2021.08.04 Compendium of Important Articles -- August 2021 Created by James on 9/1/2021 10:11:45 AM The following primarily recent articles are amongst the most important on the End Time Issue Ministries Website, please dip in and read in whatever sequence works best for you or work through them in the sequence listed. Read this in conjunction with all the older material on the website, see links at the end of this article.
2021.08.04 Compendium of Important Articles -- August 2021
The following primarily recent articles are amongst the most important on the End Time Issue Ministries Website, please dip in and read in whatever sequence works best for you or work through them in the sequence listed. Read this in conjunction with all the older material on the website, see links at the end of this article.
- 2021.02.01 WHY are we HERE?
A question that it seems most people do not ask and therefore do not answer is “WHY are we HERE?” – Why do humans exist? Why does this planet exist? Etcetera. Following are some key points:
- 2021.07.02 The Essence of my message to YOU
As I progressively consolidate my knowledge of the matters of the Almighty Creator it seems important to me to spell out to YOU the Essence of my message to YOU!
- 2021.05.03 The Essence of my Message
On consideration it seemed important to summarize the essence of my message and cross reference some of the most important articles. This article sets out to do this.
- 2021.05.01 The Essence of my Message Regarding the Almighty Creator
This article seeks to summarize the most important information about the Almighty Creator which every person should know:
- 2021.01.03 The essential inhibitors of belief in Yah
Virtually no one on Earth today has true belief in the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth whose True Name is Yah the Eternally Self-Existing. In fact less than 3 million people on Earth today truly believe and of those over 2 million are in such great error that they are almost useless to the Creator. So, given that the world is FULL of evidence of Creation WHY do the vast majority of Human beings NOT believe in the existence of the Creator? This article examines the essential inhibitors that get in the way of people believing in Yah.
- 2020.12.09 Good is insufficient – relationship with the Creator is what counts
About five years ago I had dinner with a Professor who had had a profound impact on my professional career. The conversation turned to the mutual friend who had introduced us and who also led me back to Father. The Professor, who I deeply esteem, made the comment that as far as he was concerned religion was of no consequence what mattered was “being good”. I instantly knew he was mistaken but did not know how to answer him. Today, I know with complete certainty that good is NOT enough, it is NOT even relevant, it is RELATIONSHIP with the Creator that is the only thing that matters!
- 2020.12.05 Yah did NOT Cease Speaking 2,000 years ago! There is NO “Canon of Scripture”!
This article examines the concept of a “Canon of Scripture” a collection of writings that is supposedly the definitive collection of writings from the Almighty for all time and debunks the myth pointing out how absurd the concept is. Some useful modern writings are listed and also an analysis of the periods in history covered by the Bible.
- This Ministry is the culmination of applying Engineering Principles to the matters of the Almighty Creator since 1993
I have been designing and making things that work since about the age of five, I have a Bachelors Honors degree in Engineering and a PhD in Engineering and was a registered Professional Engineer for many years. I hold that Engineering is very robust and demanding -- things, whether machines, buildings, bridges, computer software, etc ONLY work if they are exactly designed, exactly built and exactly operated -- Engineering as an occupation and a way of doing things focusses on designing and building things that work reliably and sustainably for the design life. I have applied these disciplines in my relationship with the Almighty Creator and in my ministry that has generated all these articles.
- 2014.11.01b Seven Components in Growing Close to Yah
If one is to have a meaningful relationship with the Almighty Creator it is necessary to take a quality decision and drastic measures to change one’s life in order to come to a spiritual position where one can build a deep personal relationship with Him, this article describes seven steps that can be taken to achieve this level of relationship.
- Critical Actions on First Belief
The following critical actions should be taken by any person who first comes to belief, this will lay a foundation for a powerful life in relationship with the Almighty Creator. Refer to the “Article Seven Components in Growing Close to Yah” – below this article. These same procedures can be applied at any time, however they are particularly effective when applied immediately after a person comes to Belief.
- 2021.08.03 The Essence of my Message re Names
I have recently received several emails regarding the true Name of the Almighty Creator, following is a discussion of the key points on this topic. In particular I would like to offer a number of corrections with regard to names that are commonly used in English – these corrections are made within the context of the reality that Belief in the Creator and Belief through Yahooshua {Jesus} are represented to a degree in Christianity, and Christianity is therefore a fundamentally Hebrew Religion.The wrong names that are almost universal in Christianity have, for the most part, been adopted in the English used by Jews, Moslems and other religions to refer to the Almighty Creator.
- 2002.01 Names including Yah
There are a large number of names and words in Hebrew that are based on the essential Name "Yah". This article lists a number of words that have been encountered in a search together with some basic information about each word. It is likely that there are more occurrences. In each case a series of words are displayed from the BibleSoft PC Study Bible version 2.1G Interlinear Bible together with extracts of notes from the Strong's and Brown, Driver, Briggs Hebrew Lexicons. In most cases interpretation is based on Brown, Driver, Briggs which seems to be more aware of the reality of the Sacred Name. Extracted from the article “The TRUE Names of the Almighty in the Bible”.
- 2021.05.06 The Essence of my Message regarding Creation
There is considerable debate regarding Creation versus Evolution and erudite broadcasts that present the arguments for and against in detail but generally using points that are difficult to understand and difficult to prove. Many years ago I got into an argument with the Editor of The History Channel on TV about the reality of Creation. I went down the road of quoting people I considered authoritative and quoting the Bible and he responded that he regarded my authorities as charlatans and the Bible as irrelevant and that left me high and dry. I then decided that I would see if I could prove Creation based on my personal observations and things I could personally vouch for so, in 2004 I wrote an eBook “Creation versus Evolution -- What is the Origin and Purpose of Man?” in which I mostly achieved my objective. Since then I have done a lot more thinking and a lot more observing and this article summarizes the essence of my conclusions through this journey.
- 2021.04.05 The Essence of my message concerning Yahooshua {Jesus}
I have written many articles relating to Yahooshua {incorrectly called Jesus}. This article seeks to distill the essence of my message. See https://www.eti-ministries.org/yahooshua and child pages for detailed discussion. The key points are as follows:
- 2021.06.01 Picture of Yahooshua as seen by Colton Burpo based on visit to Heaven
Some time ago I watched the YouTube video "Heaven Is For Real" Interview with Todd and Colton Burpo" which reports a near death experience in which Colton Burpo at the age of four died and was taken to Heaven and spent time with Yahooshua before being returned to life. It is a powerful account. Subsequently, he saw a painting of Yahooshua which he recognized as exactly accurate of what he had seen in Heaven.
- 2021.05.04 The Essence of my Message re Men and Women
The relationship between man and woman / women is the essential foundation on which human existence builds. This article discusses the main elements of that relationship that are essential to understanding the role of men and women in life. This article is focused solely on Spirit Filled Believers in the Almighty Creator. Elements of it will NOT make any sense to others.
- 2021.07.05 The Essence of my message concerning a Global Hydraulic and Tectonic Catastrophe (aka Flood)
There is global proof of a global catastrophe which is FAR beyond a "Flood". One of the problems associated with holding the Bible to be complete and inviolate and the "Word of God" is that people then suspend their intellect and critical faculties and take positions that turn unbelievers off of the Almighty Creator, Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, with the result that Yah says that "a huge number of unbelievers do NOT believe because they do NOT believe in ‘the God of the Bible punchers’".
- 2021.05.02 WHY I believe
It occurs to me that while I write with great confidence regarding the existence of the Almighty Creator whose True Name is Yah the Eternally Self-Existing it might be helpful to share a few of the experiences that give me this confidence. This may or may not help you directly but, I hope it will challenge YOU to grow to a point where you can have similar experiences.
- Yah, the Creator, desires to have deep personal relationships with people who become His friends
Yah, the Almighty Creator says: "There is a huge issue in terms of believers thinking they can believe what suits them and do what suits them thereby abdicating their responsibility to serve me faithfully and overcome". The purpose of serving Yah is NOT for what He will give us in THIS life, but for what we will give Him in exchange for His rewards to us in the life to come!!
- 2021.02.02 The Essence of coming to Belief
In documenting the essence of what I believe it seems appropriate to document the essence of coming to Belief in the Almighty Creator whose true Name is Yah the Eternally Self-Existing:
- 2021.01.04 The Critical Questions for Belief
In recent weeks I have been pondering the question that “there are so many people on Earth who are truly seeking to live ‘GOOD’ lives and yet very few of them are Believers and they are therefore destined to become Demons when they die – HOW do I communicate my message so they can receive it?” The following questions and answers are intended to help people who do NOT believe to come to Belief.
- 2021.06.04 The Essence of Becoming a Friend of Yah the Eternal Creator
The article “The Critical Elements of Becoming a Friend of the Almighty Creator” at https://www.eti-ministries.org/critical-elements-of-becoming-a-friend discusses some principles relating to becoming a Friend of the Creator which is the greatest rank available to any Believer on Earth and in Heaven at any time. It is a rank that is available to YOU IF you choose to seek it. To see this in its proper context see https://www.eti-ministries.org/demographics-of-kingdom In fact as one comes to understand these things it becomes apparent that the ONLY reason that human beings exist IS to become Friends of the Creator. In this article I will endeavour to set out practical steps towards becoming a Friend of the Creator.
- 2021.04.04 Will YOU Initiate a Revival with me?
Father says that in 100 years from now if current trends continue there will close to zero true believers left. Within 200 years the reign of the Satanic and Demonic on Earth will have reached fever pitch and the degradation that is currently becoming more and more pronounced will be going full steam ahead to totally block any possibility of Yahooshua returning. In fact, as we stand today, there are only a few people who could, today, with minor housekeeping, call for Yahooshua to return with any prospect of success.
- 2020.11.05 What is required to live ABOVE SIN?
In various articles I have written about living above sin, but nowhere have I concisely defined what is required to live this way. This article defines what is required to live ABOVE SIN!
- 2020.11.04 How to become an Anointed One – One Filled with the Spirit of the Almighty
I write regularly about Anointed Ones but realized yesterday I give very little guidance on HOW to become an Anointed One. It is vital to realize that until you are filled with the Spirit of the Almighty Creator you are far from Him and your faith is, to a point, without purpose. Following are some points on How to become an Anointed One:
- 2021.01.10 A challenge for YOU to seek a POWER Anointing and Ministry
On Friday 12th March 1993, backslidden, in adultery and planning suicide in a locked hotel room, the Almighty Creator spoke to me audibly and said “Phone Iain Peters, he has something you need”.
I phoned Iain, he invited me round to dinner and shared with me his living relationship with the Creator. He took me to his Church and I commenced a journey that I have now been on for nearly 28 years. I climbed into this new relationship spending hours daily praying, reading the Bible, reading anointed books, listening to teaching tapes and singing along with worship tapes, going to church twice on Sundays, etc. Periodically Father would use me to minister to people and I became more confident little by little.
Just over 9 months later, at about 3 am on the 2nd of January 1994, having read the book “Good Morning Holy Spirit” by Benny Hinn and being deeply impacted, I lay on my stomach praying “Father I desire to know you the way Benny Hinn does” – after praying this for some time my bedroom was filled with the mighty rushing wind of Pentecost and Father laid His hand upon me pressing me into the bed. I awoke the next morning with a powerful anointing under which I ministered until mid-1996 when I lost it in a bitter and acrimonious divorce battle. Sadly, Father has said that any Anointing can only be given once so I will NEVER again minister in that level of power but I desire it for YOU!
- 2020.10.01 The miraculous planning of the death of Yahooshua – where, how and what
Yahooshua (meaning Yah is Salvation) {incorrectly called Jesus} died on a stake exactly over the Ark of the Covenant that had been hidden roughly 616 years earlier by YirmYahoo {Jeremiah} in 589 BC in a cave 20 feet below the execution site in solid rock. The earthquake as Yahooshua died split the rock from the stake hole to the top of the Ark so that when the solider pierced the side of Yahooshua after he died blood and water ran out all the way down to land on the Mercy Seat of the Ark. This ushered in a new Priesthood, a new Covenant and a new Atoning Sacrifice for sin. All told a major miracle of pre-planning by the Almighty Creator with the full knowledge of Yahooshua. This article discusses the details of this miracle in some detail.
- 2021.07.03 The Essence of my message regarding Turnaround Emissaries
It is not possible to really understand the history of this Earth and particularly the history of humankind on Earth without understanding the Turnaround Emissaries {Apostles} and the turnarounds that they have initiated and facilitated. There have been a limited number of major Turnarounds and a few lesser one’s. This article will address only the MAJOR turnarounds:
- 2021.07.04 The Essence of my message re the Satanic and Demonic
There is almost universal confusion and uncertainty regarding the Satanic and Demonic Realm. This article seeks to summarize the situation.
- The Name Yah Appears over 7,000 times in the Bible so why do people NOT use it?
There continues to be great confusion about the true names of the Almighty. This article sets out key points relating to the fact that the TRUE Name of the Almighty Creator, Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, occurs nearly 7,000 in the Hebrew texts of the Old Testament. It is also noted that The LORD, God and Jesus are Satanic names and should NEVER be used.
- 2021.01.09 A collection of important videos on YouTube that are worth watching
Following are a collection of YouTube videos that I would like to recommend for your viewing. These are an output of a journey I have been on for the last couple of weeks learning more about the people that are referred to in some of these videos as “Gods Generals” [Yah’s Generals]. People with a strong anointing who materially touched the Earth in their lifetimes. I share these to challenge YOU to seek such an anointing.
- 2021.06.02 Some Powerful Worship Songs
I recently encountered the following worship songs that are powerful and anointed albeit some with error re use of “Lord” versus “Yah” and mentioning worshipping Jesus and referring to Scripture. With those adjustments I commend them for our consideration.
- 2021.03.02 WHY Revivals Die Out and WHAT Yah Requires Today
On the evening of 13 February 2021 I watched the Video "Roberts Liardon Past Revivals & God's Generals" on YouTube https://youtu.be/7kduZF_wSl4 Please watch this video – it is about a significant number of Revivals that have died out within a few years, most notably in recent years. The video gives an opinion as to why Revivals die out. I would like to share my understanding based on what I have been saying since 2001 and particularly since 3 May 2003:
- 2018.03.03 The Demographics of the Kingdom of Yah in December 2015
In a number of previous articles I have looked at the demographics of believers, clearly there is a corresponding but reverse demographic. To frame this discussion please see the diagram in the article which comes from my books “The Almighty Creator Desires a DEEP PERSONAL relationship with YOU!” The diagram depicts relationship with the Almighty Creator as being analogous to climbing to the top of a very rugged and hard to scale mountain. The statistics were given to me by the Almighty on 25 December 2015 and while the details have changed slightly the basic numbers remain valid for the purpose of this article.
- Prayer
Prayer is petition to the Court of Heaven. There are prayers that are EXTREMELY powerful and prayers that are of some value and the vast majority of prayers are meaningless or presumptuous or so wrong that they are sinful and can open the door for demonic occupation. This section presents some prayers that I have found particularly valuable.
- Recommended Worship
The worship of our Almighty Father in Heaven is a vital component of drawing close to Him. It is NOT possible to draw close to Him without worship.
- 2013.05.01 - Seek truth NOT error
In February 2001 Father Yah gave me a message titled "Seek truth NOT error". In the years that follows He has repeatedly stressed this principle to me and I am now impressed to share the concept again.
- 2021.01.01 The Mountain of Relationship with Yah
In 1996 Rick Joyner published the book “The Final Quest” which records a series of visions of a rugged mountain at the peak of which is intense worship and relationship with the Creator. I first read this in 1998 and have read it repeatedly since then. I have referenced the Mountain repeatedly, most significantly on the cover of my book set “The Almighty Creator Desires a DEEP Personal Relationship with YOU! I have also referenced the Mountain of Yah in many other articles and communications with people by email, Zoom, etc. In response to these further articles and inquiries I have come to understanding more about the Mountain and this article seeks to consolidate this revelation. In considering what follows it is important to understand that the Mountain is a metaphor to help us understand the matters of the Most High Creator of the Heavens and the Earth whose true Name is “Yah the Eternally Self-Existing” it is NOT a real Mountain.
- 2021.01.05 The Different Views of the Mountain of Relationship with Yah
I regularly write about climbing the Mountain of Relationship with the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth whose True Name is “Yah the Eternally Self-Existing”. See particularly https://www.eti-ministries.org/mountain-of-relationship. This article looks at a different angle – the reality that the Mountain looks different depending on how you come to it.
- 2021.06.06 The Essence of my message regarding the End of the Age
There is a lot of wrong thinking regarding the End of the Age of mankind on Earth. Much of this results from wrong interpretation of verses in Revelation and elsewhere in the Bible which is, in turn, the consequence of failure to recognize that while the Bible is a useful history book about Anointed Believers over a limited period of time, that is ALL that it is. Much has happened since the last “books” were written in the Bible and the Bible was then subsequently collated. Further, Father Yah says that only about 2.5% of the Bible is inspired, and the rest, while containing important historical truth, contains significant ERROR.
- 2021.08.01 The Essence of my message concerning the Microchip and the Mark of the Beast
There is great confusion with regard to the Mark of the Beast and, associated with this, the Microchip. This article seeks to clarify the situation with regard to this topic:
- 2021.04.06 The Essence of my Message Regarding the Bible
The Bible is the most widely distributed book in all of history with the estimated volume printed being in excess of 5 billion copies as of 1995 translated into over 349 language -- see https://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/world-records/best-selling-book-of-non-fiction Notwithstanding these statistics the Bible is a very limited book that does NOT deliver on what is claimed for it. Following are the points which summarize the essence of my message regarding the Bible:
- 2011.09.11 There are seven times as many believing women as men on earth today so most need to remain celibate and single
The most tragic consequence of the lies about virginity and the forced doctrine of monogamy relates to women who love the Almighty. There are approximately seven times more women than men in the body of true believers with the result that most of these women are unable to find a believing man to covenant with for life, that is "marry". The harsh reality is that IF those women truly value their relationship with the Almighty and desire to live life close to Him they are likely to struggle if they do NOT join to "marry" a believer who is at least as strong as they are.
- 2013.10.03 - The Virgin’s Covenant
I have recently been contacted by a number of women who are in abusive marriages asking what they should do. In each case, on inquiry, it turned out that the man who took their virginity was NOT the man they were married to and they were still in contact with the man who took their virginity. The simple answer in each case was that, notwithstanding whatever church or civil marriage rite they had been through with their present man {husband} they were still in covenant with the first man in the sight of Yah AND in the sight of the spirit world and therefore they were in adultery with the man they called “husband” with the result that spiritually these men were entitled to treat them roughly because they were legally regarded as whores in the spirit realm AND the Satanic and specifically demonic realm therefore had full rights to attack their unions and the women.
- 2012.06.13 - Separation of a Man and a Woman who were in sexual union {divorce}
In a recent article (2012.06.09) I discussed all the spiritual connections that occur when a man and woman enter into a sexual relationship – these apply whether the relationship is a formal “marriage” or simply a sexual relationship ranging from a casual “one night stand” to a long term live in relationship which is effectively “marriage” in Yah’s sight provided that the woman is in a position to enter into a covenant relationship because she is free of all ties to any men in her past. All of the items discussed come into effect anyway whether she is free to enter into covenant or not but if she is NOT free to covenant curses will come into effect as well which require repentance before prayers to cut the curses are offered. Some of the other consequences of such a relationship will necessarily be of effect.
- 2021.06.05 The Essence of my Message regarding the Commandments
There is a lot of confusion regarding sin and the Commandments including a lot of debate in the USA at present which is relevant to this discussion. The Commandments are discussed in some detail on the Website but I want to summarize them now and highlight some little understood ramifications associated with breaking them including the essential definition of Sin. It is important to understand that the Satanic and Demonic Realm have corrupted things to such an extent that most Believers are breaking MOST of the Commandments. It is also important to recognize that in the extreme case breaking any one of the Commandments carries a death penalty. Torment in Hell if unrepented is axiomatic for every Believer who at some level believes in the reality of the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth whose TRUE Name is Yah the Eternally Self-Existing.
- 2021.07.01 The Essence of my message concerning Judgement in THIS Life
Few people in this age understand Judgment – this article sets out the essence of what YOU need to know about Judgment in THIS life:
- 2021.04.02 The Essence of the Rules of Engagement and The Contest
There is an almost universal lack of awareness of the Rules of Engagement which must be understood in the context of the Contest between the Creator, Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, and Satan. The Contest is summarized at the end of this article but first let us consider the rules of Engagement:
- All authority and dominion on Earth has been given to humans, Yah and Satan are constrained to act through them
One of the huge errors in the thinking of almost all people on earth is that the Almighty Creator (Yah the Eternally Self-Existing) does what He likes on earth and that, by implication, we are all effectively glove puppets that must fit in with Him or be rejected. The fact is that when the Almighty put Adam on Earth He gave ALL authority on Earth to Adam and his children. It is also so that in terms of the rules of engagement Satan is ALSO constrained to operate on earth through human beings, firstly living human beings and secondly the spirits of humans who have died without believing in the Almighty Creator.
- 2020.08.02b Some important facts that should inform any decision to truly serve the Almighty Creator
This article summarizes some key facts that you should take into account in any decision to truly serve the Almighty Creator.
- Video -- Why Seek Relationship With The Almighty Creator -- Most Important
- Hell is REAL and is for disciplining BELIEVERS with regard to unconfessed sin
There are many misunderstandings regarding the place that is commonly referred to as "hell" -- the place of torment. In particular believers believe that unbelievers are going to "hell" and they, believers, are going to heaven. Unbelievers generally do NOT believe there is a hell, a place of torment. This page presents a number of reports of visions or out of body experiences reported by believers who were taken to the place of torment.
- 2021.06.03 The Essence of the Bloodlines of Abraham and Israel (Yaakov)
There are some dramatic promises made to Abraham (Abram) and Yisrael ({Israel}, Yaakov {Jacob}) by the Almighty Creator, Yah the Eternally Self-Existing:
- 2010.09.07b - Satan sentenced to one thousand years in the Pit on 3 May 2003
On 3 May 2003 I was impressed to take certain actions that I had been preparing for for several years to bring Satan before the Throne of Yah and request a sentence of one thousand years for his sins against Yah. That sentence was granted. I am now impressed to send you the same message that was sent then with minor editorial changes in order to update the article.
- Our World Today -- History -- the REAL Facts
This article summarizes the KEY aspects of history as I understand them that are necessary to understanding the world we live in today and thereafter formulating our approach to life on Earth for the balance of our lives.
- Book Set -- Compilation of Most Writings
Since 1998 I have written and published a considerable amount. Most of this information is available on the website as individual webpages and articles. In 2019 I assembled all of these writings and publications into a collection of 11 Volumes in 13 books comprising all writings and publications from 1998 to the end of 2019. These volumes are available for download here on this page and the associated child pages.
- The Contest between Yah the eternally self-existing (the Almighty Creator) and Satan
The entire existence of man on earth relates to a contest between Yah and Satan to see whether Satan can totally corrupt the entire mankind in the final generation BEFORE the end of the 7,000th year from Creation. When Satan fell he was appointed to be cast into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone along with the third of the messengers {angels} that followed him. When he was being judged he challenged Yah to the effect that "this new creation, mankind, that you are planning to put on earth is NOT going to follow you, put me on earth with my followers and I wager that within seven thousand years I will have them ALL following me and you will NOT have a single one of them who is in a position to call on you for me to be judged". Yah accepted the challenge and banished Satan and his followers to earth to see if they could achieve their goal.
- What IF Satan WINS the Contest?
The FUNDAMENTAL aim of the contest is to see whether there is a believing man or woman who is a descendant of Adam who is alive on the last day of the 7,000 years of creation who is in a legal position (free of sin and error) in the Court of Heaven to call on Yahooshua to return to the earth and bring judgment. If there is NOT such a believer, Satan will come before the throne of Yah and claim victory because he (Satan) has proved that Yah was UNABLE to create human beings such that after seven thousand years NOT even a SINGLE person was in right standing with Yah. At this point Yah will admit defeat and Satan will reign on earth for eternity together with ALL those who were unbelievers, both those that are alive at that point and those who have died before then and continued to exist on earth as ancestor spirits {demons}.
- Where are YOU headed?
Where are you going at the end of your life? Following are the REAL choices that are available to you:
- What should YOU do?
Having visited this site, what should you do? Irrespective of who you are or what you have believed up to this point, it is fundamentally true that the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, Yah the eternally self-existing, created human beings with a view to having a close personal relationship with EVERY one of us.
- The ULTIMATE GOAL -- deep personal friendship with the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth
The fundamental reason for our existence is to have a deep personal friendship relationship with Yah the Eternally Self-Existing the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth. THAT is WHY He created us -- He desires YOU to be His friend, His collaborator, His partner.
- The ULTIMATE SIN -- unbelief -- believing the Almighty Creator does NOT exist -- by default allegiance to Satan
There are all sorts of views regarding sin, but the ULTIMATE sin is unbelief... The world is full of evidence that the Almighty exists and He earnestly desires a deep personal relationship with every one of us. So NOT believing He exists is THE ULTIMATE SIN.
- The TRAP to prevent you achieving the goal of deep personal relationship with the Creator -- the Bible, the Church and Pastors and other people
Once you have recognized that the TRUE GOAL OF LIFE is a deep personal relationship with the Creator and that it is SIN NOT to believe, there are a number of traps you can fall into that will keep you from a deep personal relationship with the Creator:
- Yah's Plan for Healing Marriage -- Towards Heaven on Earth in Life and Marriage
Yah's Plan for Healing Marriage -- Towards Heaven on Earth in Marriage.
- Why YOU Should Believe in the Almighty Creator
If you do not believe that the Almighty Creator exists I would like to present you with the following Critical Factors to consider as to WHY you should believe.
- Why YOU Should Seek to Become a Friend of the Almighty Creator
Did you know that it is possible to become a FRIEND of the Almighty Creator? Did you know that THIS is your purpose on Earth? Here are a few points to help you assess how you want to live the rest of your life:
- Key Facts in True Belief in the Creator
Following are key facts that are vital for any person who is truly seeking a DEEP Relationship with the Almighty Creator whose True Name is “Yah the Eternally Self-Existing”.
- The Critical Elements of Belief Relating to Matters of the Almighty Creator
The Almighty Creator Desires a DEEP PERSONAL relationship with YOU! The Critical Elements of Belief relating to Matters of the Almighty Creator
- Prepare for Death
This section discusses various considerations with regard to the subject of death with particular emphasis on what measures one can take today in order to prepare for death so that the outcome of one’s life is favourable and positive.
- The Glory of Death as a Committed Believer
This article examines the outlook for committed believers and outlines the extreme glory, esteem and power that awaits committed believers when they die, this is in stark contrast to what awaits unbelievers and nominal believers. The various ranks in Heaven are outlined together with descriptions of the appearance of these ranks by someone who has been there.
- The Horrors of Death as a Nominal Believer
If at some point in your life you momentarily agreed that the Almighty Creator DOES exist you would have crossed over from death as an Unbeliever to death as a Believer qualified to enter Heaven. However, IF after that decision you continued to live life as though the Almighty does not exist you will die as an “Unbelieving Believer”. When Father created all of this He did NOT anticipate this category of person, people who momentarily believe and then carry on as though He does not exist. So the ONLY place for you in Heaven is “The Outer Darkness”. This article examines your fate!
- The Horrors of Death as an Unbeliever
If you do NOT have a DEEP settled assurance of the reality of the Almighty Creator such that you easily and without question can confess that He is real then you are an unbeliever, even if you go to church every Sunday and even if you believe in Jesus. If you die as an Unbeliever you are faced with a horrible future. This article seeks to make visible what faces you UNLESS you change your mind and make a solid commitment to the Almighty BEFORE you die.
- Important Insights that I have gained into various topics from day to day in 2014
A collection of short messages given by the Almighty with regard to various topics -- I testify that these messages are accurate records of what I have heard Him say to me. These messages were given in the second half of 2014 when I was hearing Father particularly clearly.
- The Essence of my Message to Christians
I have now reached a point where Father has shown me that my understanding has matured and consolidated to a point where I can write an article summarizing ALL the key points that relate to my message as my message applies to Christians. I aim to produce similar articles for Jews, Muslims, Unbelievers and Other Religions. Nearly all of my writings are presented on the Website www.ETI-Ministries.org including a set of pdf volumes available at https://www.eti-ministries.org/compilation-of-most-writings
- 2021.01.07 The Essence of my message for the Jews
I have now reached a point where Father has shown me that my understanding has matured and consolidated to a point where I can write an article summarizing ALL the key points that relate to my message as my message applies to Jews. I have already written a similar article for Christians and aim to produce articles for Muslims and Unbelievers.
- 2021.02.06 The Essence of My Message to Muslims
I have now reached a point where Father has shown me that my understanding has matured and consolidated to a point where I can write an article summarizing ALL the key points that relate to my message as my message applies to Muslims. I have already written similar articles for Christians and Jews and aim to produce articles for other Beliefs and for Unbelievers. That said, I want to stress that this is NOT a Christian message, it is NOT intended to draw you into Christianity, it is intended as the fulfillment of your Muslim heritage as a child and servant of the Most High Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, who you know as Allah, leading to a reward when you die that will potentially entitle you to a high throne in Heaven with the Creator for Eternity.
- 2021.04.01 The Essence of My Message to Other Religions
I want to stress that this is not religion-specific, nor is it intended to draw you into any specific religion. In particular it is NOT a Christian message, nor is it intended to draw you into Christianity or any other formal religion. It is intended to support the fulfillment of your heritage in whatever religion you currently find yourself to be. As a child and servant of the Most High Creator of the Heavens and the Earth however you know Him, it is intended to lead you to a reward when you die that will potentially entitle you to a high throne in Heaven with the Creator for Eternity. Although I started this journey in life as a Christian, I now claim no religion. After numerous supernatural experiences, many fasts and much personal revelation and being thrown out of a number of Christian Churches, I now regard myself purely as a Servant and Messenger of the Most High Creator of the Heavens and the Earth whose true Name is “Yah the Eternally Self-Existing” to ALL human beings irrespective of your religious beliefs. My message is personal to YOU as an individual and I want to stress that with great personal effort YOU too can come to a place of relationship with the Almighty Creator, your Father in Heaven, such that YOU can satisfy His desire to have a DEEP personal relationship with YOU.
- 2021.04.03 The Essence of my Message to those who do NOT believe in the Creator
My message is to every individual on Planet Earth, irrespective of their current belief, religious standing or view on Eternity. While I come from a Christian background and my message is therefore to some extent coloured by this I NO longer regard myself as a Christian. In fact, I have been kicked out of quite a few Christian churches for challenging their beliefs and teachings. Today I regard myself purely as a servant of the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth whose name I know to be “Yah the Eternally Self-Existing” and it is HIS message that I offer to you today. If you are approaching this article from the perspective of having a Christian, Jewish, Muslim or other Religious heritage then there are articles written for each of these groups above and I encourage you to read the article that is aligned with your beliefs. That said, if you ARE a member of one of those groups but have questions about the reality of the Creator, then I encourage you to read what follows. My message is personal to YOU as an individual and I want to stress that YOU too can come to a place of relationship with the Almighty Creator, your Father in Heaven, such that YOU can satisfy His desire to have a DEEP personal relationship with YOU. This is about YOU achieving YOUR full potential as a Human Being for Eternity!
- 2021.05.05 The Essence of my Message re Believers in Lack
Many committed Believers are in serious financial lack – WHY is this? Fundamental principle – “A house divided against itself cannot stand” – MattiYahoo 12:25, Luke 11:17, Mark 3:25
There is much more information on the website (over 1,000 webpages and 1,000 articles), use the Google Search in the right hand side bar, Article Search in the right hand side bar, Keyword Cloud at the bottom of most pages and Table of Contents to find what you are looking for:
Article Keyword Cloud -- https://www.eti-ministries.org/article-keyword-cloud
Table of Contents of the body of the Website -- https://www.eti-ministries.org/table-of-contents
Warm regards and blessings,
Dr James A Robertson
Spokesman and Emissary
End Time Issue Ministries
22 August 2021

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