserves in the Gulf of Mexico (which are in Sedimentary Rocks) exist at depths up to ten kilometers below sea level.

Figure 2 -- Metamorphosed Gold Bearing Sedimentary Rock Inclined at 30 Degrees at a Depth of 5 km in a South African Gold Mine
There are the remains of approximately 20,000 volcanoes and the continents all fit together into one coherent jigsaw puzzle that fits together perfectly if one reduces the diameter of the Earth by about 25%.

Figure 3 -- Tectonic Plates and over 500 Active Volcanoes Legacy of the Flood
All of this is discussed in detail in the videos on the Proof of Global Flood page on the website at https://www.eti-ministries.org/proof-of-global-flood -- there are videos and PowerPoint slides.
As an engineer it is absolutely clear to me that the massive Earth surface disruptions that are evidenced by the mountains and other land forms around the Earth could ONLY have been formed very rapidly through a massive hydraulic and tectonic "Flood" event in which massive waves swept around the planet eroding and depositing material while at the same time volcanoes, lava flows and granite domes up-welling from the core all dramatically impacted the horizontal sedimentary deposits.
The massive sedimentary rock deposits that cover around 90% of the Earth’s surface clearly evidence hydraulic deposition – consider the Grand Canyon as a classic example.

Figure 4 -- Grand Canyon as an example of Massive Sedimentary Deposits evidencing Global Wave Action
The upthrust massive Igneous Granite Domes all over the planet also point to massive tectonic upheaval and planetary instability.

Figure 5 -- Massive Igneous Granite Domes Upthrust through the Surface of the Earth and Stripped Bare by Water Erosion

Figure 6 -- Core of the Earth Upthrust in Association with Hydraulic Surface Cutting Away
The horizontal erosion surface of the “African Erosion Surface” and other level occurrences also clearly evidence massive wave action.

Figure 7 -- The African Erosion Surface as evidence of Global Tsunami Wave Action
Massive Valley’s all over the world have been carved into the geology formed by the phenomena mentioned above. So we see in the Grand Canyon above, firstly massive hydraulic erosion and deposition, secondly a horizontal surface and thirdly a massive gorge cut into the resulting geology. See the discussion that follows to understand how this was possible.
It is equally apparent that the separation of the continents could ONLY have taken place rapidly with a massive unstable force situation, gradual movement of the scale that is evident could NOT occur slowly over millions of years, it had to happen nearly instantaneously, a few years at most.
This leaves the quandary of where the water went.
The answer is simple, when the Earth was formed it was relatively cool, however, the core of the Earth is a nuclear reactor which keeps the core molten and contributes materially to keeping the Earth warm, as this reactor grew in potency over the centuries before the catastrophe increasing pressure built up but, since the original Earth's surface was uniform, it acted as a pressure vessel
When the comet struck and the disruption of the surface commenced the first evidence of this pent up pressure was the bursting forth of around 20,000 volcanoes, then granite domes forced their way to the surface and subsequently lava flows as indicated in the images above.
However, as the crust continued to weaken and the effect of the Earth being knocked about 30 degrees off its vertical rotation AND into an elliptical orbit of the Sun from a circular orbit this brought massive wrenching forces to bear on the Earth and under these extreme forces the crust cracked and started to split apart thereby enabling the pressure in the crust to be released and the continents to be forced very rapidly apart draining the water off the land extremely rapidly and causing dramatic erosive forms like the Grand Canyon to be formed in a very short space of time.
The continents kept moving with considerable momentum until some of them met up again on the other side of the planet giving rise to massive upheavals resulting in the major mountain ranges, the Alps (Europe), the Andes (South America), Rockies (North America) and the Himalayas (Asia).

Figure 8 -- Continental Separation as a Consequence of Expansion of the Core of the Earth
Massive tears in the ocean floor, most notably the Mariana Trench also resulted.
When the humans, Nuh and his family, stepped out of the ship they found a world that was totally devastated with heavy cloud, volcanic debris in the air, etc -- it took many years for them to build a thriving community and, in the process to use the technology and technological knowledge they brought with them to build a new civilization. Within a few hundred years of the Flood impressive civilizations such as Egypt, etc started springing up. See “The Corpse Came Back!” by Jonathan Gray, available free from http://beforeus.com/ccback.pdf which discusses a detailed hypothesis of the World IMMEDIATELY AFTER the Flood. See also “Dear Men’s Secrets” also by Jonathan Gray available free from http://beforeus.com/dmsa.pdf which discusses 1,000 Archaeological finds that prove that the World before the Flood was highly advanced in terms of technology and Civilization and that the Civilizations, such as Egypt that sprung up immediately after the Flood used these technologies.
There is another element to this picture. Most parameters in the physical world follow an exponential characteristic, the decay of radioactivity ALSO follows such a characteristic.

Figure 9 -- Exponential Decay Curve of Radioactivity
Because the core of the Earth is a nuclear reactor and the molten core is therefore highly radioactive the volcanoes, granite domes and lava flows all brought highly radioactive material to the surface, this had two impacts:
1. The radioactive decay curve after this event was one of exponential decay and therefore ALL dating methods based on radioactive isotopes with assume linear decay over millions of years (current universal practice) are completely false and should be discarded, the entire surface of the Earth dates back to the time of this global catastrophe (about 4,500 years ago) and there is therefore EVERY reason to ACCEPT a hypothesis of the event occurring in recent history.
2. The human beings and animals in the ship, the plant seeds in the waters and soil and the fish and other aquatic life in the waters were ALL subject to substantial doses of radioactivity, more than sufficient to trigger mutation at significant levels and so this explains how all human beings on the planet have evolved from the eight on the ship, how all the animals on the planet have evolved from the pairs on the ship, etc -- thus the core genera were on the ship, the wide diversity of species evolved AFTER the catastrophe.
Thus, apart from the point of departure (Creation versus Random Self Invention) and the time line (thousands versus millions of years), the "Theory of Evolution" is entirely plausible without saying anything about Creation which is discussed elsewhere on the website https://www.eti-ministries.org/
Taking the above into account we are left with the reality that there ARE historical accounts in verifiably very old documents that indicate that this catastrophe took place about 4,500 years ago and that all the ancient civilizations that are now in ruins came into existence within a relatively short space of time after the end of the catastrophe with superior technologies that came from the very advanced technology that existed before the catastrophe, refer the book "Dead Men's Secrets" for more information available free at http://beforeus.com/dmsa.pdf or bound on Amazon at http://www.amazon.co.uk/DEAD-MENS-SECRETS-Tantalising-Hints/dp/1418425559/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1402258730&sr=8-1&keywords=dead+mens+secrets

Figure 10 -- Genealogy of Human Beings from Creation of Adam
The remains of the ship have been found together with the remains of a house and a grave and it turns out that Noah was about 18 feet (6 meters) tall confirming the assertion that human beings were of great stature and intellect when created.

Figure 11 -- Remains of Nuh’s Ship (Ark) exactly where records say it will be

Figure 12-- Location of Noah’s Ship in Eastern Turkey as Reported in Ancient Texts --
This is vital to understanding that we really ARE degrading overall and will continue to degrade over time.
Notice also that the continents were all formed of material deposited under water and therefore super-saturated with the result that the Earth has been steadily drying out for 4,500 years as water drains out of the interstices of the rock. Sea levels have been rising steadily and there are numerous submerged cities.

Figure 13 -- Sea Level Rise as a Consequence of Drying of the Land Mass after the Flood
THIS is the primary explanation for "Global Warming" -- the Sahara Desert was once an inland sea as evidenced by ports and ships in the middle of it.
It is important to note that the historical accounts indicate that the event described above was a consequence of the Almighty Creator, whose true Name is “Yah the Eternally Self-Existing”, bringing Judgment on the Earth for the wickedness of Human Beings. See https://youtu.be/CfDRAiwcj4w for a detailed discussion of this topic. It is vital to understand this in order to understand that there IS a final judgment that is scheduled at the end of this age in around 3003, that is 982 years from date of writing.
Once one understands the above historical facts a lot of things that do NOT really add up fall into place and make belief in the Almighty Creator MUCH easier rather than belief in the "God of the Bible Punchers"
There is also evidence of a major global atomic war around 500 years after the flood event with a number of remains of cities with high levels of radioactivity at various points in the world such that so-called pre-historic ape men are, in fact, humans who mutated following exposure to extremely high levels of radioactivity following this war. See Dead Men’s Secrets.
The evidence of a global catastrophe is all around us IF one is prepared to suspend disbelief and look openly and critically at the world around us.
Once one recognizes that there HAS been a global hydraulic and tectonic catastrophe and that the land forms around the world could ONLY have come into existence through such a dramatic event happening in a short space of time then one is better placed to consider the debate with regard to evolution versus creation.
Firstly, once one recognizes the short time frame coupled to the high levels of radioactivity during and after the hydraulic and tectonic catastrophe it becomes entirely possible to visualize the rapid evolutionary divergence of species in a way that is entirely consistent with the observations of Darwin and others, with the exception that it becomes apparent that these evolutionary forms developed over thousands of years rather than the millions of years previously speculated.
This same mechanism easily explains all the diverse people forms on the Earth today, except that the evolution has NOT been in a positive, improvement direction but in a "devolutionary", that is deteriorating way -- barring a recovery in recent centuries -- see the article on "Reformation masks degradation" https://www.eti-ministries.org/reformation-masks-degradation
If one considers the available information further it is apparent that, whether what exists today came into existence through a process of random selection or a carefully managed creative process, all that exists today in terms of the Universe, our Solar System, our planet Earth and all the plants and animals on the planet have all come into existence over a considerable period where "millions of years" is entirely plausible barring human beings are just over 6,000 years old.
It is important to note that the three sons of Nuh {Noah} gave rise to three distinct spiritual dispensations. Shem, the eldest, followed in the footsteps of his father and worshipped the Almighty – the Shemites became the people of the Middle East including the Arab people, Europe, Russia, and some of Asian India, some Indian peoples in South and North America. The Shemites have for the most part remained true to the Almighty and have accordingly been blessed. The Japhethites were primarily idol worshippers and worshippers of the Emperor, etc and became the people of the Far East, China, Korea, Japan, etc and are highly technically capable. The Hammites were primarily Ancestor (Demon) Worshippers and became the people of Africa and a few other locations.
The seven Demonic Masterminds who rule the Earth in the Spirit Realm in the absence of Satan survived the Flood riding on Ham – see https://www.eti-ministries.org/demonic-masterminds-direct
Please have a look at the Videos at https://www.eti-ministries.org/proof-of-global-flood and give yourself space to think deeply and critically about what is summarized above and presented in detail in those videos and then reassess whether objections to the "God of the Bible Punchers" have gotten in the way of your intellect in accepting the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, see also the page on Evolutionary Creation for more information -- https://www.eti-ministries.org/proof-of-global-flood
Please feel free to email me to discuss this article and for support in drawing close to the Almighty.
Dr James A Robertson
Spokesman and Emissary
End Time Issue Ministries
31 July 2021

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