2021.08.02 The Essence of my message about the Virus and the Vaccines Created by James on 8/14/2021 2:28:28 PM I receive a steady stream of messages including some that claim that the Covid-19 Virus is a hoax or a conspiracy to bring all people into subjection or kill some percentage of humanity and that the Vaccine has similar objectives and Is NOT a vaccine at all. This week I received a message that all people who have received the vaccine will die within ten years.
2021.08.02 The Essence of my message about the Virus and the Vaccines
I receive a steady stream of messages including some that claim that the Covid-19 Virus is a hoax or a conspiracy to bring all people into subjection or kill some percentage of humanity and that the Vaccine has similar objectives and Is NOT a vaccine at all. This week I received a message that all people who have received the vaccine will die within ten years.
Following is my take on this:
- Hear directly from the Creator
IF your REALLY want the truth then actively work to develop a DEEP Personal Relationship with the Almighty Creator where you can Hear Him clearly and go directly to Him for answers – see https://www.eti-ministries.org/seven-components-of-drawing-close for guidance as to HOW you get to t his point.
- Emunah {Faith} Creator will Lead You
Likewise work to develop deep Emunah {Faith} in Him and that He WILL lead you so that you will be protected from ALL evil and guided not to make the wrong choices with regard to vaccines, etc.
- Emunah {Faith} Creator will protect you
Further develop your relationship with Him such that even if you DO make a mistake with regard to the Vaccine it will NOT harm you.
- Power Anointing so YOU can Heal Others
Then develop a Power Anointing soyou can heal people who are taken ill with Covid-19 or any other illness or infirmity – see https://www.eti-ministries.org/challenge-for-you-to-seek-a-power-anointing with regard to developing an infilling of the Spirit of the Creator that will enable you to heal people.
- Teach others to have such a relationship
Then go out there and teach others to have such a relationship such that they too can go out and heal and teach so that ALL illnesses and diseased is defeated WITHOUT medication – see https://www.eti-ministries.org/will-you-initiate-a-revival-with-me regarding going out there and taking the message to others.
- The Virus IS real
And, by the way, I am fully satisfied that Covid-19 IS real and I know of at least eight people closely connected to me who have died of it so have NO doubt it is real and NOT some sort of conspiratorial hoax.I personally know several others who have recovered.
- The Vaccines ARE valid
And I was double vaccinated about four months ago with NO side effects.I personally know at least 20 people who have been vaccinated without ill effect. Britain has experienced great benefit – see https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-58162318 so I have complete certainty the vaccine is genuine and that ALL people should be vaccinated.
Rather than worrying about conspiracies and other things I encourage you to seek a DEEP Personal Relationship with the Almighty Creator, whose TRUE Name is Yah the Eternally Self Existing and to get vaccinated 😊
Warm regards and blessings,
Dr James A Robertson
Spokesman and Emissary
End Time Issue Ministries
14 August 2021
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